MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5961 Xuan Min's Gate

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The young saint son was a little at a loss. He has been practicing secretly within the cult since he was brought back by Sikong Nan. He has not been in contact with the outside world for ten years, and he was pushed to the forefront as soon as he left the pass to save the world with the prophetic sign. The identity of the person, led the army of Guangming sect to fight to the death of Mojiao.

It can be said that until now he is still a little confused about the current situation and situation, but this does not prevent him from enjoying the joy of this big victory.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, he slightly raised his hand and gently clenched his fist.

The cheers stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at him.

He whispered: "May the light last forever!"

After a short silence, a more violent wave of cheers swept across.

In front of the crowd, the saint and Li Feiyu looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Originally, the false saint son was put on the front desk, just to facilitate the army of Guangming Divine Sect to raise troops, but after contacting them during this time, the two found that he was doing really well.

More importantly, he is simple in nature and pure in character.

Such a person, supplemented by the huge combat exploits at the moment, is enough to assume the role of a holy son. I want to come to the true saint who has been hiding in secret, and he won't care about it.

"Holy son." The Zhenzi banner master Yu Dao-chi stepped forward, "Now that the Mohist army is exhausted, but there are still remnants, I stopped in front of Mo Yuan at this moment, and asked the holy son to move and go to investigate. Determine life and death."

The young Shengzi wondered: "There is still alive in Mojiao?"

Yu Daochi said, "It's the **** servants under the commander of Ube and her four blood slaves!"

"It's her." Shengzi suddenly heard the words, "That was going to see me. I heard that this time she secretly killed a lot of Mohist masters, and even that Jade Fei Zhou died in her hands. If it weren't for her secretly helping, the gods would not be able to win so easily."

No matter what kind of person Xue Ji was before, she has been very vigorous in this war against Mo Sect, so in any case, this made the young saint child very fond of her and felt that she should thank her face to face. .

A group of strong gods immediately headed towards Mo Yuan under the leadership of the saint son and saint woman.

When I got to the place, I realized that the atmosphere here was a bit unpleasant.

Xue Ji and the four big blood slaves stood there quietly, and a group of strong religious cultists were already confronting them.

Seeing the arrival of Saint Son and others, this group of strong men was relieved. After Xue Ji killed Yu Bu Zhou, the title of the world's number one strong man has been completely established, and these gods of the gods are in front of them. When facing her, everything was under pressure, even though Xue Ji just stood there quietly without any extra actions.

The crowd parted on their own initiative, and the Son went straight to the **** girl.

Yu Daochi whispered: "Shengzi, be careful."

The young sage nodded slightly, and stood not far away from Xue Ji, giving a polite salute: "Guangming God teaches Wu Ding, I have seen Senior Xue Ji."

Xue Ji raised her eyelids slightly, looked up and down Wu Ding, and said with a smile: "Are you the saint son?"

Wu Ding scratched his head and said, "Everyone calls me that, right?"

Xue Ji was stunned by his immature behavior, and it took a while before she laughed and shook her head: "It's a lot worse."

Wu Ding respectfully said: "The lesson from the predecessors is that the juniors are new and inexperienced, and the behaviors are often improper. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

Xue Ji looked at him helplessly, and sighed slightly: "It's not what you think..." He knew that this young saint son might have misunderstood something.

What she said just now was that the young saint son in front of her was a lot worse than her unpredictable master.

Although Yang Kai had never said anything to her, how did the Blood Fairy know that the true saint child of the prophecy must be his own master, and this one in front of him is just a facade introduced by the gods.

Originally, she was somewhat hostile to this person, and felt that the glory that belonged to her own master had been secretly taken away by others, and she was somewhat uneasy in her heart.

But looking at the performance of this holy child right now, that trace of hostility can't rise.

The young Shengzi scratched his head again, and was about to say something again, but he heard Yu Daochi who was beside him let out a loud shout: "The demon girl, you won't be able to catch it quickly!"

Xue Ji turned her head and glanced at him, but didn't mean to pay attention to him. She just looked at Li Feiyu: "Sister Li, is the gods going to cross the river and tear down the bridge? If so, please ask Sister Li to say something, so that my sister has something in my heart. Prepare."

Li Feiyu immediately shook his head: "I didn't mean it, don't think too much!"

A group of flag owners were confused when they heard it, and vaguely felt that there was something they didn't know.

Yu Daochi frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Feiyu explained: "Blood Jade has already abandoned the shadows. I was ordered by the saint to secretly contact with the Blood Jade to pass on all kinds of information to her. She will assassinate those Mohist strong men. So this way, the army The ability to advance is extremely smooth. Everyone, this battle of the gods can determine the universe in one month, and the blood is indispensable."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Sikongnan murmured, "Why haven't we heard of this kind of thing?"

The saint explained with a smile: "This matter is of great importance, so it is kept secret to the outside world. Please forgive me."

The saints have all admitted this, it seems that this is really the case, and judging from the current results, the blood girl has indeed made a great contribution.

For a time, many people looked at her and their eyes became much more kind.

This kind of thing is popular everywhere.

Yu Daochi couldn't help but said with a dark face: "The Saintess Hall is acting recklessly. Even if this matter is kept secret from me, we should not keep it secret from the Saint Son. After all, the Saint Son is the savior of the world."

The young Shengzi waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, I just left the customs, and I haven't figured out anything yet. The **** sister is the master."

Yu Daochi had nothing to say at once, but felt that this holy son was simply a pile of mud that could not be supported...

He was silent, and he said: "If this is the case, then you go, you are a member of the Mohism, and you were the leader of Ube before. Although you have merits in the cult, the cult cannot accept you."

Xue Ji smiled and said, "I don't want to take refuge in you either."

Yu Daochi looked incomprehensible: "Since you don't want to take refuge in the religious religion, why have you rebelled against the Mohist religion?"

A fascinating color appeared on the face of the blood girl, and replied: "Because I have a better target to follow."

Everyone was shocked, almost doubting whether the blood girl was wrong.

A person as powerful as she has a goal to follow? And it is precisely because of this goal that she betrayed the Mohism?

Yu Daochi couldn't help feeling a little irritable in his heart and waved his hand: "Anyway, from now on, you and my God teaches the well water to not violate the river water, but don't rely on your own level of cultivation to do evil, you go."

Xue Ji shook her head: "I can't go." After a while, she asked again: "You want to explore Mo Yuan's secrets, right?"

Yu Daochi said: "Mo Sect has died out. Mo Yuan is the source of Mo Sect. In any case, we must investigate it clearly and find a way to close the town here to avoid the resurgence of Mo Sect."

A group of banner owners nodded, they did have this plan.

Xue Ji said: "Then wait, someone told me, let me stay here, no one can approach Mo Yuan!"

Yu Daochi was furious at once: "Xue Ji, reading what you did before, letting you leave safely is the ultimate benevolence and righteousness. Don't take an inch."

Xue Ji smiled charmingly: "But this is the order I received. You want to enter Mo Yuan and kill me."

The saint's emotions suddenly became a little agitated: "That one is in Mo Yuan?"

She obviously knew who the Blood Fairy was, no wonder there was no news of him since the start of the war, it turned out to be in Mo Yuan.

Xue Ji nodded gently.

The saint solemnly said: "Did he say anything else?"

Xue Ji replied: "He said that the depths of Mo Yuan are extremely dangerous, and I wanted to help him, but he said that it was only a dead end when I entered. Let me stay here. No one can approach Mo Yuan."

The saint nodded slightly.

In the clouds and mists of a group of strong religious cultists, Si Kongnan only felt that his rickety back became more and more rickety, and couldn't help but said, "His Royal Highness, is there something we don't know has happened again?"

Originally, a great battle was won, and the gods had set the world, and everyone was happy.

However, it wasn't until this moment that everyone discovered that there seemed to be some turbulent undercurrents in the dark place that no one knew.

The saint also didn't know how to explain it, so she could only say: "This is inconvenient to talk about. Since that is what the person meant, then everyone will wait for a while, saint son, what do you think?"

Shengzi turned his head into a chicken and pecked at the rice: "Sister Saint is right!"

Yu Dao looked at the young Shengzi with a hatred of iron and steel, and really wanted to tell him that **** is the mantra of a scraper.

Under Mo Yuan, all the apostles had been condemned, and Yang Kai stepped towards the direction of the door of Xuan Ming.

Soon, he came to the front.

It was a very mysterious gate, which stood quietly on a clearing. The two doors were covered with mysterious and complex patterns, and each pattern seemed to be the refinement of the great principle.

Yang Kai looked at this door, and enlightenment was born in his heart.

This is not something that can be refined by manpower, but a treasure that is born with the heavens and the earth.

The first light and the first darkness between heaven and earth were born in this door.

At this moment, the two facades did not fit tightly, but a small gap was left. From that gap, extremely dark power was about to move.

That is a trace of Mo's original power!

Being sealed in the gate of Xuan Min, the power of the original source could not escape, but the weak power it escaped affected an entire Mo Yuan, and then the Mo Sect was born.

Mu said that all killings, conspiracies, calculations, jealousy, greed, and anything that can cause darkness in human nature can strengthen Mo's power.

Therefore, since Mo was born with his own spiritual wisdom, he has grown extremely fast, because the last thing sentient beings lack is their own darkness.

Staring at the mysterious door, Yang Kai slowly stretched out a hand and pressed it on the door.

In an instant, the whole body was shocked.

The huge cold breath enveloped him, and under the drag of that cold, all kinds of suppressed negative emotions surfaced in the depths of my heart.

He was bullied, chased and killed at the end of his life, and killed when he was strong. All kinds of unpleasant memories almost turned into a frenzy at this moment, which would drown him.

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