MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2030 lesson

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   Chapter 2030 Lessons

Wells has always regarded himself very highly. In the entire Celestial Clan, except for the four monarchs, as well as Blue and Rox, he has not put anyone in his eyes, and he has always regarded himself as the next extreme army commander. , he also has sufficient confidence that he will definitely become the commander of the extreme state army.

   As a result, Xiaoxie took the place of the envoy of the monarch of Tianyu, which made him feel disgraced and humiliated.

   He may not dare to kill Xiaoxie directly, but it should be no problem to teach him a little lesson. Even if the jealous monarch asks, he can be said to verify the strength of the new messenger for the monarch.

It's just a pity that he probably never dreamed that the person he provoked was not an ordinary legion commander, but a real legion commander of the extreme realm, and he was also a person who would pay back... No, it should be said that it was a man who must be reported. dog demon.

Under the Heavenly Jealous Mountain, Wells stood in the air, high-spirited, the breath that was close to the commander of the extreme realm, enveloped everyone including Xiaoxie, among them Xiaoxie didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but wanted to laugh a little, although Si Ming Feeling a little depressed, but not too complacent, but Tom, Weil, Fiddles and the others were almost breathless by the terrifying aura, all of them were pale and dripping with cold sweat.

   "Your Majesty." Si Ming said solemnly: "Wells' strength is extremely difficult, do you need my help?"

  Xiao Xie glanced at Si Ming, but he didn't expect that this guy didn't defect.

   "It's just one Wells, this king can solve it with his hands, why do you need your help?" Xiaoxie smiled lightly.

   Everyone looked at Xiaoxie in surprise. Could it be that its strength is strong enough to rival Wells?

"It's crazy." Wells looked at Xiao Xie coldly, "Master Blue and Master Rox dare not say that they can beat me easily, but you actually said that you can solve me with your hands. To be honest, the entire Celestial Clan, I've never seen anyone crazier than you. However, who wouldn't say big things? I'm afraid that someone will be slapped in the face."

   He didn't dare to underestimate Xiaoxie. After all, anyone who could climb the Heavenly Jealous Mountain was an old-fashioned army commander no matter how bad it was.

  Xiao Xie stared at Wells with a half-smile, "Hey, boy, I'll give you a chance to admit your mistake, kneel down and kowtow three times, and I'll spare you."

   "Dog demon! You are insulting me!" Wilston was furious.

"Who has the spare time to insult you? What I said is true, you kneel down and kowtow immediately, and I can spare you." Xiaoxie said in a hurry: "If I really take action, even if you kneel and kowtow, It doesn't work either." Unless Wells was the commander of the extreme state army, Xiao Xie really didn't take him seriously.

   The difference between the strength of the top legion commander is not too big, but the extreme legion commander has an ability that the top legion commander does not have, and this ability is to break the space!

If Wells has a perfect-level muddy armor, Xiaoxie may not be able to break through the former's defense. Even if it can be broken, it will be difficult to hit Wells, but it really annoys Xiaoxie, Xiaoxie doesn't need to think about it at all. Break through his defenses and banish him directly to the outside world.

   This is the greatest deterrent force of the extreme army commander!

   For the Commander of the Extreme Realm, even if he has a perfect-level Hunmeng armor, it cannot eliminate the threat of the Commander of the Extreme Realm!

   In a way, it is more like a transitional stage from an ordinary legion commander to a monarch!

"Stop talking nonsense!" As if insulted, Wells directly slapped Xiaoxie with his palm, and with it, Si Ming, Wener, Tom, Fiddles and others behind Xiaoxie were also covered in the palm print. Below, it is no exaggeration to say that if this slap is real, except for Xiaoxie and Si Ming, no one else will survive, and even Si Ming will probably be hit hard.

  Xiao Xie's eyes quickly ignited dark flames, and then the dark flames covered the whole body and spread out in all directions.

   The next moment, Xiao Xie raised his head slightly and sneezed upwards.


   That sneeze sounded like a thunderous sound, and a deafening roar sounded in the vicinity of Tianju Sacred Mountain. Then, the huge palm print instantly shattered and dissipated, fading like a mist of water.

  Si Ming, Tom and the others widened their eyes and were dumbfounded.

   "You all stand back." Xiaoxie said lightly.

Hearing the words, everyone quickly retreated into the distance, for fear of being involved in the battle between Xiaoxie and Wells. The confrontation between the two top powerhouses is definitely not something that their group of commanders, the great commander-level masters can endure. , Even Si Ming didn't dare to get too close.

Seeing that he was slapped and blown away by Xiaoxie's sneeze, Wells couldn't help but change his face slightly: "What a strong strength!" Although he just didn't use his full strength, he was by no means an ordinary veteran army commander. It can be seen that Xiao Xie's strength is probably not weaker than him.

   No wonder it can win the approval of the monarch!

   Wells' face was gloomy: "However, this strength alone is not enough!"

He stretched out his hands, and a cloudy force burst out from both palms, quickly condensed in front of his chest, and turned into a huge energy ball. Hun Meng's will, the energy ball is constantly shrinking under the compression of Hun Meng's will, and soon it shrinks into a black light spot. Life and others were shocked for a while.

  The surrounding space is slightly distorted, as if it is approaching the limit of endurance.

   "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

  The airflow around Wells' body rioted, and there was a continuous sonic boom, as if the air had been crushed.

The next moment, Wells pushed forward with the palms of both hands, the energy ball quickly swept towards Xiaoxie, the surrounding air flow completely rioted, and a deafening explosion made the Heavenly Jealous Mountain seem to be trembling slightly, and the heaven and the earth violently shook. tremble.

Xiaoxie looked at Wells in surprise. He didn't expect the latter to be able to perform such a powerful attack without using a muddy weapon. The power of such an attack is already very close to the commander of the extreme state army. It is estimated that Snow Dance and Randolph may not be able to display the same powerful attack.

   However, the top legionnaires are not the extreme legionnaires after all, and there is still a gap between the two.

Facing that moment, it pierced the sky and swept towards his energy ball. Xiaoxie's sharp mouth opened and swallowed the energy ball whole. After finishing it, it hiccupped and looked towards Wells: "Just a little hungry, thank you for the food." I saw the dark flame on its body weakened instantly, and then quickly recovered.

   Obviously, its actual feeling is not as easy as it seems.

The power of the energy ball is also somewhat beyond its expectations. Although it has shown the limelight on the surface, the actual suffering can only be experienced by itself, but no matter how suffering it is, it can only pretend to be okay and cannot let it be. Others can see it, otherwise, wouldn't it be himself who was beaten in the face?

  Although Xiaoxie was slightly injured, it disguised well enough that it was not noticed by everyone, not even its opponent Wells.

  I saw Wells looking at Xiaoxie in horror: "You, you..."

His unreserved blow was directly swallowed by Xiaoxie as food. The most terrifying thing is that Xiaoxie did not show the slightest difference after swallowing it, as if he had just had a full meal. Such a picture, such a The visual impact directly defeated Wells' psychological defense.

   "It's not indecent to come and go." Xiaoxie said with a smile: "I'll give you a gift next."

The voice fell, Xiaoxie opened his mouth, and the sharp mouth suddenly lit up with a dazzling dark light. The next moment, a terrifying power fluctuation spread out, and the dark black light quickly burst out of its mouth, and the light was like a condensed light. To the extreme dark flame, but the flame is not hot, but gives people a cold and biting feeling.

   The dark black light left Xiaoxie's mouth, and the space was instantly frozen, and even time was frozen.

  Everyone is motionless, and the whole world is frozen in time.

No, it's not that time has come to a standstill, it's that the dark black light is too fast, so fast that time seems to be slowed down by a hundred million times in front of it, but Wells can see the dark black light shooting towards him. , his consciousness can also keep up with the speed of the dark black light, but his body can't make dodging movements in that brief moment.


   Wells' body was instantly annihilated, his will collapsed, and even his consciousness was melted and weakened to the extreme.

"It didn't die." Xiaoxie was a little surprised. Without the protection of the armor, Wells suffered its unreserved blow and survived. Although he was very weak, he almost never fought again. strength, but still not dead.

   Just when Xiaoxie was about to take another shot and wipe Wells completely, a figure suddenly appeared in the air, and the figure said lightly: "Okay, Wells won't die for his sin, spare his life."

  Xiao Xie was a little impatient, and looked at it, well, it is actually a jealous monarch.

"Okay, for the sake of the monarch's face, I will spare you this time." Xiaoxie said to Wells, who had only a trace of consciousness left: "Remember, if there is another next time, the monarch's face may not necessarily be Works."

   Such an arrogant attitude made everyone present stunned.

Read The Duke's Passion