MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 2854 Demon Prince

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"Of course you are my Highness in the Central Temple of the Demon Realm."

Middle-aged humanity: "Many years ago, when I attacked the sky universe, I was lost to the sky universe by several people's supreme calculations."

"Over the years, I have used various methods to retrieve you."

"Even invited the masters of the formation method to cut out nine gaps in the cosmic barriers of the sky universe, thereby invading across borders."

"But fortunately, you have come back by yourself, so you don't hit me hard!"

"What? I'm Your Highness in the Central Holy Garden of the Demon Realm?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's head hummed as if he had been hit with a blow.

Because this is so bizarre and incredible.

You should know that the central sanctuary is the core force that governs the demon world.

The lord of the central sanctuary, ‘Demon Emperor’, is the first strongest in the demon world, and the first person in the heavens and the world.

If Cheng Feng is the Highness of the Central God's Court, wouldn't he be the son of a demon emperor?

"Impossible, it must be fake."

Cheng Feng's thoughts were in a mess, and it took a while before he said, "You're disturbing my thoughts, so you're freeing up to attack my partner, right?"

"His Royal Highness, it seems that you have experienced many things over the years!"

The middle-aged man frowned: "Even a little memory is gone!"

"But it doesn't matter, you will know everything when I wake you up."

After speaking, the middle-aged man suddenly raised a huge knife in his hand and pointed to the demon sun deep in the sky.

Om ~~~

The demon day seemed to be summoned somehow, shooting a thick black light.

Under the command of the middle-aged man, it fell on Cheng Feng.

what! !!

With black light, Cheng Feng is struck by lightning, burned by fire, flooded, or buried by soil ...

All kinds of unthinkable pain suddenly hit my heart.

Cheng Feng and other iron-bone men couldn't help screaming in pain.

I do n’t know how long this has passed, the pain on Cheng Feng gradually disappeared.

Subsequently, a layer of black scale armor emerged from Cheng Feng's body.

The eyes became dark and indifferent, the nails of both hands skyrocketed, and they were sharper than the sword.

"this is……"

Cheng Feng opened his eyes. When he saw his own body shape, his face was sloppy.

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of sorrow hit me.

"It turns out I'm really a demons!"

For a moment, countless dusty memories rushed into my heart, leaving Cheng Feng in extreme pain and confusion: "It's ridiculous, it is ridiculous!"

"Over the years, I have forgotten my life to resist the invasion of the demons."

"But in fact, I am the biggest demon in the universe!"

It turned out that Xiao Lin was one of the countless sons and daughters of the "God Emperor", the Lord of the Central Holy Garden in the Demon Realm.

After he was born, he was entrusted to the sword master by the demon emperor to teach him the techniques of martial arts and imperialism.

Unexpectedly, when the sword master attacked the universe, he was seriously injured by several giants of the human race.

The young Cheng Feng was left in the sky universe.

However, although Cheng Feng was young, he was very good at helping himself.

In order to avoid the extreme search of the human race, he destroyed his own body, leaving only a trace of "golden blood" dormant.

It took countless tens of thousands of years to reincarnate and reincarnate into the Chengqiang Cheng family, becoming Cheng Feng!

"His Royal Highness, now that you have recovered your memory, then follow me to kill those junior juniors and open the cosmic barriers to the universe!"

Seeing Cheng Feng restored his memory, the knife owner said lightly.

"Kill the human race junior and break through the barriers of the universe?"

Hearing the words, the loss in Cheng Feng's eyes suddenly dissipated, Shen said: "No, those people are my friends, I can't do anything to them!"

"Your Highness, you are a demon, they are humans, and they will never be friends."

The knife said: "Go ahead, kill them, and prove that you are a real demons!"

"And if you open the universe of the sky this time, you have seized the origin of the universe of the sky."

"That will be among the Highnesses, and will be appreciated by Your Highness."

"In the future, there is great hope for the throne!"


However, Cheng Feng refused flatly: "I won't do anything to their opponents, let alone to the universe of the sky!"

"As for the position of the Demon Emperor, anyone who wants to compete will compete. I am not rare in Cheng Feng!"

"His Royal Highness!"

Upon hearing this, the owner's face sank: "I think you are not awake yet, still immersed in the memory of the past, and you don't know what you are doing!"

"That being the case, I will do the work for you, and let you be sober by the way!"

When the words came to an end, the sword owner waved the knife.

Om ~~~

An unmatched swordman broke through the clouds and blasted off in the direction of the first Qiankun and others.

"Stop me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng angered and said, "I have already said that they are my friends, and I will not allow anyone to hurt them!"

Whispered, Cheng Feng lifted up the Devil Sword and greeted him upright.

However, although Cheng Feng's strength is strong, he is far worse than the knife owner.

The two sides struck a bomber, and Cheng Feng was beaten and flew out millions of miles on the spot, with pain in his body.

This is also the result of Cheng Feng awakening the blood of the Golden Family, and the physical defense has become more than ten times stronger.

If it was before, I was afraid to die on the spot!

On the other hand, the knife owner didn't even move.

Glancing at Cheng Feng coldly, the second sword cut off to the first Qiankun.

"I said, I don't allow anyone to hurt them!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng's deep voice sounded.

Subsequently, a terror of courage rushed out of Cheng Feng's body and flew deep into the sky.

It actually caused the magic sun to oscillate and lowered a dark pillar of light.

Cheng Feng grabbed the Devil Sword and volleyed into the pillar of light.

Wait until the knife burst.

Stabbing ~~~

The black beam of light turned into an unmatched blade of light, severely chopped down to the blade owner!

"Huh? This knife ..."

In the face of Cheng Feng's knife, the owner could not help moving.

He has been around the world for many years and has not felt threats for a long time.

However, he smelled death from the knife.

"His Royal Blood has been inspired."

The owner's face showed a smile: "And the blood is so strong that it can be among the best among many His Highnesses!"

"Unfortunately, always obsessed!"

At the end of the conversation, the owner's face became cold again.

When he had to pick up the big sword, he created his peerless sword ‘Summoning Sword Techniques’ to show it.

Summoning Swordsmanship is very strong, Cheng Feng and Swordsman have only practiced some of their fur.

The true essence is only known to the owner.

At this moment, the world is changing colors.

It seems that heaven and earth have all become the realm of knives. Everything in the world has been turned into a 'knife', and Qi Feng must be siege all around.

Bang ~~~

Cheng Feng and Bian Mo Dao Jue were together.

At that moment, the world was suddenly distorted.

The horrible sword rages, destroying all the surrounding areas.

Even, Yu Bo rushed to the position of the first Qiankun.

Killing many Mozu warriors gave them the first chance to escape.


I saw the sky suddenly burst into a gap. Then he extended a huge hand from it, grabbed the first Qiankun and others, and closed it back to the gap.

Read The Duke's Passion