MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 2834 Buddha

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Cheng Feng was decisive in doing things and said that he would do it.

After adjusting the state to the best, he evoked the world of the sky, began to devour magic, and purified the seventh galaxy.

With the previous experience of purifying the galaxy twice, this time purifying the seventh galaxy can be described as smooth sailing.

At the same time, the martial arts shrine of the seventh galaxy is the Buddhist gate.

Buddha was very good at demons and demons. After Cheng Feng started purifying the seventh galaxy, the people in the Buddha immediately noticed.

After cooperating with each other, in just a few days, the huge seventh galaxy was purified.

A large number of warriors soaked in magic air came to their senses and dismantled the demons along with the righteous people.

Soon, only the strongest group of magic road giants remained.

Subsequently, Cheng Feng and the ancestors of Fumen dispatched together to slay these batches of giants.

Only a few dormant real monsters left, fled the seventh galaxy by chaos, and sneaked into the sixth galaxy.

"Amitabha, thank you Mr. Cheng Feng for helping each other."

After calming down the seventh galaxy, a Buddha in Buddha's door folded his hands and bowed to Cheng Feng: "Your kindness has saved countless lives in the world!"

"Master is polite."

Cheng Feng held his fist in return, and asked, "By the way, I have a senior in Tenjin, who came to Buddhism to borrow Buddhism, but he hasn't returned yet."

"I don't know the master, can you know his whereabouts?"

"Mr. Cheng Feng was talking about Mr. Yuan?"

The Buddha said: "When Mr. Yuan arrived, my Buddha door was fighting fiercely with the mad madman. He wanted to borrow ninety-nine Buddha doors, and I couldn't get it."

"But Mr. Yuan wanted to 'borrow' and was temporarily detained by me."

"Since Mr. Yuan is Mr. Cheng's predecessor, the old man asked him to come out."

After speaking, the Buddha threw a long sleeve.

咻 ~~~

A figure, flying out of the long sleeves, is exactly the veteran.


Seeing the veterans intact, Cheng Feng Changsong was relieved.

"Master of the palace? Why are you here?"

The veteran should have been detained for a long time, isolated from the outside world, and did not know what happened outside.

After seeing Cheng Feng, he was taken aback.

"Veteran, the crisis of the eighth galaxy has been resolved by me."

Cheng Feng smiled and told what happened before.

After listening to the elder, his eyes were as wide as bull's eyes.

"Wow, the magic forces of the eighth and ninth galaxies have been cleaned up by you alone!"

It was really shocking.

After a long time, the veteran calmed down and gave thumbs up to Cheng Feng: "Gongzhu, you are a real cow."

"I feel that even if the old palace master arrives, he can do better than you!"

Next, the old and the young talked for a long time.

Later, Cheng Feng proposed to go to the Seventh Galaxy's demon battlefield to strengthen it.

However, at this time.

Om ~~~

Anomalies rose sharply.

The enchanted battlefield of the seventh galaxy actually struggled fiercely, and then flew away.

In a blink of an eye, the trace disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

Buddhist monks, look at me, I look at you, all scratching your head.

Only Cheng Feng suddenly thought of a guess.

"Not good, I am afraid that this seventh galaxy's demon battlefield will be integrated with a certain galaxy's demon battlefield."

Cheng Feng has already experienced the two demon battlefields fused together.

The enchanted battlefield of the eighth galaxy and the ninth galaxy are merged into one.

As a result, the power of the true demon drilled out from the demon battlefield skyrocketed, which was a bit horrible.

If Cheng Feng is not strong enough, I am afraid that both the eighth and ninth galaxies will be in the hands of that golden demon!

"Fighting Demon Battlefield Fusion?"

The Buddha's eyes glared, and his eyebrows opened with open eyes.

Turned into a beam of light, looking at the direction where the demon battlefield disappeared.

Immediately captured the disappearance of the sealed demon battlefield, actually across the galaxy, towards the sixth galaxy.

"Oh? Is this demon battlefield integrated with the demon battlefield of the sixth galaxy?"

With the help of Buddha's eyes, Cheng Feng also saw this picture, thinking that the demon battlefield of the seventh galaxy should be merged with the demon battlefield of the sixth galaxy.

Unexpectedly, the Seventh Galaxy's Demon Battlefield did not fly to the Sixth Galaxy's Demon Battlefield after rushing into the Sixth Galaxy, but instead crossed the Sixth Galaxy and flew deeper into the starry sky.

Not only that, the magic battlefield of the sixth galaxy also changed at this moment.

Actually it also rose up, and flew away from the seventh galaxy Fengmao battlefield.

"What? The sealed battlefield of the sixth galaxy actually broke the seal and flew away?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng was shocked: "Where are they going to fly?"

"Willn't ... the nine magic galaxies' battlefields all merge into one?"

Cheng Feng's speculation was not targeted.

Because the Seventh Galaxy ’s Sealed Battlefield did not merge with the Sixth Galaxy ’s Sealed Battlefield, it flew away from the Sixth Galaxy together, which is very abnormal.

Cheng Feng then let the Buddha continue to follow.

However, although the Buddha's cultivation was strong, he became a super pupil, but he could not track the enemy across two galaxies.

As the Sixth Galaxy and the Seventh Galaxy were sealed off from the sixth galaxy, the Buddha ’s tracking was interrupted.

"It's better to summon the situation of the Ninth Galaxy."

Cheng Feng's thoughts turned sharply, and he suddenly thought of a way to ask the situation of the ninth galaxy.

If the ninth galaxy's enchanted battlefield is also gone.

Then his speculation may be fulfilled.

"Master, how is it?"

The veteran stood beside Cheng Feng, and suddenly saw Cheng Feng's face gloomy, and hurried to ask.

"Veteran, the situation is not good."

Cheng Feng opened his eyes and said with a low voice: "The magic battlefield of the Ninth Galaxy also disappeared at this moment."

"What? The enchanted battlefield of the Ninth Galaxy also disappeared?"

The veteran exclaimed, "If you say that, isn't there a problem with all the galaxies' battlefields?"

"Hard to say."

Cheng Fengdao: "At this time, you need to confirm with friends from other galaxies to confirm."

When speaking, Cheng Feng looked at the ancestor of the Buddha.

The ancestor of Buddhism, called Mingli Buddhism, is the only remaining power of Buddhism in the seventh galaxy.

He has a wide range of communication and has contacts with several martial arts holy places in the galaxy.

Soon after the mutation took place, I consulted friends in several other galaxies through special channels.

At this moment, his face sank, and he should have received the news.

"Master Mingli, is there any news?"

"Five galaxies, fourth galaxies, third galaxies, and second galaxies all have news." Mingli Buddha said: "The magical battlefields of these major galaxies have suddenly broken the seals of galaxies and sent One galaxy flew away. "