MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 709 Closed Zen

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"Mr. Lou?" Orman, who came over a cage early, saw the building look strange and screamed.

Lou Cheng slammed back, put down his mobile phone, and squeezed a smile:

"Let's put it down, go take what you want."

Auman held a professional creed that he should never ask, and nodded, smiled and turned away.

Loucheng picked up a quicksand bag and bit a bite. He was planning to flip the page with one hand. The comment below the message, but he saw "Luo Hou" rather a white sportswear with a towel around his neck. .

"Is it just eaten?" Ning Xiaoxiao snorted and immediately remembered something. "The Dragon King will not return until next week, and it will be restored. The second round of the game still depends on us."

"Dragon King" will take some time to return to the club? Lou Cheng was inexplicably relieved, subconsciously touched and touched the faint mouth, and his tone was light:

"Ning sister, I have no problem!"

"Is it really problematic? That is the north of Zhaoshangfeng, challenge Daxing Temple!" Ning Yu smiled and smiled, and sat down with a chair.

I wiped, I forgot that the next round of opponents is Daxing Temple, and they are at home! Lou Cheng has been stunned for a few seconds, so it’s a light way:

"I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

Daxing Temple is a powerful force capable of competing for "the world's first". Although it is less in the external evaluation, it is less than the Dragon and Tiger Club and the Shangqingzong, but it should not be underestimated. The abbot **** is far from its own master, now fifty. There are seven, practicing "closed Zen", he has a good heart, and he has won two titles in the past. Although he is a young man, he has a strong foundation. "Ming Wang" is the most outstanding representative of the new generation of warriors. It is less than twenty-eight years old. Getting the titles of "super-goods" and "kings" is expected to create an era of its own. "Live Buddha" has a good grasp of the "reincarnation mystery", accumulated from generation to generation, and spiritual horror. It is the most unsatisfactory title.

This is almost the main lineup of two "super-class" to strengthen the trend. At the beginning, the combination of "Dragon King", "Luo Hou" and "Qing Tianzhu" can still beat them half-finance. After the dragon really left, regardless of the coach Lu Yan or After I made up for it, I was a little bit worse. Both sides are at the same level, and now the "Dragon King" is injured, the opponent's home, the difficulty can be imagined!

"The mentality is good." Ning Yu took a normal bowl of noodles from the assistant's hand and chuckled out. "At the time, you can play it out. It is not our home. Anyway, how do you want to dismantle it? How do you think?" How to destroy the destruction."

When is this stalk to play? Lou Cheng awkwardly, deliberately opened the topic, "Ning sister, how do you eat such a small bowl of noodles?"

The size of a normal person's rice bowl is not enough for me to sew!

"There are several bowls behind." Ning Hao ate a lot of noodles without squeaking, pointing to the assistant waiting in front of the noodle window.

"Why don't you get together? Use that basin to save more trouble." Lou Cheng casually picked up a sentence.

Ning Yu gave him a look:

“It’s not good enough to put the noodles for too long, and you think I’m like the one who eats in a big basin?”

Image, understand? Image!

I am the one who eats in a big basin... Lou Cheng was speechless.


Zhaofeng City, Bodhi Mountain, Daxing Temple.

Zhike Zhizhi net stepped into the abbot's Buddhist temple, and the opposite side of the futon’s method was the tenth line of rituals:

"The abbot, there is a false accusation."

Far away wearing a yellow coat, wearing a red pimple, describing the dryness, the corners of the eyes, the corners of the mouth, and the corners of the nose are all drooping, but the face does not see the slight wrinkles, he is kind and calm, deep in the possession, everyone can only see, only I saw my figure.

Zhijing’s voice just fell, and he reached out and accurately extracted one from the stack of paper plates placed next to him, across the chest.

It has written two ink-colored characters and a question mark that is extremely stretchable:

"What is it?"

Zhijing has long been accustomed to this model. Whoever asks his own abbot to practice is "closed Zen", he has considered the language:

"The abbot, the reporters who came today strongly urged you to interview you, but they went straight to Haizi."

What are those guys who don't know what is closed mouth?

Fayuan has no strange look. It seems to have been known for a long time. Twilight reveals a bit of sadness and sorrow. He took a blank sign and brushed a few words:

"Let Shi Shan and Zhi Hai go, the old man has to do his homework."

"Yes, the abbot, I immediately went to Zhihai and Shishan's younger brother." Zhijing looked at his eyes and folded his hands.

Far away from the corner of the law, I took another one from the stack of plates and wrote:

"I want to night, I want to night, I want to sleep at night."

Zhijing looked at his eyes and stayed in the same place.

Fayuan brows a show, as if he understood something, he was busy throwing this brand and re-drawing a piece with a cloud on it:

"The old man had asked Shi Shan to help me sort out."

No wonder... The abbot wrote this article in advance, and he still knows the nature of Shishan’s younger brother.

Fayuan nodded lightly and pulled out a new brand from the original position:

"Be good and good."

This word is a bit ugly, like a child graffiti, and just not a style.

"The disciple will leave first." Zhijing held back the smile.

Fayuan picked up the top brand and used the six words with a rigorous structure:

"Namo Amitabha."

When Zhijing quits the Zen Room and closes the door, Fa is far from waving his sleeves and rolling up the brands, letting them fall down and present their respective contents.

At a glance, he saw the printed "funny" expression, saw the face text "(???_??)", etc., his lips moved a few times and almost opened.


Out of the abbot's Zen room, Zhijing looked at the sky, and walked around the kitchen with a light car. If she saw the fat and tall "living Buddha", Shi Shan was staring at it, swallowing her mouth, as if she could not wait.

"Shi Shan's younger brother, the abbot has something to tell." Zhijing said with a smile.

"What?" Shishan did not turn his head.

"Let you go to the interview, yes, you can help Zhihai Shidi." Zhijing went straight to the subject.

"No time." Shi Shan smelled the scent of the gimmicks and swayed his hands.

Zhijing carried his hands and took two steps. Hehe laughed:

"This time the reporter has come a long way. We have prepared a lot of tea and fruit snacks, which are all on the list."

"Where?" Shishan turned sharply.

"Mingxinyuan." Zhijing endured not laughing. "They first wanted to interview the abbot. Who is this? Do you know that the abbot is practicing meditation? Right, Shishan, why do you practice his heart, Do you have to repair your mouth? Haha, of course, you are not, you are a predecessor of your predecessors."

Shi Shanman is a sigh of sighs with a slightly "swollen" face.

"There must be something wrong, um, he has a good heart, and it is better to have a closed mouth."

"Why?" Zhijing looked curious.

Regardless of the abbot, or Shi Shan, he never used his heart before the same facade.

"Do you really want to know?" Shishan’s expression whimsically asked.

"Think!" Zhijing nodded quickly.

Shi Shan’s voice became low:

"This kind of thing definitely wants to know, what is not dare, this greedy ghost is what it is."

The wisdom of the face changed, panic and wave:

"I, I didn't think so!"

Shi Shan mouth slightly pumping, continue to open:

"Amitabha, he can really, can really hear what I said in my heart... This is enough, I secretly smashed him so many greedy ghosts, saying that he is not like a living Buddha at all."

Zhijing’s mouth was open and he wanted to say something, but he finally failed to speak.

Shi Shan kindly helped him to add:

"I roll! I roll myself!"

The voice did not fall, Zhijing lifted the sleeves, covered his face, and hurried away.

"You see, at this time, do you really want me to fix the ‘closed meditation?'” Looking at the back of Zhijing, Shishan shook his head and smiled. He was not angry at all because he often slandered himself.

As soon as he shakes his robes and turns to the Bodhi Garden, he just entered the gate and saw the "Ming Wang" Zhihai standing under two Bodhi trees.

The famous young monk is dressed in a white robes and has a handsome baby face. The corners of his mouth often smile, giving people a feeling of sunshine and courtesy.

At this time, he was looking at the top of the Bodhi tree, and his thoughts were deep, and he did not know what he was thinking.

Shishan did not try to listen to the words of the other party. This is not only the restraint of itself, but also the ability to put it in, not to indulge, but also the spiritual and spiritual cultivation of the other.

"He Xintong" was born, and he had heard the "ideas" of Zhihai’s brothers. He found that he belonged to the kind of mind-minded person. When practicing, he practiced and eats when eating. Almost No distractions.

Of course, he will also have a lot of thoughts, such as now, but because of the sturdy spiritual spirit, he can only listen to a rough, lack of details.

Inspired by the goodness of the world, Zhihai took back his sight and turned his head to reveal a cloud of sunshine that shook the cloud:

"I suddenly gave up a few points of rejection for myself."

"Abandoning what?" Shishan cooperated with the question.

"I can find out the profits, survey the color, and explore all kinds of things, but I still care about the name, and it is very embarrassing for a while." Zhihai shook his head and smiled, like talking about other people's things.

"It’s better to experience it when you are already in it." Shishan language answered with a sharp answer.

"Why?" Zhihai slightly frowned.

"When the survey is broken, does it not break?" Shi Shan likes to say something, and turns to the road. "The abbot asked us to go to Mingxinyuan for an interview."

If Zhihai nodded thoughtfully, he followed Shishan to the Mingxinyuan.

When they were over, they went to the abbot's Zen room and reported it.

"You think it is convenient." Zhihai smiled and said good to the world.

"Okay." Shi Shan walked to the side of Fayuan, and found a futon to sit down.

The Zen Room was suddenly clean, and after a few minutes of big eyes and small eyes, Shishan patted the robe, stood up to the fat body, broke the silence, and said to Zhihai:

"The report is over."

And it has been learned...

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