MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2965 : Although 10,000 deaths, it is difficult to eliminate their sins.

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Chapter 2, 956: Although it is waning, it is difficult to eliminate his sin [Big Chapter].

In the mood of the ancestors, hatefulness, but he still held the anger of anger, and did not come out of the place of sitting!

The Nine Devils will have died. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Nothing is more important now than his ability to restore strength!

Once you have fully recovered, you will return to the peak of the peak, and the souls of the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds will be buried for the strong dead of the ancestors!

The whole world will be turned into a magic domain!

"Teacher, let's take a break! Since the ancestors refused to show up, let me go and ask him to come out!"

Lu Shaoyou raised his knife in his hand and looked at the deepest point of the 18th floor of Hell again, speaking to Du Shaoxuan.

"Do not!"

However, Du Shaoqi shook his head and said: "What to rest! In addition to the Nine Devils, there are two great devils, and there is also the old-fashioned old bird! I can perceive that these three are now Hiding in this space! Since the ancestors are not willing to show up, then I will let him become a polished pole!"

He is in a state of arrogance and arrogance, smashing the world, killing the enemy!

East from the red phoenix and Shen Yan two great devils, earlier in the 18th floor of hell, when the brother Lu Shaoyou had just returned, he had already discovered the bad things, and fled into the 18th floor of **** early. Avoid the killing of the thirty-three days and three thousand big world powerhouses!

In addition, the blood ancestors hid after the three demons appeared, and have not appeared in the later wars!

Du Shaozhen killed the Nine Devils, and the three still did not appear!

For the east away from the red phoenix and Shen Yan, Du Shaozhen naturally will not let go, the two as the devil's minions, is the closest to the ancestors, and in addition to the devil and the nine devils, the devil is the most Strong existence!

The blood ancestors were originally a congenital creature in the Pangu world. They are powerful and unmatched, and they are identical to Yuanfeng, but they have reached the other extreme in character, and they are known for their killing!

For the old-fashioned old bird, more than one shot was taken to capture the body of Du Shaozhen, the chaos origin that was left by Da Luo Tian Zun!

Therefore, Du Shaoqi naturally wants to kill and then quickly!

"it is good!"

Listening to Du Shaoqi’s words in his ears, Lu Shaoyou nodded and said: “The ancestors gave me the two great devils and blood ancestors, and you will deal with them!”

After he finished speaking, he took the knife and walked step by step in the void, and went to the depths of the 18th floor of Hell!

On Lu Shaoyou's body, a large number of colorful clouds glowed, and his body was enveloped, making the whole person look a mysterious color!

"Brothers are careful!"

Du Shaoqi nodded solemnly and said.

The ancestors did not know why, for some reason, some beyond the expectations of the brothers, very surprised!

Du Shaozhen is not too reassured, so he will kill three demons, trying to anger the ancestors and make them come to the battle!

But now it seems that the intention of the minister is very firm, and he only wants to restore his strength. For the death of the three great devils, despite his anger, he is still patient!

Du Shaoqi was silently praying in his heart, hoping that there would be no major changes!

He looked at Lu Shaoyou's journey, and the inexhaustible momentum revealed by the brothers was to let Du Shaoqi give birth to some feelings of peace of mind!

He is somewhat unimaginable. Is there really a visionless world in this world, which is stronger than the brothers?

"The strength of the brother is really terrible!"

In Du Shaoying's gaze, he can distinguish some subtle traces around the body of Lu Shao's body. This kind of trace is hard to find. If it is not Du Xiu's cultivation, it is absolutely difficult to perceive it!

He knew that it was the way the brothers walked out of their own way, and they had already carved into the perfect place, which was terrible!

"Our own road is going to a perfection, and it is natural and independent. Let it be independent of the world! Even if this time and space is shattered, the great world will become a dust, and the powerful and powerful people will continue to survive in peace without Influenced by the slightest!"

Du Shao whispered in the mouth, gently said.

Brother Shao Shaoyou has been in the road for many years, and in these years, although he did not break through the final vision of the elephantless, but also steadily marched together, reached this situation, very terrible!

For the strong trackers, the biggest feature is to get rid of the hustle and bustle of the heavens and the earth, to break away from the shackles of the avenue, and to open up the rules and constraints imposed on the body by the philosophers!

If thirty-three days, three thousand big worlds, and the world of the demons collapse completely and cease to exist, then all living beings will be annihilated together and become invisible!

Because their lives are all heavens and earth avenues, the heavens are carried by the law, there are no avenues and rules, where are the souls, where are the things, where are the time and space, the colorful world!

However, for the repair of Lu Shaoyou, it will not be affected by the collapse of the avenue!

He has already surpassed the heavens and the earth, and he has surpassed himself and is above all spirits!

"One day, I will reach that situation!"

Du Shaoqi gently whispered, secretly talking to himself.

He has a heart and a heart, and he has the unshakable belief and will!

However, all this is a matter of the future. The most important thing at the moment is to face the ancestors, together with the brother Lu Shaoyou, to kill this ancient culprits!

"East from the red phoenix, Shen Yan, are you two out, or am I going to find you out?"

Du Shaoqi put away his thoughts and asked.

The vast sound waves spread throughout the sky, resounding through the heavens and the earth, penetrating time and space!

He stood in the same place without rushing to move, but exerted the power of the gods, carefully scrutinizing the subtle movements in this space, trying to find the two away from the red phoenix and Shen Yan, and then kill them!

It was at this time that the figure of the brother Lu Shaoyou had disappeared and entered the depths of the boundless magic, and disappeared!



Then, a burst of knives and a huge shock came from inside!

After repeated collisions, it is obvious that Lu Shaoyou has already handed over with the ancestors!

"Lu Shaoyou, you really don't dare to kill you first!"

The ancestors groaned angrily, and the anger was incomparable!

Lu Shaoyou caused great interference to him, and his recovery process was interrupted!

A layer of terrible air swells up the sky, slamming up, with the horrible chaos of boiling, this space seems to be destroyed!

But it was all isolated in the depths of the eighteen layers of hell, and did not really affect the entire space!

"Finally found!"

Du Shaozhen observed for a long time, and finally at a certain moment, his mouth swayed with a cold smile, only to listen to him: "See where you can hide this time!"

After a rigorous investigation, the two people from the east to the red phoenix and Shen Yan were finally found by him, and they were shaped by his perception!

Where did Du Shaozhen need to think, when he first explored it directly, he turned into a huge dragon claw and scratched the void!

His half-arm was hidden in nothingness, and then, when the arm was withdrawn, the two figures appeared in the palm of your hand!

"East from the red phoenix, Shen Yan!"

Du Shaozhen's eyes flashed with the light of Sen Han, looked coldly, and mentioned the two people in his hand to the side!

These two people are familiar with him. Besides the two great devils, who else?

"Du... Du Shaozhen... You let us go... Devils... Adults won't... will not let you go!"

East from the handsome face of the red phoenix, there has been an extreme horror, sorrowful, scared urine!

He was in the hands of Du Shaoqi, like a chicken, and there was no resistance at all!

"Let you guys?"

Du Shaozhen showed a sneer, looked at the east away from the red phoenix, and ridiculed: "The devil of your family, this time has been self-satisfied, do you still expect him to save you?"

He smiled at Sensen, like a terrible murderer with a bit of cruelty!

"Du Shaohao, it is useless to kill us! As long as the demon ancestors are still there, the demon will eventually break through thirty-three days, and then into the three thousand worlds, everyone can not escape!"

Shen Yan’s expression is no better than that of the East, but he still tried to calm his tone and drank toward Du Shaoyan.

After saying this, he once again screamed, his face was very incomparable, and he repeated: "Everyone can't escape! You are no exception!"

Shen Yan’s face has been twisted to the extreme. He hates Du Shaoyan’s hatred. However, the fate is in the hands of the other side. Besides finding some strength from the words, nothing can be done!

The two great devils were already clear at the moment they were thrown out by Du Shao. The two of them were absolutely unable to escape today, but before they died, they couldn’t help but release some rumors!

"And don't say whether your ancestors can finally survive, even if they can, and have nothing to do with you!"

Du Shaoqi laughed and said yes.

For the East to the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan, Du Shaohao has a murderous heart, and there will be no half pity!

Do not talk about the grievances of the world of Gods. Over the years, the two great devils have wanted to kill him more than once!

In order to be hostile to the Mozu, how could Du Shaoqi put them in a path!

"I don't have much time to talk to you, now I will send you two people to go on the road! There are nine devils will be in front, and you will not feel lonely!"

Du Shaozhen spoke, deliberately magnified the sound, gathered into a bundle, and rushed into the depths of the 18th floor of hell!

He just wants the minister to hear and bet on himself!

After a word, Du Shaoqi was holding the purple gold scorpion in the other hand, suddenly screaming!



Two sounds came out, and the two left from Chihuang and Shenyan suddenly became different!

With Du Shaozhen’s current cultivation, killing these two people is as easy as slaughtering the chicken and killing the dog. Even the gods of the two great devils are directly transformed into the black under the shock of Jianmang!

"The will, then!"

Then, Du Shaoqi gave a light drink. He took advantage of the two bodies of the two devils, and threw them away. They crossed several straight lines and directly broke into the deepest part of the 18th floor of Hell!


The ancestors made a horrible roaring sound, wearing a golden cracked stone!

He finally got angry and shouted in resentment: "Du Shaohao, this ancestor will never let you go!"

However, only when his words had just fallen, Lu Shaoyou’s contempt was ringing: "Do you still want to continue to hide?"

Then, I heard the sound of a fierce knives breaking through the air, killing and smashing, and shaking the earth!

In the eyes of Du Shaoqi, the deepest part of this space, the light rises in the sky, stirring thousands of miles!

This ray of light has a deep and complicated avenue of avenues, with a different charm, and the order of the world's avenues is very different!


Lu Shaoyou and Mozu are in confrontation. Although they can't see the specific situation, from the terrible movement, it is not difficult to judge the intensity of the two!

The entire space is turbulent, and the desire to collapse, and this is still the result of their deliberate control!

It is conceivable that if they let go and fight, I am afraid that it will take a long time, and here will be turned into nothingness, even chaos is difficult to exist!

"There is only the old-fashioned old bird!"

Du Shaozhen’s eyes are swaying, and the power of the gods carefully scouts out and kills them!

The nine great devils and the two great devils died in his hands. Now there are not many strong tops left by the Mozu, but they can pose a certain threat to the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds, except for the ancestors. In addition, that is the ancient murderer blood ancestor!

The old ghost is very, very early into the 18th floor of hell, want to rely on the protection of the ancestors!

Since the blood ancestors came out in the funeral mountain of Yin Yi's immortal days, every subsequent shot has suffered a huge trauma. First, it was smashed by Lu Shaoyou, and then created by Du Shaoyu in the 18th floor of Hell!

However, after so many years, the blood ancestors have also recovered a certain strength, but it is impossible to reach a strong position!

In this regard, Du Shaozhen naturally does not have a little fear!

He closely explored the first corner of the space, trying to find the true body of the bleeding ancestors!

From the point of view of cultivation, the blood ancestors are much stronger than the two big sorcerers. Under the deliberate concealment of the means, Du Shaoqi wants to find it, and it is relatively difficult!

"I would like to see if your furry old bird can shrink to a few hours!"

Du Shaoyan’s eyes were superb and he scanned the place.

From time to time, he raised his broad sword in his hand and collapsed, and collapsed with a place to turn into a chaotic form!

If you want to find out that the blood ancestor will inevitably consume a certain amount of effort, Du Shaoyi will immediately shoot if he finds suspicious things!

Under such circumstances, it was only at a certain moment that Du Shaoqi was throwing out a sword. Before the swordsman fell, he saw a **** figure rising into the sky and quickly fled to the distance!

This figure is the blood ancestor, he was forced out by Du Shaoqi, but once it appeared, it continued to flee, and soon disappeared into the void space!

For this purple robe youth, the blood ancestors have already seen his terrible things in the dark!

The nine great devils will all die in their hands, but it will make his heart cold, and where to dare to face with Du Shaoqi!

"Since it has appeared, can you still run away?"

Du Shaoyan's eyebrows, a smile!

He figured out of the air and dragged the purple gold scorpion, and the nine gods Lei Ding also followed him in the shadow!

Since the blood ancestors revealed traces, it is naturally impossible for the other party to successfully hide it again.

He went straight to a goal, and the gas of killing was floating in the body!


Du Shaoqi’s broad swords are smashed out, and the world is open!


Nine purple Lei Xuan Ding is also a fast cross-cutting, it seems that the nine majestic mountains are moving, crushing the heavens and the earth into a chaotic form!

When this series of attacks fell, they heard a scream of screams, it was from the blood ancestors!

"Human boy, this ancestors fight with you!"

The blood ancestors finally appeared, and the ugly old face was twisted into a whole group. Looking at Du Shaoqi’s eyes, there was a hateful feeling that could not be concealed!

At this time, the blood ancestor, the broken arm has been re-educated and restored to perfection!

The air machine on the body is also restored a lot when it was hit hard!

However, all this is in front of Du Shaozhen, still not enough to see!

In the heart of the blood ancestors, there are also a number of them. Therefore, only in the moment when he appeared, he immediately turned out the body of the **** blood phoenix. The huge blood-colored feather wings spread in the void, directly rushing toward Du Shaoqi. come!


The scarlet light burst, the **** atmosphere filled, the sky was completely filled with **** brilliance, so Du Shaozhen's face was reflected in the blood!

He watched the culmination of the blood ancestors, stood still in the same place, and the broad sword in his hand was holding!

"I am here, but this time, you no longer have the slightest effort to fight back! The source of chaos left by the great Luo Tianzun predecessors is even more insulated from you!"

Du Shaozhen screamed out, and the sword slammed into it!

That sword is like a long sky, through the heavens and the earth, fierce and peerless!

The blood ancestors want to fight hard, right in the middle of Du Shaozhen!


Stunning swordsmanship across the sky, Xun Yue Thunder!

Nine-dimensional Zilei Xuan Ding is also carrying the momentum of Wan Hao, when the head collapses!

In this kind of scene, the body shape of the blood ancestors was surrounded by Jiuding, and all the retreats were sealed!

In the end, the sword mang is directly in the body of the **** blood phoenix, killing it with blood and arrogance, so that the blood ancestors had to rush to retreat!

"Miscellaneous old birds, go to hell!"

Du Shaozheng grew up and heard the sound, like a thunder, it was shocking!

Under his shadow, he appeared in the body of the blood ancestor!

Zijin Tianqiu took off his sword and smashed the body of the **** blood phoenix. The purple robe figure rushed out of the breach!

Behind him, the huge **** blood phoenix body instantly lost its vitality, just like a huge blood cloud suddenly carried the weight of the eternal, falling straight from the high heaven!


The explosion stunned, the body of the blood ancestors lingered on the earth, smashing the whole piece of land, and horrible!

"As a living creature in the Pan Gujie, it helps the abbot, and fights with the Mozu, killing the same family! You are dead 10,000 times, and it is not enough to pay the sins of your sins!"

Du Shaozhen chilled out, almost biting his teeth and talking.

He has a light group in his hand, exuding the temper and killing, and there are still fluctuations in life!

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