MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2913 : Blood ancestors reappear!

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Chapter 2, 913: The blood ancestors reappear!

In the following long period of time, many souls of Shenwu World have entered the state of retreat. Du Tingxuan, Qi Qing Alcohol, Jialou Yuyu, Du Yunlong, Night Piao Ling, Qian Guyu and so on are all sprinting. Want to reach the immortal realm as soon as possible.

At the same time, the changes in the world of Shenwu are still continuing, the aura of heaven and earth grows on a large scale, the power of suppression gradually decreases, and the world form is also expanding!

All of this is related to Du Shaoqi!

At this time, he is killing on the eleventh floor of the 18th floor of Hell, and together with the thirty-three days of multi-million-strong, push the Mozu!

After the repeated hardening of the **** flames, Du Shaoqi’s strength has grown extremely fast. From the first stage of the virtual road to the second level, it has already reached the second level of the virtual road. The real combat power can force the first to forget. The existence of a territory, and with his many means, even if you are fighting for the second world, you are not afraid!

This kind of promotion is terrible, so that more than two hundred people who are forgotten to be strong can't help but scream!

In particular, most of the strong people who have forgotten the first place, is not the heart of the heart with a smile.

Before entering the 18th floor of Hell, Du Shaoqi's strength is much weaker than them, and it is only stronger than the normal immortal peaks, and can't be compared with the real situation of forgetting!

But with these years in the 18th floor of Hell, this kid uses the broken seal between each layer of hell, using the **** flames there to constantly temper, the strength actually has such a huge leap, this is really unbelievable Things!

The most important thing is that Du Shaoqi's breakthrough in this kid has no bottlenecks. He just upgrades step by step. As long as the required energy is enough and enough to comprehend, it will be steadily improved!

And people like them, every step of the way, are facing huge difficulties!

However, everyone is very clear in their hearts. Du Shaoqi is able to do this because he is in the unique virtual realm of the ages!

In this realm, there is no barrier to the growth of each level, but when it breaks through the big level, it will encounter no small obstacles!

"The twelfth-level **** entrance is not far from the front, let's push it fast!"

Du Shaoqi took the lead before everyone.

The purple gold scorpion in his hand has always released the bright light, swaying down again and again, annihilating a demon along the way!

"I am going to the twelfth floor of **** right away. I always feel that our trip is a bit too smooth, I am afraid this is not a good thing!"

Lu Jingyun looked at the front with a burning gaze and muttered.

Since the beginning of the 18th floor of Hell, everyone has been swaying all the way. The large number of Mozus encountered, although fiercely fighting, are relatively insignificant, and they were originally conceived. Some are not consistent!

The resistance of the Mozu, which is not painful and itching, makes the thirty-three-day strongman not much damaged.

The more this is the case, Lu Jingyun's heart is more worried.

It is imaginable that at the time of the final battle, most of the power of the Mozu will be revealed at the same time, and it will be a terrible test for the thirty-three days of the strong!

"Since I have entered this place, I can't easily go back!"

Du Shaoyan nodded and said: "First enter the thirteenth floor of hell. Anyway, this line always has to do something! If you encounter an irresistible situation, we must retreat in time! At the very least, It’s time to save the main battle of thirty-three days! Now, it’s not the time to fight the ultimate battle with the Mozu!”

No one dares to slap the power of the Mozu. In ancient times, it was able to make the Pangu Great God and the entire Pangu world tremble!

Nowadays, the resistance they have encountered is indeed not huge, and the Mozu has not yet formed an effective resistance!

I can imagine the next road, I will definitely not go!

Du Shaozhen, Lu Jingyun and others no longer say much, continue to rush toward the entrance to the twelfth floor of Hell.

Every layer of **** battles will take a lot of time, such as the 11th floor of hell, with a larger number of Mozu resistance, coupled with the search for a deeper portal, Du Shaozhen they used to go to six or seven After ten years, I finally reached the entrance to the twelfth floor of Hell.

However, when everyone was ready to plunge into the flames of hell, suddenly a fierce killing attack came!

In this murderous atmosphere, there is boundless fierceness, and horrible temper!

This breath appeared, and in the eleventh layer of hell, it was an instant scarlet, and a terrible **** atmosphere filled the air, filled with every inch of space!

Du Shaozhen, Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Cheng, Long Hao, Long Xu, Qudao, and other strong, suddenly felt that if they fell into the water, the action appeared a sense of stagnation!

"Blood ancestors!"

Du Shaoqi suddenly stunned in his heart, and he was familiar with this breath. However, when he was in the early days of emptiness, he once faced each other!

With such a killing and fierce temperament, and the power of the terrible to the people, this world is afraid of only blood ancestors!

"This shaved old bird is really moving, it must come to us! This eleventh layer of hell, not too good to leave!"

Lu Jingyun’s face was very serious, his brows were wrinkled, and his words were deep.

Soon after they entered the 11th floor of Hell, they realized the existence of the blood ancestors!

Only in these decades, the thirty-three-day strong man launched a horrible killing in this space, but he never saw the old ghost appear!

At the end of the day, everyone will not exist!

After all, when Shao Xuanhua was in the middle of the year, Lu Shaoyou once re-created the blood ancestor and broke his arm, causing the other party to be injured and injured. It takes a long time to recover!

However, Du Shaoqi and others believe that the blood ancestors will not choose to block them at this level. When millions of people on their side can successfully enter the twelfth layer of hell, they did not expect that the old ghost suddenly moved again!

"Sit in the forgotten situation and prepare to fight. Others will retreat to the next level of **** entrance, waiting for us! If you see the plane is not right, leave directly!"

A thirty-three-day old man who had forgotten the third place gave a sip of sorrow, and said the light.

When the voice of his words fell, millions of people, even if they moved, couldn’t even go to the remnant of the Mozu, and did not drive at full speed, rushing to the next level of **** entrance!

In addition, Du Shaoxuan, Lu Jingyun, Long Yao, Long Xu and other more than 200 people who are forgotten, are also quickly assembled in one place, standing in the same place and waiting for it!

"Old ghost, let us come and meet you! Look at your broken body, can you kill it as you have in the past!"

Du Shaoyan eyes gleamed and stared at the void.

Others are also round eyes, looking at the scarlet light around the sky!

For those who forget to be strong, they feel a lot of pressure at this time. After all, the blood ancestor is the strongest person in the road, even if the strength is repeatedly broken, but the power is still difficult to resist!

"All the people are united, I don't believe that so many people can't stop a blood ancestor who has been repeatedly wounded!"

Lu Jingyun’s body shot a strong sense of war. As his voice fell, more than two hundred people who were forgotten, all exerted ferocious air-machine fluctuations and were entangled with each other!

And when this action comes out, everyone feels a loose body, the terrible **** gas, it is difficult to have too much impact on them!

"Oh... a group of daring ants, dare to break into the 18th floor and send **** to death!"

Just then, a hazy laugh came and fell into everyone's ears.

This sound is erratic, coming from all directions, making people unable to understand the specific orientation.

"The old-fashioned old bird, since it came out, what is still hiding? Is it because the wings are too ugly, and no one can see people?"

Du Shaoqi screamed at the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

His words, so that the other strong people around are also showing a strange smile, no hung on the face!

Du Shaozhen, this is the heart to stimulate the blood ancestors, want him to show the true body.

Although this old-fashioned old bird is not lightly affected, if it is hidden in the dark, it will inevitably bring troubles that are unimaginable to everyone.

And if it is forced to appear, it will naturally be a lot easier to deal with!

As a result, everyone has to admire Du Shaoxuan's wit, the mouth is just like the light, the sizzling!

With the strength and identity of the blood ancestor, how can he withstand such ridicule, it is a shameful shame to be broken by Lu Shaoyou. This time, he was attacked by Du Shaoyan, and he was ridiculed for being ridiculed by anyone. Staying jump will come out!

"The errands dare to swear by the tongue, really can't be killed by the ancestors?"

Sure enough, the blood screaming suddenly screamed, containing endless anger.

The terrible snoring sound swayed for nine days, smashing the clouds, almost horrible tremors in this entire layer of hell!


The next moment, but see a **** ray rising from the sky, breaking a side of the void, straight to the direction of Du Shaoqi and others!

Among the **** rays, a huge phoenix spreads its wings and hits the sky like a red cloud, which is overwhelming and full of visual impact!

"Come on! Ready to fight!"

Du Shaoqi laughed and snorted.

He did not need his instructions at all. All the strong people present were shocked and quickly surrounded by people such as Du Shaoqi and Lu Jingyun.

Among all the eyes of the people, the blood ancestors swayed the sky, and soon came to Du Shaoqi and others!

"Human, you dare to come to the 18th floor of hell, just to find death!"

His eyes fixed on Du Shaoqi's body, and a pair of fiercely shots of fierce light, if he wanted to swallow his entire life, he said: "The source of chaos in your body, after all, is still sent to your own ancestors.桀桀桀桀..."

He said in the end, once again issued a gloomy smile!