MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 1987 crisis

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   Chapter 1987 Crisis

   Zhang Lu changed the subject, and no one dared to ask them how to cultivate.

Xue Wu worked hard to restrain her emotions and clarify her thoughts, and then said: "The decay of the source realm has a long history, which can be traced back to the birth of the first generation of monarchs. Today's Chixiao monarch, Dongyang monarch, Wange monarch, and Wuming monarch are all that. time to step on the throne of the monarch."

   "I've also heard this from the main body." Zhang Lu nodded.

Xue Wu continued: "What is the specific reason for the decay of the source realm, no one knows so far, not even the monarchs, we only know that the source realm suddenly decayed one day, and the first source realm decay was born. Nine monarch dzi beads created nine great monarchs. Later, every 100 million epochs, the source realm would decay, giving birth to different numbers of consciousness dzi beads. Then, as the source realm decayed more and more violently, the The number of Consciousness Dzi Beads increases, and now the number of Consciousness Dzi Beads is even more than one hundred…”

   Before Xue Wu could finish speaking, Zhang Lu interrupted: "We all know this, let's talk about something else. For example, how the consciousness dzi was conceived, and how should we obtain the consciousness dzi."

Xue Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The Consciousness Dzi is formed by the chaotic and disordered power of consciousness in the source realm. The birth of the consciousness Dzi is irregular. During the decay of the source realm, the consciousness Dzi may appear. Anywhere in the source realm, and the time is not fixed, some will be conceived when the source realm decay begins, and some will be conceived when the source realm decay is over."

After a pause, Xue Wu said again: "The duration of the source realm decay is not fixed, but there are certain rules. The first source realm decay in history only lasted for a quarter of an hour, and the second source realm decay continued. The time has been extended a bit, the third, fourth... The further back, the longer the source realm decay lasts, the last time the source realm decay time has increased to more than three years, this time should be longer."

   From the duration of the source environment decay, it can be seen that the source environment is always changing.

   It’s just that this change is good or bad, no one knows.

   But for the monarchs, this change is obviously good, because they can get more consciousness dzi and quickly improve their strength.

"By the way, in addition to the constant changes in the duration, the volume of the Origin Realm has also been changing." Xue Wu said: "I once heard the Dongyang Monarch say that the Origin Realm volume has been shrinking, and when the Origin Realm was the largest , can even cover the entire Hunmeng Sea, the source realm is getting smaller and smaller, when the source realm decayed for the first time, the source realm has shrunk by half, and now, the source realm is only one-fifth the size of the Hunmeng Sea."

   Zhang Lu raised his eyebrows: "Shrinked so much?"

  The decay time is lengthening and the volume is shrinking. Is there any connection between the two?

   What is the reason for such a change in the source environment?

   How long will this change last?

Is it good or bad?

   Zhang Lu faintly felt that such a change in the source state did not seem to be a good thing, and it might even indicate that something bad might happen.

"Chi Xiao said that the source realm is the real source of all things. If the Hunmeng Sea is the source of all things, then the source realm is the source of the Hunmeng sea. If the source realm keeps shrinking, it will disappear completely one day..." Zhang Lu's expression became solemn, "Once the source realm disappears, does it mean that the Hunmeng Sea will also disappear?"

  Chi Xiao did not mention the question of whether the source realm would disappear at first, but if the source realm continued to decay like this, it would be a matter of time before it would disappear.

  The source realm disappears, what will happen to the Hunmenghai?

   And if the Hunmeng Sea also disappears, what will happen to the monarchs and endless creatures living in the Hunmeng Sea?

  Thinking about it!

   "Have you ever considered that as the number of source realm decays increases, one day in the future, the source realm may disappear?" Zhang Lu asked in a low voice as he looked at Xue Wu and the others.

Xue Wu nodded and said, "The Origin Realm will disappear sooner or later. The monarch of Dongyang once told me about this, but if the Origin Realm disappears, it will disappear. Anyway, it doesn't have much impact on us. It's just more troublesome when you are on the road, there is no way to pass through the source realm to reach another secret realm."

   The other corps commanders also looked indifferent.

When the source realm disappears, the most concerned must be the monarch. After all, without the source realm, the consciousness dzi will have no source, but for the legion commanders, the consciousness dzi is useless, and even if it is given to them, they will not be able to refine it. change, naturally don't care.

   It’s not that they don’t care at all. After all, every time they participate in the decay of the source realm, they still get rich rewards, but compared to the monarch, the disappearance of the source realm has almost negligible impact on them.

   "Have you never thought that if the source realm disappears, will Hunmenghai also disappear?" Zhang Lu asked.

   He couldn't understand the thoughts of the Hunmenghai life clan commanders, the source realm is the real source of all things! If the source realm disappears, there will definitely be a big event in Hunmenghai, even if it does not disappear with the source realm, other disasters may happen...

   Randolph was startled: "Uh... no?"

Another legion commander said: "The source realm is just a special secret realm, what does it have to do with Hunmenghai? Apart from the source realm, there are nine major secret realms in Hunmenghai. Could it be that every secret realm is related to the Hunmenghai realm? Life and death?"

   It was Xue Wu, who seemed to smell an unusual aura. She looked at Zhang Lu suspiciously: "Why did Master Zhang Lu say that the disappearance of the source realm will cause the Hunmeng Sea to disappear with it?"

   Zhang Lu shook his head and said, "I'm just a little worried, after all, this has never happened before..."

   "Master Zhang Lu is wrong, it's not like this has never happened." Xue Wu said.

   "What do you mean?" Zhang Lu was startled, did the Origin Realm ever disappear?

"Have you forgotten about the Dead Realm? Back then, the dead monarch went crazy and devoured the entire Dead Realm. Until now, the hazy sea has recovered a little bit of vigor." Xue Wu explained: "But the fire The destruction of the Dead Realm did not have any substantial impact on the Hunmeng Sea, and those fallen creatures, the destroyed Hun Meng, were not caused by the destruction of the Dead Realm, but were swept away by the Dead Monarch."

She looked at Zhang Lu and said, "So, the destruction of the secret realm will not affect the entire Hunmeng Sea. If the source realm disappears, it will at most affect the hazy sea covered by the source realm, or even that muddy sea. Menghai will not be affected. After all, even if the source realm is destroyed, it will be destroyed by itself, not destroyed by any monarch."

  If the source realm is just an ordinary secret realm, then there is no problem with Xue Wu's rhetoric.

   It's just that the source realm is not an ordinary secret realm at all, but... the source of all things!

   These legion commanders have been kept in the dark until now!

"If Chi Xiao hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that the source realm is the source of all things..." Zhang Lu felt a little depressed, "It seems that the nine monarchs of Hunmenghai should have reached an agreement long ago to suppress the truth of the matter. The truth, only nine of them know."

He thought of how excited Chi Xiao, Dongyang and others were when they learned that they could enter the Chaos Sea. Now it seems that the real reason for forcing them to enter the Chaos Sea is not only the threat from Zero, maybe they have already guessed. When Hunmenghai was on the verge of extinction, it was so impatient to leave Hunmenghai.

  Because only by leaving Hunmenghai, can we continue to live.

  Otherwise, even if he is as strong as a monarch, he can only wait to die!

   Compared to Zero, the changes in the source realm may make Chi Xiao and others more fearful!

"Ignorance is also a kind of happiness." Seeing the calm appearances of Xue Wu, Randolph, Shenyou and others, Zhang Lu couldn't help shaking his head secretly. For Hun Menghai, perhaps this result is better, because once the truth is revealed, Hun Menghai will probably fall into chaos in an instant, and the order of the entire Hun Menghai will completely collapse.

   Zhang Lu felt a little regretful and should not have talked about this topic from the beginning, because this truth is really cruel.

   Even if he knew the truth, he had no way to prevent the source realm from decaying, he could only watch the source realm decay, until one day, the entire source realm disappeared completely, and the foggy sea was destroyed.

Read The Duke's Passion