MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 2812 Walk alone

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"If you can breathe the magic unscrupulously."

Cheng Feng said: "I estimate that within one year, I can drain all the magic in the entire eighth galaxy!"

"Suck the magic of the eighth galaxy?"

The two women, Le Qingying, were taken aback, and immediately said, "No, in that case, I'm afraid you will ..."

The entire eighth galaxy, I do n’t know how much magic is permeated.

Even if the existence of the supreme level exists, I am afraid that it is impossible to **** the magic of the entire galaxy on its own.

If Cheng Feng is to complete it, he will definitely die!

"Only by my body, of course, it is impossible to **** up the magic in the eighth galaxy."

Cheng Feng said: "So, I need to do one thing."

"What is it?" The two women asked.

"Go to the Kingdom of Heaven Cang, bring the Heaven Cang continent, merge with the earth dome continent, and reshape the world of the heaven.

Cheng Feng said: "I just hope that the old thing in the God Kingdom of Tiancang will not bring the Tiancang continent to the magic battlefield!"

The Heaven Cang continent and the Earth dome continent are the core fragments of the once sky world.

Putting the two together, there is great hope to restart the sky.

The sky world, but once the world between heaven and earth, is much larger than the eighth galaxy.

If you use it as a container for magic gas, it can definitely fit the magic gas in the entire eighth galaxy.

"Restart the sky world?"

Le Qingying's eyes brightened: "Okay, let's help you!"

"It's not urgent, let's meet with others first."

Cheng Feng said: "After saving the world of Qiankun, it is not too late to act."

As Cheng Feng talked to the two women, Le Qingying, the situation on the battlefield changed greatly.

Originally, the Magic Alliance had the absolute upper hand, but as the Lord was killed, its advantages suddenly collapsed.

Tenjin Temple and the warriors of the ancient sanctuary took the opportunity to fight back, and countless Modao warriors were killed.

Among them, it also includes two giants who have escaped from the country.

In the end, the alliance of the magic road was defeated.

The Yan Luo demon domain also fled.

They control the gigantic spider of the Supreme Holy Grail, very fast.

Tenjingu and the ancient sanctuary jointly intercepted, but also failed to succeed, and allowed the other party to leave.

Nevertheless, the Zhengdao camp ushered in an unprecedented victory.

Not only did they seriously damage the magic alliance, but it also increased their confidence in the righteous warriors who are still fighting against the invasion of the magic alliance.

Let them see the hope of winning!

"Palace Lord!"

"Master Cheng Feng Palace!"

After winning the victory, Tuoba Tianshen came with Gu Beiqiu, the master of the new sacred realm, and bowed to Cheng Feng.

They were all desperate before, and it was Cheng Feng who stepped forward to finally turn the tide.

Their gift is not only to express their gratitude, but also to express their gratitude to the people of the world.

"You are welcome."

Cheng Feng smiled and said, "It is just my responsibility to expel the devil!"

"Let's clean the battlefield first, and by the way wipe out the magic martial arts in the world of Qiankun, and then talk about the subsequent plans!"

"Good!" Tuoba Tianshen and others nodded.

Following an order, a large number of warriors flew out of Tiandi City and the ancient Shenzhou to clear the battlefield.

Cheng Feng was not idle, and released the Devil Sword together with the Dragon Lice Army.

Let them devour the weapons and the dead corpse of the demon giant, and increase their strength.

About two hours later, the battlefield was cleared.

In particular, the invaders in the world of Qiankun have been wiped out.

Subsequently, Cheng Feng merged with the strongest person in the Temple of Heaven and the Ancient Sanctuary to present his plans and plans.

After they heard, they expressed support.

Even the detached giants of Tuoba Tianshen also planned to go to Tiancang Kingdom with Cheng Feng.

However, it was rejected by Cheng Feng.

Because they are all the mainstays to guard the Zhengdao camp, if they go to the Heavenly Kingdom of God with Cheng Feng, in case the magic Taoist kills.

Even if there are two supreme sacred vessels of Tiandi City and Ancient Realm Shenzhou, I am afraid they cannot be blocked.

Moreover, Cheng Feng is not the weak.

If those real demons who came out of it came to kill Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng wouldn't fight one another.

Summon Demon Day and fight against Emperor Cangdao, no one is Cheng Feng's opponent!

Therefore, the final decision was that Cheng Feng went to the Heavenly Kingdom of God without anyone.

Even if the two women are light and happy, they do not take it.

In this way, there is no secret, and there is no psychological burden to ensure that Cheng Feng is at its peak at all times.

However, the plan came out, but Cheng Feng did not take immediate action.

He settled down first, spending the warmest and quietest half month with his two light women and his family.

During this period, Cheng Feng also visited various friends.

There are old friends who were familiar during the earth dome continent, and teachers from Qianlong College.

They party, drink, talk about the world.

Thinking of the past, I sigh a little, but more of it is nostalgia.

However, it is a pity that many friends Cheng Feng still have not met.

Some of those friends may have died in the magic disaster, and some may still struggle to resist somewhere.

For these friends, Cheng Feng sent them with several spirits.

Alive, when Cheng Feng moves away from the eighth galaxy, he will meet when sweeping the demons.

Those who died, perhaps after Cheng Feng died in the battle, can drink from the ground.

In this way, in the past few days, Cheng Feng finally prepared to set off.

On this day, countless old friends, teachers, and relatives of Cheng Feng came to see each other.

In particular, the two women who are light and happy are even more reluctant.

However, Cheng Feng is more free and easy, knowing that sending thousands of miles away, there is a difference.

So holding a punch to the crowd, they turned away.

Don't give your relatives and friends a space for grief, and don't give yourself time to remember.

However, just as Cheng Feng was about to leave, there was a voice that made his footsteps suddenly stop.

"Cheng Feng, you must come back alive!"

"I don't want your child. I have no dad at birth!"

This is Le Qing's voice, and the meaning is very obvious.

She may be pregnant, and Cheng Feng must come back alive!

"Light, rest assured, I will never die!"

After a pause for a long time, Cheng Feng said hoarsely: "Take care of yourself and wait for me to come back!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng simply resisted the urge to turn around and look back, and flew forward.

Because he didn't dare, he was afraid that as soon as he turned around, he lost his heart of leaving.

"Cheng Feng, you must come back!"

Cheng Feng left and flew out hundreds of thousands of miles.

But in his ears, Le Qing's voice was always haunting.

The heart that made him so decisive was slightly shaken.

Perhaps, he should try to save his life while destroying the demon.

This is not only for yourself, but also for your relatives and friends, as well as your unborn child!

Think about it, hum ~~~

Cheng Feng rose up with a tenacious will, like a refined iron, it was suppressed by the magical shrinkage in the body. His blood-red eyes couldn't help clearing a lot!

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