MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 2794 Buddha

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Cheng Feng gritted his teeth: "Once I leave Tianshendongtian, the magical invasion will fully erupt, causing me to go into magic!"

Tenjin Cave is one of the three treasures of Tenjin.

Cultivation in the cave sky can not only make a thousand miles a day, but also suppress the magic.

Cheng Feng stayed in Tianshendongtian, and the demonization of his body was slowed to the extreme.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it has already turned into a demon!

However, let Cheng Feng be trapped in Tianshendong sky, but he was unwilling.

I saw him pull out the **** sword, alas ~~~

Pierce into the blood veins.

I want to imitate the previous method and suppress the magic with the power of the heavenly sword.

However, his blood veins and acupoints seem to be activated, and the magic has skyrocketed to a scary level.

The Tenjin sword stabbed in, and immediately trembled violently.

Even more strands of black gas ran down the sword's edge into the heavenly sword.

Want to pollute Tenjin, assimilate it into a magic soldier!

"What? Can't even the Heavenly Sword suppress the magic in Feng's body?"

Seeing this, Wang Qingrou's two women turned pale.

They thought just now that Cheng Feng had refined the magic in his body, and he had recovered as before.

Now it seems that it is almost ten thousand miles away!

"So pure magic ..."

Not only are the two daughters of Yue Qingying, but Qian Zhongsheng, who lives in the slayer, is also shocked.

He is a demon giant who has seen all kinds of magic.

Even, I have received a true demon initiation.

But even the magic power of the true demon is far from the pure power of Cheng Feng's blood veins.

Compared with Cheng Feng, that true demon is like a little martial artist who just practiced magic skills.

"What's going on, what's going on?"

Qian Zhongsheng didn't know why: "Will Cheng Feng be a peerless real demon in human skin?"

"If so, wouldn't it be if I had taken him away ..."

Qian Zhongsheng's thoughts turned sharply, and his malicious intent on Cheng Feng increased.

As for Cheng Feng, he frowned.

He looked at the tremor as if he had met a deadly natural enemy, the Sword of Heaven.

He sighed and pulled it out.

Even after seeing Xuan, there is a lot of black gas on the Tenjin sword.

These black qi are very viscous, the general magic qi sticks to the Tenjin sword, and is directly shattered by the Tenjin sword.

But these magical spirits are not afraid of the Heavenly Sword at all, and they have to drill into the blade of the Heavenly Sword.

It wasn't until the magical power of Tianshen Sword erupted that he expelled the black gas, and then re-drilled into Cheng Feng's blood veins.

"Really, it's tricky!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow condensed.

He found that the problem of his demonization was far more serious than he had thought about.

At this moment, he seems to be trapped in the heavenly cave.

Once you leave, you will go into trouble!

"Master, I found some Buddhist scriptures for you."

At this moment, the elder veteran of Tenjin Temple came over with a few books: "I was in the world of Buddha when I was young."

"The Buddha powers of the Buddha World can transform the true demon with the Buddha's law."

"Perhaps you can cut into the Dharma and try to suppress the demon in your heart!"

"Dharma? Buddha?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng frowned.

The veteran's suggestion was somewhat feasible.

The Devil Sword, as the demon's supreme weapon, can also kill the magic of the scabbard.

If Cheng Feng can practice a dharma, he may be able to reduce the magic in his body.

"Elder, I'm afraid it will take a long time to practice Buddha!"

Cheng Feng mused: "Now, my Zhengdao camp has been trampled by the Modao Alliance, and I don't have so much time to practice Buddha!

"Palace Lord, cultivation of Buddha focuses on understanding."

The elder laughed: "People with Buddha nature can become Buddhas overnight."

"A person without wisdom roots is useless for ten thousand years of hard work!"

"These Buddhist scriptures are Buddhist classics, and the palace master can study one or two."

"Do you have the wisdom of Buddhism? You can see it after reading it."

"What if I have no Huigen?" Cheng Feng asked.

"It's okay without Huigen."

The veteran said: "I heard a Buddhist friend say that the relic of the Buddhist ancestor can open his eyes and plant his roots!

"I'll ask my friends for help later, and find some relics for the ancestors of the palace."

"If you don't have Huigen, then you can grow Huigen from the relics of Buddha's ancestors!"

"Open eyes, Zhong Huigen?"

Cheng Feng nodded and bowed to the elder: "Elder, everything is up to you."

"It's not just the relic, it's the entire Tenjin Temple, it's the entire eighth galaxy!"

Originally, Cheng Feng was the person in Makino World, who designated to guard the Tenjin Temple.

But he is stuck here now and can't leave half a step.

Therefore, this burden can only be passed on to the elders.

"The palace lord rest assured that as long as the old day goes by, my Tenjin Temple will not fall."

The veteran Su cried, "What's more, I am more than an old guy in Tenjin!"

"Who dares to commit a crime, let him come back!"

After speaking, the veteran handed the Buddhist scriptures to Cheng Feng, and then left.

Cheng Feng took the Buddhist scripture, but felt heavy.

Secretly decided in my heart, we must get to know the Dharma as soon as possible and reduce the magic in my heart.

Then defeat the demon master, leveling out the demons in the entire eighth galaxy!

"Cheng Feng!"


Le Qingying's two women looked towards Cheng Feng.

"I'm fine."

Cheng Feng smiled slightly: "You pay more attention to the situation outside, what happened, remember to tell me in time."


The two women nodded.

As for Cheng Feng, holding seven or eight Buddhist sutras, he came to the center of Tianshen Cave and began to read it carefully.

Time passed and half a month passed.

During this period, Cheng Feng has been reading Buddhist scriptures.

A total of eight Buddhist sutras have been turned over by him, and they can even be reversed.

However, the so-called epiphany shows no sign of coming.

At the beginning, Cheng Feng was still a little eager and tried his best to trigger epiphany.

But gradually, Cheng Feng calmed down.

Because Epiphany pays attention to fate law, perhaps the more he asks, the less he will get.

Let it be, but there will be unexpected gains.

This is another half month, and Cheng Feng often meditates on the Buddhist scriptures.

Suddenly one day, the Buddhist scriptures he read changed.

The words spit out of his mouth seemed to slowly turn into Buddhist scriptures, floating one by one next to him.

After the completion of a Buddhist scripture, those Buddhist texts form a page by page of Buddhist scriptures, emitting a touch of Buddhist light!

When these Buddha lights fell on Cheng Feng's body, the magic lines on Cheng Feng's skin faded slightly.

Moreover, the scabbard of the Buddha's wood also resonated, and it also gave off the light of the Buddha.

Buddha wood scabbard, rumored to be a dead branch of the sacred tree of the Buddhist gate, is rumored to be a level of the sky. It was picked up by a Buddhist monk and turned into a Buddhist monk's treasure.