MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 122

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In an instant, only Teslak, who was driving the Sentinel, was left in the sky.

Looking at the silent sky, Tesla swallowed hard.

Sentinel robots are indeed invincible against mutants, but this does not mean that Sentinel robots can deal with God.

The existence that can rewrite reality and distort reality, what is it other than God?

What is God's standard ability?

God said let there be light, so there was light.

Isn't this just saying what you say?

What is the difference between this man in front of him and God? Perhaps the only difference is that this man may be younger?

"Damn it! This guy is obviously not a mutant. With this weird ability, can't he really be God?"

Teslak secretly hated him.

He used to be a scientist and an atheist, but after seeing the divine brilliance of the Broken God, he became a theist.

He himself is one of those people who are favored by gods, and of course he believes that there are gods in this world, after all, he has really seen the brilliance of the supreme divinity with his own eyes.

After calculating the strength gap between the two sides, Teslak chose to admit defeat without hesitation.

Although he didn't see the supreme divinity from the man in front of him, he also saw some divine brilliance.

This also means that the other party is not as high as the supreme divinity of the Broken God, but at least he is a **** with divinity.

This kind of existence is not something that 430 can deal with.

"Why did you come to our world with an existence like you?"

"And! I believe in the great God of Brokenness. As a god, you shouldn't be able to attack the believers of another god, right? And you're still a supreme divinity."

Teslak said calmly.

Even though he knew he couldn't beat him, Teslak didn't forget to add chips to himself.

Teslak knew very well that the most important thing now was to save his life. After all, the woman next to Beichen didn't hide her hatred for him at all.

"I have met many believers of the Broken God, and you are the weakest believer of the Broken God I have ever seen."

Beichen looked at Teslak, who had directly confessed, with playfulness, and commented.

The mechanical overlord Tony, who invented the two-way foil, even ruled several cosmic bosses, forced him to use containment to deal with the terrifying existence.

Not to mention Ultron, the six-gem Ultron is a man who has fought and observed the big pussy, and even turned the universe into a metal world by himself.

Although his strength is not as good as the mechanical overlord Tony, he is also an undoubted multiverse-level powerhouse.

As for this one?

Um! It's kind of broken down.

The sentinel mecha on the opponent's body did not even reach the single universe level, at most it broke through the starburst.

Of course, Tesla cannot be blamed for this. It can only be said that the universe is too small, and the small here does not refer to the volume.

Whether it is the mechanical overlord Tony or the six-gem Ultron, they all rely on Infinity Treasure to become multiverse-level powerhouses.

And the mutant universe does not have infinite gems, or in other words, the infinite gems of the mutant universe are not on the earth.

All Trask grows so slowly.

But only relying on such a thing as biological metal, Bei Chen believed that as long as he gave the opponent a little time, the opponent would definitely become the second mechanical overlord.


It's a pity that this unlucky boy met him earlier.

Chapter 154: The Man With the Power of Millions of Stars!

"How is it? Has the information here been sent to Congress?

Teslak asked about the artificial intelligence while admitting cowardice.

"It has been sent to the Congress, and the military has agreed. They will send sentries to support."

Hearing this, Teslak was quietly relieved.

The Teslak Industrial Group has Sentinel robots. As the top power in the world, the military of the beautiful country also has a trump card, and that is Sentinel!

A terrifying existence that claims to have the power of millions of stars! It is also the ultimate trump card for the reason why the beautiful country can coerce the world.

Bei Chen didn't do it directly, but asked curiously: "Can you tell me, what is your purpose of delaying time?"

Bei Chen didn't take his superstar-level combat power to heart, and he wasn't worried that he would overturn.

To be honest, Beichen is very happy to see Teslak bring him more surprises, even scares are fine.

Because whether it is surprise or fright, it will eventually become the nutrient for his growth.

The containment space is never too much to contain.

"Of course it's loading data!"

Tesla, who had been lowering his head all the time, raised his head sharply, and also had a miniature signal tower about 30 centimeters in his hand.

"A terrifying mutant once appeared in this world. Her name was Phoenix Girl. Qin, that was a terrifying existence with the power to destroy the world. Fortunately, she died in the mutant's infighting.

It's a pity that I didn't get a sample of her genes, but I've done a lot of research on her abilities.

In order to prevent such horrific mutants from appearing again, in order to research the means against such mutants, I invented the reality stabilizer! "

Teslak proudly pointed to the signal tower in his hand and said: "As long as this thing is there, the surrounding reality will become very stable and difficult to be distorted. It was originally used to deal with the Phoenix Force, but I After a little modification, it should be able to deal with your reality distortion power."

"Now! After God loses his Genesis (it is said that God can rely on the magic essence, this setting comes from DC.), is he still the omnipotent God? "?"

Teslak stood up again, looking down at Beichen.

"Sure enough! What I hate the most are you guys who play with technology."

Bei Chen curled his lips depressed.

In this crazy universe, even insane things like reality erasers can be manufactured by technological means, and Teslak's creation of a reality stabilizer seems to be worthless.

This is also the reason why he has been eager to acquire more abilities, the purpose is to let others not know his own depth, so as not to be targeted.

No way, the technology in this world can really create miracles.

After realizing that this was no longer something that could be solved by just talking, Bei Chen turned his head and said to the two women: "It seems that there is going to be a big battle, please close your eyes and don't resist, I will send you to a safe place first." place."

"Can you do it? Do you want us to stay and help you?"

Raven asked worriedly.

After speaking, Ruiwen was also a little embarrassed.

After all, what she left didn't seem to be of much help.

Knowing that this is not the time to be moved, Bei Chen sternly refused: "It's useless, you can only add to the chaos if you stay here."

Mystique's willingness to stay and accompany him through thick and thin, Bei Chen was a little moved when he received it.

"All right!"

The two female appointees nodded, and then silently closed their eyes.

After taking the two women into the containment space, the system's notification sounded.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully containment-containment-MC-mutant universe-996-Mystique."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully containing-a containment object-MC-mutant universe-778-flashing."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining one-by-one simulation transformation (the host can simulate and change into the appearance of any creature it has seen, and copy its special abilities.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining a space portal (the host can open the space portal at will for long-distance transmission.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for gaining favorability with Mystique x 100."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for gaining a flickering favorability x 100."

At this moment, Beichen didn't care about the system's prompt, but looked at Trask in the sky with a serious expression.

"A reality stabilizer? Nice tech."

Bei Chen looked greedily at the reality stabilizer in Trask's hand.

This thing is definitely of great use to the Foundation.

Be aware that reality anchors only work after someone has used a reality-bending ability.

But the reality stabilizer is different. This thing can directly stabilize the reality within a certain range. For those contained objects with reality distortion ability, the reality stabilizer is the best weapon.

Bei Chen didn't expect that he would have such a harvest in this timeline.

After the reality stabilizer was turned on, Teslak announced righteously: "Boy! You are too dangerous, so I must destroy you!"

After Trask finished speaking, he directly controlled the Sentinel mech to slam Beichen hard with its fist.

Looking at the fist pressing towards him, Bei Chen neither dodged nor defended, but looked at the opponent coldly, waiting for the attack to fall on him.


There was a huge sound of metal collisions, and the head of the sentinel robot was directly flattened. The multiverse-level superpower and invincible anti-injury ability were activated!

"What the **** is this?"

Some deflated Trasks were crushed inside the mech, looking at the severely injured head in horror.

Fortunately, the metal used to make the sentinel robot is bio-metal, which has self-recovery ability, so it didn't lose its fighting ability under such a heavy blow.

The terrified Trask met Bei Chen's face that seemed to be mocking him.

"I still don't believe it!"

The ashen-faced Teslak (are you okay) launched the next wave of offensive.

The mask of the sentinel mecha slowly opened, and the terrifying high temperature began to slowly condense.


The horribly high-temperature rays comparable to the core temperature of the sun shot directly at Beichen. Beichen stood still and still did not fight back.


The Sentinel's chest was pierced, and Trask knew that even if he didn't listen to the artificial intelligence's reminder, the attack he sent out fell back on him.

"What kind of weird ability is this? Hitting you is like hitting myself?"

Truss looked aggrieved at the sneering Bei Chenzhou.


Looking at Beichen who was still standing still, Trask had an idea in his mind.

This guy has not counterattacked in place, is it because his attack is not as good as his defense?

Thinking of this, Trask had an excited smile on his face.

"Finally found a way to deal with you!"

Trask looked at Beichen viciously.

Chapter 155: The Real Sentinel!

Since all attacks will rebound, then I will create a harsh environment and trap the **** in front of me to death!

Thinking this way, Teslak began to control the Sentinel mecha to extract the surrounding air crazily, and he wanted to create an absolutely hollow environment here!

A huge cube-shaped transparent protective cover enveloped the entire Teslak building, and the oxygen and air in the huge cube were continuously extracted.

The temperature around Beichen is also getting lower and lower, even falling below 100 degrees Celsius.

Beichen naturally sensed the other party's purpose, so he sneered and said, "Don't waste your efforts! I can survive in space, if you want to create a harsh environment to kill me, it is impossible to succeed."

"I do not believe!"

Teslak retorted grimly.

With a light wave of his right hand, Beichen made a metal chair through the magnetic field, and Beichen sat down with his legs crossed, and watched Teslak's performance with great interest.

I just like to see you try your best and practice and can't match me.

Read The Mage of Eternity