MTL - Martial Arts Murdering Nine Heavens-Chapter 691 Sugar-coated shells

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Suddenly, there was a shock in the heavens and the earth, and a vague wave came. The wind and the clouds were flowing between the heavens and the earth, and countless energies gathered in one place.

"Oops, this **** is really going to succeed"

Ye Yang couldn't help but change his face. The horrible wave swept across hundreds of millions of miles. The energy of the heavens and the earth poured into the habitat of the Teng snake family, specifically, the highest cave in the habitat.

Now it is like a huge vortex, absorbing the energy of the heavens and earth frantically.

"No, you must not let this Pharaoh Baba succeed, otherwise we all have to die"

Ye Yang's mind turned, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly said to Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, the boss takes you to do something exciting"

After talking about Ye Yang, he disappeared in the same place with his little sister-in-law.

Now the entire Teng snake family is boiling. Hundreds of thousands of Teng snake family strong men all look up at the top of the mountain, their eyes are full of awe.

"It seems that the ancestors really want to break through the legendary immortality."

"Hey, if the ancestors have entered the immortal realm, that dragon elephant family can wave it to death"

Immortality is the perfect name for King Jie, but to that extent, it is already possible to live with heaven and earth forever, immortality, and the power of heaven and earth can reverse the world.

All the disciples all withdrew from the habitat. They were afraid that a trace of their own fluctuations would affect the ancestor's advancement.

The strong men of the four worlds also looked nervously at the top of the mountain. If the ancestors really succeeded, it would mark their family into a state of extreme prosperity.

Just as hundreds of thousands of Teng Snake Powers stared at the top of the mountain with anticipation, a huge figure appeared silently on the top of the mountain.

"It's Kun Peng, why are they still alive?"

All the strong snakes were surprised, and at the moment they were shocked, after the appearance of Kun Peng, a spheroidal ball suddenly spit out in his mouth, like a shooting star shot into the highest cave on the top of the mountain.

"No, they're going to disturb the ancestors"

The faces of the people changed greatly, and they finally saw the intention of Xun Peng. Now the ancestors are struggling to immortalize. Once they are disturbed, the consequences are unthinkable.

Just after the sphere shot into Dongfu, the whole Dongfu shook slightly, letting a few kings tremble slightly, not only when they saw a white-haired man on the head of Kun Peng, looking at them with a smirk, they couldn't help but think Startled, an extremely bad feeling appeared.


With Ye Yang breaking his drink, there was a sudden explosion inside the cave house, and the whole mountain was shattered instantly, while the horrible purple flames diffused and lit the entire void.

Seeing this effect, Ye Yang couldn't help showing a satisfied smile. Although time was tight, he managed to create two "bombs".

He portrayed his purple flame to the sky made by Jiuwen Xinggang, the same principle as in the next production, but this time the material is too precious and the power is even greater.

Because once Ziyan burns the sky, he will consume most of Ye Yang's sun fire and it will take some time to recover. This is very inconvenient.

However, if you do not fight, you will portray the flames of the flames as a matrix, so as to avoid waste of resources.

But what surprised Ye Yang was that the difficulty of portraying Zi Yan's burning sky surprised him. It took him a whole month to portray two.

Because the character of this rune is too terrifying, if it is not Ye Yang's immortality, it is impossible to portray it.

Although it is simple, the harvest is also doubled. The blow he just made is almost equivalent to the king's full-strike, and the range is extremely large. Within a thousand miles, as long as he is the king, he will undoubtedly die.


The space was turbulent, and the atmosphere of heaven and earth suddenly became chaotic and violent, like an angry wave, sweeping around.

"Oops, the ancestor's breath is chaotic, everyone will withdraw soon."

The old king of the Teng snake family changed his face, and no one expected that Xun Peng, who had been thought to have been beheaded by Teng Qi, had been lurking for nearly half a year, and actually appeared again.

And when it appeared, it was too unfortunate that it got stuck in the bones of the ancestors' full impact on the barrier, which was really terrible.

When Ye Yang appeared, they were stupid. They wanted to kill them, but they were afraid that their breath would disturb their ancestors. At the time of dilemma, Ye Yang had already contributed a sugar-coated shell.


The chaotic atmosphere swept through millions of miles in an instant, and the surrounding mountains were all shaken into powder, and some disciples who had too little time to escape were directly shaken into blood fog.

Ye Yang and Xiaozhang were the closest. He contributed a cannonball, and he was frightened by the horror and chaos, flying like a cannonball.


Ye Yang was overjoyed that the chaotic air wave was just when it hit the bottleneck, disrupting the energy bursting out of the breath.

In other words, the ancestor of the Snake, this time, don't want to succeed, you are lucky to go into the devil directly, and you may die if you explode.

Just about to let Xiaoyu break through the space and escape, suddenly a big hand covering the sky shot hard at Ye Yang's side.

"Go to death"

Ye Yang was about to take a shot. Suddenly Xiao Xiao's wings trembled, and the golden wings of thousands of miles have already hit the big hand severely.


The collision of two horrible forces caused the world to change color, and Jiuxiao roared, and the earth beneath them burst into pieces, as if they were extinct.

The King of Kings of the Teng snake family was hit by the small golden wing of Xiao Yan. Even the King of Kings could not bear the power and was directly shaken by the fly.

"Huh, this is just the little king."

Xiao Yan snorted, all eyes were proud.

Ye Yang slaps him in a fit of temper, cursing: "I haven't rushed to run, now is not the time to pretend to be forced"

Xiao Yan's strength is strong, and he is indeed qualified to compete with the king of the world, but this guy's combat experience is too poor, the shot accuracy is even worse.

If the palm of the other party is not too big, can it still hit two yards? Once it meets the king of the Teng snake family, as long as they are not willing to fight with it, he will not be able to play even half of his body. , Was killed by others.

Xiao Yan just resolutely retreated a powerful king. When he was in the limelight, he didn't want to run away, but he didn't dare not listen to Ye Yang's words. His wings hit the air and broke the space.

But just before he entered the void, four figures appeared in front of them, punched out, and the space just opened by Xiaoyan burst into pieces.

"Want to leave? Dream it."

The old King of the Snakes, a strong king of the kingdom, was repaired to have reached the late stage of the king of the kingdom, and the strength was like a sea, blocking their way, while the other three strong kings of the kingdom had surrounded them.

"I told you, don't pretend to be a fool, if you don't pretend to be a fool, see if it?" Ye Yang scolded Hate Steel.

"Afraid, let's break out together"

After Xiaoping was promoted to the middle of the fairy king, he was full of strength and full of confidence. He had long wanted to fight against the strong king of the world. At this time, instead of having a little fear, he was arrogant.

The Xunpeng tribe was originally a proud race, born with a will to break through the heavens and the earth, and never yield to anyone.

Last time he was embarrassed by the little jackal that was killed by Teng Qi. Although he finally killed a Teng snake family king strongman with the help of his extinction light, he still made him uncomfortable. He wanted to rely on Kill a powerful opponent with your own strength.

At this time, Xiao Yan's wings were shining, shining for thousands of miles, as dazzling as the same round / day, thousands of miles of wings swept away fiercely towards the king of the Teng snake family in front.

The old man snorted with a snake-headed crutch in his hand, and the light emerged from above, exuding terrifying coercion, and smashing at Xiao Xiao.


There was another explosion. The old king of the Teng snake family was shocked. The blow he had just made was a strong king of the new king and could not be stopped.

However, that Xun Peng, who was only in the middle of the fairy king, was only hundreds of miles away by the shock, and the golden wings were not damaged at all.


When Xiao Yan and the old man collided, a fist appeared behind Ye Yang silently. It was not until the time when Ye Yang was approaching Ye Yang that the amount of wild violence like mountains and sea broke out.


A big hand grabbed that arm firmly, Ye Yang slowly turned his head and looked at the Teng snake tribe king strong, at this time his face was horrified.

He was the strongest man in the early days of King Jie, who was much higher than Teng Qi, who had just entered the kingdom of King Jie, somehow higher, but his fist was so lightly grasped by that young human.

"When I'm a soft persimmon?"

A taunt of iron emerged from the corner of Ye Yang's mouth, a dragon claw pattern emerged from the center of his eyebrow, and a kick kicked out in the middle of the chest of the drowsy Teng snake family king strongman.


With a crisp sound, Ye Yang, the king of the snake family, was kicked by Ye Yang, but his arms remained in Ye Yang's hands, and he was pulled by Ye Yang stiffly.


The strong king of the snake family cried out with a scream and an arm was ripped off, which was not a matter of pain, but also full of endless humiliation.

"Boy, I'm going to shatter your dead body"

The king of the snakes in the tribal world stretched out his hand, his body trembled, and one arm came out, his whole body scales glowing, rushing towards Ye Yang.

Reaching out his hand and closing his arm, he saw that the King of the Snakes tribe rushed forward, Ye Yang stepped out, and the speed was as fast as a teleportation, appearing in front of the King of the Snakes tribe.

The strong king of the Teng snake family, who was originally running, suddenly lost Ye Yang's figure. When the reflection came, Ye Yang had arrived in front of him and couldn't help but be shocked.


The fists entangled by the yin and yang, like a sledgehammer, shattered the clouds in all directions, shattered the void, and smashed against the strong king of the Teng snake family.

The strong king of the snake family, it was too late to escape at this time, and instantly activated the dragon's combat body, and his strength was promoted to the extreme, the double ** was wrong, and the hard-framed Ye Yang came forward with a punch.


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