MTL - Martial God Conqueror-~ Two extra

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"Where did we talk last time?"

Seeing a group of little guys sitting in front of the row, with a baby, eyes glanced at themselves, full of expectations, the doctor gently said this sentence.

"Grandpa, the last time you talked about the change on the ancient wilderness, the beasts and the Terran temples there were rebellious, and then I was forced to settle!"

The oldest boy, who looked like the oldest, raised his hand and said excitedly, his eyes with an excited look.

Next to it, the other dozens of other little guys heard the words, all like the chicken glutinous rice, nodding nodded.

The doctor has told them a lot about the story of Du Shaoqi, and the deeds on the ancient mainland have also said a lot.

When these gangsters heard the terror war, they often tightened their fists one by one, especially when they were strong, especially at that time, the Tianyan phoenix family, the eight wild demon dragon family, and the ancient 澜 澜 eagle family. There is also the strength of the Terran Yu family, which is a great challenge for Du Shaoqi.

So even if you are listening to a story, a small group of people will feel extremely dangerous.

At the same time, however, when the doctors are telling these stories, they are mainly focused on interesting interesting things, such as the ridiculous Beast Food Festival. He prefers to talk about Du Shaoqi’s misfortunes. Those terrible killing scenes, although intense, are not bloody.

"Well, my grandfather knows!"

The doctor nodded and smiled and nodded.

His pair of scorpions gently picked up and felt infinite.

As for Du Shaoxuan's deeds, he has heard more from other people, but as long as he grasps the character of the kid and knows the generality of a thing, he can imagine how he really did.

Quietly pondering, the doctor has no time to think about what kind of story to tell these children today.

He does not intend to infuse these children with too much fighting and stifling. He still wants them to listen to some interesting content, so it is also very selective when telling stories.

After thinking about it for a while, the doctor suddenly frowned and froze, and asked a group of children: "Do you want to change your personal name to your grandfather today?"

He suddenly thought of some people, and he couldn’t stop giving birth to incitement. Even if tens of thousands of years passed by, but once he remembered, he was still **** and full of tears!

"Medical grandfather, who do you want to change?" a little guy asked crisply.

"An old man called the eagle of the fire, there is also a young man named Lei Tianwei! They are the heroes of all the creatures in our entire world, and the pride of our eternal life!"

The doctor's lifeless expression seems to be a bit serious, so to speak.

"Is the two highest cards in the ancestral temple?" Another little guy answered.

"Not bad!" The doctor nodded his head and said affirmatively.

The plaques of the fire ancestors and the thunderstorms were enshrined in the ancestral temples of the ruins and were the highest positions.

The Aboriginal Zongmiao Temple is different from the Du Jiazu Temple. The cards placed there are the strong ones who have made outstanding contributions to the country.

"I used to ask you and the little demon, but they said that when I grow up, I will know it slowly!"

Another child is opening, as said.

Such words, even more so that the other little guys present were interested in the fire ancestor and the thunder.

They are not willing to mention them easily, and they certainly bring up the curiosity of many little guys.

"Doctor grandpa, let's talk about it!"

"Grandpa is talking quickly, I want to know the story of these two great heroes!"

Suddenly, a little guy began to urge the doctor to die, want to listen to him.

Seeing such a scene, the doctor's attitude is suddenly easier.

He didn't think that these things couldn't be told to the little guys on the opposite side. What's more, they didn't have a little interest in it.

The reason why Du Shaoqi and Du Xiaoyao are not willing to mention, more presumably because of the grief in the heart, even if the tens of thousands of years have not been able to wash it!

"Good! Grandpa will come to give you a good talk today!"

The doctor died and returned to his reclining chair and leaned down.

His gaze began to slowly become hollow, slowly becoming secluded, and the muttering words slowly uttered from his lips: "When I first saw the fire ancestor..."

The doctor said slowly, this time is very different from the past, because he did not blink and make the storytelling atmosphere cheerful and interesting. Instead, the whole person leaned on the lounge chair and brewed something bit by bit. mood.

A dozen little guys, one by one, hold the gang and listen carefully.

With the telling of the grandfather, the image of the two main characters began to be active in their minds, just like seeing them.

For the old and unrespected fire ancestor, he often plays the role of a pinnacle at a critical moment. His existence has shocked many powerful enemies for the ruined country!

The thick thunder and the wild, it seems that humans and animals are harmless, but in fact the strength is very strong!

Especially the image of the fire ancestor, let the little guys sway, and the mismatch between Du Shaozhen and Du Xiaoyao, each can make others happy.

The doctor did not speak fast, but the time passed quickly. The sky gradually darkened, but the little guy didn't mean to leave.

They listened quietly, often laughing, being amused again and again; occasionally they made some exclamations and whispered for all kinds of thrilling things.

As the doctors told me, the atmosphere began to look a bit dull.

One thing continues to accumulate with the story, like a pile of boulder piled up in the heart of the person, when people react, they feel that it is difficult to breathe.

"After the order of the nine, the younger brother suffered the horror blow of the demon, almost fallen, but he finally succumbed to the powerful and immortal mysterious body! And at this time, the long-lost fire ancestor, Suddenly came back! And at the same time, he also brought back 18 Ling Lei!"

The old man’s eyes were full of brilliance, and if he returned to the turmoil of the year, he watched the fire ancestor bring back the 18-way Ling Lei and handed it to Du Shaozhen.

At this time, a group of small children also traveled to the sky, just like immersive, staring at the occurrence of this war in the attitude of a third party.

Later, when I heard that Raytheon was returning again and brought back all the remaining mines, everyone was nervous and the light in the curtains surged.

"Can the old man combine all the thirty-six spiritual mines to defeat the devil?"

Someone whispered, and asked.

The doctor did not care about such a question, and he said: "After the integration of all the mines, the ensign has not reached the expected state, which makes everyone very confused! At this time, the fire ancestors suddenly 嘶It’s like laughing, it’s like crazy...”

"It turns out that the spiritual mines of Taikoo Heaven are not only thirty-six, but thirty-seven, which is thunder! In addition, the life of the fire ancestor is also differentiated by a certain spiritual mine... ”

"So, they eventually disintegrated themselves, turned into the purest power of lightning law, burst into the most dazzling light, entered the body of the younger brother, and supplemented the law of lightning for him to surpass the heavenly, and Devils fight..."

Speaking of this, the doctor has no feeling that he has some moist eyes in his eyes, and can't help but want to roll out the crystal tears.

In the dark night, a little guy sat in front of the recliner. At this time, it was already full of red eyes, and the teardrops fell down in a string.

The death of the fire ancestors and the thunderstorms also impressed their young hearts and made them feel moved and sad.

However, none of these little guys cried out, all of them were strong teeth and small fists.

The doctor suddenly had a sore throat and couldn’t speak, and did not continue to tell the story.

"Doctor old!"

At this moment, a figure emerged from the darkness out of thin air and stood before the people.


A group of little guys saw people coming, suddenly rubbed their eyes with their sleeves and shouted.

The person who appeared this is Dapeng Emperor Du Shaoqi.

Today, he is no longer wearing the purple robes he used to use, but a clean white shirt cover, it is very quiet!

"You guys, don't go back so late, be careful of your mother's ass!"

Du Shaoqi turned his head and crouched down and touched the heads of these little guys.

Such words, scared these little-necked children to shrink their necks, and refused to worry about the story told by the grandfather, and suddenly rushed out to the courtyard.

"Hey, I will go back first!"

"I am leaving, my grandfather will see you again!"

At this time, the most important thing is to keep your own ass.

If the old man suddenly noticed, they still didn't realize that the weather was already late.

If you don't go home again, the appointment is to be spanked.


Looking at more than a dozen young figures, like leaving the place, the old doctors put away the previous sadness, and the eyes became gratified.

"Doctors, grandpa, drink a few cups!"

Du Shaoqi walked to the hard stone table at the corner of the courtyard. With a wave of his hand, the table was full of sprinkling jars.

"it is good!"

The doctor was indifferent and promised to go to the table and sit down.

The two did not grind, and they started drinking when they picked up the wine bowl.

In fact, Du Shaozhen has been paying attention to the situation here. The story told by the old doctor is also heard in his ear.

The past deeds of the fire ancestor and the thunder and the wild, the Du Shaozhen also began to become a pain.

For example, when Jingping is down today, the world is prosperous, and countless souls live comfortably in this world, all these are the contributions of the heroes who died in the robbery.

Read The Duke's Passion