MTL - Martial Arts Murdering Nine Heavens-Chapter 736 Ascended King

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"Get Nyima"

Suddenly there was an angry drink containing endless killing, and the violent sound made the nine-day stars tremble.

The voice had just dropped, and a figure was standing in front of the elder. The spear in his hand cut through the sky, cut off the space, and smashed it out.


The spear smashed into Wu Tian's fist, and a bang sounded, and the horrible ripple energy swelled all around, breaking up the space.

At this time, the talents had a chance to look at the figure, the black robe floated, the white hair fluttered, and the spear in his hand pointed at the sky.

"Ye Yang"

Yuechi looked at that figure and reacted first. Qiao's face was full of surprise, and she whispered softly.

Everyone saw Ye Yang finally felt at the juncture of the crisis that many of the stones in their hearts lay down, and they all moved closer to Ye Yang.

Wu Tian was suddenly repelled by Ye Yang's shot, and he couldn't help but be shocked. He couldn't imagine that Ye Yang would appear at this time, and he was so powerful.

"Without unscrewing your head, I will not have the surname Ye."

Ye Yang looked at Wu Tian, ​​remembering the three grandfathers who were smashed into two by one punch. The blood was spreading across the sky, and he couldn't help gritting his teeth, his eyes were like breathing fire.

Suddenly Ye Yang screamed in the sky, the breath on his body climbed rapidly, and suddenly there was a bang in the whole space, and that voice came out of Ye Yang's body.

"Promoted to King of the World"

Canggu exclaimed, and everyone was astonished. Ye Yang's power made everyone forget his cultivation. This fluctuation of the breath reminded everyone that Ye Yang had only the fairy king.


Just below, Ye Yang had already reached a critical point, and his combat power was soaring, but the barriers of the King of Kings were stronger than Ye Yang thought. Until now, he completely broke open and really began to promote the kingdom of Kings.

The endless energy gathered frantically towards Ye Yang, the Nine Realms of the Immortal began to tremble, and the fairy spirit between heaven and earth seemed to be drawn to Ye Yang like crazy.

Above Ye Yang's head, a huge vortex with a radius of billions of miles was formed, and with the formation of the vortex, even the stars were a little dark.

The energy of the heavens and the earth is like a **** of the sea, rushing wildly to Ye Yang's side. The elder has put away the body and followed everyone with a horrified look at Ye Yang.

"The scale of horror, the promotion of the king of the world, shook the whole fairyland," said the ape heaven king with a look of shock.

They are all strong kings. When they were promoted to the king of the world, they might not have even one-tenth of Ye Yang's scale.

Looking at the horrible vortex above Ye Yang's head seemed to absorb all the energy between heaven and earth, and it made people feel horrified.

Especially around everyone, countless heaven and earth energy flows through, like a galloping river. If they do not intentionally stabilize their bodies, they will all be washed away by that energy.

Wu Tian's face changed slightly, and at this time he was shocked to find that even if he was working the power of heaven and earth, he could not stop Ye Yang's greedy absorption.

"Boy, you're looking for death"

Lengheng sighed, so boldly promoted in front of himself, without hesitation, simply did not put him in his eyes.

At the foot of the move, people have rushed to Ye Yang and punched Ye Yang, obviously to interrupt Ye Yang's promotion.

The elders were taken aback by surprise, patronizing and shocked, and forgotten that Ye Yang could not be interrupted when he was promoted, otherwise he would fail and just shot.

"give it to me"

Ye Yang spoke to the crowd, and the soul-stealing dragon gun had flew out, smashing into Wu Tian fiercely.


There was another explosion, but this time was different from the last time. After this explosion, Wutian was shocked hundreds of miles directly.

Wu Tian couldn't help but be shocked. Ye Yang's full blow just now just barely stopped him. With so few breaths, his strength increased so much.

Looking at the huge vortex above Ye Yang's head, Wu Tian suddenly realized, and his heart was even more frightened. Ye Yang was just a freak, and his momentum was countless times larger than others, would the effect be the same?

Thinking of this, Wu Tian fought a cold war in his heart. For the first time, he had a bad hunch, and at this time, he had already thrown him down.

"The eighth cub, look at the gun"


"Grass ... grass ... grass Nima"

"Boom boom"

Ye Yang was really anxious this time, his whole body erupted, there was no reservation, every blow was filled with his endless anger.

During his life in battle, he encountered countless dangerous and countless calculations, crawled out of the blood of the corpse, and experienced countless bumps and bitterness. No one cherishes his family more than him.

In the immortal world, the dragon elephant family's selfless care for him made him realize the preciousness of his family again. He already regarded the dragon elephant family as his home.

Now that the elder is seriously injured, the elder three is still alive and dead, and the killing intention in his heart has reached an extreme. He can't wait to bite the Wu Tian in front of him.


It was another blow. Wu Tian couldn't bear Ye Yang's horrible power and was directly shocked by the fly. The sleeves on one arm were directly shattered.

"Soul Eater"


The tremor of space, the huge gun shadow of thousands of miles, broke through the void, carrying the power of endless destruction, like a meteor falling to the ground, rushing towards Wutian.

Wu Tian's face changed slightly. In Ye Yang's blow, he felt a great threat. He folded his hands on his chest and put on a weird mark.

"Immortal Shield"

With Wutian's cold drink, the power of heaven and earth moved, and a big shield covering the sky suddenly formed in front of him. As soon as that shield appeared, the entire starry sky shook slightly.


The guns and shields collided, the blast screamed, the dazzling light flew, and at the same time a horrifying force burst out.

"No, rewind"

The elder suddenly gave a loud sigh and took everyone to the distance, but he was still frightened by the terrible air waves.

After the crowds stiffened, they realized that they had been charged hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"too strong"

Su Ying shouted in excitement, and everyone was shocked at the same time. Wu Tianming is now much stronger than before. Why didn't he go all out in the beginning.

"It wasn't because he kept it on purpose, but he used the power of heaven and earth to the fullest, and he had to endure a great kickback force," the elder said in a broken way.

Even the immortal, who claims to live with heaven and earth, controls the power of all things, but is heaven and earth really so good at it?

The power controlled by the immortal is still within the laws of heaven and earth, but they can use their affinity with heaven and earth to borrow some of the power of heaven and earth for their own use.

However, once the power that is used exceeds the power that it originally bears, it will be considered to be above the earth, and then it will cause a great load on the body.

Dominate the world? That can only be done by the legendary Celestial Master, the immortal is still within the laws of heaven.

Within the laws of heaven and earth, they are bound by the laws of heaven and earth, so even immortals cannot do whatever they want. When the power is too large, they must bear the corresponding load.

That's equivalent to a seven-injury punch. When you hit the enemy, you will also be injured, so when facing the elders, Wu Tian did not use that power because they were not qualified.

However, under Ye Yang's onslaught, Wu Tian had to use that power, which made everyone feel ashamed for a while.

Their group of people had been fighting for so long, and they thought they could fight Wu Tian for a while, but they didn't expect that there would be too much difference.

If it weren't for Ye Yang's appearance, they wouldn't know how big the real gap between them and Wu Tian would be.

Looking at the invincible figure, everyone became more and more convinced that Ye Yang could lead the fairyland and defeat the invasion of the demon again.

While watching the war on Ye Yang's side, everyone quickly restored their strength. After all, for every extra battle in such a world-fighting war, it could become the straw that crushed the camel, and it could restore another strength. It is also good.

Ye Yang fluttered his spear and fought against the sky. The horrible power trembled the stars and filled the whole world with a mighty war.

"Too strong, too scary, too perverted"

Looking at the figure above Jiutian, it took him three ruthless relentlessly to express the horror in his heart.

At this time he also finally understood why the powerful such as Ye Yuhan, Luo Xuefeng, Meng Fei, etc. were more powerful than their peers, so they followed Ye Yang so desperately.

If monsters like Ye Yang don't have the talent they have, I'm afraid they don't even have the right to follow.

Over the past nine days, Ye Yang fought fiercely against Wu Tian, ​​and Meng Fei shouted, "Brothers, the boss is stubborn again. If we are younger brothers, we must show something. Otherwise, what qualifications do we have to follow in the footsteps of the boss The words are: it ’s time to witness our youth and blood, kill yourself. "

Meng Fei shouted, running around in all manners, replacing Ye Yang's seat, leading the whole array to continue to kill.

Today, Meng Fei is ahead, with the help of Luo Xuefeng and Ye Yuhan on the left and right, and the seven strong dragon elephants guarding him. Mu Yuqing and Feng Qing'er are in the air. They are ruthless and windy. After Shan Shan, the formation remained intact and he rushed to kill.

Flesh flew across.

Now that there are fewer and fewer Warcraft troops, it is not so difficult to kill them. Although the people have been fighting continuously, and their physical strength is extremely great, but watching Ye Yang above nine days and fighting the immortal alone, everyone feels they have nothing to do. Complete strength.

Ye Yang is the **** in their hearts. As long as Ye Yang is there, they firmly believe that victory will always belong to them.

At this time, Guang Qi's face was pale. Under the attack of Ye Yangfa and Dao Yan, he had begun to shake.

In particular, he was shocked to find that Ye Yangfa's body began to become more and more powerful. In this way, it would not be long before he was killed.

There was a fierce flash in Guangqi's eyes, and suddenly he took out a black bead and swallowed it, which made Dao Yan and You Lu startled.

His Yuanyuan, which was about to dry up, recovered more than 80% in an instant, but the Yuanyuan was restored, but Guangqi's face suddenly grew old.

All of a sudden they understood that Guang Qi must have paid a great price before switching to this opportunity for recovery.

There was a sneer in Dao Yan's eyes. Even if some of the gods were restored, it only lasted for a while, and the results could not be changed. The attack in his hand was more severe, and Guangqi must not be allowed to escape.


Suddenly above the nine days, there was a loud bang, the world shivered, and at the same time the violent power swept across all directions, Ye Yang glowed all over his body, lighting up Tianyu.

"Finally promoted to King of the World"

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