MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 55

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This wave is considered a surprise.

A boss like the Broken God who can easily wipe out a universe cannot be contained.

But just because he stands too high, his current world is safer.

Take a simple example.

There are so many ant nests in the world, it is impossible for the president of a beautiful country to go to the Pacific Ocean to trample a nest of ants to death on a whim.

Because of his weakness, he escaped a catastrophe.

It's actually pretty sad...

However, what Beichen didn't know was that it was precisely because he used the invisibility card on himself in time that the entire M Foundation universe was saved from a catastrophe.

When the Broken God was just summoned, the Broken God vaguely noticed Bei Chen, an existence related to him.

Just when he was about to cross countless spaces and come down to this universe, the invisible card took effect.

The Broken God didn't pay attention to a creature like an ant, so the M Foundation universe was lucky to escape.

When the Broken God descends, the entire universe will be destroyed. This is not because the Broken God is inherently cruel, but because a universe cannot accommodate a supreme divinity descending. 0 Beichen curiously opened the "God Ascension Record" rewarded by the system.

God of Mechanics Ascension Record.

Materials: Containment-217, Containment-1139, Containment-882, Containment-629, False Core.


"God of Mechanics?"

Bei Chen pouted.

Isn't this the fake "God of Broken" created by the God of Mechanics?

Bei Chen, who was extremely disgusted, threw it into the containment space.

In the world of the Foundation, the Broken God Cult uses the fragments of the Broken God, plus a false core, to make the false **** entity containment-001-"The Broken God".

The pseudo "Broken God" is a collection of anomalous objects, including Containment-217, Containment-1139, Containment-882, and some internal parts of Containment-629.

This thing is a failure in the foundation world, not to mention the supreme divinity, even a false **** like the containment-343-god can beat this thing.

It can be said that the force is lower than that of the 682 uncle.

No wonder the evaluation given by the system is that the ascension to God has a 99% failure rate.

Beichen felt that the failure rate of 99% was lowered by the system, it should be 99.999%.

As for the remaining 0.001% success rate? There really is such a miracle, you can become the supreme divinity without this record of ascension to the gods, such as Zhongshan Mary.

…PS: Let me tell you a cold joke. Some authors who don’t want to be shy, saw that my book was ranked No. 10 in the list without being recommended. Then they thought that this book might be recommended if it was mixed up, so they had to collectively Report me.

The author has been applying for a long time, and the middle name and cover have been changed twice. I just applied for a very unpopular recommendation, and within half a day it was rejected again.

Really staring at this book, right?

I wondered if the foundation I wrote didn't scare your kids, did it? .

Chapter 76: The Multiverse Influenced by the Broken God!

Today's random call can be said to be a loss of blood.

Containment-323-Wendigo's skull, it's useless to contain it by itself, and it probably won't get any special abilities.

The only advantage is that you might be able to swipe yourself two favorability cards.

As for the Broken God?

The meaning of this uncle being summoned.

It proves that he successfully found an uncle for the Marvel Universe.

As for containment?

Let's wait until we have accumulated thousands of favorability cards.

Two waves of lucky draws to test the waters are basically equivalent to floating in the water.

After all, one is too weak and the other is too strong.

Depressed, Bei Chen called Black Widow, his personal assistant.

It was a pretty wild night...

Polar Bear Empire Siberia…

If Igor Vanke hadn't been driven out by Stark Industries, he might have been a great scientist.

In that special era, Igor Vanke, who was expelled from the beautiful country, returned to his hometown in desperation.

What I got was not a welcome from my hometown, but a cold and ruthless judgment.

He was sent to that permafrost to dig potatoes for 20 years for treason.

20 years of hard prison life wiped away his hatred, his pride, and everything he had. With his body that had become dilapidated due to the hard prison, Igor Vanke returned to his hometown again, and it was not his wife who greeted him , but the son who is obviously only less than 10 years old, but has tattoos all over his body.

Igor Vanke knew that his whole life was a failure.

Whether it's career or educating his son.

The filial son abandoned his studies and joined the gang in order to make money to heal his broken body.

Looking at his rough-looking son with tattoos all over his body.

Igor Vanke shed tears in pain.

His son should have enjoyed the praise and honor of the world just like that playboy!

Just because of his failed father, he became a rough and rude gangster in the eyes of others.

"Maybe if I die, Anton will be free!"

igor. Wanke slowly closed his eyes.

Somewhere, Igor Vanke came to a strange world.

It's a world of gears and machinery, and in this world, he's so fit.

There is no pain or fatigue caused by flesh and blood, and steel gears replace flesh and blood.

igor. Vanke found itself sublimated!

"Is this heaven?"

Igor Vanke stared blankly at this world full of gears and machinery.

This is heaven for the wise!

This is a mechanical worker's utopia!

This is... where everything should be!

Look at the tiny words engraved on the gears, Igor. Vanke touched 333 and murmured, "Revere the God of Brokenness, the source of endless wisdom and knowledge!"

"All the pain caused by the flesh is the test of the God of Mechanics!"

"Human beings... will eventually ascend mechanically!"

From this row of small characters, he seemed to see the source of knowledge, the end of order. Igor Vanke suddenly found that he had a sharp carving knife in his hand.

Looking at the metal gears on the ground, Igor Vanke knelt down gently, then prostrated himself on the ground and carved a row of his own words.

"Thank you for the suffering and pain that life brings, so that I can always maintain my sanity and see my God!"

After Igor Vanke carved his mark on this world, the gears of the whole world began to overload, the world began to collapse, and a voice seemed to sound from outside the sky.

"Father! Are you all right?"

The soft shaking and sound from the outside world awakened Igor from his sleep. Vanke.

Igor Vanke opened his eyes in confusion, this time, Igor. Vanke's eyes are not as muddy as before, but full of unprecedented wisdom.

"Son... do you believe that there are gods in the world?"

Igor Vanke looked at his son frantically.

Anton. After hearing this, Vanke let out a disdainful mouth.

As an Anton who had been at the bottom of the slums since he was a child. Vanke, how could anyone believe in a so-called god.

Anton. Vanke said helplessly, "Father, it's time for breakfast!"

"No! Flesh and blood will eventually decay, we will pursue a greater ascension! Now we have more important things to do!"

Igor Vanko pushed Anton away. Vanke handed over the milk and bread.

"Help me to the warehouse! I'll take you to witness the miracle!"

igor. Vanke's eyes shone with wisdom.

Looking at him in high spirits, he looked a bit like a father who returned to life before he died.

Anton. Vanke seemed to have thought of something.

Anton sighed. Vanke helped Igor Vanke up, and the two came to the underground warehouse.

It is said that the warehouse is actually a utility room.

There are some worn-out machines inside, and these things are Anton. Vanke collected discarded machine parts by picking up garbage.

"What are you going to do next, father?"

Anton. Vanke asked curiously.

"Child! I hope you remember that for human beings, everything is a burden, and only wisdom can achieve eternity!"

After Igor Vanke finished speaking, he tremblingly picked up the tool hammer and started working...

How long does it take for a person's three views to collapse?

Anton. Vanke will tell you responsibly that only (ccdh) will take six hours!


"You **** told me, this is science?"

Anton. Vanke saw that he had transformed himself into the father of a half-human, half-machine monster in just 6 hours, and uttered a foul language.

The sound of metal gears turning made a clicking sound.

Igor Vanke taught in a low tone: "This is wisdom! This is the gift of the great Broken God, and this is the final form of human beings!"



When Igor Vanke was active, the mechanical gears on his body collided with each other, and the unique sound that only metal impact could make echoed continuously in the warehouse.

Anton. Vanke nodded blankly.

You are awesome!

I believe everything you say now.

Anton, who was ruthlessly refreshed by his father's three views. Vanke, belatedly asked: "Dad! What kind of black technology is this?"

"Mechanical Ascension Technology! A gift from the great Broken God!"

(To explain, this is not a gift from the God of Mechanics, but Igor Vanke realized it himself after seeing the supreme divine brilliance of the Broken God.)

igor. Vanke said frantically.

"Son! I want to create a church to worship the great Broken God. Only the truly wise people are qualified to worship the Broken God!"

igor. Vanke said in a pious tone.

Anton. Vanke listened and nodded blankly.

Anton who came back to his senses. Wanke looked at his father strangely.

He knew too well what kind of person his father was. Although he had suffered all his life, he was definitely an extremely pure materialist.

Just for one night, Anton. Vanke's faith has changed.

Anton. Vanke doesn't understand.

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