MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 101

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The mutant universe in this time period really has nothing to pluck.


Beichen woke up suddenly.

Who said there is no 397 wool in this world?

For him, the most valuable thing is not those powerful superpowers, but the huge population base!

The population of this world is no less than that of the Avengers Universe.

"System, can I summon SCPs in this world?" Bei Chen asked silently in his heart.


After getting a definite answer, Bei Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, already having an idea in his mind.

"As the host of this world, I think you should arrange a room for us at this time and let us have a good rest. This is basic etiquette, isn't it?"

Bei Chen suggested with a smile.

"No problem! The most important thing in my manor is the room."

The professor nodded confidently, and at the same time made up his mind.

He will recover his superpowers later, and then find a way to find out the secrets of this group of people. These people know too many things, as if they know all the secrets of the world, and he must figure out these secrets.

What is the time-space police from the Time Administration?

The professor didn't really believe this. A policeman wouldn't meddle in so many affairs, let alone lead a group of women around.

This is not only to satisfy my own curiosity, but also for the stability of the whole world!

A group of beings with mysterious origins, who know everything, and whose strength is unknown.

If she is not sure whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, she will not be able to sleep at night.

Hank, who has been with Professor X for many years, also guessed Professor X's purpose, so he stood up and said, "Come with me! I'll arrange a room for you first."

After Hank left, the professor turned his head and asked, "Have you seen them in the future?"

Wolverine listened, shook his head solemnly, and then reminded: "I have never seen them before, and that man and that blonde lady are dangerous. In my senses, those two people are worse than Magneto!" It's a hundred times more dangerous!

They are not ordinary people, nor do they look like mutants, it is better for us to be more vigilant. ".

Chapter 124: 239-Witch Girl and 525-Eye Spider!

"Okay, you've seen and seen this world, should you go back?" Bei Chen said after arriving in the room arranged by Hank.

"Okay! This world is really meaningless."

Natasha nodded first, and she also knew that this world is really not very safe, "But next time you are free, you can come and experience the customs and customs of the beautiful country in the 1970s." Natasha said expectantly.

For this small request, Bei Chen nodded without thinking.

"no problem!"

After agreeing to the girls, Beichen once again used teleportation and multiverse travel ability to return to the multiverse.

Skye, who was more active, said excitedly: "It's really a novel experience, this is the first time I have left the universe."

"I think we can help a bunch of mutants in that universe, dear, if the mutants can't survive in that universe, you can bring them to our kangaroo country."

Countess Valentina looked at Bei Chen expectantly.

This woman is still thinking about how to subdue mutants.

Regarding this point, Beichen did not point out.

After all, the opponent's ambition is in line with his own wishes.

"Let's talk about it later."

Bei Chen, who didn't have a complete plan, could only say perfunctory first.

"Okay, let's stop talking here, I'll leave first."

After Beichen finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

Bei Chen, who had already returned to the mutant universe, said silently in his heart: "The system opens the container summoning panel."

After the summoning panel was opened, Beichen looked at his balance, and after finding that he had enough surplus, he began to look for a suitable container for this universe.

"System, summon the containment-239-witch girl for me."

Bei Chen said in his heart.

Recalling the memories about the contained objects in his mind, Beichen realized that he didn't have to pursue those powerful contained objects if he wanted to break through to the universe level.

He just needs to go after the multipurpose containment.

Like Containment-239-Witch Maiden.

239 as a reality **** is pretty much a low profile version of God 0239 is capable of doing whatever she expresses her intention to do.

Simply put, she is free to do whatever she really wants as long as she is sane.

To put it simply, it is what you say!

But this ability has a limitation, that is, 239's words can only affect herself and things around her.

In addition, Containment-239 also has a defense that is close to the rules.

Except for a certain kind of special metal, there are almost no weapons that can harm 239. Most importantly, for him, it is not difficult to contain such a powerful containment.

The main reason is that 239, like the son of evolution, is a little lolita, and she is the kind that is easy to fool.

In the Foundation universe, the Foundation has played a trick.

Deliberately fooling 237, saying that she is a witch, this not only makes 237 feel better, but also makes 237 believe that he must read a "curse" before using his own abilities.

Bei Chen believed that he would be able to take down this little loli with ease, relying on his halo of being friendly.

Although 239 is a reality bender, his mind is only eight or nine years old.

And he, Beichen, was nicknamed the Lolita Harvester by people from the Jianghu!

"No wonder it needs a legendary value close to 100 million. It turns out that this girl is really easy to contain!"

Beichen complained endlessly in his heart.

Whenever this ability appears in a person over 20 years old, Bei Chen dare not summon him.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully summoning the containment -239- witch girl!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining the bear child training manual (it can help you better fool children and make them more obedient and obedient.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining a high-level base (located in New York in the mutant universe)."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for gaining the power of anti-distortion (any reality distortion related to you will lose its effect!

"The 100 million legendary value is worth it!"

Beichen looked excitedly at the final rewards issued by the system.

From today on, he's the natural enemy of all reality benders!

The power of anti-distortion is so terrifying!

The most important containment has been summoned, and the next thing is to have some fun in this world.

Thinking this way, Bei Chen began to rummage through the system list.

Containment-525-Eye Spider!

After seeing the introduction of this contained object, Bei Chen's eyes lit up.

This thing is not very dangerous, and the most important thing is that it is disgusting enough that it can be used to disgust the high-level officials of the beautiful countries in the world below.

As a time traveler, Bei Chen doesn't have a good impression of most of the politicians in the Marvel universe, whether it's the military or the government.

"Brother, summon the containment-525-eye spider for me!"

Beichen said silently in his heart.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully summoning the containment object-525-eye spider! The containment object has arrived, please pay attention to contain it in time."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining a small base x 1 (configured for 500 people.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining the artificial eyeball technology x1 (artificial eyeball manufacturing technology makes this world full of a bright future!

"Okay, next..."

Beichen looked at his watch, remembering something, Beichen hurriedly returned to his own universe.

Then he teleported directly to the outside of Freya's bedroom in Asgard.

As soon as Bei Chen appeared, a court lady found Bei Chen, and then ran over and asked, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Bei Chen?" "

"it's me!"

Bei Chen nodded, then looked curiously at the maid in front of him.

"That's right, Lord Freya and the others are waiting for you in the living room of the palace, along with the God King and God Queen."

The palace maid replied respectfully.

Beichen nodded, but he was somewhat puzzled.

"God King Odin and Frigga? Why are these two looking for me? If I remember correctly, Odin and I should have a grudge?"

Beichen always felt a little weird.

After all, he was the murderer who indirectly killed Loki.

No matter how weak Odin is, he won't forget the revenge of killing his son, right?

"Could it be a Hongmen Banquet?"

Bei Chen was a little uncertain, but Bei Chen, who was highly skilled and courageous, still went to the appointment.

Under the leadership of the palace maid, Bei Chen came to a resplendent living room.

Asgard's decoration style is very simple, that is luxury! In addition to luxury is cheering.

After being brought to the living room, Freya walked over with a smile, and said cheerfully: "You are finally here, please sit there for a while, the feast of the Heavenly Palace has not started yet, and there are still a lot of ingredients Not ready, I will come to accompany you when the time comes, you go to chat with my brother-in-law and sister first."

Bei Chen looked at Freya suspiciously.

How is it that he is the son-in-law of Alaska?

For now, Bei Chen doesn't have much affection for the woman in front of him, and more of treating her as a friend with benefits.

Freya, a woman with a strong purpose and strength, Bei Chen didn't have the confidence of the other party.

Although Valentina is also very purposeful and ambitious, but she is not strong, he can handle it at will, and the most important thing is that Valentina does not dare to betray Zhu, but this woman in front of him is different, Frey Ya has lived in Asgard for thousands of years, and he definitely has more feelings for Asgard than for him.

Beichen is still not sure whether he will become an enemy of Asgard. In order to prevent the person he likes from being stabbed in the back in the future, Beichen did not use too much affection for this woman. all good!

Chapter 125: Witch and Demon Girl, or God's Daughter? Or national treasure?

"You are Beichen, right? Sure enough, you are a good-looking talent! Come on, please sit down!"

Odin greeted Beichen with a smile, without the majesty of a **** king, let alone any resentment for killing his son.

Bei Chen was a little confused by Odin's actions.

Even Frigga next to him smiled at Beichen, but this smile was kind.

No matter how Bei Chen looked at it, something was wrong.

This time, Ke Beichen was taken aback.


Even if you don't care about killing your son, you don't have to be so polite to me, right?

What Beichen didn't know was that after Thor returned to Asgard, he told Odin about the Foundation.

After knowing that the Foundation is a powerful organization across the multiverse, Odin also realized that if Asgard wants to survive, it must find a way to win over Beichen.

That's why he let Beichen, a scumbag, be his sister-in-law.

Doesn't he know that Beichen has several female companions on Earth? how is this possible! Really think his two crows are decorations?

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