MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 129

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Seeing that the epidemic doctor could indeed be persuaded (fudge), Tony was also secretly happy.

"There will be a special car to pick you up later, just wait for a while." Tony continued to fool.

"It's such a waste of time, why don't I show you two first?"

After the epidemic doctor finished speaking, he opened his toolbox and began to take out surgical tools.

At this moment, Coulson, who was late, finally caught up.

"A new patient appeared?"

The epidemic doctor stopped what he was doing, and looked up at Coulson who was running from a distance.

The epidemic doctor could feel that Kersson's "sickness" became more serious.

Chapter 165: Contained Epidemic Doctor, Vigilant Fury!

"Quick! You are very ill and need urgent treatment!"

With a hoarse voice, the plague doctor yelled frantically, and then rushed towards Coulson like a black crow.

Seeing this scene, Tony quickly reminded: "Colson, be careful!"

After speaking, Tony fired two energy bombs directly with both hands, knocking out the plague doctor who was rushing towards Coulson.

Looking at the plague doctor who was knocked out and fell to the ground, she didn't know whether she was alive or dead, Gemma asked curiously, "Is it dead?"

Tony listened and shook his head solemnly.

Based on his understanding of the contained objects, the contained objects are not so easy to kill. The plague doctor who fell on the ground stood up intact again, tilting his head and looking at Tony and others.

The epidemic doctor asked, somewhat incomprehensible: "Why do you attack the doctor? I am saving you! You are infected with the plague."

"Ahem! I mean, it's not suitable for seeing a doctor here."

Tony explained seriously.

He didn't die after receiving two energy cannons hard, Tony felt that he should reason with the other party.

The epidemic doctor listened and nodded thoughtfully.

"Then let's go! Treating patients is a doctor's bounden duty."

The epidemic doctor urged.

Just like that, an already dangerous containment operation ended hastily, and the epidemic doctor was fooled into the containment room of the foundation base.

In the base on the outskirts of New York, Dr. s46 smiled and praised: "This should be the first time you have successfully contained the containment, right?"

Coulson felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, and touched the bridge of his nose.

This time being able to contain Containment-049 was actually due to luck.

Fortunately, Containment-049 is easy to be fooled, otherwise they would still suffer heavy losses.

"Forget it, it's not easy for you, the next research on Containment-049 will test you and follow along and observe 443."

Dr. s46 sighed, and finally relented, and decided to give the other party a little reward for his efforts.

Dr. S46 used criminals to conduct a series of research and exploration on the containment-049-epidemic doctor, and established a file about the containment-049-epidemic doctor.

The following is the Foundation's archives of Containment-049-Plague Doctor.

Containment-049-Plague Doctor is a humanoid creature dressed as a European Black Death doctor in the 15th century. Clothes, surgical kits, surgical tools and other equipment are grown directly from the body.

Humans who touch it will die quickly, and then 049 will take out a surgical kit containing a variety of surgical tools and unknown drugs. These operations will be performed on the victim, and the corpse will be transformed into a vegetable-like puppet. Unless stimulated or directed by 049, these entities will Otherwise you'll just wander aimlessly.

It stubbornly believes that its treatment is very effective, and believes that all human beings except the Foundation researchers in white robes are suffering from a major plague. The so-called "plague" is an infectious disease that only 049 can see, and it is not limited to the Foundation Outside of researchers, its true nature and existence are still unknown, despite its eloquence.

(To explain here, the reason why the plague doctor feels that the members of the Foundation (excluding Coulson) are not infected with the plague is because most of the members of the Foundation are not normal people, but cloned from a certain containment.)

The interview records describe that 049 got along with the researcher in charge, and finally killed and dissected him because of the epidemic. Although 049 tried his best to maintain a professional image afterwards, it can be seen that he is also very sad and remorseful.

Discovery Log Containment-049 was discovered while investigating a series of anomalous events in the small town of Monto in the southern part of the Pretty Country.

During a raid on the local town, Advisor Tony discovered several instances of Containment-049-2.

Containment-049-2, an unconscious, emaciated walking corpse controlled by 049.

(All Containment-049-2 instances have been cleared.)

Finally Gemma. Simmons discovered Containment-049 in a log cabin outside the town, and successfully persuaded him to bring it back to the Foundation.

Interview Transcript The following is an interview conducted by Dr. 46 during Containment-049's containment.

Interviewer: Dr. s46.

Interviewed: Containment-049 [Begin Log] Containment-049: So how do we begin, introduce yourself?

Dr. s46: Good. My name is Dr. s46 and I...

Containment-049: Ah! a doctor! Fellow fellows, no doubt, what is your specialty, ma'am?

Dr. s46: Mysterious Biology, Why Containment-049: A medical worker like me, miracles abound!

I thought I was kidnapped by a normal street thug!

And then this place, is your lab? I'm guessing yes, so clean and barely a trace of the plague.

Dr. s46: Plague? What does it mean?

Containment-049: Scourge! mass extinction. Heck, you know, that, uh...

It's everywhere beyond these walls, you know. Many have succumbed and many more will succumb until a perfect cure for it can be developed, luckily I am very close.

You see, it is my life's duty to rid the world of its menace, the cure of all cures!

Dr. s46: By "mass extinction", do you mean the Black Death?

Containment-049: I don't know what that is.

Dr. s46: I see, well, so, the entities that our agents encountered in that house, were dead when you found them, yes? You revived them?

Containment-049: Uh, yes in a way, you're making things too easy, Doctor! Broaden your horizons.

Life and death, disease and health, are all amateur terms for (ccdh) amateur physicians.

There is only one disease in the world, and that is the plague, nothing else! Make no mistake, they were very sick and nearly all of them were infected.

Dr. s46: Do you think you cured them?

Containment-049: Exactly, my treatment is the most effective.

Dr. s46: What we recovered is no longer human.

Containment-049: Yes, it's not a perfect cure, but it takes time 0 and further experiments are needed! I've spent my whole life working on my therapy, doctor s46, and I'll spend another if necessary.

Now we've wasted too much time and there's work to do! I needed a laboratory of my own where I could continue my research unhindered.

Of course, there are assistants, although I can provide them myself, sooner or later.

Dr. s46: I don't think our organization will allow-a containment-049: Stop talking nonsense. We are all scientists, put on your coat and show me my dormitory, doctor, our work begins now!

END OF LOG INTERVIEWER NOTES While Containment-049 is capable of communicating in a very human way, it creates a strange sense of unease in its presence, and there is no doubt that there is something very mysterious about this entity.

Heavenly Sword Bureau.

Looking at the complete file in his hand, Fury pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and then sighed leisurely.


This is the first complete intelligence file about the containment that he obtained after sending Coulson to the foundation.

Unfortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer belongs to us.

"A doctor who seems to be invincible and can resurrect people into zombies? The Foundation actually only contained it instead of clearing it?

Damn the Foundation! I knew you were weird! "

Fury looked sharply into the distance, talking to himself.

He now has reason to suspect that the Foundation's purpose is to collect those contained items, and then to achieve their ulterior purpose.

He couldn't be sure before, but now! He can already be sure.

This is because the Foundation did not choose to clear the containment-049-Plague Doctor this time, but chose to contain it, and even provided the other party with an experimental body.

Is this something that a decent organization can do?

Um! When thinking of this, Fury automatically ignored the truth about the government of the beautiful country behind the mechanized virus that was found out in the previous investigation.

There must be a reason for the government to do that!

There must be a reason for your foundation to do this!

Um! As a native and beautiful Chinese, Fury double-marked Lashner who was sitting next to him and shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene.

"Containment-049-The danger of the epidemic doctor is not high, you don't have to be so nervous, the top priority now is to prevent the spread of the mechanized virus." Lashner reminded the dual-standard master Fury seriously shook his head.

"No! This has nothing to do with our Heavenly Sword Society. The government's spread of the mechanized virus must have a deep meaning. Our Heavenly Sword Bureau is not a legal official organization now, and it is not suitable to come forward to deal with the mechanized virus."

Hearing this, Lashana stood up abruptly, and roared angrily: "Are you crazy? Do you know that people are dying every day now? And it's still more than 100,000!"

Fury spread his hands and said very truthfully: "In fact, 1 million people die abnormally every day in the world. This has nothing to do with our Tianjian Bureau."

Lashner: "…"

"Don't worry, the government dares to spread the mechanized virus, there must be someone behind it."

Fury continued to comfort.

What Fury didn't know, however, was that.

The government they said has backhands is currently discussing the out-of-control mechanized virus.

Chapter 166: The Conspiracy of Various Forces!

"The mechanized virus is out of control, and it has reached the point where it cannot be contained. I want to know who agreed to the so-called removal plan!"

The aggressive president landed on the main seat, looking angrily at the congressmen below.

Looking at the silent congressmen, the angry president gritted his teeth.

As the saying goes, the law does not blame the public. When this plan was implemented, the following group of dog-like congressmen all chose to implement the so-called purge plan.

According to the analysis given by the social research department, the mechanized virus will wipe out most of the poor, and will not affect the national fortune of the beautiful country.

As a result, the game is broken now, and he, the president, is actually allowed to take the blame. How can there be such a good thing in this world!

Lao Tzu is just a president, not a machine that takes the blame.

Gritting his teeth, the president continued to ask: "Did Pioneer Technology reply? Didn't they say that the Extremis virus can treat that mechanized virus?"

"Pioneer Technology said that it will have results soon, let us wait..."

A congressman next to him explained carefully.


The president slapped the table angrily, then stood up, looking sharply at the congressman who excused Pioneer Technology.

"Soon? How soon is it? A week ago, it was also soon! Now you tell me or soon?"

MP: "..."

"Then you **** ask Pioneer Technology, what's the use of my brain?"

The congressman who was complaining in his heart could only respond with an embarrassed smile, and then chose to remain silent.

"I will meet with the chairman of Pioneer Technology later. If he can't come up with a solution within a week, then he is the culprit for the spread of the mechanized virus. Do you know that?"

The congressmen who knew that they had screwed up did not refute, but nodded in resignation.

There is no way, it was they who agreed to the so-called clean-up plan, which caused all this, and it is necessary to bow your head and admit your mistake.

After everyone discussed about the mechanized virus, the meeting came to an end.

After the meeting, the officials of the beautiful country finally acknowledged the existence of the mechanized virus and its danger on the official website, and issued a series of epidemic prevention policies.

After finishing all this, the president of the beautiful country also boarded the plane and headed for the headquarters building of Pioneer Technology with only a few assistants.

Future Pharmaceutical Group Building…

"Patients infected with the mechanized virus have a chance of surviving close to 5% after using the Extremis virus. In other words, 10 out of 100 people may survive and gain superpowers."

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