MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 2769 Demon Might

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"Hmm, seeing the Devil promoted, dare to come and jump in front of me!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's face flashed coldly: "Since this is the case, I just send you back!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng waved his hand.

Om ~~~

Suddenly got in touch with the Demon Slayer.

The dragon reached the sky in a volley like a dragon, and slashed down towards the flying black old man.

"No, this knife is terrible!"

Black Lao in the flight, originally full of joy.

But with the slashing sword, his face suddenly changed.

He felt a deep breath of death. Once the slashing sword fell on him, he would surely die!

Therefore, the greed in my heart suddenly disappeared, and I hurriedly changed the flying direction, and wanted to fly away.

It is a pity that the Devil Sword is too scary.

It was cut with a single knife, and it seemed that even the starry sky was cut, and in a short time, Hei Lao approached.

"Power of detachment, fusion!"

At that moment, the black old face was all green.

Hastened to merge the eight pseudo-absolute forces together, forming a huge shield, and ran in front of himself.

This shield is very sturdy, and its power is fully comparable to first-class detachment power.

However, as the Devil Sword fell on the shield.

噗嗤 ~~~

The shield was just like a piece of paper and was easily cut off.

"What ... is this knife sharp enough to reach a second-class detachment?"

Suddenly, Heilao's face turned pale.

He wanted to use his means and continued to block, but found that there was no other means.

As Mori's blade fell, it stabbed ~~~

Hei Lao was directly chopped off.

Originally, such powerful people as Hei Lao had very strong vitality.

As long as a drop of blood is saved, it can be reborn and returned to its peak.

For example, Nalan Long Life is a living example.

However, after Hei Lao's body was cut off, its vitality was destroyed by an inexplicable force.

The loss of activity severed the hope of rebirth.

Not only that, even the spirits were completely destroyed.

Hei Lao, a magical giant with countless years in the sky, has since become a past tense!

"Hoo ~~~"

Thousands of miles away, Cheng Feng opened his three-eyed Tianshen pupil to watch.

Heihe found that he was completely dead, and could not help but spit a long breath: "This time, the demon is really too powerful!"

"With him in hand, why am I afraid of half-step detachment?"

"I'm afraid the detached giant will not come out, I will be invincible!"

The power of the Devil Sword gave Cheng Feng a look of heaven and earth.

Of course, Cheng Feng now has this confidence.

A slashing sword is comparable to a true first-class detached powerhouse.

What's more, he himself has three kinds of detached forces.

In addition, he also held a Celestial Sword.

The Celestial Sword is not only a symbol of the Lord of the Celestial Palace, but also a top weapon.

Makino World and others, who dared to leave Tenjin Temple in peace, rushed to the demon battlefield.

The Celestial Sword played a vital role.

Fenglifeng didn't know this yet, and threw the heavenly sword into the soul ring, so far he hasn't paid attention to it.

"I used to have four and a half step detached monsters to kill me."

"Where Ye Wuying is dead, at this moment Hei Lao was also beheaded by me.

Solving the black old, Cheng Feng waved back to recall the Devil Sword.

I saw that the blade of the Demon Sword changed again, and the last runes appeared.

Make the Devil Sword look more like a magic dragon.

Cheng Feng didn't care, while whispering the blade of the slayer, whispered: "Next, it's time to solve the other two."

The words stopped, Cheng Feng was intent.

After confirming the escape position of the third half-step surrendered demon head, he sent a message to the two women, Le Qingying, and then disappeared.

Half an hour later, Cheng Feng appeared outside a black planet.

This black planet was not originally black.

It was only after being soaked with a lot of magic qi that it became like this.

Then he was captured by a demon power, slaughtered all the creatures on the planet, and built a magic nest.

"Did a planet sacrifice become a fortress of defense?"

Beyond the planet, Cheng Feng opened his three-eyed Tianshen pupil to observe, and found that the black planet had been trained into a steel fortress.

As solid as gold soup, water can't spill!

But compared to the black old magic air continent, it is a little worse.

Since Cheng Feng can destroy the magic air continent, it is natural to destroy this black planet.

"Slayer, it's time for a big meal."

Cheng Feng will cut the demon sword and pull it out from the scabbard of the Buddha.

Whisper and throw it out.

Roar! !!

The Devil Sword saw the wind rise, and instantly turned into a black sword dragon.

Stabbing ~~~

Like cutting tofu, it easily broke the defense of the black planet and sank into the inside of the planet.

"What? How did that knife become so scary?"

On the black planet, a magical powerhouse was shocked.

He had fought with Cheng Feng before and had already seen the power of the Devil Sword.

Although very unusual, it is not so abnormal! "

But at this moment, what did he see ...


Just when he was in shock, the Devil Slayer had penetrated the core of the black planet.

Then like a giant whale sucking water, the essence of the black planet was sucked into the body crazy.

Outside, the picture is a bit scary.

Originally the entire planet was as dark as ink, and the surrounding magic tumbled, turning all kinds of monsters and monsters into horrible extremes.

But at this moment, the black gas on that planet suddenly shrank.

Instantly, the black on the black planet disappeared, exposing mountains and rivers, flowers and trees above the planet.

However, these things that were originally full of vitality were withered.

After waiting for a few minutes, the demon mighty man reacted and his whole body shocked.

嘭 ~~~

It turned out that the entire planet exploded directly.

Turned into the dust of the sky, revealing the dazzling blade of the Devil Sword.

"Escape, run away!"

Originally, this magic Tao strongman also wanted to use the defense of the black planet to resist Cheng Feng's beheading.

But at this moment, the last trace of luck in his heart disappeared.

Dare not to delay in the slightest, and exerted his strongest means of escape, he began to flee.

But, would Cheng Feng give him a chance?

Moreover, without Cheng Feng's hands, the cutting magic sword has realized Cheng Feng's intentions.

While digesting the original power of the black planet, it flew into the sky.

Do not! !!

The fugitive Demon Power had no time to utter a dareless roar.

Stabbing ~~~

The whole person was chopped into powder by the Devil Sword.

And, because the Devil Sword contains the power of annihilation.

After the demon power was killed, all vitality was cut off and he could not be resurrected.

In this way, the third Mighty Demon Strong fell into the hands of Cheng Feng!

"Next, there is one last."

Watching the fall of the Demon Strong, a smile appeared on the corner of Cheng Feng's mouth. As the words fell, Cheng Feng's rules of space suddenly disappeared.