MTL - Martial Arts Murdering Nine Heavens-Chapter 730 Supernatural Powers

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Just as the elders were fighting fiercely in the sky, Ye Yang had knocked Guangqi in front of him, and a hint of indifference appeared in the corners of his mouth.

For Guang Qi, Ye Yang raised his heart to kill. Guang Qi threatened him very much, although he had the wisdom not to lose to anyone.

But mind-blowing is like playing chess. When you win, you lose. No one wins forever. Ye Yang's character is not suitable for playing chess.

He couldn't treat the people around him as a piece of chess. He couldn't afford to lose even a few pieces, and he couldn't accept it, so today, regardless of the cost, he must kill the light.


In space tremor, a dragon pattern emerged from the heart of Ye Yang's eyebrow, which is a complete dragon pattern. This is the complete dragon pattern that appeared after Ye Yang swallowed the ancestor of the Teng snake to the extreme.

When this pattern appeared, Ye Yang ’s power was detonated like a volcano, and a punch was blasted against the light. The terrible coercion went up for nine days, hit Huang Quan, and shattered the world.

Guang Qi was instantly locked by Ye Yang's horrifying coercion, and he couldn't help looking at him, his whole body was moving with immortal power, and numerous **** patterns were lit, making the void roar.

With a big wave, a golden light emerged from the air, wrapping his fists like a round / daily dazzling, welcoming Ye Yang's punch.


The dazzling light is like a scorching sun bursting people's eyes, blinding, horrifying coercion, making the world change color.


A figure flew upside down. It was Guangqi. In terms of strength, he was very different from Ye Yang, who absorbed the flesh of the ancestor of the snake and turned on the truth.

Guangqi felt like he was being flown by a dragon, and he was horrified within his heart. Although he overestimated Ye Yang as much as possible, he still did not expect that Ye Yang's power was so terrifying.

You must know that he is a protoss. The flesh ~ is innately conditional and is several times more powerful than the immortal. However, in the later period of the king of the king, he was still hit by Ye Yang, who was only the latter of the immortal. There was no comparability in power.

This blow was extremely horrible. Guangqi was shaken by the same meteor and shattered all the mountains on a straight line tens of millions of miles behind him.

Before he stood up, Ye Yang, like the same shadow, had already reached him, and punched him again.


The two were fighting again, and the earth, millions of miles away, was shaken into nothingness.

"Shinto-One Way to One"

Once again being shocked by Ye Yang's horrifying power, Guang Qi finally understood that such a hand-to-hand fight was too much for him, with a low drink.

Countless divine powers flowed in the void and moved closer to him. In front of him, billions of weird lines emerged and slowly rotated around him.

With the appearance of those lines, the atmosphere of Guangqi began to change greatly, as if an ancient beast had awakened.

Ye Yang couldn't help but be taken aback. This is the fairyland. Why hasn't there been any influence on the power of Guangqi?

However, it was immediately understood that the gods were originally a tribe, and later differences in their practice led them to be forcibly divided into the gods and the gods.

That is to say, from the origin, there is still a certain commonality between the two's perception of energy.

"Killing Fairy Palm"

Guang Qi drank in a low voice and shot it with one palm. It actually made all the roads roar, as if the entire world had recognized the existence of such a palm, and blessed it halfway, the momentum covered the entire world.


Yin and Yang two entangled with each other, one boxing out.


One fist and one palm intersect, the gods' light explodes, and the glow of the glow is soaring, like a sea roaring in the void, a gorgeous light burst out.

This blow just shattered the heavens and the earth, but the two of them were not affected much. Guangqi was able to block his terror forces in a state of normalization.

"Boom boom"

They fought with all their strength, their fists flipped, their bodies glowed, their breath was turbulent, their strength was getting stronger and stronger, and their fighters fought evenly.

In the void above nine days, a group of patriarch-level kings and powerful men were besieging Wutian, and the violent atmosphere caused the stars to sway and shake eternity.

In the distance, Ye Yang fought against Guangqi. The momentum covered the sky, shining the heavens, and the terrible stormy waves wanted to destroy the world.

Just before Ye Yang went to war, Dao Yan had originally planned to go to Jiutian to fight fiercely in the sky, but under Ye Yang's voice, he stopped his practice.

Ye Yang's message to him was only one sentence: put down pride to protect!

Although Dao Yan has experienced the separation of life and death of his lover, he still cannot wipe out the pride in his bones.

He saw Luo Bingning and Yuechi, two younger women than himself, who had fought against the horrible immortal of Wu Tian, ​​so he could not help but have a heart of victory and was ready to shoot.

However, a word from Ye Yang awakened the person in his dream, so that he suddenly realized that he had a look at Zhengran with deep affection, and suddenly understood Ye Yang's meaning.

He wanted to go to war just now, but because of his pride, the kind of vanity that was unwilling to be ridiculed, he was a bit ashamed to think about it.

Although he is also the inheritor of the sacred instrument, he has a self-knowledge. Compared with Luo Bingning, who owns Zhen Haiqin, there is still a huge gap.

Not to mention Luo Bingning, even if the moon pool without the sacred body protection, propped up the vision Bihai Yingqing sky, the combat power would exceed him.

This made him somewhat unacceptable. As a peerless genius, this phenomenon was very uncomfortable to him, so as soon as his mind became hot, even if he knew that he might be negligent, he would still fall, and still have to prove that he is still the peerless. genius.

Ye Yang saw through his thoughts at a glance and reminded him that if it was someone else, Dao Yan would not care, but Ye Yang is different. Let ’s not say that Ye Yang has great gratitude to him, and Ye Yang has a kind of , Born to be convincing.

When impulsively passed and calmed down, he suddenly smiled bitterly. Why did he start to become so stupid? The purpose of spiritual practice is not to protect the love around him? How much is face?

Looking at the distant world like the **** of war Ling Tian, ​​the invincible world, whispered to the sweet side around him: "You have to protect yourself, let us fight for Brother Ye"

After speaking, Dao Yan had already rushed towards the strong kings like the same off-string arrow, and the star tyrannical body reached the extreme. The sword in his hand was cut off against a strong one in the late stage of the king.

The strong king of the world, rushing forward, suddenly saw Dao Yan attacking, can not help but sneer.

"Boy, look for death"

The late powerful king was the head of a superpower, suddenly a giant axe in his hand, attacking Tao Yan.


What Dao Yan didn't expect is that the old man of the late King of the Realm had a quasi-holy weapon in his hands, and he caught a big loss when he was caught off guard. Almost got shocked.


The late king of the kingdom sneered, the giant axe in his hand glowed, and he was cut out twice against Dao Yan.


Suddenly two consecutive strong winds roared, cut the heavens and the earth, and cut off at the old man.

The strong man in the late period of the kingdom king was taken aback. The two breaths chilled his bones, and quickly dropped Dao Yan to resist the attack.

But to his horror, the two auras of breath came from two tricky angles, and he couldn't resist them at all.

In desperation, he yelled, activated the lines on the giant axe in his hand, and a powerful light curtain wrapped him, apparently using the skills of a quasi-holy weapon.


Two horrible swords fell, chopped heavily on the light, and made a bang, the blood of the strong man in the late period of the kingdom king.

Because of a horrible knife, he ignored his defense and cut directly on him, breaking his defense.

At this time another knife gas arrived, severely chopped his body, flying his shock far away, and even if there was a quasi-protection body, it was shattered by the internal organs.

The powerful man in the late period of the king of the kingdom just flew out, and suddenly there was a chill in the air, and the whole world was like falling into an ice cellar.

An ancient colorful sword emerged, and a cold light flew over. The strong man in the late period of the king of the kingdom suddenly became stiff, and his eyes were full of horror.


The strong man in the late period of the King of Kings suddenly burst, the blood-stained ice blossoms floating slowly, and a cold figure emerged.

I didn't even look at the old man. The cold-faced man said coldly, "Hold tight."

As soon as the words fell, people had flew out and went straight to the distance. The target was another late powerful king.

Luo Xuefeng was facing Feng Ping and compared his thumb: "Good knife"

Immediately following Ye Yuhan's figure, a sharp sword air directly cut the two strong kings in the early stages of the two kings blocking the road in front, chopped into four pieces, and the blood filled the sky.

Dao Yan, who was preparing to sacrifice the star clock, and Feng Ping, who had just launched the sword, couldn't help but stay, and the two looked at each other with a flat eye, and couldn't help laughing.

The smile was very bitter, because they were scared just now, Luo Xuefeng's ignoring the defense, and Ye Yuhan's horrible extreme cold sword, deeply shocked them.

The most shocking thing is that the two people only have the cultivation of the immortal king peak, but after beheading and killing a late powerful king, the calmness and calmness make people crazy.

The expression was like chopping a radish that was obtrusive, just when the two were stunned by gods, and another powerful king in the late period of the king fell.

The late king of the kingdom, first hit Luo Xuefeng, and then was frozen by Ye Yuhan's sword. In that gap, a golden arrow came on his face, and the arrow killed the strong.

You can see a silver-haired beauty above the sky in the distance, beautiful ~ eyes containing evil spirits, long bows in hands, unpredictable archery, even Dao Yan, seeing a scalp tingling.

It was a soul-stealing arrow, and it was almost an empty arrow. Anyone who was in the enemy's enemy Wang Qiang would kill her with a single hit. The pinch at that time was almost inevitable.

Every time the bowstring wave fluctuates, it is the sound of soul-stealing, and there is bound to be a fall of a powerful king.


Suddenly a horrible bird came, straight into the clouds, causing the world to roar and shock everyone.

One wing covering the sky, flashing countless golden runes, fanning it fiercely to the dense crowd.

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