MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 7 New coach (request for referral)

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Drops, QQ news is endless, and the building is suddenly stunned. I only see the news on the screen forcibly pushed, there are local weather forecasts, there are small news, netizens reply before the news, there are also various QQ A group of hundreds of thousands of content.

But he quickly ignored this because he found that Yan Yan had already applied for his friend.

Pointing into the dialogue interface, he hesitated, how do you call the other party?

It is very impolite to call it directly, but if it is commensurate with "喆珂", "小珂" and "珂珂", it is obviously too frivolous. When the relationship between the two parties is still in the "just familiar" stage, I am afraid The other side brings a goose bump and a full dog blood, and the name "Yan classmate" and "Yan Yan classmates" are very unfamiliar, and there is a feeling of refusing people thousands of miles away.

Called "old classmates"? No, the tone of the social people is not expected to be loved by fresh people in the university!

After thinking about it, hesitated for a moment, Lou Cheng finally decided not to be called, replaced by expression.

After a grinning expression, his thumb quickly pressed:

"Sorry, I will leave early in the morning and I will leave something in the future."

After the news, Lou Cheng’s heartbeat did not consciously speed up a little. Half of the expectation was half-worry, and the time seemed to be long. Suddenly, the “drop” sounded, and the stern head turned from bleak to vivid. From stealth to online, until this time, Lou Cheng noticed that her head is a comic cat, light gray, big eyes.

"Fortunately, you have my kind and kind classmates." Yan Yan sent a cute little monster expression. "The timing of the martial arts class is mentioned later, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00. The content of the three lessons is the same, just need to come once, and look at your own time schedule. If you are relatively free, it is best to participate, so you can practice skillfully ^_^"

The martial arts club faces the whole school, from freshman to senior, from medical school to mechanical school. The course arrangement is definitely different, so the class is repeated three times a week, one of which is also on the weekend. In order to take care of all members.

Seeing the stern reply, Lou Cheng unconsciously evoked a corner of his mouth, revealing a smile, and his heart turned to joy and excitement.

He quickly pressed the on-screen keyboard. Instinctively wanted to ask which course Yan Yan would attend. He could think about it and felt that the relationship between them was not enough to support such a straightforward question. It was easy to cause embarrassment.

Because of the importance, every expression of every sentence will be repeatedly considered and considered in the heart.

Considering a moment, the building is surrounded by a circle, and it’s like:

“I have calculus and linear algebra on Thursday morning and can only participate on Tuesday or Saturday.”

Yan Yan returned with a smile: "I can participate in three times."

"So coincidentally? You have no classes on Tuesday and Thursday morning?" Lou Cheng clenched his left fist and praised his "tact" - through his own situation, causing the other party to go deep into the same topic, and get the information you want!

Yan Yan sent a embarrassed blush and scratched his head: "The brother of Wu Dao Society told me in advance that I specially vacated the Tuesday and Thursday morning when I was in class."

Songcheng University implements a free-choice mode. Each course has different teachers' different time periods. Students can choose their favorite teacher or the most suitable time period according to their own arrangement and the teacher's comprehensive score. Of course, each course There are limits on the number of people, the most popular teachers and the best time period are often in short supply, and must be able to play the ability to snap up.

In addition, you can also choose a lesson that is not your own major and is not an elective. You can take a look at yourself.

Qin Fu, the local rich second generation of the building into a dormitory, concentrated on the courses on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, claiming to have four days off for three days!

Lou Cheng is going to reply, Yan Yan has sent another message: "Right, this semester will be replaced by an instructor. It is said that the principal is very dissatisfied with the achievements of the previous years, and wants to borrow the forest from the forest to reinvigorate us. The prestige of Songda Budodo, we have entered the national finals before!"

"So powerful? I have never heard of it." Lou Cheng was surprised, and his heart was slightly puzzled.

"A lot of things happened a lot of years ago. If you know, I will be scared!" Yan Yan followed up with a "small dog" expression.

Lou Cheng immediately asked: "Why do you know that?"

"Secret!" Yan Yan sent a smug expression, Lu Cheng seems to be able to think of her delicate look, the smile on her face is more and more intense.

"Oh, I can't stand the secret of this person. I want to know if I want to know, do you want me to sleep tonight?" Lou Cheng made a pitiful expression and marveled at how fast he could be. It’s shameless, playing snakes on the stick.

Is this perhaps the instinct of a man?

"If you can't sleep, read more!" Yan Yan made a smirk.

"I have been obsessed with learning, getting thinner and thinner..." Lou Cheng thought about it, didn't entangle the topic, and asked, "What kind of coach is the newcomer?"

"I haven't come yet." Yan Yan replied, "It is said that it is a very senior warrior. The principal used a personal relationship to move. In short, it will not be simple. Follow him to practice martial arts. There will be gains. If you don’t have a foundation, you may be able to get a certificate of the first three products before graduation."

The first three products of amateur... Lou Cheng suddenly thought of Jin Dan in his body, but he turned his attention to Yan Yan: "What about you? What are your expectations for yourself?"

"I, hey, the professional level is not expected, more tricks, can prevent wolves in the future!" Yan Yan sent a paragraph of text, but Lou Cheng but vaguely felt her hidden loneliness.

Are there three illusions in life?

"Why? If you have aspirations, you will succeed." Lou Cheng wondered.

"Don't tell you~" Yan Yan said shortly.

There are really reasons, but obviously I don't want to talk deeply. The building's brain is rapidly turning, and the analysis is bit by bit. I only feel that the third year of high school is not so serious.

He wrote this matter in his heart and opened the topic: "Okay, okay, right. I heard that the martial arts museum has been repaired quickly. We started to repair the school and graduated before we graduated. It is perfect to miss!"

"Is it? I didn't pay attention to this matter, huh, huh, in fact, even if we were repaired at school, it is not very useful. The martial arts competition is so easy to be injured. There is no high-level referee and supervision. It is sure to be able to take the next two hospitals. How can I study if I live full? I can think of the expression of Director Li of the teaching office." Yan Yan replied.

After mentioning the common alma mater, the initiative in her discourse seems to have increased a lot.

"Director Li, the teacher's office? He is our math teacher. It is especially interesting. Right, it seems to be your math teacher too?" Lou Cheng took the opportunity to start a topic.

Yan Yan made a constant nod expression: "Yeah, Lao Li is really interesting. Every time he plays at least 10 minutes of cattle, and every time he praises, it is super embarrassing."

"I don't want to go home to see the dragon king and Wu Sheng's peak matchup. I am going to finish the mathematics class and finish the homework I left before. I thought I was doing it very secretly. Lao Li certainly did not find it. The result is fast. When I was in class, there was a classmate who spoke and was criticized by Lao Li. He said, 'You, if you can get the full score of mathematics like Yan Yan, then you will not say anything if you don’t affect other students in class. The children don't care. You see, Yan Yan did a homework in a class. Didn't I say anything? 'I was so embarrassed at the time, I felt that the image of a good student was completely destroyed."

"Right right, Lao Li is so funny. Once he was proud to tell us a question. As a result, he did not make a big half of the lesson. He took a cold sweat on his head. Later, he checked it for a long time before he was depressed. , copied the wrong question..." Lou Cheng made a laughing expression, "Hey, Dragon King and Wu Sheng's peak matchup? Which side do you support?"

"Wu Sheng" is one of the top five national titles in the country. Because it has been monopolized by Shangdong House in the past few years, it is mentioned that Wu Sheng refers to him. He is also another of the domestic martial arts. Together with Chen Qichen, he has obtained most of the titles in recent years.

And Chen Qichen’s "Dragon King" is another title - "The King", defeating the national martial arts strong. After getting this title, it is not directly called the king. This is too vulgar, but based on its own nickname, martial arts. Features such as re-interpreting a title of "king", such as Dragon King, Sword King, Lion King, Gun King and so on.

"Of course it is the Dragon King!" Yan Yan nailed the railroad.

"Me too!" Lou Chengxin replied, "Unfortunately, the dragon and tiger are still almost inferior to the Qing dynasty, and the overall situation is always a slight disadvantage."

"Yeah, but I just like the Dragon King!" Yan Yan used two expressions of red hearts.

The two of you said a word, you talked happily, from the dragon king's short flow, all kinds of gossip to high school which class is certain who is in love with whom, who went out in the night * strong * **** * not * 遂In the case, the boys and girls who can’t help the school go home...

The fellow countrymen, classmates, and common interests have made the smile on the face of Lou Cheng unable to fade, and I feel that everything is so beautiful tonight.


Suddenly, his shoulder was photographed, and he quickly turned his head. He saw Cai Zongming put his hands in his trouser pockets and smiled and said: "Yes, oranges, no teacher!"

"What is the pass? Are you talking about it?" Lou Cheng subconsciously perfunctory.

Cai Zongming said: "You look at the mirror yourself, the smile on your face, it is plain and clear that the words "Spring Hearts" are written, are you chatting with your goddess?"

"Yeah." Lou Cheng's old face was red, and he had to admit it.

Cai Zongming took out his mobile phone and looked at the time: "Well, orange, you can talk about it here. You have to stop the topic before you enter the boring stage. This will give the girl the best impression and increase her chat with you. Expected value."

"It's a professional..." Lou Cheng spoke a word, picked up the phone, and felt a sense of resentment and reluctantly sent a smile. "I still have homework to do, go back and talk, for the morning martial arts class! ”

Yan Yan returned with a smiley expression: "See you tomorrow martial arts class~"

After exiting the dialogue interface, Lou Cheng browsed the other news, and then returned importantly, then quit QQ, pick up the mobile phone, and look at Cai Zongming: "Love St., tomorrow morning martial arts class, are you going?"

The chattering chatter came to an abrupt end, and my heart was really lost.

"Go! Let them see and see my hidden master!" Cai Zongming and Lou Cheng's schedule are consistent, and there is no hesitation.

"Cut, be careful to be beaten into a bear." Lou Cheng spit out a sentence, the two joked back to the dormitory.

After everyone went to bed, Zhao Qiang, Qiu Zhigao and Zhang Jingye were still squatting on Friday's networking, thinking about the appearance and character of the four girls opposite, and Lou Cheng took out the mobile phone, and read the product just now. Awkward chat, word by word, repeated meditation, joy in the heart, calm and peaceful, from time to time to take the three hormones of the young, there is a sentence to talk.

After the lights went out, the night gradually deepened, and the dormitory gradually became quiet. Lou Cheng went into sleep dreams unconsciously, and made a dream of grotesque dreams, excitement and fear.

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