MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2929 : Enter the thirteenth floor of Hell [Large

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Chapter 2, 919: Entering the thirteenth floor of Hell [Big Chapter].

Du Shaozhen, Lu Jingyun and others left the independent space, even if they entered the broken seal leading to the thirteenth floor of hell!

Around it, it is the three thousand big world and thirty-three days strong led by Emperor Ba Tian and Dong Huang Tai Xuan.

Even under the infinite flames of the package, everyone from time to time shot, fierce attack toward the Mozu!

The power of the mad tyrants stirs the anime sky, so that this broken seal can not stop shaking!

When Du Shaoqi and his party appeared, many strong people were surrounded.


"Old, shocked!"

"Ming Qing Emperor!"

Many strong people have stepped forward and stared at Du Shaoqi, Lu Jingyun and others.

"Everyone has recovered almost, and then let the Mozu get a good cool again!"

Du Shaoyan’s eyes were burning, staring at the many people of the Mozu who were walking underneath, as they said.

He also saw Emperor Ba Tian and Dong Huang Tai Xuan, and he felt a little surprised.

Du Shaoqi has long known that the strength of these two strong players are in a half-step situation, but what Du Shaozhen did not think is that the two can actually force the three magical forces, which is beyond their expectations!

Normally, the three great devils will be good for the road, even if the strength is greatly damaged, it is definitely not the average person can deal with it!

From this point of view, it can only be said that Emperor Ba Tian and Dong Huang Tai Xuan are too strong, at least much stronger than imagined!

"This master of the brothers, the strength is really terrible!"

Du Shaoqi muttered in his heart, and gave birth to a lot of reverence for the Emperor!

The other party’s horrible fighting power is probably not far worse than the brother Lu Shaoyou himself!

With the existence of Emperor Ba Tian and Dong Huang Tai Xuan, the next battle in the 18th floor of Hell will definitely be a lot easier, and not as strong as before, once it meets the blood ancestor and the three great devils will be strong. Those, Du Shaoqi and others will fall into the ultimate passive situation, always facing the test of life and death!

It’s just that Du Shaoqi’s heart is very clear. There are definitely powerful demons in the 18th floor of Hell. Maybe not just the three demons will be so simple!

If such a strong person comes back a few more, the situation will be severe!

"These brothers must have corresponding arrangements for these things, but I don't want to worry too much about me!"

Suddenly, Du Shaozhen’s eyes brightened, thinking like this.

Everything has the arrangement of the brothers Lu Shaoyou, and these strong men of the three thousand worlds must have been killed in the 18th floor of **** after his inspiration.

So, at the moment, you don't need to worry too much about yourself.

For Du Shaoqi, the first priority is to improve the cultivation, and then lead the many strong people to continue to push down in the 18-layer **** until they can't really advance!

"The Mozu wants to take it away, or it's not an easy thing!"

Du Shaozheng was fascinated and looked at the people who had been digging in the flames of **** and left the Red Phoenix, Shen Yan and the three great devils.

With a wave of his arm, he shouted: "This is a good battlefield in the flames of hell. All of you are the same, leaving some people to protect the immortal world, and the rest will kill me!"

Du Shaoqi’s words fell, and the figure was spurred out, directly rushing to the east from Chihuang and Shenyan.


Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan and Lu Jingyun, Long Yao and other people who are forgotten to look at each other, they are also glimpsed in an instant, killing many Mozu.

The vast majority of people in the world of thirty-three days and three thousand big ones have not moved. For the immortal strong, this **** flame is very dangerous, and you need to have the power to stay safe!

But for the strong men of these two worlds, there are nearly four hundred people who have been together for the sake of forgetting. Only a small part of them need to be left to lead many immortal situations, and everyone else can fight!

As Du Shaozhen said, this piece of broken seal is a good battlefield. The Mozu also needs to protect a large number of immortal walks. They are at a disadvantage, so they have to face the attack of Du Shaoqi and others. More difficult to care about!

"Damn Du Shaohao!"

The two away from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan quickly noticed the intention of Du Shaoqi, could not help but scream, but there is no way, can only fight hard!

"The three great devils will be handed over to me, and immediately become a few furnishings, the role of fart can not be achieved!"

Dong Huang Tai Xuan smiled and spoke with the Emperor of Heaven to intercept the three magical devils.

Originally there are the existence of these three people, the Mozu has an absolute advantage, but this advantage is naturally directly with the arrival of Emperor Ba Tian and Dong Huang Tai Xuan, and can not be given to the Mozu Bring any help!

"East from the red phoenix, Shen Yan, fight with me!"

Du Shaozhen walked through the infinite flames, holding Zijin Tianzhu, hair flying, purple robe hunting, pointing to the east away from the red phoenix and Shen Yan, shouting loudly!

He felt that the power of the avenues was raging, the four original laws were moving, and the flow was not interrupted, brewing the power of arrogance and arrogance, spreading toward the opposite two!

The surrounding flame space has been greatly affected, as if it is solidified, the power of terror is pointing directly to the red phoenix and the Shenyan, so that they want to avoid it is not easy!

"Du Shaohao, since you want to find death yourself, we will send you a good trip!"

Shen Yan's eyes condensed, watching the purple robe youth who came to the death, said coldly.

"I have entered the 18th floor of Hell for many years. The strength is no longer the same as it used to be. This time, I will never let you escape again!"

East from the red phoenix face has become a squat, staring at Du Shaoqi, smothering!

They have now recovered to the strength of sitting in the third place, naturally it is stronger than the last time with Du Shaoqi!

The two awakened the memory of ancient times, and the strength is restored!

They believe that this time again facing Du Shaoqi, it is absolutely impossible to be suppressed by him as usual!

Even if Du Shaozhen is more perverted, how talent is superior, how horrible the cultivation speed is, and definitely not comparable to himself!

"Why don't you talk nonsense, come to war!"

Du Shaozhen screamed coldly, responding to the two away from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan, and there is a very incomparable sword mans!

This swordsman carries the unparalleled sharpness, and if it can open up the sky, it strikes!


Faced with such a sword, the East is not to say anything more than the red pumping and the Shen Yan.

The two sides suddenly collided in one place and broke out a terrible battle!

At present, the strength of Du Shaohao is almost the same as that of the two. Under one enemy and two, it has not fallen into the disadvantage.

And as a result, the two magicians are quite surprised!

On the other hand, the battle between Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan and the three great devils is also extremely horrible, and the strength of the half-step road is inspired. It is really a shocking!

This broken seal was hit harder by a round of attack, and the flameless tongue swayed through the energy surge, as if to devour everything!

"The Mozu wants to take it away, how can it be so easy!"

At least two hundred people who have been forgotten by Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Long Yao, Long Xu, etc., have come out to go to the Mozu millions of troops!

At this time, the opponent's many places of forgotten need to protect a large number of immortal demons, and there are too many people to deal with them!

As a result, the situation immediately showed the desperate side of the Mozu!

Facing the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds, there are so many forgotten raids, completely in a passive beating situation!

They can only hold a group defense and hold the formation indefinitely!

However, seeing Lu Jingyun and others, the offensive came down, the sound of the explosion was endless, and all the weaknesses of the Devils were killed!


As time went by, there were cracks in many places in the defense of the Mozu!

"A few more waves will come, and the Mozu will be killed and wounded!"

There are thirty-three days of strong people watching this scene, and stunned.

As long as it breaks through the defense of the Mozu, and exposes the other party to immortality in the flames of horror and hell, it will definitely cause a lot of casualties!

With such a result, people in the world of thirty-three days and three thousand thousand worlds will naturally appreciate it!

With such a mind, the people are more fully bombarded!

Sure enough, under the efforts of the people, the powerful defense "squeaky" was torn out of a gap, at least hundreds of demons were immortalized and rolled out, and then wrapped up by terrible fire!


This is not a general flame, but it was set up by the ancient gods of Pangu in ancient times to suppress the seal of the demon ancestors. It is absolutely terrible!

Although the seal power is greatly reduced at this time, it is still not the general strong can touch!

After these demons touched these flames, plus thirty-three days of strong people from the side to kill, and soon hundreds of demons were burned and burned into a pile of ashes!

"Fast and strict defense, you must not let them break through my defense!"

There is a scream in the fortune of the Mozu, which implies an eagerness.

Lu Jingyun and others practice this, which is to consume the power of the Mozu, while at the same time thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds are completely bloodless!

This is really too bad for the Mozu!

Where to hesitate, many Mozus sit and forget the power of the body to inspire, and launch a full force to lay a stronger defense!

I have to say that it is not a leisure time for a demon to sit and forget. In the case of the number of people in Lu Jingyun and others, it is very fast to hold the battle!

Lu Jingyun and others have continued to sneak into the sea, but this time they want to incite such defenses, it has become extremely difficult!

"The dying struggle, the Demon's defensive is strong, and there will be a breakthrough day!"

Above, thirty-three days and three thousand thousand worlds, millions of immortal and two or three hundred forgotten, all look at the situation below.

They are very happy to see such a situation, the Mozu turtles shrink, it is equivalent to only passive beating, but unable to make any counterattack!

In this way, it is only a matter of time before you want to break their defense!

"If all the way is the flame of hell, it is only a matter of time before the devils die!"

There are strong people who speak, and if they do.

This statement has attracted many people to nod and agree.

Everyone knows very well that although the Mozu is in absolute defense, it is impossible to maintain the integrity of the formation forever!

Once Lu Jingyun and others break through the defense, it will naturally cause many dead people to die!

And if this **** flame is boundless, it is not impossible to kill the Mozu people.

"Fortunately, the 3,000-strong world powers arrived in time, otherwise this time, the passive beating is our thirty-three-day strong!"

For thirty-three days, someone sighed and said such a sentence.

"Yeah, presumably this is all arranged by the Lord of the Three Thousands of Worlds! Since he has let me wait for the 18th floor of hell, it will definitely not let us die in vain!"

Soon, someone said.

All the people of thirty-three days have some feelings of restlessness at this time. At the time of the early blood ancestors, they felt embarrassed for Du Shaohao and many people who forgot to forget!

In addition, the East is away from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan, the synergy of the three great devils will appear, but it has caused unimaginable pressure on millions of strong people!

Do not doubt, if it is not the three thousand big world powers appear in time, they may have been killed or injured at this time, most people will fall!

Whether it is the blood ancestor or the three great devils, it is a terrible existence for them, and not everyone can compete!

But a little thought can also be made clear, the reason why the three thousand world powers appear at a critical time, all of which must be in the arrangement of Lu Shaoyou, the owner of the 3,000-strong world.

He dared to let millions of people enter the 18th floor of Hell in thirty-three days. He had a positive contact with the Mozu. It must have his own grasp. He would never let everyone come in and die, but there would be no value at all!

"It’s not far from the thirteenth floor of Hell. I hope to kill more demons here!"

Some strong people muttered and cast their sights on the battle below.

Under the gaze of their eyes, Du Shaoqi and the two devils from the Red Dragon and Shen Yan are fiercely fighting. The three are all practicing in the third place. In the past, it can make the whole The existence of vibration in thirty-three days!

Fighting in the flames of this infinite hell, the three are not doing their best, they want to suppress the other side!

And with the constant fight, the two big magicians are all incomparable!

It was only after the fight was over, they really reacted. It turned out that Du Shaozhen was much more terrifying than they thought. Actually, they have not fallen into the bottom of the two!

"This kid, it is enough to be abnormal! If it is not for me to join forces, I am afraid it is really impossible to rival him!"

Shen Yan bit his teeth, struggling to fight with Du Shaoqi, hate and said.

It is hard to imagine why Du Shaohao’s strength will break so fast, which is hard to believe!

"If I knew that he would be like this, it would be that when he entered thirty-three days, let the adults directly suppress it, and it would not bring so much trouble now!"

It’s also a feeling of itchiness in the east from the red phoenix.

Du Shaoqi's strength grew too fast, completely beyond the understanding of normal people, even if the East is away from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan are the strongmen of ancient times, it is hard to imagine!

They have boundless regrets in their hearts. Why did they not give this kid a knife at the end of the martial arts world, and directly broke his chance to be born again!

Or after it has entered thirty-three days, kill it early!

In this way, it will not be a big problem for the Mozu!

But this is not the most important thing. The most worrying thing about the two big devils from the Red Dragon and Shen Yan is that once Du Shaoyu has grown to the ultimate place, it is also an unimaginable threat to the Devils. !


Du Shaozhen could ignore the thoughts of the two people in the meeting. He sighed, and the broad sword in his hand swayed again and again. The terrible swordsman went through the sky and went all the way to the other side.

On the other side, Emperor Ba Tian and the East Emperor Taixuan joined forces to fight the three magical devils. Although they could not quickly suppress the three demons, the strength of these two people is absolutely stable, and it is definitely the upper hand!

In Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Long Yao, Long Xu and many other places to forget the strong, after the unremitting attack of the people, it is to tear the Devil's defense to a gap!

"Give me death!"

Through such an opportunity, a strong man who had forgotten the second world suddenly screamed and pulled out a fierce knife. From this gap, he entered the crowd of the Mozu!


Suddenly, a scream of screams screamed, and between the flesh and blood, the big devils were annihilated!

When you forget to attack the strong, what is the immortal situation that can be countered?

Even more people have not even had time to scream, and they die invisible!

"Fast, make up the defense!"

There is a scream in the fortune of the Mozu, and if it is crazy, it will hit the gap and re-aggregate the strong protection!

They don't dare to relax, and if they are careless, they will lead to a lot of strong people dying!

Just a shot of the forgotten strong, directly caused thousands of demons to die of immortality!

"Continue to attack, I would like to see, when will the people of the Mozu be able to stick to it!"

A person who is from the world of three thousand and thousands of people screamed coldly and pointed to the defensive formation of the Mozu.

For them, there is no slight pressure on their own side, but the Mozu side is always keeping the best of its ability, which is also a huge consumption!

As long as you can break the protection of the other party again and again, absolutely fruitful!

"Be sure to stick to it. Just rushing through this seal zone and entering the thirteenth floor of **** will be a lot easier!"

There are strong demons who speak, and if they do.

Walking through the flames of **** has become a huge challenge for them, bringing endless pressure!

Everyone feels that this road has become extremely long, and I don't want to hurry into the thirteenth floor of hell.

If there are a few more layers, then the strong support of the Mozu will be ushered in, and then it will only be a real battle with the other party!

It is under such circumstances that the Mozu, the Three Thousand Worlds, and the thirty-three days will go down together.

After two rounds of defensive fragmentation, the Mozu finally broke through the boundless Hellfire package and entered the thirteenth floor of hell!

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