MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 1965 Create a monarch! (Down)

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   Chapter 1965 Create a monarch! (Down)

   The next moment, the consciousness split by Nintendo flourished, as if it had touched the existence of some mysterious rule.

   A supreme coercion originating from the entire Chaos Sea suddenly descended, covering the entire Chaos Sea, and the fluttering consciousness scattered like a spot of light, blending into the entire Chaos Sea, as if branded.

   "This is..." In the chaos in the distance, Chi Xiao, Dongyang, Wuming raised their heads in shock, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and their consciousness throbbed.

  Xietian, Shenyou, Jinghong, and many other legion commanders even crawled down uncontrollably, kneeling on the ground.

  Everyone was stunned by the mighty power of the mighty shore. Under the mighty power of the mighty shore, even the monarch felt boundless and insignificant, like a humble grain of sand in the universe. Apart from awe, he had no emotions.

If Zero is only so powerful that it makes them fear, fear, and fear, then the vast coercion at the moment makes them not even a little bit of resistance, even if the coercive master asks them to die, they will have no idea what to do. Do not hesitate to commit suicide.

   The other party seems not to exist in this dimension at all, but from a dimension that is even more incredible and incomprehensible!

   Lord of Chaos Sea!

  In an instant, these words popped up in everyone's mind.

   No evidence, no doubt, at the moment when the coercion came, they understood who the master of that coercion was, that absolutely invincible existence, the legendary Lord of Chaos Sea!

  Only the Lord of Chaos Sea is the existence that truly surpasses all things!

The source of all things was opened up by the Lord of Chaos Sea, and the source of all things exists because of the Lord of Chaos Sea. They cannot understand the power and stalwart of the Lord of Chaos Sea, and the power beyond cognition, but they have no doubts about the Chaos Sea. the greatness of the Lord.

A few people in Chi Xiao have always been eager to see the Lord of the Chaos Sea, want to please the Lord of the Chaos Sea, and gain the trust of the Lord of the Chaos Sea, but when this moment really comes, when they perceive the power of the boundless stalwart, their minds All the calculations and thoughts disappeared in an instant. They were like a cluster of small flames, and the Lord of the Chaos Sea was like the eternal sun. How could the little flames please the sun?

   Don't mention them, they are zero, in front of the Lord of Chaos Sea, they are no different from ants, right?

   In the past, they only knew that the Lord of the Chaos Sea must be powerful and invincible, but they could not intuitively feel the power of the Lord of the Chaos Sea, but at this moment, they finally realized it!

   "The Lord of Chaos Sea!" Chi Xiao's body was slightly bent, and he knelt on the ground, respectful and devout.

   Dongyang, Wuming, including Wange and Ren Tian all knelt down one after another and greeted the supreme ruler with the most humble gesture.

   Seeing Wan Ge and Ren Tian kneeling down, Zhang Yu's mouth twitched slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then knelt down: "Forget it, kneel yourself, it's not ashamed."

   At the same time, he secretly manipulated the invincible will.

After refining the wisp of consciousness split by Ren Tian, ​​Zhang Yu kept calm and slowly gave Ren Tian the authority of the Chaos Sea. This authority is not the real authority of the Chaos Sea creation, but a replica, which can also be called Duplicate authority, although it also has the ability to manipulate authority, is far less effective than real authority, and has an upper limit.

   With the addition of authority, Ren Tian's power became more active, the power of will became more violent, and the fluctuation of consciousness became more and more intense.

   However, he still did not break through the shackles of the legion commander's extreme realm.

   Zhang Yu was in no hurry and continued to grant authority.

  One, two, three... When the power of twelve paths was added to his body, Ren Tian's balance was finally broken, as if he had broken through a certain critical point. From realizing his body, a drastic change occurred.

   A power that is exclusive to the monarch was suddenly born in Nintendo.

Ren Tian's traumatic consciousness was quickly repaired under the exclusive power of the monarch, his state returned to its peak, and the rules of authority were added to his body, which made his turbulent power rapidly transform, and the power of will also skyrocketed. The originally fragile consciousness , but also strengthened at an astonishing speed. His strength seemed to break through a certain shackle and began to skyrocket wildly.

   His body and soul were rapidly necrotic, then remodeled, necrotic, remodeled, and cycled continuously.

   Fortunately, his strength is strong enough to always maintain a vitality.


  Suddenly, a terrifying monarch's power was centered on Ren Tian and spread out in all directions.

   His breath has completely transformed into the breath of a monarch!

   His hazy power has transformed into the power of consciousness!

   His will has transformed into the will of a monarch!

   His consciousness is also a humanoid consciousness like a soul, from intangible to tangible, across barriers, and completely materialized!

"Success!" Ren Tian opened his eyes, as if he had been reborn, the whole person was in an unprecedented peak state. His eyes were as bright as the sun, and the mighty power of the powerful monarch continued to radiate from his body. "This is the monarch!"

  Wange stood up, looked at Ren Tian excitedly, and cried with joy: "Senior Brother!"

   Zhang Yu got up quietly, then looked at Ren Tian, ​​admiring the first Chaos Sea monarch he built.

"Twelve powers can create a monarch..." Zhang Yu's eyes were a little deep, "According to the current scale of Chaos Sea, it can condense up to thirty-six powers, that is to say, in addition to Ren Tian, ​​you can also create two more The monarch of the Chaos Sea." He owns the real authority of creation, not the authority of the monarch, so he can be excluded, "Compared with the Chaos Sea, there is still a little gap!"

  Hunmeng Sea can carry nine monarchs, while Chaos Sea can only carry three monarchs.

   This made Zhang Yu a little bit shocked.

   Fortunately, the speed of Chaos Sea's expansion is not slow, especially after Ren Tian became a monarch, he fed back the Chaos Sea, allowing the Chaos Sea to expand again. Maybe it won't be long before the Chaos Sea can support the existence of the four monarchs.

   "It's basically certain now that the commander of the Extreme Realm Corps can bear the authority of creation." This is also one of Zhang Yu's achievements.

   In this way, he no longer has to worry about a certain avatar being scrapped in the future. As long as they cultivate to the extreme state of legion commander, they can immediately grant the authority of creation and help them become monarchs. Once they become monarchs, even if they leave the Chaos Sea, they will be able to use the power of the monarch, instead of borrowing the will of the creation of his body as they are now.

   The only uncertainty now is how far the Chaos Sea will eventually expand, and will the nine monarchs be the limit of the Chaos Sea?

Hunmenghai has already stopped expanding, or in other words, the speed of expansion cannot keep up with the speed of destruction, so that it can only carry nine monarchs. Zhang Yu does not know the specific reason for this. If Chaos Sea expands to Hunmenghai At such a scale, will it also encounter bottlenecks and stop expanding?

   Seeing the situation of Hunmenghai, Zhang Yu had to worry about this.

   However, the Chaos Sea is still far behind. It will take a long time to expand to the current size of the Chaos Sea. Zhang Yu doesn't need to worry too much.

   shook his head, Zhang Yu came back to his senses, and quietly withdrew the will of the invincible creation, and the mighty coercion also faded like a tide.

  Ren Tian came back to his senses, quickly restrained his power as a monarch, then knelt down on one knee and respectfully said: "Respectfully send the Lord of Chaos Sea!"

   Wan Ge also knelt down after seeing this: "Respectfully send the Lord of Chaos Sea!"

  The entire Chaos Sea, a neat voice sounded: "Congratulations to the Lord of the Chaos Sea!"

   Zhang Yu was helpless, so he had to kneel down to himself again and said, "Respectfully send the Lord of Chaos Sea!"

   Waiting for the vast pressure to completely fade away, Ren Tian, ​​Wan Ge, Zhang Yu, Chi Xiao, Dongyang, Wuming, and the army commander, hundreds of millions of creatures, stood up tremblingly.

   "Congratulations." Zhang Yu surrendered to Ren Tian, ​​"From now on, Chaos Sea will add another monarch."

   Ren Tian had a smile on his face, obviously he had a good impression of Zhang Yu: "I can become a monarch, and it is all thanks to the help of the lord of the sky! Thank you!"

   Evening Song is also very grateful: "The grace of the lord of the sky, the evening song will be remembered in my heart!"

   At this time, Chi Xiao, Dongyang, and Wuming flew from afar. Soon, they stopped beside Ren Tian and looked at Ren Tian with some doubts: "Ren Tian, ​​you..."

"After all the hardships and hardships, after years of torment, I, Ren Tian, ​​finally set foot in the monarch's realm." Ren Tian raised his head and glanced at the few people in Chi Xiao, "But speaking of it, you little guys have all set foot in the monarch's realm, I Born earlier than you, and now stepping into the realm of the monarch, there is nothing to be proud of."

   For Nintendo, Chi Xiao, Dongyang, Wuming and others are all juniors.

   In the entire Hunmenghai, I am afraid no one has lived longer than him.

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