MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2009 Easy to get

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   Chapter 2009 Easy access

   "No, you can't let them go!" Xiaoxie said loudly.

  It was very unhappy, especially Lox's scheming appearance, which made it even more dissatisfied.

   Obviously surrounded by the sky team, in a dangerous environment, why is Rox calm?

   The most important thing is that he ignored Xiaoxie one after another, and called Xiaoxie a dog demon...

   This makes Xiaoxie extremely unhappy!

   "Mr. Dog Demon." Locks was neither humble nor arrogant, and always seemed very calm, "Do you want to put your personal grievances above the interests of the monarchs?"

   Of course he saw that Xiaoxie was unhappy with him, but he was still not worried because he had the hole card of consciousness dzi.

   He was very sure that Xiaoxie would never dare to do anything to him without the consciousness dzi bead in his hands.

   Moreover, the rest of the sky team is obviously more stable, and their attitude is more important, as long as they are persuaded, even if Xiaoxie disagrees, so what?

   A single commander of the extreme army, he is not afraid of Rox.

   "Who knows if you have a secret dzi bead of consciousness?" Xiaoxie was speechless and had to forcibly defend.

  Rocks said calmly: "We have destroyed the storage space and can't hide anything at all."

   Hearing the words, Xiao Xie said: "Maybe you are hiding somewhere else."

  Lokes is not in a hurry: "It doesn't matter, you can search, the entire southern area of ​​​​the source, you can search, even the northern area of ​​​​the source. It's not too late to let us leave after you've searched. We can wait patiently."

   These words completely resolved Xiaoxie's verbal offensive.

  Xiao Xie's fist was like hitting a ball of cotton, feeling deeply powerless.

"Okay, Xiaoxie, don't make trouble." Wu Mo finally spoke, he looked at Locks, "I can promise you to let you go, but you must undergo a test, if the test result proves that you have no secret consciousness. Pearl, you can return to your Celestial Clan secret realm, otherwise, you will be punished. Are you willing?"

   "I'll be happy to cooperate." Rocks smiled.

  The other army commanders felt very aggrieved, but they had to nod their heads in agreement.

   Soon, the group rushed towards the Nightmare Realm passage.

  Wu Mo, Deng Qiuchan, Lin Ming, Mao Zangfeng and many other members of the Cang Qiong team walked on both sides, while the Celestial Clan army commanders walked in the middle.

   "Did you really just let them go like this?" Xiaoxie was not reconciled, it couldn't see Lox's indifferent look.

"Or else?" Wu Mo glanced at Xiaoxie, "I warn you, don't do anything, if you rush them, they will directly send the consciousness dzi into the outer sky, then you will find the teacher yourself. punish."

   Hearing the words, Xiao Xie's body trembled uncontrollably, and he immediately calmed down.

   This demon king who is not afraid of heaven and earth is afraid of only one person, and that is Zhang Yu.

   It has no doubt that if it messes up this matter, it will definitely be beaten.


   Heavenly Clan, Heavenly Jealousy Realm.

   Several Heavenly Clan monarchs stood in the sky, waiting in silence.

   At this time, they have long lost the confidence they had at the beginning, and a trace of tension and worry could be vaguely seen in their eyes.

   "Has Lox not gone back yet?" The jealous monarch looked at the nightmare monarch.

  Nightmare monarch shook his head: "It's almost time."

  The fearful monarch said: "How about, contact Rox again? I always feel a little uneasy and uneasy in my heart."

   "Is it necessary?" The Nightmare Monarch said calmly: "What if I contact Lox? Can it change the result?"

   The resentful monarch smiled bitterly and said, "Unless we set foot in the source realm ourselves, otherwise..."

  Nightmare monarch sighed lightly and said, "I have told Lox what happened in the source realm before. I believe that with Lox's wisdom, the best arrangement will be made, and we don't need to disturb them again."

   After a pause, the Nightmare Monarch said again: "I believe that Rox will successfully bring back the Consciousness Dzi."

  If even Locks fails, then it can only prove that nothing can be done.

  The sky was quiet again, and the eyes of several monarchs were all worried. They were really worried that what happened to Bruce and others would happen again.

  The Nightmare Sovereign body has long been outside the Nightmare Realm passage, ready to respond to Rox at any time to prevent the people from the sky team from chasing after him.


   A few hours later.

   Wu Mo, Deng Qiuchan, Xiao Xie, Lin Ming, Mao Zangfeng and other members of the Sky Clan team returned to the Nightmare Realm passage, and brought back the head of the Celestial Clan, including Rox.

   "Teacher." Wu Mo came to Wushen, "We brought Locks and others back."

   At the same time, Randolph's eyes locked on Locks, with a solemn expression and a hint of excitement: "Yes, it's him. Locks!"

   Wu cast his eyes on Rox and took a few glances.

  Lokes took the initiative to step forward and bowed slightly respectfully: "Lord of the Nightmare Legion, I have seen the lord of the sky!"

   said without surprise: "Do you recognize me?"

   "I have seen some information about the lord of the sky, and there is a video." Locks said seriously.

   Wu nodded, and immediately said: "But I'm just a clone, not the main body of the sky monarch. You can call me... Wu."

   Zhang Lu, Dean's clone, Wu, so far, the sky monarch has released a total of three clones.

   "Yes, Lord Wu." Rox still maintained his respect for Wu.

   looked indifferent and said, "Do you mind taking a test?"

  Rocks' attitude was very cooperative. He showed no sign of resistance and said, "Please."

  None looked at Randolph.

  Randolph instantly understood the meaning of Wu, and immediately took out an oval gem and went forward to test it.

  Rocks first handed all the consciousness dzi to Wu, and then without waiting for Randolph to speak, he took the initiative to stop the operation of Hun Meng's power and Hun Meng's will, and cooperated with Randolph to test.

   After checking Lox, Randolph continued to walk towards the rest of the Sky Clan Legion Commanders.

   Soon, all the leaders of the Celestial Clan had been tested. Randolph put away the oval gem and said to Wu, "Master Wu, no problem was detected."

Wu nodded slightly, but he didn't find it strange. After all, he had already heard Randolph introduce him to Rox. He was resourceful and steady in his work. Most importantly, he didn't like taking risks. I am used to being prudent and protecting myself, and I don't believe that Rox will not risk his own life for the benefit of the monarchs.

   "One hundred and eighty-two." After counting the number of consciousness dzi beads, a smile appeared, "Not bad."

   Compared with the harvest on the side of the Heavenly Jealousy Channel, the harvest here is even greater.

  Rocks didn't speak from the beginning to the end. He didn't seem to be worried at all, and he forcibly killed them here.

   He can doubt Wu's character, but he will never doubt the importance that monarchs place on their own face.

Although   wu is not the main body of the lord of the sky, but as the avatar of the monarch, it also represents the monarch, and it is absolutely impossible to go back on his words in front of so many people.

   "Hand over your treasures, and then you can leave." Without putting away the consciousness dzi, he said to Locks.

Without any hesitation, Rox directly took out all the treasures from the temporary storage space, including the perfect-level hazy battle armor given to him by the Nightmare Monarch. After that, he destroyed the temporary storage space again to prove that he did not Hide anything.

   After doing all this, Rox looked at Wu.

   Wu nodded: "You go."

  Lokes breathed a sigh of relief, although he was more than 90% sure, but before he really avoided danger, there was always a trace of worry in his heart.

   bowed to Wu again, Locks turned and walked towards the Nightmare Channel. This time, no one stopped Locks.

   Soon, the other Celestial Clan commanders followed suit and offered their own treasures, and then carefully passed through the blockade of everyone in the sky team and through the Nightmare Realm passage.


   Outside the Nightmare Channel.

   A ray of light flickered, and Rox's calm and calm figure appeared.

   At the same time, the Nightmare Sovereign's eyes instantly locked on Lox, the latter's calmness gave the Nightmare Sovereign a glimmer of hope, and a low voice sounded slowly: "Have you brought the Consciousness Dzi back?"

  Rocks was silent for a while, then lowered his head: "Sorry, it was taken away by Team Sky."

   Hearing the words, the Nightmare Monarch sank in his heart and said, "All the members of the Sky Team on the side of the Sky Jealousy Passage have come to the Nightmare Passage?"

  Rocks shook his head: "We encountered another group of Sky Team members."

  The Nightmare Monarch was startled.

"Unfortunately, this group of members of the sky team is also the commander of the extreme state army. Including that dog demon." Rox sighed: "I estimate that all members of the sky team have already set foot in the extreme state of the army commander. The number, more than two thousand."

   Over two thousand!

   Commander of the Extreme Realm Corps!

  The Nightmare Monarch was stunned.