MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2953 : very important task [large

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Chapter 2, 953: A very important task [Big Chapter].

"The way of the tyrant..."

Xiaolong’s words made Du Shao’s sigh, and he looked at his brother Lu Shaoyou unexpectedly. He only felt a little unbelievable.

For so many years, I have risen from the world of Shenwu, and I have seen the illusion left by my brothers in the early years. When I was on the first floor of the 18th floor of the same year, I was chasing the East and the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan, and when I was asked to deal with myself. I have already seen Lu Shaoyou.

Today, he is also a lot of understanding of the 3,000-year-old world leader.

However, in the impression that Du Shaozhen has always been, the brother Lu Shaoyou has always been a kind of harmonious, often with a good smile, where can you see the tyrant of the tyrant?

If you say this, is it that it is a bit out of place with the "Road of the Overlord"?

But when you think about it carefully, Du Shaozhen also remembered the scenes that the brothers had appeared at the crucial time. The first time they faced the ancestors, and then they succumbed to the blood ancestors in the vain, and they shocked the Nine in a strong position. The devil will, and every time this appears, he does show extreme arrogance!

But obviously, it is only because of these performances that he has stepped out of the "mastery" and seems to be very inadequate.

"What is your boy's eyes?"

Seeing Du Shaoqi's skeptical look, Xiaolong snorted with dissatisfaction, and at the same time slaps on the back of Du Shaoqi's head and almost shoots him.

In the next moment, the purple robe youth squinted his head and looked like a grievance.

He really doesn't have any extra meaning, but it's just that it's hard to imagine the appearance of the brother Lu Shaoyou. Can you use it for yourself?

Thinking of this, Du Shaoxuan couldn’t help but sneak a sneak peek at Xiaolong. If it’s not for the other party’s relatives, it’s not an eye for him!

"Do you dare to marry me?"

Obviously Du Shaojun’s little movement did not escape Xiaolong’s observation. He smashed two squats in his nose and said: “The little stars have not been behind you for so many years. My father’s always can’t watch her daughter being bullied. Indifferent, just the slap is not for anything else, and I will no longer be in trouble for you!"

In the past, Xiaolong stunned Du Shaoyan’s eyes and made it clear that he was bullying him.

Next to Lu Shaoyou, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyi are all snickers, one by one!

This is the relatives looking for the father to pay the bill, Xiaolong is revenge for the little stars.

"This little girl... It’s a little white-eyed wolf! See how I can clean you up in the future!"

Du Shaozhen was speechless, and a pair of fists were pinched with a "giggle", and the forehead was jumping straight.

The little star, the stinky girl, actually complained to him in the back, isn’t it the trick that I used to slap?

This is good, and I have actually been used by people!

Du Shaozhen secretly vowed to catch the little star in the future and pack up a bit!

In addition, Du Shaoqi also wants to find a small dragon battle for three hundred rounds, to vent their hearts and anger.

But thinking about the gap between his own strength and the other side, this kind of thinking can only be left in the bottom of his heart, but he has no choice but to give up.

But suddenly, there was a "beep" in the field.

"Boss, you beat me again!"

Xiaolong had just played Du Shaoqi, and he was smug, and he had a sudden raid on his head.

"Your boy, the younger brother raised the little star for you, you still treat him like this!"

Lu Shaoyou slowly retracted his palm, and the wind said lightly.

"This... can this be the same?"

This little dragon is called aggrieved. He looks like a bitter and deep-chasing. He has a temper and does not dare to attack Lu Shaoyou. He once again stunned Du Shaozhen.

Du Shaoyan touched his nose and looked over him to ignore him.

Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyi laughed at the same time and were very open-minded.

"Less, don't go to your heart, Xiaolong just pulls a close relationship with you in this way!"

At this time, Yang went to Du Shaoqi's side, gently patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Yes! We are a few brothers and sisters, and you are the brother of your brother. Naturally, we are also our younger brothers! But all along, you seem to treat us with the attitude of the predecessors! Xiaolong is the father of the little stars, and you are also The embarrassment of the little stars, if you can have more harmony between the two of them, it is the thing that the little stars are most happy to see!"

Lu Xinyu is also a red-breasted micro-opener, saying this to Du Shaozhen.

Through the explanations of these two people, Du Shaozhen can also understand what Xiaolong has done.

As Lu Xinyu said, whether it is Xiaolong, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyu, or even his own brother Lu Shaoyou, he often unconsciously treats them as seniors with awe, respect and respect. Attitude.

And just by this little scene, I can really feel some more intimate, as if I have slowly integrated into the small circles of several of them.

"Still talk about the boss's ‘the way of the tyrants’!”

Xiaolong licked his head a few times, then muttered his mouth and spoke.

A few people nodded a little, and then began to tell Du Shaoyu some details about Lu Shaoyou.

Sometimes Xiaolong tells about it, and then it is Lu Xinyu telling, sometimes it is the turn of Yang.

Emperor Ba Tian and Dong Huang Tai Xuan two, from time to time also inserted a few words.

After the specific complaints of the people, Du Shaozhen heard that it was a shocking sigh, and was extremely shocked by Lu Shaoyou’s deeds in previous years!

He only knows that the brothers were in the small Lingwu world, from humble to brilliant, all the way to the thorns, oh, no supremacy!

On the road to his promotion, how many days are arrogant, how many are wide-ranging, but those who block their way are all destroyed!

Lu Shaoyou's cultivation road is a chapter of the rise of a tyrant. He is full of blood, and it seems that a king is going to the sky. There is quite a gesture of obedience to me and against me!

This is an absolute hegemony, based on the strength of the strong!

Du Shaozhen compared it. The process of the rise of the brothers is similar to oneself, but at the same time there is a great difference.

What they have in common is that the roads they have traveled are full of fighting and fighting, made with blood and white bones!

The difference is also obvious, the brother Lu Shaoyou wants to achieve is to be above everything else, supreme!

Lu Shaoyou did it, and he finally succeeded in reaching the top, standing in the highest place in the world, overlooking the world, and sharing the world with three thousand thousand!

Du Shaoqi himself is different. His long-term efforts are mainly for the reunion of his family, the peace of his loved ones, the loyalty of his beloved, the stability of his people, and the stability of the world behind him...

All the effort, all the power, is derived from here!

Compared with the brother Lu Shaoyou, there is no such thing as a high point. It is for the obsession of one's heart, but the difference is different!

"Is this the way I am going out..."

Du Shaoqi suddenly fell into meditation and thought about it.

Muran, he turned around leisurely, slowly stepping in the void, constantly thinking.

Lu Shaoyou, Xiao Long and others did not care for him, let Du Shaoqi walk alone and carry out a profound understanding.

In their gaze, Du Shaoqi went further and further, and soon after, a Mozu who sat in the second strongest saw the purple-robed youth who was fascinated, and immediately rushed forward, and a magic knife fell into disarray. under.

Seeing that Du Shaoqi was about to be slammed by this knife, a purple gold light rushed from him, turning into a fierce and overbearing sword mang, and directly swayed out!

Such a sword mans, terrible, with the power of the horror of the avenue, approaching perfection, in which the yin and yang of the gas rotation, rolling endlessly, will instantly defeat the power of the demon strong!

Afterwards, the swordsman’s potential was not reduced. He was also squatting on the body of the Mozu strongman. He flew it and made his blood in his mouth violent, his eyes panic, his eyes stunned, and he no longer dared to attack Du Shaozhen.

"It's really good!"

In the distance, the emperor of the Emperor Tiankou was amazed and said with emotion.

Including him, Lu Shaoyou, Xiao Long and others were shocked by this scene.

Du Shaozhen is obviously caught in a deep level of understanding, and will have the ability to spontaneously against the enemy. At this time, it is obviously unwise to attack him.

The demon who attacked the attack was also unlucky. The attack failed to perform, but he was hit hard!

"I just want to tell him that if you want to get out of your own way, you need to combine your own characteristics to comprehend! But I didn't expect this kid to figure it out quickly! It seems that he also knows himself very well, very clear that he wants What is it, knowing the ultimate goal of his cultivation!"

Lu Shaoyou’s mouth is slightly tilted, so he said.

Du Shaoqi suddenly began to comprehend and made him very happy.

It’s hard to say your own way, but it’s also very simple; but it’s simple and complicated!

However, with these insights, it is a good opportunity for Du Shaohao to break through.

In the next period of time, in the battlefields of the eighteen layers of hell, many strong people watched under the eyes, you can see the purple robe youth appear in various places, such as the soulless soul, hanging his head Wandering.

At first, many people didn't know what happened to Du Shaoqi, but gradually, people realized that the guy was comprehending something new.

By such an opportunity, many of the strong people of the Mozu have attacked Du Shaoqi.

They all know that the purple robe youth will play an extremely important role in the future battle, so the Mozu cannot easily let him go.

Now that the opportunity is given, how can we not kill it? Once it succeeds, it will cause great damage to the world of thirty-three days and three thousand years. Lu Shaoyou’s plan will also be defeated.

With such a state of mind, there are always people who have been attacked by the Mozu, and it is good to kill Du Shaozhen.

"Never let the Mozu affect the Emperor of Qing Emperor!"

Around, some older generations of the forgotten strong see these scenes, where will make the Mozu's plan come true.

I saw a figure rushing over, centered on Du Shaoqi, and held him in the center.

Du Shaozhen really has the ability to defend the enemy at this time, but he is not afraid of 10,000, but he is afraid of it. If it is self-defeating and broken, it is not a wonderful thing!

Therefore, under the protection of many strong people, there is no longer any people in the Mozu to interfere with the purple robe youth.

He is comprehending what he is, and he is in a state of extreme deepness, which seems to be completely isolated from the outside world.

Under this scenario, Zhu Qiang continued to advance to the higher level of the 18th floor of Hell!

In the other direction, the seal of the Nine Devils, under the control of Lu Shaoyou, followed the advancement of the entire battlefield.

The fate of these nine people is completely in the hands of Lu Shaoyou.

The reason why they do not kill them for the time being is to be reserved for the use of Du Shaoqi in the future!


In the eighteen layers of hell, the terrible stifling is still going on. The thirty-three days and the tens of thousands of thousands of worlds have had strong collisions with the Mozu once and for all.

However, the situation has become increasingly clear, and all the advantages have fallen to thirty-three days and three thousand worlds.

The Mozu is completely being crushed and beaten, and there is no death.

At the same time, there are also a few of the devils who have forgotten to see the machine early, and have already escaped to the depths.

In this regard, no one is going to chase them. Those people will have to face a death sooner or later. It is not much different sooner or later.

At the end of the day, the situation of sitting and forgetting does not play any role at all. The real battle is the contest between the ancestors and the Lu Shaoyou.

The situation has come to this step, it can be said that Lu Shaoyou's arrangement has shown great results.

In addition to the existence of the Devil and the Nine Devils, other levels of repairers will lose their usefulness, and the impact will be reduced to a minimum!

"But time is really not much!"

Outside the battlefields, Lu Shaoyou watched the fierce killing, and he could not help but slowly frown.

Right now, the people have advanced into the tenth layer of hell, and the Mozu has launched a huge defeat, and there is absolutely no ability to form an effective counterattack.

But in his heart, he felt more and more dignified.

Taking a look at the distance, Du Shaoqi still kept walking, never disengaged from the state of comprehension, but for a time did not seem to wake up.

"That kid is comprehending this, it is absolutely impossible to want a success and break through the road! But this is an opportunity to let him plant the 'Tao', just wait for a certain day to sprout and then thrive. !"

Aside, Xiaolong answered, as said.

Lu Shaoyou nodded and heard that he certainly knew how difficult it was to break through the road, and it was impossible to expect Du Shaoqi to do it all at once.

Unfortunately, time is really not much!

Over the years, Lu Shaoyou’s arrangements have been impeccable, but in Du Shaozhen’s body, there are unstable factors.

As the Emperor’s tyrants said earlier, their expectations for Du Shaoqi were too strong, and they almost pinned all hopes on the young man.

But his growth requires a process that cannot be enforced at all.

The ability of the kid has gone far beyond everyone's expectations, but now it seems that it is a small step away from the final goal.

"The minister will be recovering. We should probably interfere with it. I can't let him recover easily!"

Lu Shaoyou looked at the empty space, and seemed to see the barriers of the eighteen layers of Hell's layers of the world. He saw the deepest point and saw the general state of the minister.

The shot to the minister is also a part of his plan, the purpose is to fight for Du Shaoqi.

"We may have already shot it!"

Dong Huang Tai Xuan had some emotions, as if he felt that it would be a bit late to interfere with the magic ancestors.

"It’s not too late to start now. The ancestors just reached the critical period at this time, giving him a blow at this festival, which is more appropriate than ever!”

Lu Shaoyou smiled a little and smiled.

A few people next to me heard that they were picking their eyebrows.

"What are you waiting for, let's go now!"

Xiaolong said that he couldn’t wait.

His scorpion shot a strong light and murdered.

"You are on the battlefield, I will go alone!"

Lu Shaoyou waved his hand and said to a few people around him.

Then he stepped out and was ready to leave and go directly to the 18th floor of Hell.

"Boss, or let's go with you, maybe you can help me!"

Xiaolong quickly passed over and rushed to the ground.

He is somewhat uneasy, and the ancestor is very powerful. Even if he is obstructed by the recovery process, he will be very fierce.

The boss's cultivation is very deep, perhaps not afraid of the ancestors, but for Xiaolong, he still wants to fight alongside him.

"The dragon is right, or let's go with my brother!"

Lu Xinyi also swelled up and out.

"The situation on the entire battlefield is now controllable. Even if we leave, there will be no big mistakes! We will enter the 18th floor **** with you. In the face of the ancestors, we may still give us Provide some insights!"

Yang Guo also opened his mouth and wanted to travel with Lu Shaoyou.

Today, the thirty-three days and the tens of thousands of thousands of world's strong, the momentum is like a rainbow, so that the Mozu has no resistance at all.

Under this circumstance, they have stayed here for a few and a half steps, and they have not played much role. It is better to enter the 18th floor of Hell with Lu Shaoyou and fight against the ancestors.

For a moment, Yang Guo, Xiao Long, Lu Xinwei, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​and Dong Huang Tai Xuan all looked at Lu Shaoyou with an urgent eye, obviously wanting to go.

"Like this, I have a very important task for you!"

Lu Shaoyou thought about it and suddenly took out his long knife blood and handed it to Xiaolong’s hand.

"What is a very important task?"

Xiaolong took it naturally, but frowned.

The rest of the people were also puzzled and looked at him with incomprehensible eyes.

"In ancient times, when the Mozu world was sealed into the 18th floor of Hell, there were 18 places in the road to assist Pangu the Great, and together with the great world! Now the Mozu is in control, can not afford It’s too big a storm! It’s the same time, it’s time for those who are strong to see the sky again!”

Looking at Xiaolong, Emperor Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyu, Lu Shaoyou was just looking at him and said to them seriously.

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