MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 1983 gather

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   Chapter 1983 Collection

Before the monarch of the sky, there was no difference in strength between the monarchs of Hunmenghai. Even if some monarchs were slightly stronger, they were very limited and could not gain the advantage of crushing. Although the five monarchs of the Heavenly Clan rose later , but because they have gained an advantage in the competition for the consciousness dzi for a long time, their strength has quickly caught up, and there is a faint trend of latecomers, but in general, whether it is the monarch of the Celestial Clan or the Fate Clan The monarchs are very similar in individual strength, and no monarch dares to say that he can defeat another monarch 100%.

   But this balance was broken after the appearance of the lord of the sky.

   The super fierce man who dared to confront Zero head-on, showed strength that was stronger than any monarch, and much stronger, as if he was one level behind.

With the strength displayed by the lord of the sky, if you face a certain monarch alone, it is estimated that the battle can be ended within three moves. Even if four or five monarchs go together, it is estimated that it is difficult to compete with it, unless a few monarchs of the Ming clan and Several monarchs of the Celestial Clan joined forces, and the entire nine monarchs of Hunmenghai united to be able to fight against it.

The power of the lord of the sky made the monarchs of Hunmenghai fully realize that the strength of the original monarch can also be so powerful. It turned out that there is such an amazing gap between the weak monarch and the top monarch. confrontation.

   If the monarchs are also divided into realms, then the Hunmenghai monarchs can only be regarded as the threshold of entering the middle monarchy, and the sky monarch has undoubtedly set foot in the late monarchy, and may even have touched the ceiling of the monarchy.

   "By the way, I heard that the lord of the sky will send people from the sky team to cooperate with us this time. What do you think is the overall strength of the sky team?" Randolph changed the topic.

  Everyone looked at Xietian and Jinghong.

   As the commanders of the Scarlet Sky Army, they naturally know the sky team better than the commanders from other secret realms.

"I've met some people in the Cang Qiong team." Xie Tian pondered: "As far as I know, the Cang Qiong monarch has three clones, all of which are at the level of legion commanders. In addition, they also have 18 team members who also have legion commanders. Strength, no, to be precise, it should be twenty-one, three of whom are descendants of Sun Liancheng... a total of twenty-four army commanders!"

It's not that Xietian is ignorant, because he really only knows that there are 24 people in the sky team with the strength of the army commander. As for the others, his impression is still that everyone in the sky team rushed to kill countless heavenly clans in the hazy sea of ​​death. When they were soldiers, in the strength test records of the Coordination Department, the strength of the members of the sky team has been stuck in the only test, and there has been no change so far.

   But even so, the twenty-four legion commanders still made everyone stunned.

"Our four secret realms add up to only thirty-eight legion commanders, and Cang Qiong Academy was able to send twenty-four legion commanders, which is almost two-thirds of our number..." Everyone breathed for a while, and for the first time they felt intuitively. To the strength of the sky team.

  Even if you put aside the monarch of the sky, the strength of the sky team alone is enough to sweep one side, and no one dares to despise it.

   "Although the number is large, the strength is not necessarily strong." An old army commander couldn't help but said: "Maybe they are all rookies like Yongxiu..."

Xie Tian was just about to refute, but Shenyou from Dongyang Realm said: "Their strength may not be as strong as Xue Wu and Randolph, but they are definitely not weak. I have seen with my own eyes, they shot and killed one easily. The veteran army commander, the opponent's strength is no weaker than me."

Although Shenyou is only the deputy army commander of the Dongyang Realm Patrol Army, his strength is not lower than that of many veteran army commanders, and he has participated in the competition for consciousness dzi many times. What he said is more convincing than Xietian. After all, he is the army commander of Dongyang Realm, so there is no need to help the sky team to speak. Since he said so, most of them will not be false.

   "There are so many in number, yet the strength is so strong..." Many army commanders felt a pressure, "This Vault of Heaven team has made it impossible for people to live..."

   "They are powerful, isn't it better?" Xue Wu said calmly: "In this way, with their support, it's easier for us to compete for the Consciousness Dzi, isn't it?"

   Everyone nodded when they heard it.

   "That's right. Since we cooperate with them, the stronger they are, the better it is for us."

   "This way, they won't hold us back."

   "Maybe, we will be able to capture nearly half of the consciousness dzi this time!"

Seeing that everyone was so optimistic, Xue Wu poured some cold water on them: "Half? It's not bad that we can get one-third of the consciousness dzi this time. Don't forget, this time we don't have the commander of the extreme state army. , and on the Celestial Clan side, there are at least two."

Their own family knows their own affairs, although many people suspect that Xue Wu and Randolph are the commanders of the extreme state army, but only they know that the real commander of the extreme state army, there is only one on the side of the life clan from beginning to end, and the other party has already Step into the realm of monarchs and become a monarch who is aloof.

Randolph was silent for a moment, and then said: "Yes, in terms of top-level combat power, we are still too far behind. The addition of Team Sky may be able to make up for some of the shortage of our army commanders, but the gap in top-level combat power. , instead of shrinking, we have gotten worse."

   "What should we do then?" Many army commanders frowned, feeling troubled.

  You must know that they can get more rewards from the monarch only if they get more consciousness dzi beads.

"Let's do it by chance." Xue Wu shook her head and said, "Try not to confront them, especially Blue and Rox, if you encounter them, don't hesitate and run away, otherwise, even if there is a perfect level of chaos. A, although they can't directly kill the legion commander with the perfect-level Hunmeng armor, they can exile him to the endless outer sky."

  If you are exiled to the outer world, unless the monarch personally comes forward and spends a lot of time searching, you will be lost forever in the outer world, until your power is exhausted, your will is dry, and you will be dragged to death.

Unless it is the commander of the extreme army, or the commander of the army who is highly valued by the monarch, even if they are exiled to the outer sky, no monarch is willing to spend a lot of time and energy to search and rescue the outer sky. More army commanders have been trained.

  For this reason, the Outer Heaven is absolutely a nightmare for the legion commanders, and no one wants to be exiled to the Outer Heaven.

   Of course, there are only very few legion commanders who have perfect-level Hunmeng armor. If others encounter Blue and Rox, they are more likely to be killed directly.

   Thinking of the crises that they may face next, many army commanders could not help but fall silent, and their hearts became heavy.

   The countless Hunmeng Lords below were all frightened and motionless, for fear of disturbing this group of powerful legion commanders.

Time passed slowly, I don't know how long it took, maybe a quarter of an hour, maybe an hour, suddenly, a white light lit up in Xiao'an Village's ascension passage, and a figure walked out of the passage. However, Xue Wu and Randolph, who had been paying attention to the ascension passage, had their pupils shrunk.

   Sovereign of the sky!

  No, it should be said that it is the clone of the lord of the sky, Zhang Lu!

Before Xue Wu and the others could react, the ascension passage frequently lit up with white lights, and dense figures walked out of the passage. Each of them had a restrained breath, just like mortals, but the number was as many as two thousand. The one where the ascension passage was located. Not even a single stone platform could hold it.

   "Xue Wu?" Zhang Lu's mind instantly sensed the existence of Xue Wu, Randolph, Xietian, Jinghong, Shenyou, and others. The figures flickered and instantly moved into the air, level with Xue Wu.

  The rest of the teachers and students in the sky, as well as the dean's clone and others, also disappeared in unison, appearing in the air in an instant.

  Xue Wu's eyes directly locked on Zhang Lu, Dean's clone and Wu, the cold faces, and a touch of awe appeared: "The commander of the Dongyangjing army, Xue Wu, I have seen the lord of the sky!"

  The rest of the legion commanders also saluted Zhang Lu, the dean's clone and Wu: "I have seen the lord of the sky!"

   In front of the lord of the sky, no matter how proud people are, they have to lower their arrogant heads, even if they are facing only the avatar of the lord of the sky.

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