MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2933 : Epee without front and poisonous witch [large

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Chapter 2933: The Epee has no front and the poisonous witch [Big Chapter].

"Afraid that you are not successful?"

Du Shaoqi's pair of dragons smashed out, and the line of sight was on the body of the blood **** demon and the ridiculous demon!

His face is so serious that the pressure that these two demons will bring to people is too great, and Du Shaohao has never been too heavy!

Compared with the original battle with the blood ancestors, the power that Du Shaoqi can control at this time is even more terrifying!

However, these two demons will be much stronger than the blood ancestors, and they must be an enemy two!

In the recent fight, he has been shaken a lot, although it is not visible on the surface, but there is a hidden injury in the body!


Du Shaoqi was drinking high, and the purple gold scorpion in front of him screamed with horror, screamed wildly, stirred up a sly sword, and stood in the void!

Du Shaoqi started to rush again. Faced with two great devils, he had no other way. Even if he pulled away and left the 18th floor of Hell, he would not easily let himself go.

If it is weak, it will be chased by people, and the result will be even worse!


In this broken seal, the war of terror broke out again!

But see a terrible sword mangling from the place where Du Shaozhen is, if it is in the open space, terrible!

This way, the swordsmanship is all done by Du Shaoyu. It is his strongest means to open the sword!

At the same time, the nine purple Lei Xuan Ding is also carrying the sound of the thunder of the sky, crushing the void, with the arrogance of arrogance, from time to time to the two magical, like a giant mountain is moving!

"Not self-reliant!"

The blood **** demon and the ridiculous demon will all sneer at the corner of the mouth, and completely ignore Du's attack.

For these two people, the power that Du Shaoqi has shown at the moment is completely incapable of posing too much threat to them!

The blood **** demon will be in the body, the blood of the blood blooms, it is composed of a strange avenue of the avenue, the sky is rising, has the power to erode everything!

And the ridiculous demon will be a giant axe squatting, and each shot will fall like a terrible!

Du Shaoqi’s attack was blocked by two people again and again. Even if the original hollow sword is strong, it is still difficult to shake the two figures!

On the contrary, the two great devils will work together, Du Shaoqi is tightly suppressed, and the attack of the two will get a smashing opportunity, causing horrific killing of Du Shaozhen!

After going to dozens of rounds in one or two rounds, the dragon body that is constantly twisting in the void is already a dragon scale flying, flesh and blood rolling, bones sturdy, bloody!

The faucet of Du Shaozhen’s body of Qinglong is also being smashed by the blood **** to a small half, and the mouth is very incomprehensible.


However, in this regard, Du Shaozhen did not care, he did not have the extra mind to take care of his own injuries, still struggling to fight, and fight the two magic!

Around the gossip figure he constructed, Lu Jingyun and many other people who have forgotten the strong, are also pale and incomparable, and everyone's breath is wilting!

They are not because they are over-consumed, but in the course of the battle between Du Shaohao and the two great devils, they are unimaginably shocked!

In terms of the cultivation of these people, the power that Du Shaoqi has at this time has reached the limit of sitting and forgetting, and the two demons will be even more extraordinary. The battle between them is too big for everyone. Now!

If it were not with the help of gossip graphics, these hundreds of people were afraid that they had already been crushed into ashes and could not die anymore!

"Hey... Du Shaozhen is escaping today, no one can save him!"

In the distance, the East looked away from the red phoenix and watched the situation there. I couldn’t help but sneer.

His heart is extremely incomparable, under the suppression of the two great devils, Du Shaoqi's kid can't compete at all, only a few dozen rounds will be extremely hurt!

In contrast, the two great devils, almost did not suffer much impact!

In front of these two people, Du Shaozhen is indeed like an ant, even if he relies on the power of hundreds of people to forget the strong, it is still unable to compare with the real carrying situation!

The road carries the road, but it is out of the existence of its own way, among the innate souls are the strongest, what is the common generation can compare?

I am afraid that it will not be long before the two great devils will be able to kill easily!

"The two demons will join forces. If they still kill a Du Shaoyan, they are too embarrassed for their name! So, this kid can't escape today!"

Shen Yan is also a smile of Sen Ran, the heart can not tell the pleasure.

For a long time, he and the East from the Red Phoenix in front of Du Shaoqi, will always be defeated, which makes the two suffer!

But today, I saw that the two demons will use the strong means to suppress Du Shaozhen’s death and death. How can I not let Shen Yan feel hateful!

But at the same time, he also had a bit of bitterness in his heart.

If Du Shaoqi used this method to deal with him and the East from the Red Phoenix at the beginning, I am afraid that the two of them will not have any ability to fight back, and they will be suppressed in an instant!

So in the end, Du Shaozhen is still stronger than them, it seems that they can not exist in this life, unless the kid died!

"Hey, what's the trick for your kid, even if you let it out, there is no chance!"

In the midst of the battle, the ridiculous demon will suddenly scream, as it is.

The giant axe in his hand suddenly lifted up, like a mountain, the power of terror is gathering, madly shaking!

Under the influence of this force, the surrounding space collapsed and collapsed, turning into chaos, and the scene was terrible!

When such an axe suddenly fell, the entire broken seal was shaking, and the endless flame leaped violently, and then suddenly received it, as if it was blown by the wind, it was shaken!

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

On the other side, the blood **** demon will also fly the nine purple Lei Xuan Ding one by one, through the innocent void, disappeared!

Then, his **** body stepped out and went straight to Du Shaoyan!

In the body of the blood **** demon, the **** sea of ​​horror flows, spreads in the void, and then in the blink of an eye, it is a **** lightsaber, and he is held in his hand, and suddenly slams out to Du Shaozhen!

Sword light axe, from two different directions, kill at the same time!

Du Shaozhen in the middle, the whole person in a moment, only feels the power of unmatched blessing on himself, like a shackle, tied tightly in place, difficult to move!


The terrible embarrassment emanated from his mouth, turned into a dragonfly, and the earth moved!

Du Shaoqi screamed in the sky, trying to break free from the **** of the two great devils. He drained all the power in the body and ran wildly, but it was hard to work!

He has already consumed a terrible degree, and there are many holes in the dragon's body. Whether it is the immortal or the green armor, it is almost impossible to support it!

In the attack of the two great devils, Du Shaozhen felt a little desperate!

Absolute power is really terrible, and he is extremely weak!

"Go away, leave the 18th floor hell!"

Du Shaoqi screamed and snarled, and actually stopped a glimpse of the strength that was so easy to gather, and then burst out and flocked to the main direction of Lu Jingyun and others!

At the same time, the crumbling gossip figure was also instantly shocked by him, turning into a piece of rune flying!

Under the influence of this force, hundreds of thirty-three days and three thousand three thousand worlds, such as Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Long Yao, Long Xu, etc., were all shaken away and separated. The attack of the two great devils will cover the scope!

And Du Shaoqi himself, is the power of the two to kill, completely collapsed!

This sudden situation is really causing many people to sneak a slap in the face, and sometimes the brains are abducted!

"Hey... Du Shaoqi, is this kid trying to fight against the killing of the two demons alone?"

However, soon, the departure from the Red Phoenix is ​​an insight into Du Shaoxuan’s intention.

Obviously, the kid knows that he has lost his resistance, and the result of this is absolutely only a dead end!

"He has already reached the road, no one can save him!"

Shen Yan also smiled and muttered.

Both of them focused their eyes on Du Shaoqi’s body and wanted to see him eventually die!

"Du Shishu..."

In the distance, after hundreds of people who had been forgotten by Lu Jingyun and others were shocked, they immediately understood what happened.

They quickly stabilized their stature, tried their best to press the body's tumbling power, and then looked at Du Shaoyu with a shocked look!

At this moment, everyone has a boundless bitterness in their hearts!

As the first person in this thirty-three-day act, Du Shaoqi walked along and led many powerful people to fight for the 18th floor of Hell, leaving an indelible image in the hearts of the people!

In the face of the blood ancestors, it is he who condenses the power of many powerful people, retreating the existence of that horror!

When he was strangled with the two great devils, he stood up again!

In the end, however, with the strength of the millions of strong people, it is still not the opponent of the two magical players. At the final juncture, the purple robe youth chose to face alone, even if they know that they are going to die, let everyone leave and leave. !

This, let the thirty-three days and three thousand big world of many powerful people, my heart has no reason to give some pain!

"Get out of my way!"

At the same time, in another place, Emperor Ba Tian also found this scene, he screamed out loudly, and the handprints condensed and smashed, and they wanted to turn the three demons closer!

"Oh... are you trying to save the kid? Really, the three of us don't exist?"

The sorcerer will smile with a sly smile, his body shape will be illusory, disappear instantly, and he will go to the front of the Emperor's tyrants and block it!

The Red Flames and the fierce demon will also move again in the first time, tightly entangled in the Emperor's hegemony, so that he can't help Du Shaohao!

Above the face of Emperor Ba Tian, ​​flashed anger, but more is helpless!

"Kid, the first one to send you on the road today, go to hell!"

At this time, the blood-colored lightsaber of the blood **** demon and the horrible axe of the ridiculous demon will fall to the front of Du Shaohao!

Above the blood color lightsaber, the murderous temperament is released, and the blood is pungent, sharp and sharp, and if you can break everything in the world!

And the horrible axe is also terrible, gathered into a peerless glimpse, and fell to the top of Du Shaohao!

These two attacks are terribly incomparable. They have not really come, but they have the unrelenting temper, and the body of Du Shaojun’s dragon is exploding and disintegrating, flesh and blood, and broken into the void!

In the end, the huge keel is also beginning to break, and it is crushed into powder by the force of the sky!


Between Du Shaozhen’s throat, he finally made a dull dragon!

The pair of dragons stared at the ridiculous demon and the blood **** demon, and then it was blown up and turned into a fly ash!

He didn't want to resist, but in the face of the road, the current Du Shaozhen still seems too weak, it is difficult to match it!

Even if he did all his efforts, he couldn't move at all. He could only watch the ridiculous demon and the blood **** demon attack coming down!

"Du Shishu..."

"Ming Qing Emperor..."

"Du Shaozhen..."

At this moment, the time around the zone seems to have solidified. For the strong people of the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds, it is not that the heart suddenly sinks.

Emperor Ba Tian and Dong Huang Tai Xuan are all trapped by the devil, unable to go to rescue.

For a large number of sitting and forgetting situations, it is even more powerless to do something.

When Du Shaoqi shook everyone down, it seemed to be doomed to end!

Everyone looked at the swords and giant axes of the two great devils, and finally they fell on Du Shaoqi!

I don't think about it, this time I am afraid there will be no more accidents. The first young people who emerged from the ancient times after the ancient times are afraid that they will never survive and appear in front of them!


This situation is even more so that the East is leaving a series of sneer voices from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan.

They smugly express the feelings of pleasure in their hearts and laugh loudly.

When Du Shaoqi died, the obsession of their hearts will follow, and the great artifacts of the Mozu will be dissolved!

This result is almost perfect!

As long as Du Shaozhen can't live, who else in this world can form a deadly threat to the great ancestors?

Therefore, the East is away from Chi Huang and Shen Yan are so quietly watching, watching how Du Shaoqi died under the attack of the two great devils!

"Kid, let's die!"

The ridiculous demon will drink, control the giant axe, and reach the top position of Du Shaohao!

The terrible **** outburst broke out not only the body of the dragon that destroyed Du Shaoqi, but also the unimaginable destruction of his god!

Only after a while, the kid will die without a place of burial. Even if Pangu was resurrected, he could not return to heaven, and it was difficult to save him!

But suddenly, just as the ridiculous demon will feel the edge of his giant axe, when he touched the remaining dragons of Du Shaohao, there was a strong smashing out of the ground, slamming on his attack!

This attack is so sudden that the ridiculous demon will not have time to react, and it is suddenly hitting his giant axe!


With a loud bang, a huge wide sword appeared, and suddenly picked up from the bottom up, releasing the power of hegemony, it is to block the giant axe of the ridiculous demon!

On the other side, the blood **** demon will almost simultaneously encounter a block!

But see a dark green brilliance, accompanied by the power of Haotian, his **** sword light is like a very strong corrosion, instantly eroded most of the power!

Then I saw that the dark green light followed the blood **** to turn the long sword in the hand into a strip of dark green snake, and quickly climbed up to the palm of the blood **** magic. !


A strange sound spread, the blood **** demon will be attacked by this dark green power, and the palm of the hand is dripping on the blood, suddenly there is a burst of black smoke, and there is a black hole!

He didn't want to think about it. He instantly spread the long sword in his hand and suddenly retreated a few steps!

The power of the body frantically runs a few times, driving the magical spirit, and then the dark green power that climbs into the palm of your hand is burned out!

"It’s just a few devils that have been unhealed. Do you think that this world can let you run rampant?"

At this time, in the place where Du Shaoqi was in the head, a slender man stepped out.

The man was in a gray coat, holding an epee, and slammed the giant axe of the ridiculous demon!

Immediately, he saw a wave of his arm, sprinkled a piece of light, and fell on the broken dragon body behind Du Shaozhen!

On the opposite side, in front of the blood **** demon, a beautiful woman emerged from nothingness, blocking the blood **** between the magic and Du Shaohao!

What is not in line with this woman's face is that between her palms and fingers, she constantly lingers on the dark green air, just like a poisonous snake is swallowing a letter, and there is a cold and cold air that makes people look at one eye and feels all over. Body cold!

Such a man and a woman suddenly appeared, and saved Du Shaoqi at the crucial time!

Seeing their appearance, in the distance, Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Lu Cheng, Lu Zhi, Long Yao, Long Xu and others are all ecstatic!

"Yang Guobo!"

"Auntie Aunt!"

The children of Lu Shaoyou and Long Xuan both screamed in surprise.

The two people who suddenly appeared, they are familiar with it!

The rest of the world of three thousand and thousands of people, there is also a boundless joy at this time, the original everyone is like a face of gray, all at this moment swept away!

"Who are you?"

The ridiculous demon will look at these two people, their faces have changed, and they are unconsciously asking.

"Epee has no front, Yang has!"

"Poisonous Witch, Lu Xinhao!"

The man and the woman who had just appeared, said one after another, the words were light.

"It’s the epee without the front Yang, and the poisonous witch Lu Xin!”

"These two are the big brother of Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of three thousand, and one of his sisters, who are the masters of terror!"

"This is the top powerhouse of the three thousand worlds. I didn't expect them to come!"

"This is good, they have appeared this time, I think more than three thousand big world will come!"

"To deal with the Mozu, this time is more sure!"

Three thousand big worlds of the world can not help but start to talk about it, everyone's words are very excited, obviously for the epee without Feng Yang, and the poisonous witch Lu Xinyi two names, are some understanding!

As they said, Yang Guo is the eldest brother of Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of three thousand, and Lu Xinyu is the sister of Lu Shaoyou. The strength of these two people is absolutely terrifying!

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