MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5931 Chasing soldiers

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The siege in the jungle itself was aimed at Zuo Wuyou, and Yang Kai just caught up at the right time.

No one would have thought that, in that kind of knotty eyes, the destiny-guided Saint Son of God would suddenly fall from the sky, causing the original undercurrent to burst out in an instant.

Yang Kai thought about it for a while and reacted.

Zuo Wuyou did say to the group of besiegers before, "You are not here for Zuo Mou".

"Anyway, I still have to thank you." Yang Kai said.

Zuo Wuyou said: "The holy son is serious. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We must leave as soon as possible."

Although he killed a lot of people, after all, it’s hard to scream with a single palm. There is no way to kill the enemy. The news of the birth of the son is probably already spread out. For a Zuo Wuyou, the other party is still paying attention, but it has not yet reached the necessary level. In addition to the fast speed, if the news of the holy child comes out, it will definitely attract the other party to encircle and suppress at all costs.

"But Brother Zuo, your injury..." The thin young man looked at Zuo Wuyou worriedly.

Zuo Wuyou waved his hand and said, "It's nothing serious, **** the son..." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly sprayed out a mouthful of blood mist, the whole person's aura was wilted to the extreme, and his face became extremely pale.

"Brother Left." The two young people yelled anxiously, one left and the other right, holding onto the crumbling Zuo Wuyou.

Yang Kai looked at him and said, "It looks like we have to hide here for a while."

A bitter expression appeared on Zuo Wuyou's face: "Please also Shengzi wait for me for a long time."

Yang Kai was noncommittal.

Zuo Wuyou is in desperate need of healing like this, and only a great battle has caused him to consume a lot of money. Only because he is concerned about the safety of the saint son and the future of the gods, he forcibly suppresses his injuries.

After a while, Zuo Wuyou was placed, closed his eyes and meditated, adjusting his breath to heal his injuries.

The two young men who brought Yang Kai here were guarded, but Yang Kai himself seemed to have nothing to do.

Today he still has too little information. The only thing he can be sure of is that this world is still in the long river of time and space of animal husbandry.

When photographed by the waves of the long river of time and space, Yang Kai did not dodge and was led to this place. As a result, it fits with the words of an unknown goddess in this world...

In this situation, if you want to know something, you still have to see the saint first!

Yang Kaixin had some faint guesses, but before seeing the saint, there was no way to be sure.

But before that, there are some minor problems that need to be resolved.

The secret room was silent for a while.

About two hours later, something happened suddenly.

Zuo Wuyou, who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, opened his eyes suddenly, filled with an expression of disbelief, and shouted, "Impossible!"

The moment the voice fell, there was a wave of shaking.

It seems that someone is urging a powerful method to attack the mountain wall where everyone is in the secret room.

"Brother Zuo!" the thin young man exclaimed, "Our position has been exposed, and those guys are chasing us."

The worry-free face on the left was solemn.

This secret room is one of the footholds of the gods. When he rushed back before, he deliberately surveyed the surrounding area and was able to make sure that he was not being followed. How did the enemy find the door?

If it wasn't for sure that this place was safe enough, he wouldn't stay here to heal his injuries.

But in fact, those guys really came up.

"Hurry up and urge the defense formation!" Zuo Wuyou yelled in a low voice.

Another young man immediately took out Jade Jue, poured energy into it, and guarded the secret room.

The more fierce the attack, the greater the movement.

"Zuo Wuyou, this seat knows that you are inside, hand over your saint son, this seat will surround you without dying!"

Zuo Wuyou changed his color when he heard his voice: "Yan Peng! This old guy actually came in person."

When he was besieged in the jungle, he didn't change his face, but at the moment he was facing an enemy. Obviously, this guy named Yan Peng was not easy to provoke.

After waiting for a long while, there was no response. The person outside Yan Peng suddenly snorted coldly: "Toast and not eat fine wine, if that's the case, then don't blame the old man for his cruelty!"

When the words fell, the aftermath of the violent power was ups and downs, and the whole secret room shook abruptly.

The young man holding the jade jue and urging the power of protection also staggered, and said nervously: "Brother Zuo, the protection circle will not last long."

Zuo Wuyou immediately stood up with his sword, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Zheng Hai, Liu Ji, I'll make a way for you later, you take the holy son and go quickly."

"Brother Zuo who can't leave." The thin young man Zheng Hai said angrily: "Let's fight with them!"

A trace of sadness flashed in Zuo Wuyou's eyes. He didn't know that he couldn't take it off. It was just so many years of persistence. Now that the light is finally seen, he just gave up like this. How can he be reconciled?

He gritted his teeth and said: "You two will listen to me. In any case, you must protect the saint child safely and bring him back. Don't give up until the last moment!"

Boom boom boom...

The gravel rustled down, and it seemed that this secret room could not last long.

Zuo Wuyou Hengjian looked at his chest with determination and determination.

Liu Ji is still urging Yu Jue's prestige.

Zheng Hai also had a solemn expression. He was ready to attack with a punch and hit Liu Ji's back with a punch. At the same time, the hidden dagger in his other hand, like a snake spit out the core, pierced Yang Kai's waist.



Two exclamations sounded almost simultaneously.

The situation in the secret room has been confusing.

When Liu Ji was hit by that punch, he spouted blood and fell aside, and Zuo Wuyou would naturally not notice such a huge movement.

When he turned his head, his eyes were full of incredible expressions, and he didn't expect a traitor to appear on his side! And turn around at this critical moment.

He also finally understood why the location of the foothold here had been exposed. The enemy had hidden Zheng Hai, a traitor, in the religion of God. He hadn't used it for many years. Now it's about the Son of God, and it's time to start it.

More shocked than Zuo Wuyou, it was Zheng Hai who shot at Yang Kai.

The timing of his action was just right. It was on the eve of the collapse of the formation here. Everyone's spirits were highly concentrated and nervous. Liu Ji was injured by a punch and stood unsuspectingly in front of him. His son should be stabbed to death directly by him!

However, in fact, when his dagger was less than Yang Kai's body, he was abruptly clamped by **** protruding out of thin air.

During the whole process, the saint child didn't even turn his head, but he seemed to have eyes behind his back.


There was no one in charge of the circle, directly broken, and the secret room hidden in the belly of the mountain was completely exposed. The outside figures were fascinating. One of the ruddy-faced white-haired old men stood with his hands, raised his sleeves and swept away the dust, making the complicated and confusing situation. Be clear.

Glancing at the scene in the field, the white-haired old man snorted coldly.

Zuo Wuyou's roar sounded: "Zheng Hai!"

With a flick of the long sword in his hand, he turned around and stab Zheng Hai, his eyes were full of bloodshot and anger, his face looked hideous and distorted, he was obviously disappointed with this former companion.

"Noisy!" The white-haired old man who was called Yan Peng waved his sleeves and flew Zuo Wuyou out in the air, hitting the gravel.

He had been seriously injured, but he had been injured even more, and he almost didn't faint on the spot. However, he wanted to move again, but it was an extravagant hope. When he fell to the ground, he lost the strength to move his fingers.

Looking at Yang Kai desperately, I thought I would see the miserable state of the Son, but what I saw made him startled...

Zheng Hai held a dagger close to the waist of Shengzi. Seeing that posture, he was originally going to perform a sneak attack, but Shengzi stretched out **** with his backhand and clamped the dagger.

At this moment, Zheng Haizheng desperately wanted to pull the dagger out, but the **** were as solid as a rock, making it hard for him to use it.

what's going on? Zuo Wuyou didn't want to understand. Looking at this posture, Shengzi seemed to be prepared for this sneak attack?

While he was in doubt, he heard Shengzi speak: "You really have a problem."

Speaking like this, he turned his head and glanced at Zheng Hai who was standing behind him.

Xu was guilty of being a thief, and Xu was deterred by Yang Kai's strength. Zheng Haili said inwardly: "How do you tell?"

"On the way to escape, you left something secretly along the road. I thought you were guiding Zuo Wuyou, but later I thought, where you know, can Zuo Wuyou know? Since you are not guiding Zuo Wuyou, Who else can that guide?"

"How could you detect my hands and feet on the road?" Zheng Hai still couldn't believe it, he was already very careful, even Liu Ji didn't notice it.

Yang Kai chuckled and didn't answer the question, but looked down at Zheng Hai's hand: "Compared to your strength, you are probably a little bit worse."

Zheng Hai had always wanted to withdraw the clamped dagger back, but he was never able to do so. Hearing this at the moment, he immediately released the dagger and took a step back.

However, after he stood still, a huge panic appeared on his face, just because the saint son didn't know what mysterious body technique he had used, and he clung to himself like a tarsal maggot.

He was about to say something, but suddenly his heart ached, and his strength was fading rapidly.

Yang Kai turned his head to look at Zuo Wuyou, who fell on the ground immovably, "It doesn't matter if this traitor is killed, right?"

Zuo Wuyou, who had already seen a series of incidents, was dumbfounded. Hearing these words, he laughed: "A beast is not worthy of death!"

The injury was affected by laughter, and there was another cough.

Yang Kai nodded slightly and raised his hand to touch Zheng Hai's forehead lightly. Zheng Hai staggered back and sat down on the ground, looking down at his heart.

I don't know when there was a dagger inserted there, it was what he used to sneak attack on the holy son.

"Impossible..." Zheng Hai's pupils contracted and muttered to himself: "How could I!"

The head crooked, and the breath was gone.

Yang Kai turned his head to look at Yan Peng.

The other party was looking at himself with scrutiny eyes, a little surprised.

Yang Kai said, "Isn't the old man angry?"

Yan Peng was puzzled: "What is your anger?"

"I killed one of your men." Yang Kai pointed at Zheng Hai who was dead next to him.

Yan Peng laughed: "I have tens of thousands of subordinates, and you will get angry if you die. Is the old man still alive?"

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