MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 2774 Tenjin Sword Power

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"Cheng Feng, you better stay Tielin Zhongyuan."

Qian Laoyou fearlessly said: "Otherwise, I guarantee that Yu Huafeng will do something after catching your two little girlfriends!"

"Old thing, you're looking for death!"

Threatened by Qian Lao, Cheng Feng's heart was tense.

You know, the reason why Cheng Feng worked hard in this life to keep himself strong.

This is to protect your loved ones from threats and disasters.

However, now that he is so powerful, he is still threatened by someone who has caught his favorite.

This directly ignited Cheng Feng's anger, and moved a strong killing of Qian Lao.

"Hehe ~~~"

However, Qian Lao was at ease: "My husband has been dead for tens of thousands of years and still lives well."

"It's your two little girlfriends who look beautiful, but don't be spoiled by Yu Huafeng!"

"Yu Huafeng has many bad habits ..."


Cheng Feng cursed, forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart.

Immediately running the law of space, the Iron Forest Central Plains was dropped into another space.

It is difficult to break away with the suppression of Yinyang and Cishan.

Then raised his hand to recall all the dragon lice, 唰 ~~~

Run the law of space and fly toward Wang gently and in their direction.

"Cheng Feng, since it's all here, leave it to the old man!"

However, Qian Lao did not want Cheng Feng to leave.

I saw him stretch out his withered hands and poke continuously towards Cheng Feng.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

A series of sharp fingers covered Cheng Feng's whole body.

Forcing Cheng Feng to escape from the space shuttle to resist.

"This old thing is very strong."

Cheng Feng raised his knife and slashed, smashing dozens of fingers.

But with each hit, Cheng Feng's body trembled, and his knife-gripping hand was a little numb!

This is still sharp enough to cut the demon sword, if you change to other weapons, I am afraid that it has already been broken!

"Space techniques, transposition!"

After blocking Qian Lao's many fingers, Cheng Feng forced his space skills.

He must get rid of Qian Lao to rescue the two light women.

If you let the two women fall into the hands of Yu Huafeng, he will be held by the life gate and the other side will lead by his nose.

The main point is that the two women may be greatly injured.

This is Cheng Feng, absolutely not allowed!

"A space technique?"

Qian Lao raised a brow, his eyes suddenly brightened.

The next moment, actually saw through the shuttle route of Cheng Feng, raised his hand and pointed.

However, at this time, Cheng Feng once again performed the shifting transposition, forcibly changing the route of the body shuttle.

Subsequently, Qian's finger attack failed.

In an instant, Cheng Feng had disappeared without a trace.

"Good boy, it's decisive!"

Cheng Feng escaped from under his eyelids, which made Qian Lao's face sink.

At the same time, he paid more attention to Cheng Feng: "However, Yu Huafeng has caught up with your two little girlfriends."

"With the strength of Huafeng, it should be easy to win it."

"So you can't escape the palm of the old man after all."

When speaking, the old voice of Qian gave to Yu Huafeng, allowing him to seize the two daughters of Le Qingying as soon as possible.

At the same time, be prepared to be attacked by Cheng Feng.

As for himself, he is sitting in the second sacred place of magic road, waiting for Hua Feng to return.

But he waited, but waited for something wrong.

After several hours, Yu Huafeng failed to capture the two women.

Even Qian Laozhuan asked about the situation, but he did not respond at all.

It seemed that Hua Feng had been killed by Cheng Feng, leaving Qian Lao's heart covered with haze.


In the holy place, Qian Lao pondered: "Although Yu Huafeng is not good at fighting, he is not weak."

"It is slightly better than Tielin Zhongyuan, and it is also insidious."

"If he wins Cheng Feng's two little girlfriends, will Cheng Feng have a chance to come back?"

"Unless, he was planted directly in the hands of Cheng Feng's two little girlfriends ..."

Qian Lao's analysis is very accurate.

That Yu Huafeng was indeed planted in the hands of Le Qingying's two women.

The reason for this is because Le Qingying's two women are holding Celestial Swords.

Previously, Cheng Feng handed over the Celestial Sword to Le Qingying for safekeeping.

This is just an insurance arrangement. Unexpectedly, it has played a huge role.

When Hua Feng caught up with the two women, they did not pay attention to the two women and played a cat-and-mouse game.

As a result, Le Qingyue hits the right opportunity, activating the power of the Celestial Sword.

One hit Yu Huafeng's key, let him die on the spot.

When Cheng Feng arrived at the scene, the sky was filled with thunder, and the sound of sky cry filled his ears, which made him stunned.

It was only after seeing that Le Qingying and the two women were in peace.

The tense nerves relaxed.

"Cheng Feng, we almost couldn't see you."

"Yeah, it was scary just now!"

Seeing Cheng Feng, Le Qingying's two women rushed over.

The pressure that Yu Huafeng brought on them was too great.

Even if he killed it with the sword of heaven, it was terrified.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Cheng Feng stunned the two women: "I will stay by your side in the future and never let anyone hurt you half of my hair!"

It took a lot of effort for Cheng Feng to soothe Yue Qingying's two women.

Then asked about the cause of Yu Huafeng's death.

When I learned that Yu Huafeng was killed by the stroke of the Heavenly Sword, Cheng Feng was also shocked.

He took a look at the Celestial Sword and found that there was nothing special about the Celestial Sword.

In the end, he opened three eyes of Tianshen pupils to take a closer look, only to see vaguely that there was an overwhelming power sealed in the sword of Tianshen.

That power is terrifying. Once unsealed, it feels like it can destroy the entire universe!

"This sword ... is a bit scary!"

Cheng Feng couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning: "In the rumor, there are three supreme weapons in Tenjin, and Tenjin is one of them."

"Previously thought that the supreme weapon was nothing, now it seems that I am very wrong and very wrong!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng handed the Celestial Sword to Le Qingying and let her keep it.

Once in danger, the two girls can protect themselves even if he is not around.

"Peak, shall we return to Tenjin?"

Le Qingying caught the Celestial Sword and asked immediately.

"of course not."

In Cheng Feng's eyes, there was a killer: "Before returning, at least the second holy land of the magical road will be destroyed!"

This time, the light and light two women were in distress, which made Cheng Feng's killing of the second holy land of the magic road reach an unprecedented level.

If you don't destroy it, you will be very upset.

What's more, the three giants in the second holy land of Modao have been killed by two.

Kill it back at this time, it can definitely uproot it! Qian old man's head, he wants to order!

Read The Duke's Passion