MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2 Dancer's daughter

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   Chapter 2 The Dancer's Daughter

   North of Desolate City, Chenguang College.

In a splendid admissions office, Wu Mo, dressed in mink clothes, suddenly stood up, took a deep breath, and stared at the middle-aged tutor in front of him: "You mean, my sister has never been to you before. Morning Light Academy? Are you sure this is not a joke?"

   Obviously, the middle-aged tutor is the tutor who is responsible for the enrollment this time - Mo Tianqiu.

Seeing Wu Mo's dignified expression, Mo Tianqiu also became nervous: "Mr. Wu, I have already asked everyone, Lingmei has never been to Chenguang Academy." If something really happened to Wu Xinxin, Then the entire barren city will fall into huge turmoil. Although Chenguang Academy is not responsible, it will inevitably be affected by some.


  Sky Academy.

   At the moment Wu Xinxin signed his name, a mechanical electronic sound resounded in Zhang Yu's mind.

   "The task is completed, do you want to receive the reward?"


   "The reward 'Insight Technique' has been issued, please pay attention to the host."

   With the sound of mechanical and electronic sounds, Zhang Yu felt that his eyes were numb and numb, a little hot, and then it escalated into a scalding burning sensation, as if he had been electrocuted by an electric current.

   This feeling lasted for two or three breaths before gradually subsiding.

Before he could experience the changes in his eyes, Zhang Yu quickly put away the registration form signed by Wu Xinxin, and then heaved a sigh of relief, with a relaxed smile on his face: "Congratulations, Wu Xinxin, from now on, you are the Sky Academy. people!"

   After wasting so much saliva, I finally fooled this girl into the Sky Academy.

  It's not easy!


   Before Wu Xinxin could speak, Zhang Yu was stunned, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Because when he looked at Wu Xinxin, a string of information automatically appeared in his mind.

  【Dance Xinxin】

【Gender: Female】

  【Age: fifteen years old】

  [Physical talent: ordinary bloodline, two-star superior]

  【Intelligence Talent: Two-star inferior】

  【Special Talent: None】

  【Repair: Double Turning】

   Until this moment, Zhang Yu didn't realize how precious a reward he had obtained: "It's too strong! Is this the ability of insight?"

   Just glanced at it, and Zhang Yu understood Wu Xinxin's basic situation.

   What surprised Zhang Yu the most was that the insight technique could not only see Wu Xinxin's age and cultivation, but also the hidden attributes such as physique, comprehension, and special talent.

   This quest reward is really going to go against the sky!

   "Zhang...Tutor, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that Zhang Yu didn't speak for a long time, Wu Xinxin couldn't help but stretch out Bai Shengsheng's little hand and waved it in front of Zhang Yu.

  Zhang Yu came back to his senses and pondered: "You go back first, the class will be officially started tomorrow, and you can just come here and find me directly. As for the tuition fee, we will talk about it tomorrow."

   "But..." The little girl seemed to have some problems.

   "Don't be, go back quickly, lest your family be worried." Zhang Yu urged.

   If you don't send her away again, when she reacts, I'm afraid she will regret it immediately.

   "Okay." Wu Xinxin looked around, as if to engrave the scenery of the entire Cang Qiong Academy in her heart, and then reluctantly waved her white little hand, "Goodbye Teacher Zhang."

   "Well." Zhang Yu waved his hand, wiping sweat from his heart.


   On the street of the deserted city.

  Wu Xinxin just left Cang Qiong Academy when she encountered Wu Mo, who was sweating profusely. Before she got close, she shouted loudly, "Brother!"

   "Xinxin!" Hearing the familiar Nuo Nuo voice, Wu Mo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly turned around, and walked over quickly.

   "Brother, what are you doing here?"

   "You're too embarrassed to ask! If it wasn't for you, would I be so anxious?" Wu Mo reprimanded, then frowned and asked, "Where did you go just now?"

   Without waiting for Wu Xinxin to answer, Wu Mo urged: "Forget it, let's talk about it when we go home. If we didn't go back so late, my parents must be very worried."

   "Oh." Wu Xinxin stuck out her cute little tongue, jumped behind Wu Mo, and walked towards the dancer's mansion.

After walking for a short distance, Wu Mo suddenly thought of something, stopped and said to a middle-aged man beside him: "Uncle Wang, since Xinxin has returned, those who sent out to find Xinxin can also be transferred back. You are responsible for letting us know."

   "Yes, young master." Uncle Wang respectfully said.


   At night, the stars are shining brightly in the sky, and the lights of the desolate city add radiance and radiance to each other, embellishing this city standing on the top of the mountain like a fairyland on earth.

  In the south of the barren city, in a luxurious mansion.

  The head of the dance family and others sat quietly in the hall, listening to Wu Xinxin telling about what happened during the day and afternoon.

   "Xinxin, are you telling the truth?" Patriarch Wuchen's face was gloomy, and his voice could not be heard of joy or anger.


  Wu Xinxin replied in a low voice, in front of her father, she did not dare to be presumptuous.

   "Zhang Yu? A kid in the fourth stage, who dares to fool the dancer. Who gave him the courage?" Wuchen laughed angrily, "Are young people today so bold?"

  The dancer is the most powerful family in the barren city. Even the two academies, Chenguang Academy and Yunshan Academy, which have gathered countless strong and talented people, dare not provoke the dancer easily. The strength of the dancer is evident.

As the daughter of the contemporary patriarch of the dance family, let alone Wu Xinxin's excellent qualifications, even if she has no training qualifications, both Chenguang College and Yunshan College will compete to recruit her into the academy. The desolate Sky Academy is simply a humiliation!

  A huge humiliation!

   Wumo was also surprisingly angry, and said solemnly, "Dad, I'll take someone to teach that kid a lesson tomorrow!"

   Wu Chen's wife did not speak, and neither supported nor opposed the words of his son Wu Mo.

   "That..." Seeing Wu Chen's angry appearance, Wu Xinxin said weakly, "I think what Teacher Zhang said still makes sense..."

  Sky Academy has a beautiful environment and a serenity away from the world. It is indeed a good place.

   These, she has seen with her own eyes and verified that Zhang Yu is not lying.

   Hearing Wu Xinxin's words to defend Zhang Yu, Wu Chen was angry and funny, and said helplessly: "My silly daughter! Don't you realize that the kid is deliberately misleading you?"

   He has been smart all his life, but he never imagined that his daughter would be so stupid.

  Wu Xinxin blinked suspiciously, her long eyelashes fluttered and she looked more and more dazed: "Misleading?"

  Wu Mo was also confused by this unresponsive younger sister. He shook his head helplessly and immediately asked, "Xinxin, let me ask you, what is the most important thing for a martial arts practitioner?"

   "Talent?" Wu Xinxin blinked playfully.

   "Talent is innate, no one can change it." Wu Mo nodded and continued to ask: "What about talent?"

   "Is it perseverance and perseverance?" Wu Xinxin thought for a while and answered cautiously.


  Wu Mo couldn't help rolling her eyes, she was speechless: "Although this answer is correct, but what I want to say is not this at all, okay?" This girl's brain circuit is also magical.

   shook his head helplessly, Wu Mo sighed: "It's a practice technique, a martial art!"

"Although our dancers are powerful, our rise time is too short, and our background is not even comparable to those of the ancient families that are weaker than us! The only exercises we can do well are the low-level spiritual exercises 'Liuyun Jue', and the martial arts are only spiritual The low-level martial arts 'Liuyun Sleeve' and the ordinary-level high-level martial arts 'Hannya Palm'."

   "It can be said that our dancers have no advantage at all in terms of exercises and martial arts..."

"Our dancers want to keep the status of the No. 1 family in the barren city. The only way is to let the children of the family continuously enter the Chenguang Academy and Yunshan Academy to learn more and better exercises and martial arts. This will not only improve the The strength of the family, and it can enrich the heritage of the family."

"Although the strength of Chenguang College and Yunshan College is slightly weaker than our dancers, these two colleges have a very rich background, and they have a large collection of advanced exercises and advanced martial arts. Moreover, as far as I know, seven years ago, Cang Qiong College When the turmoil broke out, Chenguang College and Yunshan College took advantage of the fire and looted a lot of advanced exercises and advanced martial arts that originally belonged to Cang Qiong College."

   Having said this, Wu Mo sighed: "Do you understand now? The Cang Qiong Academy may have a good environment, but it lacks the two most important things for martial arts practitioners - exercises and martial arts!"

   It is not that there are no exercises and martial arts in the Cangqiong Academy, but those that are not in the mainstream are almost the same!

  Wu Xinxin was stunned. Of course she knew how important martial arts and martial arts were to martial arts practitioners, but she was completely confused by Zhang Yu in the afternoon, and she didn't think of this question at all.

   "So Zhang...that guy has been lying to me!"

  Wu Xinxin's expression was sad, and her young heart was hit a lot.

   "I'm sorry, dad, brother, me, I..." Wu Xinxin's eyes were red and she was about to cry.

Seeing her daughter's sadness and grievances, Wu Chen felt very distressed, and quickly comforted: "It's okay, Xinxin, don't cry. Dad will take you to Chenguang College tomorrow. With Dad's face, even if the registration time is over, they will still be counted. I don’t dare to turn you away. As for Zhang Yu, Wu Mo, on behalf of Xinxin, you should go to him tomorrow to talk about the matter of leaving the hospital, and teach him a lesson by the way... Be careful!” As he spoke, he moved towards Wu Mo. a look.

   "Don't worry, Dad, I leave this matter to me." Seeing Wu Chen's eyes, Wu Mo understood and nodded with a smile.

   Of course he understood what Wu Chen said. The so-called lesson was probably more of a verbal warning. If he really wanted to do something, Wu Mo would not dare.

   Even if Wu Chen went there personally, he might not dare to take action against Zhang Yu.

   In the past seven years, although the major forces have done a lot of things against Cang Qiong Academy, no one has ever dared to touch Zhang Yu himself, not a single one!

   As long as there is no news of Zhang Yu's father Zhang Haoran, no one will dare to touch him!

   At this moment, Wu Xinxin suddenly raised her head, a look of determination flashed in her eyes: "No, I will go to Sky Academy tomorrow to find him!"


   After Zhang Yu sent Wu Xinxin away, he returned to his Champs Escape by himself.

   As soon as he reached the gate, a local dog with short gray hair rushed over in a hurry with its tail wagging.


  【Gender: Male】

  【Age: three years old】

  [Physical Talent: None]

  【Perception Talent: None】

  【Special Talent: None】

  【Repair: None】

   Sure enough, there are three no... four no products!

   "Xiaoqiang." Zhang Yu laughed and touched the head of the dog who was wagging its tail in front of him: "Are you hungry? Wait, I'll cook right away."

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