MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 748 The past, the harvest today (four thousand words big

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For a time, the building was dark and cloud-like, and the sky was small and narrow. It was impossible to dodge, there was nowhere to go, but the birth and destruction, and the numerous thunders that were born and destroyed will break out and cover the square.

This is both illusory and real. With all this, there will be hands of "Wu Sheng" Qian Donglou, harvesting the hands of victory!

Lou Cheng, who was flying backwards, knows that at this moment, the use of the complete "Nine Characters" only has to break the mental suppression, not to be affected by most of the illusions, but the real lightning and attacks have to rely on ordinary fists to resist.

That would be very dangerous!

Between the electric and the stone fire, he restrained this instinctive reaction and asked for strength from the mood of the emotions brewed in the heart!

Parents are less than the old faces and the purity of sleep when they are sleeping. They appear in Lou Cheng’s mind, and they want to protect the instigation that they want to hold.

At this moment, he is as straight as a man, his parents and his wife are behind him, and he can make a retreat. Only when he knows it, he knows that he can't do it!

Something is more important than living!

Snapped! Stepping forward in front of the building, the will is booming, the spray is like a volcano, and the firmness is like a golden stone. The darkness around it fades away, and the heaven and earth that is independent is returned to nature.

At the same time as his spiritual confrontation, his subtle hunch grasped the source of danger, and the right arm made a pull-back action.


A series of lightning flashes, illuminating the entire field, they are paved with the potential of washing the land, "Wu Sheng" hands are hidden in it, as the strongest point!

boom! Before the thunder broke out, Lou Cheng blew out his right fist, and the front purple swelled rapidly. The surface was thick and crystal cascading, as if making ice sculptures!

Over the past year, his accomplishments in the "Cosmic Starry Flow" have become more and more profound, and he has been able to accomplish things that could not be completed before, such as:

Between the punches, two points of ice and fire, offensive and defensive!

This is combined with the will, feelings and emotions that have run through his entire martial arts career.

"Cosmic sky flow", "guardian"!


In the earthquake-like shaking, the sound of the sound of the cymbals creaked, the silver-snakes in the building were smashed, the ice layer shattered quickly, and the front of his fist, the flames clouded, swelled, and resisted the hands of Qian Donglou. Thunder Purple Chapter."

Hey! The building that lost the first hand and the body was paralyzed was bounced back, and the steps were slightly messy.

At this moment, he remembered the scene where “the sky was tilted to the northwest, the land was stuck in the southeast”, and the road had a similar reaction forever. Then a set of scenes of horror and even strokes took the other side away, and had a deep understanding of his own situation.

But when he wants to detonate the fire in the body, when he is swaying, a figure flashes and arrives, and it just hits it, and it is faster than the sound!

"Wu Sheng" is "unhurried"

boom! Lou Cheng’s hands in front of him were crossed and blocked, and they were forced to “push” and collide.


He had several broken bones in his chest, and he was busy giving up his intention to stabilize his body shape and flew backwards.

If not, his arms will be broken!

Then you can't play it!


The cloud of sound explosion swells, and the violent wind and waves blow the white dance of Qiandonglou to hunt and dance, but there are some unspeakable and far-reaching.

The wind is strong, his figure flutters, and quickly chasing the building, step by step, the palms have been closed, making a slap.


A bang broke the residual explosion and shook the floor into a mind. The "Bing Xin" was broken again. The prepared two-stage change and the three-stage change seemed to be the same as the car tires. Knocked down.

Hey! He fell down on the ground, hurriedly leaned back, and a thin, flapped purple thunder knife swiftly arrived, squatting between his chest and abdomen, almost spreading to his throat and head.

With a sigh of relief, there was a deep visible bone wound in front of the building. The red blood did not flow, only the carbonized black phase!

He had a paralysis of the whole body, and he had a good time to "hold the Dan" in the lower abdomen. At this time, Qian Donglou had already arrived, and his left leg was tight, and the silver and white were swaying, and the cross was pulled over, and the offensive was endless!

Hey! Hey! Qian Donglou punches and kicks, the electric light strobes, and the nine-robbery, "Jiu Yu He Su", seems to be connected to death!

In such a precarious situation, Lou Cheng seems to have returned to the semi-finals of the "Super War".

That time I encountered a "Wu Sheng" with a better physical condition than today. At the beginning, I was able to attack and defend, but soon fell into a similar situation, and then another wave of waves Under the continuous recruitment, failed to support for too long, and suffered a failure.

Do you want to repeat the previous story today?

When the thoughts flashed, Lou Cheng clenched his teeth, and he was determined to block the "seeking alive" and "guarding" the mixed heart, not panic.

Hey! Hey! He punches "ice" and his feet "freeze". While slowing down the other side, he accumulates "Yan Emperor" and prepares for a terrorist explosion to get out of trouble.

It’s awkward! Qian Donglou's fists were silver and white, smashing the frost that covered them, and the movements were slow and slow at the speed of the naked eye.

The building became "Bing Xin" and became "God", and he was keenly aware of this.

It's now! He no longer drives the "ice", letting the power of the Emperor in the body rush out of his fist.

Qian Donglou's expression has not changed, occupying the initiative, he slammed to the side, and the palms hit again.

The building became a shock, and it was too late to throw a fist. The "purple inflammation" was already broken. It seemed that a dumb gun was placed, which only burned the airflow and pour the earth.

Snapped! "Cloudless Thunder Knife" came, Lou Cheng has already flashed ahead of time, but Qian Donglou re-opened the offensive, "Nine-in-one", thunder robbery!

Hey! The bang is booming!

The silver and white vertical and horizontal, the frost is falling, the two people are more and more fierce, the building is not light, almost all kinds of scales, but he relies on the "ice and fire balance, with the same accumulation" special, always let the "Wu Sheng" momentum can not Climb to the highest, every time you reach a certain level, you have to destroy the "catch of gas" in various ways.

Because of this, Lou Cheng, who has lost the accurate judgment of time, can support it under this round of crazy attack. Although it is awkward, it has not been defeated.

The offensive of Qian Donglou seems to have no end. His numbness is accumulating and the injury is getting heavier and heavier.


Finally, a fist and two collapse, the building into a muscular fascia tremble uncontrollably, and involuntarily retreat, his head burst into a short burst of time, and temporarily lost the power to fight back.

He knows that if Wu Sheng comes down, he can only wait and accept the defeat.

However, the expected attack did not appear, and the building was slowed down, and Qian Donglou, who saw the white robe, was doing "rejoicing."

His contingency has finally come to an end? The ice he suffered finally exceeded the limit? The hidden dangers of his previous fierce battles finally appeared?

The opportunity is coming! With a lot of thoughts, Lou Cheng did not hesitate to follow the "reinforcing force", recovering all kinds of feelings such as qi and blood and tremors in the lower abdomen, and moving the stars to outline nine ancient characters:

"Pro"! "Bing"! "Doo"! "By"! "all"! "Array"! "Column"! "before"! "Row"!


He launched a pair of palms at the Qiandong Building, which had been hit by an electric fist.

His spirit is steeply rising and his will runs through it. Qian Donglou’s mind is slightly dizzy, and he feels that the darkness is coming, and he seems to have no margins. The feeling of immersing in the bone marrow is like cold and lonely.

This is the "universe" mood of Lou Cheng!

Loneliness, loneliness, solitude, coldness, pain and other feelings poured into the heart of Qiandonglou. He was again "Wushan" and tasted similar emotions. He couldn’t help but slammed his fists.

And Lou Cheng seized this short sluggishness and bowed his back, avoiding the attack and making preparations.

In the dark and innocent universe, the "stars" rise, each emitting pure white light, rushing to the Qiandonglou from all directions, and the illusory cold is in essence, let the body of the "Wu Sheng" Was frozen.

The self-made killing trick combines the "cosmic phantom" of the spiritual mood!

Hey! Each of the "stars" dragged the flame tail, and the former servant rushed to "Wu Sheng".

The eyes of Qian Donglou stunned, and the body suddenly jumped out of silver or pure blue or bright purple electric light. They shattered the ice and hit the "fireball."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the explosion went up and down, and the ground was shaken. Qian Donglou forcibly blocked the killing, but his face was already whitish and his blood was declining.

At this time, Lou Cheng straightened his back, stepped forward, raised his arm, and his palm was empty, and he condensed a darkness.

"The sky is in the northwest, the land is in the southeast!"

boom! He flipped the cover and let the remaining electric light, flames and winds calm down, such as being suppressed or shattered!

Qian Donglou took a breath, and the whole body swelled and turned into a Thunder giant. Under the backdrop of the quaint and mysterious Thunder pattern, a punch rushed and greeted him.


In the sound of almost explosion, his arm squats and his body recedes. Every step has left a deep footprint, seemingly removing the power that is difficult to resolve.

Lou Cheng Dan Jin hold a hug, outline the word "bucket", stride over, and punch down!

boom! boom! boom!

He used three consecutive bursts of Danjin and a complete "word fight" to beat Qiandonglou with the power of violent horror, mouth and nose, and step by step.

But the other side still supported, relying on all kinds of subtle and wonderful means to support it!

Lou Cheng's momentum is slow, can only stop the continuous killing, use ordinary fists, set off a storm-like attack, firmly suppress the "Wu Sheng", not let him pull away.

In this kind of attack, he punches his fists and hails, and slowly condenses the fireballs such as blazing white and faint purple in his body, accumulating the "five fires and nine turns", like the "fire department" outside the "Dragon King". .

Zizz, Qian Donglou tried to get rid of it, the electric light danced, spread all over the earth, but failed.

Wait until the "five fires" are formed, and the building will be bullied forward, so that the fireballs around them will quickly merge into one.

At this moment, the surface of the Qiandong Building flashed brightly, in stark contrast to the flying snakes on the ground.

The whole person floated half an inch, just like the rejection of the earth, and then slipped back at a speed of almost no friction, and the danger of avoiding the fist of Lou Cheng.

Passive, "Wu Sheng" can also consider the long-term, reserved for this arrangement! In the shock of the building, he was busy with the "five fires" and prevented the aggregation from happening, so as not to make a big throw.

Suddenly, he blinked and saw Qian Donglou retreating, his abdomen squirming, his throat let go, and a thunder of shaking the three worlds was heard!

In the suspension and retreat, he has no spare capacity to display "blue sky, cloudless knife", but can interfere with opponents in other ways.


Lou Cheng’s mind was shocked, and the ice heart split, and the “five fires” in the body would be out of control.

At the crucial moment, he stabilized Bing Xin and regained the balance of the "Five Fires" with his strong control.

This is not the way of the ice fire, it comes from the skills of "five fires and nine turns. the big day is coming"!

This moment, Lou Cheng remembered the "Dragon King" once pointed.

In his own arrogance to rely on the "Cosmic Starry Flow", he can easily display "Five Fires and Nine Turns", he specifically said:

"Through this time, I will re-train the ‘five fires and nine turns’.”

"You rely on the skill of comprehension, omitting the complicated control of the 'five fires and nine turns'. These things can't help you to better use the 'five fires and nine turns', but they can improve your grasp of various flames. It is the basis. Foundation."

"There are some shortcuts to go, and some things can't be saved."

The picture flashed, and the building became dark and violent, stimulating the body, displaying a simplified "line" character, and then fluttering, dragging the afterimage, and catching up with the "Wushan" Qiandong Building.


He made a fist in his right hand and banged it. Golden, lavender, light blue and other fireballs were combined into one, while Qian Donglou's face changed slightly, his body was extremely distorted, and he punched a punch.


A blazing flash, like a big day, reflected on a lot of sunglasses, the stadium suddenly swayed, there was a mushroom cloud.

When the flames and shock waves were madly plundered, a few steps back into the back, and the ice layer condensed out to the expected position of Qiandong Building.

Hey! He slammed the injury and came to the vicinity to see the "Wu Sheng" with a weak breath and a short absence!

If the power of the "big day" is launched in the past, "Wu Sheng" will be adjusted more and more, and it will be able to support it for a while. By the time, the hand of the deer is still unknown! The building became a bite, and the left hand explored it. He grabbed the arm of Qian Donglou, but he just touched it, but found that the other side was like a snake, and it was difficult to hold it.

However, this is the attempt to reinforce the building's "Wu Sheng". With this opportunity, he left his left hand and stepped on the foot. The whole person came over and slammed into it, as if the shell was fired.


Qian Donglou, who was wide open, was pressed against the chest with his shoulders, and the right elbow joint was with one of the bullets, and the arm was pulled down and stopped before the key.

Everything was quiet, the wind and waves began to calm down, and the referee saw the solidified scene through the sunglasses, and lifted his right hand and shouted:


PS: Four thousand words big chapter

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