MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2033 Blue comes to the door

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   Chapter 2033 Blue Comes to the Door

   "So many." Seeing the treasures constantly floating from the wormhole, Xiaoqiang was a little surprised, and then he admired Xiaoxie even more.

   It's only been so long, Xiaoxie was able to get so many hidden treasures, and Xiaoqiang himself couldn't do it at all.

   "Wait, this is..." After Xiaoqiang put away the other things, he picked up the storage ring again, sensed it for a moment, and his eyes widened for a while, "Hunmeng Origin Orb! So many!"

  Xiaoqiang exclaimed, his face full of shock.

   1.5 trillion Hunmeng Origin Beads!

   This is definitely the largest number of Hunmeng Origin Orbs that Xiaoqiang has ever seen!

Although Zhang Yu once owned 20 trillion Hunmeng Origin Orbs, but they were actually distributed to the teachers and students in the sky and spread out evenly. After all, Zhang Yu himself stayed a little bit.

   And now, the Hunmeng Origin Orb sent by Xiaoxie has reached 1.5 trillion!

   is one hundred and fifty times as much as the Hunmeng Primordial Orb that Zhang Yu gave to Xiaoxie before, or even more!

"How did Brother Xiaoxie do it?" Xiaoqiang couldn't figure it out, how did Xiaoxie get 1.5 trillion Yuanyuan beads in such a short period of time. The Hunmeng Primordial Orbs obtained by robbing those Celestial Clan Corps leaders in the Origin Realm are many times more.

   It is no exaggeration to say that with only these 1.5 trillion Hunmeng Primordial Beads, Zhang Yu sent Xiao Xie out for this trip in vain.

   Xiaoxie has done a great job!

   "As expected of brother Xiaoxie." Xiaoqiang looked adored, he could not wait to pass through the wormhole immediately, go to the other side of the wormhole, and express his worship to Xiaoxie.

After putting away the Hunmeng Origin Orb and many Hunmeng treasures, Xiaoqiang continued to wait for a while, and when the wormhole slowly closed, Xiaoqiang immediately went to the Chaos Sea area where Zhang Yu was located, and put all the Hunmeng Origin Orb with the Hunmeng Sea. Mongolia treasure handed in.

Zhang Yu was also a little surprised when he heard that Xiaoxie sent back so many Hunmeng Origin Orbs. He originally thought of sending Xiaoxie to make trouble for the Heavenly Clan, but he didn't hold too much about how much resources Xiaoxie could get. Hope, but now, Xiaoxie brought him a big surprise.

   "Exactly." Zhang Yu said: "The previous Hunmeng Origin Orbs are almost used. With these 1.5 trillion Hunmeng Origin Orbs, the Chaos Sea can be expanded at an accelerated rate."

   The expansion of the Chaos Sea is closely related to the cultivation of the creatures in the Chaos Sea.

   As long as these chaotic origin beads are scattered, and the spiritual cultivation of the chaotic sea creatures can be raised to a level as a whole, the chaotic sea can maintain an amazing expansion speed for a period of time.

   However, Zhang Yu is not a founder of Shantang, so it is impossible to scatter the Hunmeng Origin Beads for free.

  How to disperse the Hunmeng Origin Bead reasonably is also a knowledge.

Zhang Yu didn't think too much about this, he directly manipulated the incarnation, handed over the Hunmeng Origin Bead and many Hunmeng treasures to Zhang Haoran, and let Zhang Haoran take charge of this matter. With Zhang Haoran's wisdom, he would definitely be able to handle it properly. , there is no need for Zhang Yu to worry about it.

Speaking of which, although Zhang Haoran's strength is not outstanding, he is only at an ordinary level in the entire Cang Qiong Academy, but his wisdom is unmatched by many others. Over the years, Zhang Haoran has been managing the Cang Qiong Academy, replacing Zhang Yu. Solving too many troubles and troubles also allowed Zhang Yu to concentrate on his own business. Zhang Haoran's contribution to Cang Qiong Academy was not even under the spiritual leader Zhang Yu.

   In addition, in addition to Zhang Haoran, Yuan Tianji also made suggestions for the college from time to time, so that the Cang Qiong College has never gone wrong.


   Heavenly jealousy.

  Xiao Xie took a nap in the cave after sending the resources back to the Chaos Sea. The construction of the new city will take some time, and the Lord of Jealousy has no instructions for the time being, so it doesn't need to do anything now.

The construction of the evil city is in full swing. Under the banner of Xiaoxie, Si Ming, Fiddles, Mundo, Wen Er, Tom and others recruited troops, pulled up a team, and attracted various forces. In just a few days, one by one. High-rise buildings rose from the ground, and the originally desolate mountain, many mountains were flattened, only the hill where Xiao Xie was located did not move, but there were brand new buildings built around the hill.

   One by one planning drawings are placed in front of Si Ming, each drawing represents a position of the evil city, and all the blueprints put together are the final evil city.

   Now, about one ten thousandth of the construction of the evil city has been completed, and the number and popularity of the buildings are even more amazing than that of a small town.

The more than 500 million Hunmeng Primordial Orbs raised by Si Ming and others had been spent before they knew it. Next, they will face an extremely severe test. How to complete the follow-up projects without Hunmeng Primrose Orbs? This is definitely a huge test for Si Ming and others.

Fortunately, under the banner of Xiaoxie, they attracted a lot of Hunmeng Lords. Many forces also knew of Xiaoxie's existence and wanted to please this new monarch messenger. Therefore, Si Ming and others took the opportunity to ask for it. Many benefits, barely maintaining the normal construction of the evil city.

   Just how long this situation can last, no one can say.

   After all, the main purpose of those forces is to please Xiaoxie, and it is impossible to pay blindly.

   Before seeing the actual benefits, their contribution to Xiaoxie definitely has an upper limit.


   Time passed slowly.

   In a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

Recently, people are in a state of panic, and the spies from the Ming clan have reported that the Ming clan and the Cang Qiong team are about to join forces to launch an attack. If the clan is huddled in the four secret realms today, no one can resist the Ming clan and the Cang Qiong team. Once they attacked, the Heavenly Clan's Hunmenghai would fall instantly, without the slightest resistance.

   At that time, they will be completely sealed in the four secret realms, and they may even be attacked by the Lord of the Life Clan at all times.

  After all, no one knows if the Lord of the Ming clan will directly enter the secret realm...

   Although this possibility is very low, who can say that it will not happen?

Fortunately, although the Ming clan and the Cang Qiong team started to move, it took time for the army to go. It took time to come from the Ming clan. The time spent on the road was calculated in years. After all, not everyone has the speed of the army commander. . Therefore, at present, they only need to be vigilant against the top experts of the Life Clan and the Cang Qiong team.

Unconsciously, the construction of the evil city has been completed by 1%. Although the construction of the city is far from complete, it can accommodate a lot of people. Some basic activities such as life and business can be carried out. All basic functions have been completed, and then we only need to continue to expand the city.

   It's really hard for Si Ming and others. With such a host, they have to rack their brains, rack their brains, and do everything possible.

On this day, when Si Ming and others were still thinking about how to continue to fool those forces tomorrow, there was a sudden explosion in the sky, and then, a figure appeared in everyone's sight, and the voice shook the world: "In the next blue , please come and see the evil god."

Before Si Ming and the others could come back to their senses, in the middle of the city, in the hill that was still in the primitive wilderness, a figure of a **** wolf dog rushed up and rolled up a terrifying storm. The trees near the hill, Many were forcibly rolled off by strong air currents.

   "Bru?" I saw the **** wolf dog looking at the person, "Are you Bruce?"

In the    evil city, hundreds of millions of Hunmeng Lords have settled in. At this moment, seeing the movement in the sky, all of them are raising their heads and staring at the sky, one person and one dog, with excited expressions.

  One is the legendary and ancient commander of the extreme realm army, and the dragon sees the beginning but not the end!

  The other is the messenger of the monarch, and he is also suspected to be the commander of the extreme army!

   They never dreamed that they would be able to witness the historic meeting of the two extreme army commanders!

"Why are you looking for me?" Xiaoxie doesn't think there's anything special about Blue at all. Everyone is the commander of the extreme state army, and no one is worse than anyone else. More importantly, the commander of the extreme state army, Xiaoxie sees too much. There are more, one student that Cang Qiong Academy randomly pulls out is the commander of the extreme army, and the number is as high as 2,000, which is really not unusual.

  Blu frowned slightly and asked, "I heard that a commander of the extreme army has come from our Heavenly Jealousy Realm. I was very curious, so let's take a look and see if it is true."

  Xiaoxie grinned: "Really? Now that you see it, how is it, did you disappoint?"

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