MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2049 Earth (finale)

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   Chapter 2049 Earth (finale)

   Hearing Sun Meng's half-joking and half-serious words, Zhang Yu was stunned.


Recalling his own experiences for so many years, there have been exciting and boring, as if every moment is busy, there is no free time, and every moment seems to be idle, there is nothing to do, Zhang Yu inexplicably feels that he seems to be early. I was unconsciously numb.

   How many years have you been without a good meal with your family?

   How many years have you stopped to look at the scenery around you?

   Zhang Yu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He was like a rural boy who strayed into the city. He was fascinated by the city's feasting and feasting, but gradually forgot his original intention.

As early as billions of years ago, he already possessed invincible strength. It stands to reason that he could have slowed down at that time and focused his life on his family and friends, but he did not do that. Continue to expand the Chaos Sea and create the Chaos Sea and Heaven Dao with 800,000 cultivation clones, as if some invisible force is urging him.


   Zhang Yu couldn't tell the reason.

   Perhaps it was because his fiery heart had already perished at the very beginning of time travel.

Looking back at the past, the long years of billions of epochs, the endless memories are like a mirror, and there is an unreal feeling, as if everything he has experienced is false, and everything he does is as if pre-set.

   Gradually, Zhang Yu's memory became clearer and clearer. Magically, the closer he got to the current memory, the more blurred it became, but the closer he got to the memory of his previous life, the clearer it became.

Wu Xinxin, Wu Mo, Wu Chen, Bai Ling, Chilong King, Qingyi Eagle King, Xiao Yan, Zhou Xiner, Ou Shenfeng, etc., the memories of those years in the barren city have become incomparably clear, as if every detail, every Time nodes, like movies, flashed in his mind frame by frame.

   However, the most profound memory is not the memory of the barren city, but the memory of the earth in the previous life, that is, the memory of his first life.

That dusty memory has always been buried in his heart. Even if he finds the Chinese civilization of later generations, he will never be able to return to the past and the familiar homeland. There is always a sense of alienation in my heart, out of tune with this world.

  Perhaps in his heart, he will always belong to that blue water planet called Earth, and that is his final destination.

   "Linger." Zhang Yu suddenly called out.

   I saw a figure suddenly flashed out of Zhang Yu's body, that was the former system, the incomplete Heavenly Dao of Tianxu Realm.

   "Master." Ling'er's eyes flashed, "Master, you finally remembered me."

   She happily danced around and said to Sun Meng, "Sister Bai Ling, we meet again."

   Zhang Yu suddenly laughed. That smile was brighter than ever, and Sun Meng could clearly feel the fiery emotion.

   Since Zhang Yu detached from the sixth-order small world, he has almost never shown such an open smile again.


  Sun Meng noticed Zhang Yu's change, not a change in appearance or strength, but a spiritual change.

Zhang Yu said slowly: "You ask me if I am lonely... I suddenly found out that I am really lonely, no, it should be said that I am lonely. Although I have parents, friends, and the company of many people, the earth is in my heart. No one can replace my position. Maybe from the moment I found out that the earth had been destroyed, my heart was actually dead.”


   Zhang Yu nodded: "Yes, the most beautiful hometown in my memory, the entire Chaos Sea and the Hunmeng Sea, are not as beautiful as one ten thousandth of it."

   After saying this, Zhang Yu fell silent again.

"It's a pity." After a long time, Zhang Yu said in a tone full of regret and inexplicable sadness: "The earth is gone. As early as billions of epochs, the solar system of the ninth-order world where the earth is located has already perished. . . . I will never go back to my hometown."

  Zhang Yu has lived four lives in total. The first life was born on the earth, the second life was transmigrated to the world of emptiness, the third life was reborn as the Venerable Void, and the fourth life finally succeeded in proving the Tao and reached the top.

  However, the memory of the earth for the past thirty years cannot be suppressed by the rest of the world. The more suppressed it is, the more profound the memory will be.

  Perhaps in Zhang Yu's heart, no matter what achievements he has achieved, he will always be that ordinary young man on earth.

   He looked at Sun Meng: "I admit, I have a crush on you, and I'm honored that you like me, but, sorry, I'm afraid I can't hold more things in my heart..."

   "Wait." Sun Meng suddenly said: "Then what if... I have a way to make the earth reappear?"

Zhang Yu frowned: "You and I are both the Lords of the Hunmeng Sea, you should be clear that although the Lord of the Hunmeng Sea can imitate an earth, it is an imitation after all, not the earth itself... And if you change the time, forcibly Let the earth reappear, the rules and order of the Hunmenghai will collapse in an instant, and it will perish in the next second."

   To imitate an earth?

   Zhang Yu didn't think about it, and he has the ability to do it.

   But he didn't.

  Because counterfeit goods are always counterfeit goods, they cannot replace the position of the real earth in Zhang Yu's heart.

   In those days, Zhang Yu created a lot of worlds, many of which included the earth. Although those worlds were very similar to the earth and could not even see any difference, Zhang Yu could not pass the hurdle in his heart.

   "If I can really make the earth reappear...Would the teacher be willing to form a Taoist partner with me?" Sun Meng said with a smile.

Zhang Yu was a little suspicious, and then said: "I don't know... I can only say that if you really do it, I may really consider the issue of love..." Before that, he really didn't have the heart to think about it. question.

  Sun Meng's smile brightened: "Teacher, please remember what you said."

   Zhang Yu looked at Sun Meng: "Do you really have a solution?"

"I forgot to tell the teacher that the new Hunmeng Sea has countless evolution possibilities. I just need to make the new Hunmeng Sea evolve in the direction of the current Hunmeng Sea, and the earth will definitely reappear..." Sun Meng said: "Because the new Hunmenghai is based on the original Hunmenghai, which was reborn from the ruins, so theoretically, after the birth of the new Hunmenghai, those creatures are actually themselves... You can put It's a cycle."

   Hearing this, Zhang Yu's eyes lit up, but then he hesitated again and said, "But if this is the case, wouldn't the new Hunmenghai also go to the road of destruction?"

"I can limit the scope of evolution to the area where the earth is located, and let it evolve along the original path. In this way, the entire Hunmeng Sea will not be affected." Sun Meng said: "Actually, I am also very curious. What a beautiful place the teacher's hometown is... I think, it must be very charming, right?"

   "Linger also wants to go see it." Linger said loudly.


   In the blink of an eye, billions of turbulent times have passed, and the original turbid sea has completely annihilated and disappeared.

   The powerful creatures in Hunmenghai entered the Chaos Sea, while those weak creatures, as well as Zero, Zero, etc., disappeared together with Hunmenghai.

This also makes the battle in the Chaos Sea more and more fierce. Fortunately, there are nine first-order monarchs, and all battles will not exceed the limit, because once the limit is exceeded, the nine first-order monarchs will personally intervene to prevent As the battle expanded, they were also worried about the Chaos Sea's footsteps, so even if the Lord of the Chaos Sea did not appear again, many monarchs still maintained the most basic order of the Chaos Sea very tacitly.

   After that, trillions of epochs passed.

   After a long time, the new Hunmenghai has also grown to its ultimate form.

   On this day, Sun Meng suddenly found Zhang Yu: "Teacher, the earth you mentioned has appeared!"

   Zhang Yu's eyes were full of vicissitudes, but his face was still young.

   "Earth!" Zhang Yu was refreshed and his breathing became a little faster.

   "Great!" Linger cheered.

I saw Sun Meng construct a teleportation wormhole in an instant, and said: "Through this teleportation wormhole, you can reach the Xinhunmenghai Earth. I promise, that place must be the teacher's hometown. Because it is as beautiful as the teacher described. ." Whether the earth is really beautiful, or whether Sun Meng loves the house and Wu, is unknown.

   Zhang Yu took a deep breath and walked through the wormhole.

   The next moment, Zhang Yu, Sun Meng, and Linger came to the center of a street at the same time.

   Looking at the surrounding high-rise buildings, a sense of familiarity arises spontaneously.

Familiar air, familiar high-rise buildings, familiar streets, familiar clothes, familiar vehicles, everything is like a dream. At this moment, Zhang Yu's spirit is a little dazed, like a wanderer who has been wandering for decades. He suddenly returned to his hometown, but Zhang Yu has been wandering for longer, not decades, but trillions of years!

   Suddenly, Zhang Yu and the others roared: "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

I saw a truck coming towards them. In order to avoid them, the truck turned sharply, "Hey!" A sharp and harsh brake sounded. The truck avoided Zhang Yu and the others, but hit the roadside. A young man waiting for a red light.

   "Boom!" Accompanied by the heavy crashing sound, the young man was instantly transformed into a puddle of flesh on the spot.

With the strength of Zhang Yu and the others, a single thought can prevent this tragedy from happening, but they all only care about the perception of the earth, and they don't pay attention to the scene around them. Until the young man was knocked into a pool of meat, Zhang Yu and the others returned. God comes.

   Zhang Yu was silent for a while, looking at the completely inhuman youth in the pool of blood, his heart was full of guilt.

   I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

   "That..." Sun Meng said, "How about I revive him directly?"

   The dignified Lord of the Hunmeng Sea, it is very easy to resurrect a mortal.

   "This is the world of mortals." Zhang Yu waved to Sun Meng, "If he is really resurrected, he will definitely be treated as a monster..."

   "What should we do then?" Sun Meng hesitated.

   "Since he died because of us, then I will give him a blessing." Zhang Yu looked at the silent young man.

He sensed the entire earth with his mind and searched out all the information about this young man. He unexpectedly discovered that this kid is actually a fan of martial arts. He usually likes to help some poor and weak people, and put the word chivalrous into action. , but also offended many people because of this, so that he was still poor in his thirties.

  It is hard to be a good person!

   "Since you like helping people so much, then let you go to another place to help more people..." Zhang Yu smiled slightly, and immediately enveloped the young man's soul with the power of his ultimate consciousness.

Out of the corner of the window caught a glimpse of Linger, Zhang Yu had a clever move, showed a mischievous smile, separated a ray of ultimate consciousness, poured it into the young man's soul, and sent it to an unknown place: "I hope you don't let it go. I'm disappointed, and don't embarrass our Earth Huaxia people..."

   "Teacher, what did you do to him just now?" Sun Meng asked curiously.

   Zhang Yu said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just gave him a great fortune. The person who carries the power of my ultimate consciousness is destined to be extraordinary in the future."

  Sun Meng seems to understand, but she doesn't care about the future of the young man, she is more concerned about another thing.

   "Teacher, do you remember what you said back then?" Sun Meng stared straight at Zhang Yu.

   Zhang Yu met Sun Meng's gaze and said, "I'm a very boring person, are you sure you want to be with me?"

  Sun Meng nodded heavily.

   "Then..." Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Let's be together."


  New book: "The Strongest Mercenary"


   The strange demons in the dark abyss rioted, the demon king came into the world, and Tianlan City was in danger.

   "Ding. After system testing, the city lord of Tianlan City issued a job to annihilate alien demons, do you accept it?"


   "Ding. Based on the principle of customer first and task first, the host will be temporarily promoted to the emperor realm in order to complete the task."

   "After the task is completed, one-tenth of the temporary cultivation will be converted into permanent cultivation, which can be superimposed with the host's original cultivation."

   So, people were shocked to see—

   Outside Tianlan City, a sword of light rose from the ground, and millions of demons turned into ashes.

   Released on February 7th, so stay tuned.

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