MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5955 extraordinary

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Under the gaze of Xue Ji, Yang Kai jumped down and swept towards the depths of Mo Yuan.

Everything was normal in the beginning, nothing unusual.

But as it deepened, extremely thin Mo power began to diffuse. These Mo powers originated from the deepest part of Mo Yuan, the original power of the sealed Mo.

The surrounding environment has also become much darker.

On the walls of the gorge on both sides of Mo Yuan, there are many stone chambers dug out by people, which are obviously the work of Mo Sect.

They practice in retreat in these stone chambers, comprehend the mystery of the power of ink, and improve their strength.

Most of the stone chambers are empty, and only a few have the aura of living people.

Yang Kai is somewhat curious about this. According to Xue Ji, Mo cultists practice here, to put it bluntly, to maintain a balance between comprehending the mystery of the power of ink and resisting the erosion of the power of ink. , You can make great advances in strength. If you can't maintain it, it will inevitably be completely eroded by the power of Mo and turn into a Mo disciple.

Yang Kai never knew what the mystery of Mo Zhili could improve the strength of a martial artist.

This is not the same as his previous cognition.

Driven by curiosity, he quietly came to a stone room with people, hiding his body and observing.

Finally came to a conclusion that made him uncertain.

The origin of Mo was secretly divided by Mu, and the town was sealed here as only a part of it, and there was also the door of Xuan Miao, which caused the erosion of Mo's power to be greatly weakened.

The Mohist believers here can often break through their own shackles and bottlenecks in the process of resisting the erosion of the power of ink. They can even refine some of the power of ink into the body, and use them at critical moments to enhance their own strength.

When working with Zuo Wuyou before, Yang Kai killed many Mo cultists. Before those Mo cultists died, many people urged Mo's power. However, the disparity in strength did not change their fate of death.

This is an interesting discovery.

As Mu said before, the birth of the Mo Sect is inevitable, because the origin of Mo is sealed here. No matter who is allowed to guard it, even people of the Guangming Sect will be eroded by Mo's power, twisting the character, and betraying it. Own beliefs and persistence.

As for the reason why she said that she couldn't get too close to the gate of Xuan Mi, so she couldn't control this door in her hands, Yang Kaixin also had a guess.

Leaving the stone room, Yang Kai continued to go deeper.

Occasionally, I would encounter inspectors from Mojiao, but after seeing the nameplate on Yang Kai’s waist, he didn’t embarrass him. There were even inspectors who kindly reminded him that he must do what he can and don’t try to be strong. Yang Kaizi It is accepted one by one.

The more you go down, the stronger the power of the ink, the stone chambers on both sides of the gorge wall become sparse, and the number of warriors practicing in the stone chambers also sharply decreases.

After a stick of incense, Yang Kai could no longer feel the breath of any living creatures around him, and no stone chambers appeared on both sides of the gorge wall.

He knew that he should have reached the depths that Mo cultists had never reached before, and when he arrived here, the power of the ink that filled the abyss was so strong that it almost turned into pitch black with no fingers in sight, Yang Kai Only by urging the Demon Eyes and Spiritual Mind of Exterminating World, can we investigate the surrounding situation.

The abyss is quiet and silent, and the strange environment is filled with a creepy atmosphere.

Yang Kai followed the source of Mo's power, down, down, and down again.

Until a certain moment, both feet suddenly stepped on the ground.

He has come to the deepest part of Mo Yuan.

A crisp sound came from under his feet, and Yang Kai looked down and raised his brow slightly.

I saw that the depths of Mo Yuan were actually covered with pale skeletal bones, with no end in sight. For countless years, it seemed that countless Mosists had died here, thus creating a world full of skeletal bones.

He bent down and picked up a bone to examine it, frowning slightly.

The bone in his hand is a bit weird, it seems to be much larger than the normal bone, and when you look at the other bones, many of them are like this.

What's happening here?

The earth suddenly began to vibrate, and it seemed that some huge monster was rushing toward this side fiercely from a certain direction.

Yang Kai raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the source of the movement, but he didn't see anything. He just thought about what the blood girl said before and the purpose of his trip.

After dropping the bones in his hands, the spirit of thought suddenly appeared, and soon, the source of the movement was found.

That was the movement caused by a very strong, even strong, abnormal creature running.

Yang Kai hesitated for a moment, changed his position, but didn't want to, that unknown creature was chasing after him.

This guy can detect his position! But Yang Kai didn't feel any fluctuations in the exploration of God's mind.

This thing is a little weird.

He didn't move any more, but stood quietly and waited. He wanted to see with his own eyes what was going on with the apostle in the depths of Mo Yuan.

Soon, a huge figure broke through the darkness and appeared in Yang Kai's field of vision.

What he saw made Yang Kai frowned, because although this huge figure still maintained some human figures, it was more of an inexplicable change.

This apostle is three people tall as Yang Kai. His body is crouched, his hands are hanging down, and he uses his hands and feet when sprinting. It looks like a giant orangutan. Its body shape also shows an abnormally strong body, as if blown in the flesh. A breath.

What Yang Kai cared especially about was that this apostle was covered with sarcomas.

This reminded him of some scenes he had seen.

There used to be an Open Heaven Realm that was corroded by the power of Mo and turned into a Mo disciple, thus breaking through their original limits and reaching a higher level, but correspondingly, they also paid a certain price, and physical changes were one of them.

Those in the Open Heaven realm that broke through their shackles, everyone has this terrible sarcoma, and pus is constantly flowing out, giving off a stench.

Yang Kai suddenly became alert.

The apostle had leaped high, his figure was indescribably agile, and he rushed towards Yang Kai in the posture of the mountain pressing the top, and a huge slap was shot in mid-air.

Yang Kai deliberately tried, and did not dodge, raising his fist to meet.

There was a loud bang, and the earthquake trembled. Yang Kai's whole body was three points short, and his figure couldn't help retreating under that huge force, his feet plowed the ground into two long marks, and his clothes fluttered.

The apostle was also punched and flew out by him, but after falling to the ground, he quickly climbed up again, full of pitch black mist, and roared to attack Yang Kai, as if he didn't know the pain and was irrational.

Yang Kai immediately opened his posture and fought with him.

He was assisted by pastoralists, and now he was at the peak of the Immortal Ascension Realm. He reached the limit that this world could accommodate. If his strength increased, he would be rejected and suppressed by this world.

Supplemented by his ninth-rank open sky foundation, it can be said that looking at the entire original world, he can walk through the three moves in his hands, almost non-existent.

But this inexplicable apostle had fought Yang Kai for half a cup of tea before he found a chance to kill him.

In other words, if such an apostle leaves Mo Yuan, it is an invincible existence. The so-called leader of the Mo Sect and the banner owner of the sect is completely inadequate in front of the apostle.

The smelly blood flowed out, and the strong ink power also escaped from the apostle's corpse, and Yang Kai's mood became heavy.

He finally understood what was going on with the weird corpses in the depths of Mo Yuan. The apostles were different from ordinary people. Over the past countless years, I don’t know how many apostles have died in this abyss, and the corpses left are naturally larger than ordinary people. Some.

But this is not the point.

The key is that the strength of the apostle has surpassed the level of the Ascension Realm.

The apostle who was beheaded by Yang Kai had clearly stepped into the level of the transcendent realm.

It's just that it has lost its reason and only relies on instinct to act, so it is difficult to exert its due strength in the Transcendent Realm, otherwise it will be more troublesome for Yang Kai to solve it.

How could there be an apostle in the transcendent realm? The level of martial arts in this world is not high. It should only be able to accommodate the Immortal Ascension Realm. Otherwise, for so many years, there will always be amazing people who break through the immortal Ascension Realm's shackles!

But in fact, from beginning to end, there was no transcendent warrior in this world.

The strength of the peak of the Divine Ascension Realm at the moment can indeed clearly perceive the suppression of the will of the heavens and the earth. The heavens and the earth are ruthless, and warriors in the transcendent realm are not allowed, otherwise it will cause the turmoil of the universe and the instability of the law.

Why can the apostle do it?

Yang Kai turned his head and looked in one direction, and it was vaguely visible that there was a flashing door standing there. It should be the door of the mysterious goddess.

A trace of the origin of the ink behind the door, it is this origin that created the special environment of Mo Yuan, the apostle and the Mohism.

However, he did not have the time to investigate the mystery of the mysterious gate, only because of violent vibrations from all directions, in the field of vision, huge shadows rushed over, and the low roar was breathtaking.

There was more than one apostle in the depths of Mo Yuan!

Yang Kai's expression changed slightly. Although he had the foundation of the 9th-Rank Open Heaven, his world strength was greatly suppressed. It took a lot of effort to solve an apostle. It really called many apostles to besiege, and I am afraid that there is no good end. .

He was about to urge Lei Ying to hide his body, but suddenly changed his mind.

The next moment, he soared into the sky and swept towards the top of Mo Yuan.

The many apostles who had come to siege roared and followed like a shadow.

Although the apostles looked extremely bloated, their actions were extremely flexible.

One person in front, many apostles behind, pierced through the darkness like a shower of meteors and arrows.

The movement below quickly alarmed the Mo cultivators who were cultivating above. The deep roar made countless people frightened. They walked out of the stone room and looked down without knowing what happened.

Soon, a strong Mohist at the bottom saw an unbelievable scene.

In the darkness, a figure rushed out from the depths of Mo Yuan, and behind that person, a huge figure with a huge, hissing roar chased out.

"Apostle?" The eyes of the Mohist expert shrank, and he couldn't believe that he could see this legendary existence in his lifetime.

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