MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 692 The best way to deal with traps

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The cold wind whistling, scraping in the jungle near the tropics, let the trees bear a string of frosty ice, so that the surrounding crystal cascading, frozen the strange and endless insects.

These are not strong, and slightly larger creatures, such as snakes and spiders, can easily break free, but they are afraid of the cold. Just recovering, they will recede like the tide, making the range of twenty or thirty meters completely quiet.

Lou Cheng sensed the surrounding, side to the "shadow hunter" Cheng Andao:

“Request, hey, communicate with the joint command and tell them that they found out that a group of keel suspects had a foreign-level power to help, and asked what to do next.”

He originally wanted to ask for air support, investigation and bombing together, but looked up to see the dense leaves and sporadic morning light, and changed his mouth in time.

"Yes." Cheng An immediately took out a special satellite phone from his backpack and reported the situation to the joint headquarters.

After a brief discussion, the new order is issued: it is still tracked. If it is dangerous, it can be detached. The primary goal is to change from catching the tower to confirming the “identity” of the foreign-level powerhouse. It is clear which side is involved.

"Then we continue." Lou Cheng sucked the jungle air with the smell of fallen leaves and rot, and for the time being did not feel a strong danger.

Continue... Smith’s mouth is helpless, and the spider's silk is shot from the palm of his hand and entangled on a giant tree branch.

With this pull, he vacated, left the ground, fell to the heights of the trees, through the gaps of the branches and leaves, looked at the front passage, and acted as a "scout" with due diligence.

"There are no enemies within three hundred meters..." Smith made a judgment.

In the jungle, with his vision, even at the commanding heights, only investigations within this distance can be completed.

Lou Cheng looked at the "spider" more and more professionally, and under the guidance of Cheng An, he rushed to follow.


Not too far from the place, the tower bones are gloomy, and the old man with the black short coat and the saffron is running straight and sometimes turns.

Because there are non-combatants, even if they are all carried by the confidants, it greatly reduces the speed of the team, which makes the tower bones very uneasy.

His eyes swept through several wives and young children, and his eyes gradually flickered.

At this moment, he saw the sparse and silver-white old man suddenly stepping on his footsteps and looked back at the oblique rear.

"Mr. Lin, what happened?" Tuan Bone’s heart was surprised and asked.

The old man, Lin Ben’s stiff face became more and more rigid, and he answered with a slight tone:

"The layout I left was solved in less than five seconds."

"We are in trouble..."

“Is it ‘outer level?’” The keel swallowed, and asked hard, and followed his dedication to change one face and two.

His sphere of influence is close to the Chinese state, and he is accustomed to using the other's grades to divide the standard.

He Lin took a breath:

"should be."

"I don't think that China and the country will pay attention to you so much, and they will send a strongman from the "outside level"."

This is simply beyond the expectations of the organization!

Clearing the small forces like the keel, for the Chinese and the rice countries, even if there is only a unilateral existence, it should not be so big!

If this kind of thing has to trouble the "outer-level" strong, it can only show that their military wastes the budget!

In order not to expose the secret of the secret alliance, the first half of the operation is only responsible for it!

"This..." The expression of the tower bone became more and more gloomy. I didn't want to understand why the Chinese and the country of China valued themselves so much. They were cautious and cautious.

How can I qualify for the "outside level" strongman?

"Mr. Lin, what do we do?" Slowed down, and the tower bone did not think about it again, which had nothing to do with changing the current situation.

He Lin Shen said in a moment:

"Try to see if they can confuse their tracking. As long as the jungle is out and the border is reached, we have the recipients."

During the speech, a single or sapphire or milky fluffy bug burrows from the ground under his feet, and merges with the fascinating spiders and the beautiful snakes that come from all around.

These creatures climbed to the keel, climbed to his wife and children, and climbed to the one with a strong heart.

When their scalp was numb and instinctively resisted, he screamed:

"Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you."

Resist the fear and endure the goosebumps. These insects climbed over every human being outside the forest, with different "pheromones", spread out in all directions, each running southeast and northwest.

"Let's go." He Lin touched the white hair that had become dry, and went to the southeast.

The tower bone restrained the impulse of the heart and decided to hold another hope.

If not, then discard the other.

As long as you are still alive, what will not be there again?


After a while, "Shadow Hunter" Cheng An suddenly stopped.

“Is there a discovery?” Lou Cheng looked around and saw a lot of traces, and they pointed to different positions.

"Is the keel group seem to be separated?" Cheng An used his power to explore the "shadow" and hesitated to answer.

This separation is very strange, because several directions have more or less the same "breath".

Smith slipped from the tree, took a nose, and frowned:

"I smell the smell of spiders, here, here..."

He is very sensitive to similar things and stems from instinct.

"It seems that they are using bugs." "Storm Giant" Dwyane was impressed by the previous "scenery."

He has several years of experience in jungle operations and has joined the ranks of finding traces and providing advice.

After the assistance of Smith and others, Cheng An finally identified the "real", led the team members, and continued to chase after.


The keel group rushed through the jungle, no one spoke, the atmosphere was quite solid, and it seemed that there was another straw, and the situation that the Philip continued to maintain would collapse.

After a few minutes, Lin Lin paused again, letting everyone's heart hang in the eyes of the blind.

"Catch up?" The tower bone is doing the worst guess.

"They should have the most professional trackers." Lin Lin's stiff face twitched. "It's close to us!"

The corner of the eye of the tower was swept over his wife and children, and he asked:

"Is there a way to get rid of it?"

If you only take me, is it possible to escape?

He Lin was silent for a moment, and he looked serious:

"We have to make a comeback, fight an ambush, and fight to hit them, so things are simple."

If the light is to escape, the one who does not know the speed itself does not necessarily run over the enemy. The other party can only take the subordinates who are good at tracking.

It’s not as good as a few of the best!

"Do you have confidence?" Taliao’s eyes glimpsed, and he did not care about the face of the "outer-level" strong.

He Lin looked back and looked forward, and the voice hoarsely answered a few coldly:

"Set traps, do ambush, I am very good at it. As for whether you can have the best results, you must see that you will not be desperate."

"Exactly, this is my good at it!" said Taguin.


The trees swept backwards and the scenes that were unique to the area were set back.

When Smith gradually integrated into this atmosphere, he suddenly saw the building standing up, his arms stretched, and stopped everyone.

"There is a problem ahead." Lou Cheng looked at the jungle scene that was not seen a few tens of meters away.

With a slam, Smith heard the movement of his heartbeat and almost ran away.

"Is there a problem?" "Shadow Hunter" Cheng An doubts and hopes, no answer.

He did not find any danger, the insects and birds were still active, and the "shadows" there were normal to the extreme.

"I smelled the dangerous taste..." Lou Cheng's mouth was hooked and smiled.

He did not try to find enemies, distinguish traps, and do fine work, but condensed a red and violent fireball around his body.

After the redness is light purple, it is light blue, it is blazing white, it is golden, and the building is surrounded by a circle of "symbolic symbols of the gods".


He did not speak, and directly let the "five fires" take turns to blow out, one round after another, to cover the saturation.

In this process, he adjusts the frequency so that the speed of the re-coagulation fireball can keep up with the progress of the launch.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After another group of black and white dust clouds, one plant and another tree was broken or broken, and one deep pit was successively presented, and one after another fireworks bloomed.

However, in a few tens of seconds, the jungle was swept away.

As for the trap, what is it?

"Cough and cough!" He Lin and Ta Gu and others wandered and squatted, exposing the figure.

Just a short time ago, they felt that they had encountered the plowing of the artillery team.