MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5963 Goodbye

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  Xue Ji didn't think much when he killed the blood slave before, and now he realized what was wrong after listening to Li Feiyu's words.

  All the people who have been contaminated with the power of ink, no matter whether they have been distorted or not, this time they are hard to protect themselves. The depths of Mo Yuan seem to have a fatal attraction to them, making them want to rush through desperately.

The blood slave is the best example.

  The four blood slaves have always been loyal to her, and there are restrictions she planted personally, but they still betrayed her just now.

  But there is nothing unusual about her.

  She could feel that there was still some faint Mo Power in her body, which had been cultivated and refined in Mo Yuan before.

  But these ink powers seemed to be blocked by some power at the moment, which could hardly affect her at all.

  The power of the power of the seal of ink is the power of her own blood!

  That is the power from the master’s blood!

  With the effort of a few people to speak, the riots on the side of the cult army became more and more obvious. There were constant roars similar to the roar of beasts. The warrior who was distorted by the power of Mo completely lost his reason and turned into a Mo disciple!

At this moment, the young saint son showed unparalleled courage and determination, and shouted: "The banner masters please also arrange manpower and organize defense lines. In any case, those who have been distorted by the power of Mo cannot rush into the ink. deep!"

  He didn't know the identity of the person in the saint's mouth, let alone what that person did under Mo Yuan, but he knew what the gods needed to do here.

   With an order, the banner masters also reacted, and the saint woman applauded and glanced at the saint son, making the saint son's body float lightly.

  Yu Dao-chi sits on the sidelines with cold eyes, slandering in his heart, young people are always tempted by beauty, and how do you know that power is the most beautiful thing in this world!

  Extremely anguished, the first one rushed out and organized his own staff according to the requirements of the Son.

  Other banner owners also started to take action, and soon the war broke out.

In the January campaign, many people of the God Cult had been tainted by Mo's power. This time, the original comrades began to fight in the same room. Many people couldn't bear it, but those Mo disciples would not be merciful. They wanted to rush into Mo Yuan. They will try their best to shred the resistance in front of them.

  After understanding that these Motists could no longer save, the cult army no longer kept their hands, and the killing began to spread. Soon, the riots became smaller and smaller.

   Just when everyone thought that this change was about to subside, a large number of powerful men with the power of ink rushed from all directions.

  These people are all powerful Mohist cultivators who had been hidden before, and they have been conscripted by the trace of the original power in Mo Yuan this time.

  A more fierce battle broke out. The religious army was somewhat merciful to the former comrades, but they would not keep a hand in dealing with these Mohist scholars.

  Blood Fairy stood beside Mo Yuan, quietly listening to the killing movement, and observing Yang Kai's instructions. Anyone who attempts to rush into Mo Yuan will be killed without mercy!

  This riot lasted for several days, until at a certain moment, when the last group of Mohist people who came from a distance were beheaded, everything subsided.

  There was no cheering, no joy. The gods were all exhausted. They spread out on the ground one by one, looking at the corpses of those companions who fought side by side in the past, everyone's heart was full of sadness.

  A group of strong cultists once again gathered in front of Mo Yuan, headed by Yu Daochi, a group of banner owners began to put pressure on the blood girl.

  This incident has made everyone more and more aware of the importance of Mo Yuan. They want to understand what is hidden in the depths of Mo Yuan. Only when they understand, can they prevent similar situations from happening again.

  Blood Ji refused to give up, the murderous intent began to spread, beside Mo Yuan, the atmosphere was solemn.

   Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, when a battle was about to start, the blood girl suddenly showed joy and turned to look down Mo Yuan.

  At the same time, everyone noticed that a breath was rushing from the depths of Mo Yuan.

  What is shocking is that the breath is so strong that it far surpasses the blood girl!

  Between the beard, a figure stood in front of the blood girl.

   "Master!" Xue Ji greeted him happily.

  Yang Kai nodded at her slightly, showing a look of approval, but raised his hand to block her approach to him.

  At this moment, his whole body space is distorted, and a great repulsive force lingers around his body. Amidst the darkness, a frenzy of destruction gathers around him.

   "Is it you?" A group of flag owners were shocked on the spot.

  The banner owners have all seen Yang Kai. When entering the city, all the people greeted each other in a gangway, winning the hearts and minds of the people, and those who favored by the will of heaven and earth were once considered by them to be the people who impersonated the saint son.

  In the dusty land, he failed to pass the test left by the first generation of saints. As a result, his mind was distorted by the power of Mo. On that day, the three banner owners joined forces to kill him, and Li Feiyu disposed of his body.

  No one thought that this guy was not dead, and he ran out of the depths of Mo Yuan.

  Looking at the words of the saint and the blood girl before, the banner owners couldn't help but glance at the saint, and they all vaguely understood something in their hearts.

  Being someone else came out from the depths of Mo Yuan at this time, a group of strong gods must not let go. Who knows if this guy has been distorted by Mo's power.

  However, the breath that Yang Kai showed at this moment made them daunted, and no one spoke for a while.

   "Master, what's the matter?" Xue Ji's face turned pale, looking at the abnormal changes in Yang Kai's whole body, feeling the aura of destruction, vaguely aware of something wrong.

  Yang Kai smiled at her: "Each world has its own limit. The limit of this world is the Immortal Ascension Realm. If you exceed this limit, you will be rejected by the heavens and the earth."

  Xue Ji's expression moved slightly, and she understood Yang Kai's meaning: "The master is above the magical wandering?"

  Yang smirked: "The road to martial arts is endless. For the real strong, the above is just a starting point."

  He looked at the saint again: "The problems under Mo Yuan have been dealt with properly, but there is still a lot of ink power remaining, so it is best for the gods to arrange some means here to prevent people with ulterior motives from coveting ink power."

  The saint nodded: "You can rest assured, everything will be handled properly."

  He turned his head to look in the direction of Chen Xi, and smiled slightly: "I'm leaving."

  Blood Ji is anxious: "Where are the masters going? Please also bring your maid with you."

What Yang Kai said had a great impact on her, and she was originally a member of the Mohism, but only when Yang Kai was convinced did she abandon the shadows and turn to the light. At the moment, the entire Mohism has been destroyed, and all the hidden Mohist experts also ran by themselves. Came out and was killed completely.

  It can be said that apart from her, no one in this world has traces of Mo Sect.

  Mohism in this world has become a piece of history, and perhaps hundreds of years later, even the traces will no longer exist.

  How could she stay here alone, following Yang Kai, even if she had tea and poured water.

  Yang Kai slowly shook his head: "I have my own mission, and I can't take you with me."

  Blood Ji's expression dimmed suddenly, her red lips were pursed, and she stopped talking, as if she was an abandoned little girl.

  Yang Kai laughed: "Okay, let's give you a task."

  Blood Ji immediately rejoiced: "Please also my master to show me!"

  Yang Kai said sternly: "Guard Mo Yuan, anyone who attempts to enter Mo Yuan will be killed without mercy!"

  Xue Ji said in a condensed voice: "The servant takes the order!" In a blink of an eye, she smiled hippiely again: "The servant took this task, what rewards are there?"

  Yang Kai gave her an angry look, then flicked his fingers, and a drop of golden light like a bead flew out.

  Xue Ji's eyes lit up, she opened her mouth and swallowed it. She could see that this drop of blood was different from the blood given by Yang Kai before, it was definitely a drop of essence blood!

  Yang Kai said in a voice transmission: "I have imposed some restrictions. When you refining, you must not be greedy for power, otherwise you will be worried about your life!"

  Xue Ji turned his head into a chicken and pecked rice.

The rejection of the will of heaven and earth became more and more obvious. The destruction frenzy lingering around Yang Kai made everyone pale. There were so many powerful people, no one was confident that they could survive such a frenzy, but Yang Kai was able to survive this frenzy. Su, its strength is evident.

   "Master, can the maid see you again?" Xue Ji vaguely noticed something and hurriedly asked.

  Yang Kai looked at her: "I will see you by chance."

  When the words fell, the roar of thunder sounded, and Yang Kai's figure suddenly turned into a stream of light, rising into the sky.

  In the eyes of many powerful people, a gap was opened in the sky, and the streamer rushed into the gap and disappeared.

The aura of destruction also disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

  The cracks slowly disappeared, and there was silence beside Mo Yuan.

  Everyone was in a cold sweat, thinking about every word Yang Kai had said before, and their hearts were shaken.

  The young Son broke the silence: "So, this is the savior who has sealed the truth?"

  Although he is young and not deeply involved in the world, he has quick thinking and vaguely insight into something after seeing Yang Kai.

  "My holy son is a fake?" He pointed to his nose.

  The banner owners looked at each other, and they also realized the problem.

  The saint smiled, and looked at the saint son and said: “He is the savior in the words, yes, but you are the saint son of the religion!”

  In the January battle, the deeds of the saint son have been recognized by the gods and churches, and all the believers who participated in the battle will only recognize him as the saint son.

  The young Son scratched his head: "Well, the Son is the Son. It's just that the true savior is unknown, and it seems a bit unreasonable."

  Sage Woman said: "If the Son is intentional, he can slowly announce his achievements in the future, so that the congregation can know who has worked in secret in this battle and saved this world."

  Shengzi nodded: "That's okay. But the top priority is still to deal with the immediate problems. Before leaving, he said that Mo Yuan should be sealed."

   "How does the saint son want to do?" the saint asked.

  The young saint son turned his head and looked at Xue Ji: "Are you willing to join the cult?"

  Blood Ji was still feeling the power of that drop of essence and blood silently, and she was startled when she heard the words: "Should I join the cult?"

   "Naturally, we now have the same goal. The one who gave you the order to guard Mo Yuan before leaving, I think it is better for everyone to work together, what do you think?"

  Xue Ji looked at him seriously, Shengzi’s clear eyes reflected her coquettish figure, and Xue Ji smiled: "Yes!"

  Compared to being alone, this kind of ending seems pretty good.

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