MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5951 Dusty place

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Yang Kai remembered the chatter of the people enjoying the coolness under the banyan tree before, and it seemed that this doll was the little eleven that Mu had picked up.

Looking at the boy hiding behind Mu, Yang Kai laughed and shook his head, and stepped forward.

"Junior, success or failure depends on this, the future of Human Race depends on you." Mu's voice suddenly came from behind.

Yang didn't reply at the beginning, just raised his hand and shook it slightly: "Senior, just wait for the good news."

The night was like an invisible beast, gradually engulfing his figure.

"Sixth sister, who is he?" the little boy asked.

Mu raised his hand and rubbed his head, and responded softly: "A friend from a long distance."

"But I don't know why, I hate him!" The little boy frowned, "I want to hit him when I see him."

The animal husbandry taught: "It's wrong to hit someone."

The little boy murmured, "Well, when he comes again next time, I will go out to play and not see him!"

Mu smiled softly.

The little boy was crazy for a long time. At this time, sleepiness swept through, and he couldn't help but yawn: "Sixth Sister, I want to sleep."

Mu bent down, hugged him in his arms, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

At the corner of Long Street, Yang Kai, who was walking forward, suddenly looked back and looked into the darkness.

Wu Kuang's voice sounded in his mind: "What's the matter?"

Yang Kai didn't respond, just a thoughtful look on his face, before he spoke for a while, "It's okay, maybe I want to cross it!"

Wu Kuang couldn't help but murmured: "Inexplicable."

The forbidden place of the gods, the dusty place

This is the place of test left by the first generation of saints, and only the saint who foretold in the prophecy can pass this test safely.

The prophecy has been circulating for so many years, and there are always some people with ulterior motives who want to impersonate the saints in order to reach the sky in one step.

But none of those people can pass the test of the dusty place. Only ten years ago, the young man who was brought back by the Xunzi flag walked out unharmed.

It is precisely because of this that the high-level members of the gods will confirm the identity of his holy son and cultivate secretly until today.

Here today, the saints of the gods, all flags and flag owners gathered together, waiting in awe.

Just because today, another person walked into the dusty place.

While waiting, the eyes of the flag masters secretly converge, and their respective strengths secretly accumulate.

At a certain moment, the heavy gate of that dusty place opened, and a figure walked out of it, and landed in a large formation that had been arranged long ago.

A large array of buzzing, power is ready to go, Yang Kai's expression is tense, watching left and right, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, what does this mean?"

This big formation was obviously much more advanced than the one he and Zuo Wuyou had encountered before, and all those who presided over the formation secretly were all immortal warriors.

It can be said that in this world, anyone who falls into this formation cannot escape with his own power.

The unique gentle voice of the saint sounded: "Don't be nervous, you have passed the dusty place, and now is the final test. If you can pass, the **** will respect you as a holy son!"

Yang Kai's eyes were sullen, and he looked at the saint coldly: "You haven't talked about this kind of thing before."

Sikong Nan, the owner of the Xunzi flag and flag, crouched and said with a smile, "It's not too late to tell you now."

"Are you kidding me?" Yang Kai burst into tears.

Sikongnan persuaded: "Young man, don't be so impetuous."

Ma Chengze pressed his hands on his fat belly, with a smile on his face like a blooming chrysanthemum, he couldn't help but he said, "If you have no ghosts in your heart, why should you be afraid of anything?"

Yang Kai's gaze swept across the Immortal Ascension Realm standing around him, seeming to recognize the reality, slowed down his tone, and asked, "What is the final test?"

The master of the Zhenzi Qiqi Yu Daochi said: "You don't need to do anything, just stand there!"

Speaking like this, he turned to look at the saint: "His Royal Highness, let's start."

The saint nodded, pinched a Fa Jue with both hands, murmured in her mouth, and suddenly pointed towards Yang Kai's direction.

In an instant, the world buzzed, and in the depths of the day, an invisible hidden force seemed to be attracted and crashed on Yang Kai.

Yang Kai snorted suddenly.

The heart is clear, it turns out that this is the art of clearing the heart, using the power of the whole universe to drive away evil spirits. And this kind of thing can only be done by the saints of the past that she has personally cultivated.

Under the cover of that clear mind technique, Yang Kai gritted his teeth, and the blue veins on his forehead gradually emerged, as if he was suffering tremendous torture and pain.

In a short while, he could hardly persevere and howled miserably.

Although the high priests standing around had expected it, they couldn't help feeling grief after seeing this scene.

Following Yang Kai's screams, strands of black mist filled his body.

"Humph!" The banner owner of Qianziqi snorted, his eyes full of disgust as he looked at Yang Kai, "The younger generation dare to covet the authority of my god!"

Sikongnan shook his head and sighed: "There are always some who are overpowered and ready to be blinded by benefits."

The Zhuoye Cleansing Heart Technique continued, and the black mist that permeated Yang Kai's body gradually reduced until it ceased to exist at a certain moment. At this time, his clothes were already wet with sweat, and he was half kneeling on the ground. Extremely embarrassed.

The saint accepted the technique, looked at Yang Kai in the big formation, and sighed slightly: "Let's say, what is the intention of pretending to be a saint?"

Yang Kai huoly raised his head: "I am the Holy Son of God, why bother pretending to be?"

The saint woman said: "The true saint child is in the dusty place, and it is impossible to be invaded by the power of ink. If you walk out of the dusty land but are soaked by the power of ink, then you cannot be the saint child. Just to tell you, the Holy Son of God teaches... has been found ten years ago!"

When Yang Kai heard the words, his pupils shrank, and he said a little bit: "So you know from the beginning that I am not the Son of God."


Yang Kai suddenly became angry and roared: "Then you still let me come to this dusty place to test?"

Sikong South said: "When you entered the city, there was a lot of trouble. You always need to give an explanation to countless church members. This test is the best explanation."

Yang Kai showed a stunned look: "That's how it is."

The saint said: "Please catch it with your hands."

"Don't think about it!" Yang Kai shouted angrily, his stature was short, and he rose into the sky in an instant, trying to escape from here, but the power of the big formation was like a shadow, always covering him.

Several Immortal Ascension Realms who presided over the formation made their force at the same time, and the power of that great formation suddenly became extremely heavy. Yang Kai was caught off guard, as if being held down by a mountain, his figure fell again.

He got up in embarrassment, and blatantly killed one of the Immortal Ascension Realms that presided over the formation.

"Looking for death!" Yu Daochi, the owner of the Zhenzi Qiqi, dipped, and stepped into the big formation.

At the same time, Li Feiyu also shook out a long sword to kill Yang Kai, and shouted at the same time: "This person has tricky methods. It seems that there is a secret treasure of the soul to protect him. Don't urge the soul body to deal with him!"

Yu Daochi hummed coldly: "Do you still need to mobilize the soul and spirit body to deal with him?"

Said like this, he had already deceived himself to Yang Kai and slammed out with a fierce punch.

This punch didn't leave a single hand, with the power of the peak of his Immortal Ascension Realm, it was obvious that he was going to kill Yang Kaige on the spot in one fell swoop.

Outside the big array, the saint who saw this scene sighed in her heart.

Over the years, who is behind the scenes is not without speculation, but there is no practical evidence.

In the current situation, even if Yang Kai had a bad intention on the gods, he should be taken down and questioned carefully, and he shouldn't be such a killer as soon as he came up.

Yu Daochi... behaved too eagerly.

Although he learned a lot of his hole cards when discussing the details with Yang Kai last night, he couldn't help but worry at this moment.

However, in the next moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Facing Dao holding that punch, Yang Kai didn't evade, as he blasted out the same punch.

With a boom...

The two figures flew backwards.

Li Feiyu’s long sword turned into a sword curtain, covering Yang Kai and sealing all his retreats. Then he had time to speak: "Forgot to say, he is talented and powerful, and the Mohist Ministry is in charge. In the face-to-face confrontation with him, he was defeated and fled!"

Sikongnan exclaimed: "What? He beat that surname Zhong back in the True Origin Realm?"

Li Feiyu’s intelligence was inquired from Zuo Wuyou. After Zuo Wuyou entered the city, he was always in the hands of the Li Ziqi. No one else had the chance to get close, so except for Li Feiyu and the saint’s daughter. In addition, none of the banner owners knew what happened to Yang Kai and Zuo Wuyou along the way.

But they are too familiar with the Mojiao's territorial leader. As old opponents who have been hostile to each other for so many years, they naturally know how powerful the territorial leader's body is.

It can be said that if you look at the world and the physical body alone, the land will rule and recognize the second, and no one dares to recognize the first.

Such a powerful guy was actually defeated by this young man in front of him? Still in a head-on confrontation?

If it weren't for Li Feiyu's words, everyone could not believe it, it would be too ridiculous.

After being repulsed, Yu Daochi was obviously in a real rage, and his body surged, and his figure was killed again, and Li Feiyu was on the offensive, and he attacked Yang Kai back and forth.

"This guy is a bit dangerous. The old man didn't want to bully the big with the small, but since he is malicious to my gods, then you don't have to worry about morality." Sikong Nan sighed, stepping out, and people have appeared in the big formation. A sudden palm fell towards the top of Yang's beginning.

In an instant, the three major banner owners had formed a siege to Yang Kai.

This battle didn't last long, but its intensity and danger exceeded everyone's expectations.

In addition to the person who pretended to be the saint child, there were three strong banner masters among the participants.

The three flag owners joined forces, and supplemented by the pre-arranged formation, who can escape in this world?

After only half a cup of tea, the battle is over.

However, none of the high-level members of the gods showed any joyful expressions, but all of them had complicated gazes.

"Why killed him?" Sikongnan looked at Li Feiyu, his already rickety body became more and more rickety. In that direction, Li Feiyu pierced Yang Kai's body with a sword in his chest. Breath.

Li Feiyu's complexion was slightly pale, and he shook his head and said, "I can't take it away."

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