MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5943 Uncontrollable scene

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There are sixteen gates in the big morning city. Although there is news that the Son will enter the city tomorrow, no one knows where he will enter the city.

It was still dark, and countless congregants had gathered outside the sixteen city gates, looking forward to the outside of the city.

The masters of the Li Ziqi and the Gen Ziqi are all out, centered on the city of dawn, a net of heaven and earth is laid within a radius of a hundred miles. Anything that happens, you can instantly respond.

In a teahouse, Ma Chengze and Li Feiyu sat at the table, sipping fragrant tea.

Ma Chengze is fat and has a big belly. He smiles all day and looks extremely kind. Even when a stranger meets him, he can hardly feel bad about him.

But everyone who knows him knows that his kind appearance is just a disguise.

Among the Eight Banners of the Guangming God Sect, the Gen Ziqi is responsible for the charge and battle. Whenever there is a battle to conquer the Mohism stronghold, they are always at the forefront. It can be said that all the people included in the Gen Ziqi are those who are brave enough to forget their deaths.

And how can the banner owner responsible for this banner be a simple and kind person?

He was holding the tea cup, his eyes narrowed into a gap, his gaze constantly circling on the pretty women walking on the street, and even whistling when he watched, drew the women's anger at each other.

Li Feiyu sat in front of him, with a cold expression like a statue, closing his eyes to rest.

"Sister Yu." Ma Chengze said suddenly, "You said, from which direction will the person impersonating the Saint Child enter the city?"

Li Feiyu didn't open his eyes, and said lightly: "No matter which direction he enters the city from, as long as he dares to show up, it is impossible to go out!"

Ma Chengze said: "With such a comprehensive arrangement, he certainly can't go out, but since he is a fake, why do he act so boldly? He, a person who is a holy son, touched the interests of whose interests he would actually lead to the assassination of the banner master-level powerhouse. ?"

Li Feiyu opened his eyes sharply, staring at him deeply.

Ma Chengze spread his hands: "Did I say something wrong?"

"Where did you get the news?" Li Feiyu asked coldly.

She was in the main hall, but she never mentioned any banner master-level powerhouse.

Ma Chengze said: "This can't tell you, hehehe, I naturally have my channel."

Li Feiyu snorted coldly: "You fat fat guy only needs to charge for the battle. Do you dare to put people in my Li Ziqi?"

The information on the manor outside the city was discovered by Li Ziqi, and all the news was blocked. What everyone knows now is the rhetoric of Li Feiyu in the hall, but Ma Chengze can know some of her hidden information, obviously. Someone revealed the wind to him.

Ma Chengze immediately clarified: "I don't have one. Don't talk nonsense. My old horse has always been upright and honest in pulling people from various banners, and will not act secretly."

Li Feiyu stared at him for a long time before saying: "I hope so."

Ma Chengze said: "There are only eight banner owners, who do you think it will be?"

Li Feiyu turned his head and looked out the window, and answered the wrong question: "I think he will enter the city from the three east gates."

"Oh?" Ma Chengze raised his eyebrows: "Just because the manor is in the east? Then you have to know that the person who impersonated the saint son chose to make the news all over the city in order to avoid some possible risks. He is wary of the high level of the religious sect, otherwise there is no reason to act like this. How can such a cautious person enter the city from the east three gates? He must have moved to other directions long ago."

Li Feiyu was too lazy to care about him.

Ma Chengze talked for a while, and after being boring, he continued to whistle at the pretty women who passed by the window.

After a while, Li Feiyu suddenly changed his expression and took out a contact bead.

At the same time, Ma Chengze also took out his contact beads.

The two checked the information that was passed on, and Ma Chengze couldn't help showing a surprised look: "Really came from the east! This person is so bold?"

Li Feiyu got up and said lightly: "If he is not courageous, he will not choose to enter the city."

Ma Chengze stunned slightly, think about it, and nodded: "You are right."

"Let's go."

The two of them skimmed out of the teahouse one after another and flew towards the east of the city.

Shengzi has appeared in the direction of the East Second Gate, and the Genzi Flag and Lizi Flag are escorted by the masters of the Immortal Ascension Realm, and he will enter the city immediately!

The news spread quickly. The congregants who were guarding the second gate of the East were all very excited. The congregants of other gates also rushed toward this side after receiving the news, wanting to see the honor of the Holy Son. For a time, the whole morning dawn was like a sleeping behemoth waking up, and there was a lot of noise.

The number of congregants gathered at the East Second Gate was increasing, and even if the two banners were manually maintained, it was difficult to stabilize order.

The noisy scene barely calmed down until the two flag owners, Ma Chengze and Li Feiyu, arrived.

Fatty Ma wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Li Feiyu: "Sister Yu, this scene is a bit uncontrollable."

Asking him to lead people to charge into battle, even in the face of swords and flames, he will not frown, it is nothing more than killing or being killed.

But now they are not facing any enemy, but the congregation of their own gods, which is a bit tricky.

The prophecies left by the first generation of saints have been circulated for countless years, and they have long been ingrained in the hearts of every congregation. Everyone knows that when the saint is born, the suffering of all living beings will end.

Every congregation wanted to admire the appearance of this savior. This is the situation now, and there will be more congregations rushing towards this side. By then, the East Second Gate will probably be overwhelmed.

Of course, the religious side can take some tough measures to disperse the congregation, but there are so many people, if you do this, it is very likely to cause some unnecessary riots.

This is detrimental to the foundation of the religion.

Fatty Ma had a headache. He only felt that he had really taken a drudgery. He gritted his teeth and said: "I knew this before, so I told them that the true son was born and told them it was a fake."

Li Feiyu also had a solemn expression: "No one thought that the situation would develop into this way."

The reason for not spreading the news that the true saint son has been born is that if this generation of fake saint sons chooses to enter the city, then it is equivalent to handing over the initiative to the gods. When he enters the city, the gods think If you want to stay, all in a single thought, there is no need to disclose such important information in advance.

Secondly, the birth of the Holy Son was kept secret for so many years, and at this juncture suddenly told the congregation that the True Son was born long ago, and it was really not very convincing.

Moreover, what happened to this generation of fake saint sons also made the high-level people extremely concerned.

A fake, who will kill in secret and start secretly.

I wanted to go with the flow, but no one would have thought that the enthusiasm of the congregation was so high.

"Do you think this is something he has already calculated?" Ma Chengze said suddenly.

Li Feiyu didn't seem to hear it, and he was silent for a long time before speaking: "Now the situation can only be resolved, otherwise the entire cultists of Chenxi will gather here. If they are deliberately used, there will be great chaos!"

"Look at these people, their expressions are extremely pious, if you drive them away now and don't let them admire the face of the Son, I'm afraid they will fight you desperately!"

"Who said that they should not be allowed to pay their respects!" Li Feiyu snorted, "Since you want to see, let them all take a look. Anyway, it's a fake, and being watched by the congregation doesn't hurt the majesty of the gods."

"Do you have a way?" Ma Chengze's eyes lit up.

Li Feiyu ignored him, just beckoned, and immediately there was a warrior under the Duizi banner looting.

Li Feiyu warned him for a while, and the man nodded and left quickly.

Ma Chengze listened to Li Feiyu and gave a thumbs up to Li Feiyu: "Gao, this trick is really high. I admire the fat man. It's because you are more mindful of intelligence."

Thirty miles away from the East Second Gate, Yang Kai and Zuo Wuyou flew straight in the direction of Dawn, and beside them, there were many strong men of the Guangming Divine Sect, guarding the Quartet, and following them almost without leaving any step.

These people were the hands of Liangqi scattered and searched outside. After finding Yang Kai and Zuo Wuyou, they stayed by the side and walked all the way.

More and more people join in constantly.

Zuo Wuyou was completely relieved, his admiration for Yang Kai was beyond words.

With so many strong religious escorts along the way, the people behind the scenes can no longer act at will, and the cause of all this is just to let out some news, which can be said to be effortless.

Thirty miles away, they arrived soon, and from afar, Zuo Wuyou and Yang Kai saw the dense crowd outside the city.

"Why are there so many people?" Yang Kai couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Zuo Wuyou pondered for a moment, and sighed: "All sentient beings in the world have been suffering for a long time. The Son is born, and the dawn comes, probably because they want to pay tribute to the honor of the Son."

Yang Kai nodded slightly.

After a short while, under the eyes of a pair of eyes, Yang Kai and Zuo Wuyou fell outside the city gate together.

A woman with a cold expression and a fat man with a lovely smile walked towards him. Zuo Wuyou saw him, his expression moved slightly, and he quickly informed Yang Kai of the identity of the two.

Yang Kai nodded without a trace.

When he got closer, the fat man smiled and said, "Little friend has worked hard all the way."

Yang Kai responded with a smile: "With Brother Zuo taking care of it, it's pretty smooth."

Ma Chengze raised his eyebrows slightly: "Zuo Wuyou is really good."

On the side, Zuo Wuyou stepped forward to see the salute: "I have seen the owner of the horse flag, the owner of the Li flag!"

Ma Chengze raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "This time I did a good job. It is a great joy to my God to find the Son of God. After the matter is found out, your contribution is indispensable. "

Zuo Wuyou bowed his head and said, "I dare not take credit for things that belong to my subordinates."

"Yeah." Ma Chengze nodded, "You can go with Li Qizhu, she has something to ask you."

Zuo Wuyou raised his head and looked at Yang Kai, and when he saw Yang Kai nodding, he said, "Yes!"

Li Feiyu led Zuo Wuyou to the side.

Ma Chengze waved his hand, and immediately someone led two horses forward. He stretched out his hand and signaled: "My friend, please, there is still some way to go to the shrine."

Although Yang Kai had some doubts, he was still at ease and turned on his back.

Ma Chengze rode on another horse, led him, and walked into the city side by side. The bustling crowd took the initiative to separate a road.

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