MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2945 : The old man reunited [large

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Chapter 2,954: Chapter: Reunion [Big Chapter]

For Lu Shaoyou, I am afraid no one is more confident than Xiaolong.

In his mind, how can his boss's means be easily broken in the hands of the seven great devils, at least by the strength of these seven great devils, absolutely can not be done!

With such a state of mind, the dragon face is very easy, and the power of the gods constantly peers into the movement of the innocent star.

Since the Seven Devils will put all their attention on the chaos of the group, it is also a good thing for many powerful people in the world of thirty-three days and three thousand.

Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyu and others, are no longer paying too much attention, leaving only some strong people to pay attention to the movement of the Mozu.

And Du Shaoqi did not stay in the space of Lu Jingyun for too long, it appeared in the crowd.

At this time, many powerful people who had not entered the 18th floor of Hell in the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds had come to them.

Du Shaozhen glanced at him and there were many familiar figures in his sight.

What surprised Du Shaozhen most was that he saw his sister Du Shaoqi.


Du Shaoqi took a long skirt and set off the body of Ana, and came to Du Shaozhen happily.

Her eyes are filled with endless colors of thoughts. Since the last time Du Shaoqi returned to the world of Shenwu, it has been thousands of years!

"Less, how come you have been thirty-three days?"

Du Shaozhen was very happy and asked.

He carefully observed the state of his sister at this time, and found that she had already broken into the immortal world, and is already an immortal mid-level powerhouse!

Such changes have made Du Shaoyan feel extremely surprised.

I want to come because the Shaolin breakthrough immortal, only came to thirty-three days, into the battle of the gods!

"I have been in the Battle of Gods for many years. I heard that my brother and many strong people have entered the 18th floor of Hell and have been worried!"

Du Shaoyan’s eyes were reddish and he whispered.

However, at this time, she saw Du Shaozhen standing in front of her eyes, and the meaning of sorrow in her heart faded a lot. Some just smiled from the heart.

"Not bad! The strength has grown so much!"

Du Shaoqi looked at his sister, and couldn't help but licking Du Shao's hair, and then asked: "What happened to his father?"

After returning from the world of Shenwu to thirty-three days, Du Shaozhen has been fighting for the first time. He first smashed into the sacred and sacred heavens, annihilated many orcs, and then led millions of strong men into the eighteen layers of hell.

Nowadays, after many years, I don’t know how the specific situation of the Shenwu world is. I don’t know what level of the many powerful people in that world have reached.

"The world of Shenwu is now stronger, and everyone is very fast. The rules of law are gradually formed. Although it is not as stable as thirty-three days, it is also stronger than ever. Now the whole Shenwu world has emerged. A lot of immortality, I don’t know how much stronger than in previous years!"

Du Shaoqi said, speaking to Du Shaozhen.

Under her narration, Du Shaoqi also learned more about the earth-shaking changes that took place in the Shenwu world.

What is surprising but feels very reasonable is that there has been a lot of immortality in the entire Shenwu world, and the overall strength has grown horrificly.

Du Shaozhen can imagine that the strongest one is definitely the father Du Tingxuan, the big brother, the Qing dynasty, the second brother Du Yunlong and so on.

Presumably they are now at the same time as the second lieutenant.

Such changes have made Du Shaoyan feel more joy.

The stronger the strength of Shenwu World, nature is a great good thing!

Just as there was a strong joy in Du Shaozhen’s mind, some people came over and made him brow and smack, and then he turned out the boundless joy.

"Fu Yibai, old madman... Qingqing, Star Language..."

In front of Du Shaoqi, there was a familiar figure.

These figures are actually old acquaintances that have not been seen for many years!

Dong Xian, Xi Yao, Nan Ru, Bei Ti, Zhong Shen Tong, Dong Qing Qing, Dai Xingyu, Qing Xiao Xiao Qing...

This figure is the old man that Du Shaozhen encountered in the Shenwu world. After the end of the martyrdom, they left the world of Shenwu and entered the thirty-three days.

However, Du Shaoqi has been in the trio for three thousand days, but he has not seen them at one time. He has been exhausted for many years, and he has had endless thoughts in his heart.

Who ever thought that after leaving the 18th floor of Hell today, I found that everyone gathered here and gathered again!

"Less boy!"

"Less brother..."

The strong and strong are all surrounded up quickly, and they get together with Du Shaoqi and start to chill with him.

I haven't seen you for many years. Everyone is very open-minded, and they are so hot that they will temporarily put the weight of the Mozu behind them.


At this time, Du Shaoqi pulled the sleeves of Shao Du Shao, and gestured to him to look at the other figures that were coming to the other side.

These figures are young, both men and women, handsome men, beautiful women, and they are very grateful at first glance.

Looking at these young men and women, Du Shaozhen has some doubts, he has never seen these people.

But looking at each other's appearance, it seems that I know myself. The other party has not yet come to the front, and everyone with the ensign, the little stars, the Du Xiao Yao and so on are all greeted with a smile and a smile. This makes Du Shaoyu feel even worse. solution.

"Dapeng Huang, I haven't seen you for many years!"

The young men and women came to the front and directly said to Du Shaoqi with a smile.

"Brother, maybe you don't know them yet, let me introduce you!"

Du Shaozhen was around, Du Shaozhen looked at his brother's face with a somewhat weird look. He couldn't help but grin. Then he said: "These are the people of the Tianji Palace family. When you battled with the demon god, you used to Go to the world of Shenwu to help you recover!"

With the voice of Du Shaoqi, the young men and women also nodded and smiled.

At the same time, they spoke one by one and made a self-introduction to Du Shaoyu.

"Little girl Beigong Yingruo!"

"Little girl North Palace Cream!"

"In the lower palace, Tianzhu!"

"In the lower palace, Changqing!"

At this point, Du Shaoqi suddenly realized it.

It is only then that he is clear that these people are the people of the Beigong family.

In the same year, I fought a battle with the demon god, tried my best, and almost died, leaving only one head intact.

Father Du Tingxuan is not willing to let himself die so much, holding the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, putting his only remaining head into the ancestral stone sarcophagus, looking forward to the miracle.

Later, Lu Shaoyou, a brother of the 3,000-dollar world, sent four young strongmen from the Beigong family to the world of Shenwu and treated himself.

It was because of their help that Du Shaoqi recovered so quickly.

For these people, Du Shaoqi has a very grateful heart, but suffering has not been able to see each other, even the thank you have no chance.

This time, he will have any hesitation in his place. He immediately bowed to the four people with great politeness and expressed his gratitude.

Du Shaoqi knows clearly that if these people do not have the shots, it would be very difficult for them to recover. If they can do it, it will take a lot of time.

"Dapeng Huang is not polite, I just have to raise my hand!"

The North Palace is full of grace, and can't tell the elegant, showing the beautiful style.

The remaining Beigong Ningshuang, Beigong Tianzhu, and Beigong Changqing were listening to the words of Beigong Yingruo. They also nodded at the same time and expressed their approval.

However, Du Shaoqi does not think so. In any case, these four people have a great human feeling for themselves. He has always kept in mind.

"Dapeng Huang has not seen for many years, and it has already reached such a situation. It really makes me wait and see!"

On the contrary, the Beigong Yingruo did not entangle much in the previous things, and directly transferred the topic.

As she spoke, she smiled and smiled, shaking her head and slamming her head.

The same is true of the other three people who are in the North Palace. They look at Du Shaoying’s eyes, just like staring at a monster.

As Beigong Ningshuang said, when they entered the world of Shenwu, they were repaired far more than Du Shaozhen.

Even at that time, it was able to exert its strong strength by the power of terror suppression in the world of the gods.

Under such circumstances, they have the qualifications that no one else has, and they give Du Shaozhen a cure.

Nowadays, thousands of years ago, as the most outstanding young people of the Beigong family, they have already reached the immortal realm and are powerful.

But this time compared with Du Shaoqi, these young leaders, they are eclipsed in an instant, completely nothing.

"Not only the Dapeng Emperor, many people in the Shenwu world have already thrown me a long way away!"

Beigong Tianzhu face on the face of a bitter smile, sweeping through the stars, Du Xiaoyue, Du Shaoqi and other people, said.

Today's Du Xiao Yao and Xiao Xing, the strength is also higher than their four people, Du Shaoyu breakthrough is not too long, but it is about to deceive them, which makes several young people of the North Palace family suffer.

"Whether you are better than who you are, you are more competitive with this group of metamorphosis guys. Isn't that looking for abuse?"

I don't know when, Long San appeared at the side of the people, and smiled and said with a little bit of meaning.

He has been used to being attacked. When he first saw Du Shaoqi, the other person was only a little guy who was in the realm of the gods, and in front of him, he was in the height of the immortal nine-day peak, like a god!

But this is only a few years later, this kid's strength is already comparable to sitting in the third place, he is still in the same place, it is difficult to find a breakthrough opportunity, and Du Shaojun's strength contrast, has also undergone a fundamental turn!

If Du Shaoqi is willing, I am afraid that only one finger will be able to crush a group of immortal nine-day peaks!

Only Long San has long been accustomed to this change, and he is not entangled in these things at all. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be depressed after thinking about it!

It is for this reason that he understands the ideas of the four young people of the North Palace family, but at the same time they are also holding their minds.

"Also, can't compare with this family!"

Ling Feng also quickly got together, and his head was the same as the chicken glutinous rice.

Du Shaoyan touched his nose and laughed and said nothing.

"Little star, who are you watching?"

At this moment, the sound of the dragon's heart sounded from far and near.

Beside him, the dragon is accompanying, but at the same time, there are three women.

The three women were so beautiful that they flew straight out and plucked in the direction of the little stars.

One of the women was even more eager to look at, and her eyes were red, rushing in front of everyone.


The little star body shook and shouted.

Through the induction in the blood, she is not difficult to perceive that the woman first is her biological mother.

Du Shaoqi, Du Xiao Yao and others know that the mother of the little star is from the Suzaku family, named Zhu Chenxi!


Zhu Chenxi instantly rushed to the side of the little star, and took her into her arms, and her eyes rolled down in tears.

"Our family is finally reunited!"

At this time, Dragon God also came over and hugged the little star and Zhu Chenxi.

Beside the three people, Long Yao, Long Xu and the other two women are also standing next to the little stars with a smile, and the eyes are full of gratification.

"Little stars come over, I will introduce you to you, this is your quiet mother, this is your tiger Yi Niang!"

Then, Xiaolong took the little star and introduced the other two women around Long Yao and Long Xu.

"The little stars are so big, just as beautiful as your mother!"

The two women, known as Jing Wei and Hu Yi, gently stepped forward, looked at the little stars, reached out and touched her hair, and said with a chuckle.

Through the introduction of his father, Xiaoxing also learned that these two women are the mothers of brother Long Yao and Long Xu.

"Little Stars have seen Jing Yan Niang and Hu Yi Niang!"

The little stars were gracious and polite, and they leaned over and said to each other.

This move makes the smile of the quiet and the virtual Iraq even more, watching the eyes of the little stars, more and more intimate.

"Over the years, our family has finally reunited!"

Zhu Chenxi’s eyes are still a little red, and he gently said.

Many years ago, the demon **** broke into the world of Shenwu, Xiaolong and the old mainland to swim together to kill, and then with the help of the Du family ancestors who had the body of heaven at that time, suppressed the demon.

However, because of the extremely horrific repressive power in the world of Shenwu, and the devil has an immortal body, it cannot be completely wiped out.

In order to make the martial arts world have more power to deal with when the cult is coming back, Xiaolong will leave his own daughter in that world and help Du Shaozhen to deal with the cult.

But the result of this is that the little stars have been reunited with their loved ones for thousands of years since they were born.

During this period, Zhu Chenyi was more than once angry with Xiaolong and wanted him to pick up his daughter.

It is conceivable that her thoughts on the little stars are so strong.

"See your daughter, let's get together and talk!"

Xiaolong chuckled and said to Zhu Chenxi.


Zhu Chenxi nodded and whispered.

Later, after the Little Star family and Du Shaoqi and others saw the ceremony, they entered the independent space under the leadership of Xiaolong, and the family went alone.

Seeing such a scene, Du Shaoqi, Du Shaoqi, Du Xiaoyao, Lu Jingyun, Dong Qingqing, Dai Xingyu and so on are all very happy.

These people have also talked for a long time, telling about their respective experiences in these years.

However, except for the three of Du Shaoqi, Du Xiaoyao and Xiaoxing, others are relatively flat.

Du Shaozhen has been staying in the Shenwu world for cultivation. The east is away from Qingqing, and the ancestors of Tianmu Shenshu went to the world of 3,000 thousand. Because of the relationship with the Beigong family, it was unimaginable in the east. The benefits, at this time, are already a strong man of immortality.

Dai Xingyu and Qinglan Xiaoqing, who have been following Dongxian in the past few years, have been trained.

As for the five people of Fu Yibai and the old madman, they are very dull. In their speeches, they are quite missed in the years of Shenwu world. It is difficult to fight with the magical religion for thirty-three days. Experienced intense.

"The original Shenwu world is now so powerful. If there is time, I must go back and have a look!"

The old madman raised his head slightly and looked up at the sky, saying with awkwardness.

After Du Shaozhen and Du Shaoqi’s remarks, Dong Xian, Xi Yao, Nan Ru, Bei Ti and Zhong Shen Tong, know that the world of Shenwu has undergone horrific changes, even more than thirty-three days in any world. It’s terrible!

The cultivation of the creatures there is also very fast, and a large number of strong people emerge, this is not the same!

If there is another demon god, where is the need for a strong shot like Lu Shaoyou and Dragon God, just by the people of the wilderness, it is enough to suppress it!

"There is Da Luotian, it is actually another world that a **** demon has opened up!"

Du Shaozhen did not conceal the origin of the Shenwu world, and told the people of Da Luotian and Da Luo Tianzun one by one, so that Fu Yibai and others were stunned.

In their early years, they felt that the world of Shenwu was not simple. They had very strange and strange things, but they could not know where the strangeness was.

It was only today that I realized that it was actually a rudimentary world, but because of the relationship between ancient and ancient wars, Da Luo Tian Zun gave up the world and gathered all the power to suppress the body of the ancestors!

It is precisely because of this that the entire Shenwu world has always had terrible repressive power. Even the strong people like Lu Shaoyou and Dragon God, who are the leaders of the three thousand worlds, will be constrained to death!

But now that everything has changed, that world is reborn in Nirvana, and it will restore the mighty power!

With the continuous improvement of Du Shaoqi's strength, the Shenwu world has grown stronger and more prosperous. It is only a matter of time before it wants to reach a stronger place.

"It’s always going to go back and have a look, just wait to solve the Mozu, I plan to go there to support the old!"

Fu Yibai sighed softly, and said yes.

“It’s really a good idea!”

Aside, Dong Xian’s palace was lightly shaken and answered.

But Fu Yibai listened to his ear, but it suddenly shrank his neck.

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