MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2968 : gathered in the big Luotian [large

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Chapter 2, 896: Meet the Da Luotian [Big Chapter].

"it is good!"

Xiaolong took the blood and nodded, said to Lu Shaoyou.

"Let's worry about it, let's give it to us!"

Next to it, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyi are also vocal, so that Lu Shaoyou can rest assured.

Then, under the gaze of their eyes, Lu Shaoyou gently reached out and took the light that Du Shaozhen had made to the side.

"Teacher and younger brother, you must hold on! You want to kill the ancestors, you can only rely on you, don't let your brother's efforts for many years be in vain!"

Lu Shaoyou whispered softly, and after the body shape flashed, he disappeared with Du Shaozhen and left.

"Let's go, the rest of the layers of hell, I don't know if I can save some living ancient powerhouses!"

He sent Lu Shaoyou to leave with Du Shaoqi, Xiaolong said.


Immediately, all the rest of the body swept, swiftly swept, and blinked and disappeared.

In the original place, only the broken energy of the whistling dance in the sky is still agitating, breaking into a chaotic space, highlighting the unimaginable battle of the world, the original seventeenth and eighteenth floor hell. They are all destroyed and erased from the world!


Time has passed by, and it’s been a hundred years of time!

In these years, the souls of every world in the thirty-three days are eagerly awaiting, waiting for the innumerable strongmen in the battlefield of the gods, and returning triumphantly!

Everyone has pinned their hopes on Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of 3,000 thousand, and Du Shaozhen, the **** of the Qing dynasty, who hopes that they can completely kill the ancestors and let many souls come down!

Outside the realm of the gods and devils, I don’t know how many souls are assembled, is it not with ardent expectations!

However, only one day, a piece of knife light directly broke the seal of the gods and gods outside the war, Xiaolong, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyi five people, leading many strong people when appearing, many outside The strong are all seen, those people are dignified one by one, but some people have shown a few points of defeat!

"What's wrong with this?"

Outside the gods and gods, Zihong God of the Qing Dynasty will be He Mengchang, Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu Yuankun, Yun Lingshen, Duan Baichuan and others are here, in addition to Yu Yuqian, Du Xiaoba, Du Xiaohuang, Du Xiaolin Ouyang Shuang is also waiting quietly.

When I saw the emergence of Zhu Qiang, these people all felt that a very strange atmosphere was spreading!

"Less, demon, little stars, green..."

Ouyang Shuang glanced at the past, and he saw Du Shaoqi, Du Xiao Yao, Xiao Xing, and Dong Qing Qing Qing from the crowd. He immediately rushed over and asked, "What about Shao Shao?"

Looking at Du Xiaoyao's face and face, Du Shaoqi, Xiaoxing, and Dongqing Qingqing also have a pair of eyes, Ouyang Shuang has a pretty face without any expression!

Just in my heart, it is a hidden ominous premonition!

Intuition tells her that this ominousness is from Du Shaohao!

"Little dragon, Yang Guo, core 彤, less swim? Less 甫?"

Before Saitama seemed to be aware of something in a flash, I couldn’t help but ask.

Thirty-three days and three thousand thousands of thousands of powerful people in the world entered the battlefield of the gods and devils, and Lu Shaoyou placed a horrible seal, which kept them all out, so no one could know the situation inside!

It was only when so many strong people appeared that they did not see the two headed Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaoqi, which is the most unreasonable thing!

The old face of Saitama began to tremble a little, and his lips smacked unconsciously. A pair of old eyes stared at Xiaolong and others, and I was afraid of hearing bad news from their mouths.

"The boss is fine, just ensign him..."

Xiaolong squinted and screamed, but did not finish the words.

"What happened to him?"

Before the jade, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the arm of Xiaolong. His eyes were almost coming out of his eyes and asked loudly.


On the other hand, Ouyang Shuang heard the words of Xiaolong. When he was stunned, he felt that the five thunders were in the top, and the Jiaotuo swayed up. He wanted to fall down and was supported by Du Xiaoba.

"What am I doing with him?"

Du Xiaohuang and Du Xiaolin are also quick to ask, want to hear Xiaolong answer.

"Du Shaozhen was attacked by the ancestors, the situation is not good, Shaoyou has taken him first to leave! This is a bit complicated to say, let's talk while walking!"

After all, Emperor Ba Tian is an old-age figure who has lived for countless years. He has been calmed down a lot, and when he sees the worried expressions of everyone, he can’t help but grab the words and speak out.

He didn't want people to worry too much, but he had to avoid it and did not directly explain Du Shaozhen's situation at this time.

Listening to such words, it really turned out that Ouyang Shuang’s eyes lit up a little.

"Where did he travel with him?"

Before the jade jade again, I was worried about it.

"The ensign is not light, and the boss has three places where he is most likely to go. One is the world of three thousand, the other is the world named Earth, and the third is the world of the gods. But in these three places. Among them, the most likely should be the world of Shenwu!"

Xiaolong looked at the jade, and answered.

He and Lu Shaoyou are the most close relatives of the brothers, and they know each other quite deeply.

To save Du Shaoqi, the 3,000-strong world is a good choice, because it is the rising place of Lu Shaoyou, which can mobilize a huge amount of resources and manpower.

In addition, in the starless sky, the only life in the world, the place called the earth, is inseparable from the Pangu Great God, which may hide the ultimate opportunity to resolve the chaos of Du Shaoying's demon ancestors. The source can play the most effective role.

Moreover, Lu Shaoyou’s own soul is also from that place!

As for the third possible choice, it is the world of Shenwu!

The Shenwu World, also known as Da Luotian, is the world opened up by the ancient Da Luo Tian Zun, and is controlled by Du Shaoqi. The rules and order are all closely related to him!

There, Du Shaoqi is more in line with the nature of the world, and can resonate with everything in the world!

The most important thing is that Du Shaoqi has been hit hard this time. It is not too easy for outsiders to seek treatment. What they really need to rely on is still himself!

For this reason, Xiaolong feels that the Shenwu world will be the most likely choice for the old mainland tour!

"Let's go, go to the world of God!"

When I heard Xiaolong’s words, Daiyu’s decisive action immediately broke out and instantly rushed out!

Behind him, Ouyang Shuang, Du Xiaoba, Du Xiaolin, Du Xiaohuang, Xiaoxing, Du Xiao Yao, Du Shaoqi, Dong Qingqing and others moved with it, and soon went away!

They are not worried, they want to go back to the world of Shenwu to see the specific situation.

"Some of us will go a little later, and the strong men rescued from the 18th floor of Hell will also help them to help them finally stabilize!"

Xiaolong said to the four emperors of Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyi.

In addition to the seventeenth and eighteenth layers of hell, except for the destruction of Lu Shaoyou and the ancestors, the remaining sixteen layers of **** were broken by them one by one!

There are only five people who have been rescued from the ancient times!

This number can not help but make people feel sad, the remaining thirteen strong people, in order to suppress the ancestors and exhausted everything, the most into a loess, death and death!

The five people who survived were not very good. They also consumed the point where they would soon be exhausted, and they needed help from the strong. They hoped to truly regain the world!

Xiaolong’s plan is to treat them. After the situation is stable, they will be sent back to their respective inheritances in thirty-three days, and they will be quietly recuperate!

"Blood scorpion stays here in the town to seal the magical warfare, and keep guards. Once the ancestors have more movements, they will report the first time!"

With a wave of arm, Xiaolong throws the blood in his palm!

The **** golden light rushes up and fills the gap that has just been opened!

With the help of many strong people, Xiaolong, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinqi were all in the air and quickly disappeared into the distance.

On the periphery of the gods and the war, many creatures are left behind!

However, in the current situation, for a moment, it is difficult to start the war again. Naturally, many people have left, healed and injured, waiting for the call in the future.

"The ancestors did not die, and the Emperor Du Shaozhen was smashed by him, and suffered heavy losses. Life and death are unpredictable!"

It didn't take long for this to disappear, like a storm, sweeping through every world for thirty-three days, known to all living beings.

After the return of many souls in the Battle of Gods and Devils, everyone gradually understood what happened in these years.

"It is a pity that the arrangement of Lu Shaoyou, the owner of the 3,000-year-old world, has finally appeared such a variable. It is really hateful!"

"The Mozu is an ancient demon. It has more than ordinary means. It is also reasonable. It is strange to blame the world today. There is no one in the world of thirty-three days and three thousand thousand worlds to stand up!"

"It is said that I want to kill the ancestors, and it is the most important thing to clear the Emperor Du Shaozhen! He was traumatized this time, and he did not know that he could survive!"

"I hope he can do it. The guy has created a lot of miracles. I hope that after this time, it will bring a huge shock and surprise to the world!"

"There are countless strong people in the Mozu are killed, and thirty-three days and three thousand big world powers, did not suffer too much loss, this is also a good news!"

“Yes, this is really something that makes people feel so happy!”

"In addition, there are 18 emperors in ancient times who have sealed 18 layers of hell. Today, there are still five people still alive and rescued by the Dragon God and others!"


Various discussions were spread everywhere in thirty-three days.

All the creatures are shocked by the power of the Mozu. The situation in the 18-story **** is changing. When they hear it, it is not full of unimaginable thrills!

Fortunately, in the end, all the strong people of the Mozu were killed. The Qing Emperor Du Shaoqi killed one of the nine great devils, the two great devils, the blood ancestors and so on. Can!

While the people are marveling at him, there are also many sighs of sigh.

The young man who surpassed the tyrannical, even under the raid of the ancestors, was hit hard, life and death is unpredictable!

The power displayed by the ancestors greatly exceeds the estimate of Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of three thousand, and many people can see that there are still some huge secrets hidden in this, fearing that the Mozu will still have a chance to make a comeback!

The ancestors are not dead, the only person who can kill him is actually badly wounded. This is a huge bad news!

The heavy meaning of the thirty-three days of the soul of the soul, with the end of the long-lasting war, not only did not weaken, but more strengthened a few points!

Everyone is looking forward to it, hoping that the Emperor Du Shaoyan can wake up and fight alongside Lu Shaoyou to completely kill the ancestors!

In addition to these bad news, the five ancient power-bearers were rescued, but it was the most delightful thing!

Only most of the creatures can't know, and the five forces are the five forces!

"The Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Du Shaoqi came from the world of Shenwu. It is a very special existence. It should have been the same as the Pangu world, the Mozu world, and the Three Thousand Worlds. It was caused by the relationship between the ancient Mozu and the killing of the ancient Mozu. The world's founder, Da Luo Tian Zun, was disturbed, and then joined the Pangu Great God to suppress the ancestors together!"

About the world of the gods and things, it was spread in thirty-three days.

The people are not surprised at the specialness of that world, and they are extremely lamented.

This is not because of the ancient magic war, today's Shenwu world, it is also Luo Luotian, how strong it is!

"Ming Qing Shenguo Emperor, Shenwu World Dapeng Emperor, Du Shaoqi so heroic, fighting for the 33rd day of life and spirit, but also set up a heroic battle! No matter what the reason, we all have to visit Rest assured!"

Some of the older generation’s strong people made the decision!

"Of course!"

Such a decision has been recognized by countless people.

And people with the same ideas are really too much!

"Take out the roots of the Wanshiling in the family, and the ancestors will go to the Shenwu world to visit the Emperor!"

"This Huangquan blood bamboo has been growing in my mountain gate for many years, and it is time to cut it today!"

"The remnant of the ruins, which is my most cherished thing, has gained endless benefits from it in countless years. However, it is still impossible to fully understand its mystery! It is better to bring it to Da Luotian, or to help the great Penghuang!"


Soon, the whole thirty-three days of life again, especially those big forces, large ethnic heritage, many strong people out!

Everyone's goal is the same, that is to face the world of God!

Thousands of years ago, when the world of Shenwu was completely exposed to the sight of thirty-three days, it also caused a huge sensation.

At that time, many forces were holding their coveted thoughts and wanted to benefit from it. However, under the suppression of the Dean of Tianwu College to the Holy Emperor, there was no big storm!

But this time it is totally different. Countless people have deep expectations, in addition to the meaning of a few pilgrimages, and bring countless treasures!

For the younger brothers of the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor of the Great Luo Tian, ​​the Emperor of the Three Thousands of Worlds, and the younger brother of Lu Shaoyou, even in the weekdays, the general treasures are naturally invisible, not to mention the fact that he is not good at this time. For thirteen days, countless forces have made a living, and they all want to do their part to help him recover!

Therefore, the treasures that all people bring, there is no such thing, they are unique in the world!

Their minds are very simple, even if they can play a little help to Du Shaoqi, it must be a matter of relief!

The ancestors are not dead. For the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds, it is like a knife hanging over the head, and I don’t know when it will finally fall!

As long as Du Shaoqi can survive, it will become the edge of the top of the ancestors, the most powerful threat to it!

In other words, the final hope of the thirty-three days of life is still pinned on Du Shaoqi, how can it feel the slightest pain for the consumption of some treasures!


Throughout the thirty-three days, many of the forces in the great forces are moving, and all the figures are rushing outside the world, aiming at the big Luotian.

In addition, many of the strongmen who came out of the world of Shenwu, such as Fu Yibai, the old madman, and so on, are also the ones!

The ancient ancestor of the ancient tribe of the Terran and the Bifang gods who stayed in the Qing Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, accompanied by Dongxian’s Dai Xingyu, Qinglan Xiaoqing, and the North Palace Yingruo, Beigong, and Beigong Tianzhu, Beigong Changqing, and many powerful people from the three thousand worlds are also heading toward Da Luotian!

Among the boundless worlds, the mighty crowds are fast, such as the bee homing, heading for the direction of the gods.

The speed of these people has been applied to the extreme, very fast, many of them are led by the forgotten ancestors, and it has not been a long time to fall into the world of Shenwu!

"Booming and banging..."

A statue of a savage figure pierced the void, and the vastness of the atmosphere swayed, causing the entire Shenwu world to vibrate!

And this is still the result of their deliberate suppression!

Otherwise, so many strong people are entangled in the air, fearing that it will set off a storm, causing the earth to crack, the sky to be broken, the mountains and rivers to be destroyed!

"Shenwu World...Da Luotian..."

Most people come to this place for the first time, and as soon as they arrive, they perceive the aura of boundlessness and the complicated rules of order!

This side of the world, its degree of prosperity, has more than thirty-three days in any of the world!

And it is these loyal Dapeng Emperor Du Shaohao who brought this kind of change!

"Du Shaohao is the king of the country, I will be able to see him when I find the place where the wasteland is located!"

Some powerful people used the power of the gods to start to spy. Without a long time, they found out the direction of the wilderness.

Then, a large number of figure movements again, all flocked to the country!

But at the same time as the action, everyone has converged on their own air, and did not make a big fanfare, all of them are suppressing themselves and acting as low-key as possible!

Du Shaoqi was brought here by Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of three thousand, and in his current state, no one dares to sway too much. If it causes disturbance, it will produce bad results, fearing that it will become the enemy of all living beings!

Read The Duke's Passion