MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2003 betray?

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   Chapter 2003 Betrayal?

   Seeing that Bruce's voice suddenly stopped, he looked inexplicably frightened, and several monarchs frowned.

   "Just what? Say it now." The Tian jealous monarch was a little impatient.

  Blue calmed down a little and continued: "It's just that when I came to the passage of Heavenly Jealousy, I was blocked by someone."

   "Who?" The Nightmare Monarch said solemnly.

   "People from Dongyang Realm, as well as people from Team Sky." Bruce's voice was a little hoarse.

   Hearing the words "Sky Team", the hearts of several monarchs trembled.

The word   sky, directly reminded them of the mysterious king of the sky, the fierce man who dared to confront Zero.

  Hunmenghai is the first superhuman who dared to fight Zero head-on and survived successfully!

   Could it be that this matter has something to do with Team Sky?

   However, when they thought of the information about Team Sky in their memory, several monarchs frowned again. It seems that Team Sky doesn't have the ability to threaten Bruce, right?

"Dongyang Realm? Except for Xue Wu who has a little strength in Dongyang Realm, others are not worth mentioning, right?" The fearful monarch looked at Bruce suspiciously, "Even if the more than 20 legion commanders of the sky team come together, plus Dongyang Realm A group of legion commanders can't keep you, can they?"

   With the strength of an extreme army commander, and wearing a perfect-level muddy armor, Blu is almost incomprehensible to ordinary army commanders.

   If there were only a few dozen legion commanders, even if Bruce was defeated, he could leave calmly, and no one could stop him.

  Unless Bruce betrayed, the fearful monarch really can't think of how Dongyangjing and the sky team can **** the consciousness dzi.

   "The Dongyang Realm ones are really nothing to worry about, but Team Sky..." Blu's throat was a little dry.

   "What happened to Team Sky?"

   "The sky team is coming directly and will kill 300 people!" Blu's voice was full of grief and pain, "A total of 300 army commanders!"

   As soon as these words came out, several monarchs opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

To say that there are more than 20 legion commanders in the sky team, they believe that because the spies of the Celestial Clan on the Scarlet Sky Realm have already sent back information, it is confirmed that the sky team has more than 20 legion commanders, and even if the sky team has three Ten legion commanders, they are all acceptable, but close to 300 legion commanders, which is a bit outrageous.

   Not to mention the Cang Qiong team, even the entire Hunmeng navy commander together, there are far less than 300.

   Could it be that the Cang Qiong team is stronger than the entire Hunmenghai?

   "If you want to find a reason for your failure, you can make up a more convincing reason, instead of such a fake and obvious reason." The Lord of Heavenly Jealousy looked a little ugly.

  Several monarchs feel that Bruce is teasing them!

  Blu seemed to have expected that they would not believe it, and was not at all surprised by their reaction.

   He took a deep breath and said, "I know this may sound absurd, but it's the truth. If the monarch doesn't believe it, he can send someone to verify it, or even personally verify it. And..."

   "And what?"

"There are nearly 300 legion commanders in the sky team. They are not ordinary legion commanders, but..." Speaking of which, Bruce raised his head, stared at the monarchs, and said word by word: "Extreme Realm Corps Commander !"


   The auras of several monarchs were once again uncontrollable, and the surrounding space was shaken violently, as if the sky was furious, the earth was constantly shaking, and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

   "What did you say!" The jealous monarch stared at Bruce.

Under the aura of several monarchs, Bruce was pale and sweaty, but he still held his chest and supported his weak body: "I said, they are all commanders of the extreme army! Three hundred extreme army commanders!"

  Blu seems to have broken the jar.

  The jealous monarch said with a cold face: "Bru, do you think we are stupid?"

   "The monarch is the ruler of Hunmenghai, an eternal and indestructible existence, so he is wise and unparalleled," said Bruce.

   "Oh, is that so? But why do I think that you treat us all as fools?" Lord Tianyu's eyes became colder and colder, "Three hundred commanders of the extreme army, thanks to you for making them up!"

  The Nightmare Monarch said lightly: "Tianyu, I think you need to give us an explanation about this matter."

   In their view, it was obvious that there was something wrong with Bruce, not a problem of strength, but a problem of ideas.

  Perhaps, Bruce has betrayed the Celestial Clan!

  Otherwise, how could Bruce concoct such absurd lies in an attempt to deceive them?

   Hearing the words of the Nightmare Monarch, the Heavenly Jealous Monarch's face became even more ugly. He stared at Bru: "Bru, I will give you one last chance, and tell us the truth, where is the Consciousness Dzi."

   "I didn't lie." Bruce clenched his fist, very aggrieved and weak, "If you monarchs don't believe it, you can verify it yourself."

   "Does this kind of thing still need to be verified?" The Nightmare Monarch said lightly: "Three hundred legion commanders, three hundred extreme legion commanders, do you think it is possible?"

   "Impossible," said Blue, "but no matter how unlikely, it's a fact."

   "Enough." The Nightmare Monarch snorted coldly, "I don't want to listen to your nonsense. Since you don't want to tell the truth, then prepare to accept sanctions."

   As he spoke, the power of Nightmare Monarch's consciousness surged, and the monarch's coercion enveloped Bru, making the latter unable to move.

  Blu has been severely wounded, and if he suffers another heavy blow, he will definitely not survive.

Fortunately, the Lord of Heavenly Jealousy opened his mouth at this time, only to see that his mind was moved, and he directly shook off the pressure of the Nightmare Lord, saying: "Although I don't believe what he said, but killing him like this, he may not be convinced, and , Killing him directly is too cheap for him."

  Nightmare monarch raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What do you mean?"

The   Tianyu monarch did not answer the Nightmare monarch's question, but looked at Bruce and said lightly: "Since you keep saying that you are not lying, do you dare to accept our test?"

   "Detection?" Bruce was startled.

"Open the ocean of your memory and let us search it for ourselves." The jealous monarch said lightly: "If you are innocent, we will naturally not embarrass you, but if you are found to be lying, then you are ready to accept cruel sanctions. "

   "No!" Bruce said decisively: "My monarchs, I respect you, but that doesn't mean you can insult me ​​like this!"

Opening up his memory and letting others search it is undoubtedly an insult to him, and, in this way, he will have no secrets in front of the monarch, as if stripped of his clothes, and may even be imposed by the monarch in the process. What means of control, this is absolutely unacceptable to him.

   Any legion commander with pride and bottom line will never accept it!

   And extreme legion commanders like Blue and Rox would rather die than accept it!

"You can kill me directly, or forcibly erase my consciousness. But let me open my memory and forgive me." Bruce's attitude is very tough, and even in the face of the supreme monarch, there is no sign of resignation at all. , he can die, but he cannot let anyone trample his dignity, not even a monarch.

   Seeing Blue's reaction so fiercely, the jealous monarchs couldn't help frowning.

  The Nightmare Monarch was a little impatient: "Why don't you just kill him."

  The jealous monarch took a deep look at Bruce and said, "Do you think we have no other way to verify it?"

  Bru is very calm: "The monarch can use any method to verify."

   "As of now, you are still so stubborn." The jealous monarch said lightly: "I hope you can persevere to the end."

   As he spoke, the body of the jealous monarch showed a wave of power, which was the fluctuation of the monarch's authority.

The next moment, he directly established a connection with a Heavenly Jealousy legion commander who was in the northern area of ​​the source. A trace of the monarch's authority brand, the holder of the jade seal, can communicate remotely, and even teleport over long distances, but the source realm blocks the teleportation function and can only transmit sound.

   "Wells." The voice of the jealous monarch sounded slowly.

  Wells is the most powerful among the Sky Jealous Realm legion commanders except for Bruce, and his strength is also close to the legion commander's extreme realm, comparable to Xue Wu and Randolph.

   "Monarch!" Wells, who was on his way, couldn't help but shake his body. After reacting, he immediately responded respectfully.

   "Where are you now?" asked the jealous monarch.

   "Report to the monarch, we are rushing to the passage of Heavenly Jealousy." Wells replied respectfully, "It will be about three hours before we reach the passage of Heavenly Jealousy."

  The jealous monarch glanced at Bruce, and then said to Wells: "From now on, start the video recording and transmit it to me."

   "Yes, monarch!" said Wells.

   The next moment, a huge picture appeared in the eyes of several monarchs.

   Seeing that there are many legion commanders in the envy and fear realms in the picture, several monarchs nodded slightly.

"The power of consciousness is too much." The jealous monarch frowned. Obviously, he crossed the barrier between the source realm and the heavenly jealous realm and established a connection through the authority of the monarch. He won't do it easily, but now, he has to do it, not only to verify what Blue said, but also because he really wants to see what's going on near the Heavenly Jealousy Channel, "Three hours, you should be able to stick to it. live."