MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 57

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Brother Ni, who had cramped legs and hadn't run too much, only felt a pain in his back, and then fell into a pool of blood.

At this moment, two strong college students rushed up from behind Simpson with a dagger.


Two sharp daggers landed on Simpson's back and waist respectively.

But the two daggers didn't penetrate too deep, they penetrated less than two centimeters, and the daggers were clamped by the strong muscles, unable to advance half a point.

The pain in the body made Simpson's eyes red, and the angry Simpson slapped the attacker on the head.

The teeth-stinging sound of bones rubbing against each other sounded.

The attacker's head was instantly twisted off, and then he fell to the ground.

Another sneak attacker, after seeing the horror of his companion, gritted his teeth and drew out his dagger, and once again aimed at Simpson's stomach.

Simpson, who was prepared this time, naturally couldn't let the opponent stab him again.

Holding the opponent's hand holding the dagger tightly with his left hand, Simpson exerted a little force with his left hand, and the attacker's right arm was instantly crushed.

Before the attacker could scream, Simpson raised his 45-yard foot and kicked it in the chest.


The attacker flew backwards like a gang of cannonballs, and then hit a branch not far away, and was just pierced by the branch.

Such a brutal and **** scene instantly frightened the entire camp.

"Now! You tie yourselves together and come with me!"

Simpson took a loop of rope from his belt and handed it to the boy closest to him.

In this way, Simpson led a group of lamb-like youths back to his residence.

A slaughter kicked off. After enjoying the corrupt life of capitalism for two days, Bei Chen finally rekindled his fighting spirit.

As the largest relational account of the foundation, Skye is looking through the most mysterious files of the foundation at the moment.

Containment-323-Wendigo's Skull The skull of an unknown deer species that exerts a mental influence on those around it, causing them to develop a cannibalistic urge. And will try to wear the item.

Note: This object appeared 60 years ago, and suddenly disappeared strangely when the Foundation was about to contain the object. Foundation investigators speculated that the contained object may have abnormal mobility.

"Cool! Is this the legendary ogre? It turns out that the legend is not necessarily false!"

In front of the computer, Skye looked at the information on the screen in amazement.

Natasha next to her glanced at the content on the screen and didn't pay much attention to it.

She was also surprised when she found this thing before. Isn't this the regional version of Resident Evil?

Later, Bei Chen explained to her that this thing only works on those who are not firm-willed, and those who are firm-willed can suppress or even be immune to that impulse to a certain extent.

"Such a weird object to contain, didn't the Foundation try to find it later?"

Skye asked curiously.

Bei Chen listened, and shook his head: "This type of containment, if there is no user or victim, it is very difficult to locate."

Without the Containment Locator, finding Containment-323-Wendigo's skull is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

After all, Containment-323-Wendigo's skull is not that weird.

After all, it's just cannibalism. Even if there is no Containment-323-Wendigo's skull, it is normal for a few Devourers of the same race to appear among nearly 7 billion people.

After all, humans are inherently omnivorous.

In order to train the Foundation, Beichen has not used the containment positioning system much recently, and has not personally directed the containment operation.

"By the way, I must tell you a piece of news. The war between the Beautiful Country and SHIELD and those frost giants has come to an end."

"According to the inside information of S.H.I.E.L.D., a mysterious mage wearing a yellow robe sealed the passage from another world to the earth. This war was victoriously won at the cost of 60,000 sacrifices in the beautiful country."

Bei Chen didn't react much after hearing this.

If the group of mages made a move, it would be normal for this war to end early. "You said you mages, why don't you prepare for the invasion of other dimensions and mix it with the war in the real world?"

Bei Chen was also speechless for a while.

With the help of the frost giants, the national power of the beautiful country has been weakened. This is the reason why Beichen left the group of frost giants.

In the end, because of the actions of those mages, the plan fell through again.

Fortunately, the frost giants were not playing black technology. Although the beautiful country won the battle, except for a few frost giant corpses, Mao did not get any benefits.

"By the way, s46 asked me to tell you that the Cult of the Broken God, which has been silent for a long time, has also become active."

After Natasha finished speaking, she looked at Bei Chen curiously.

Obviously, this woman is very interested in the Cult of the Broken God.

"The Broken God Sect!" Bei Chen sighed.

"The Church of the Broken God who believes in the Broken God is mainly divided into three factions, the Cog Orthodox Church, the Broken Church, and the Maxwell Religion. You just need to know that they are a group of rational and fanatical lunatics."

Beichen said perfunctorily.

The sect rewarded to him by the system is the Broken Sect. People in this sect believe that their **** is not complete now.

They believe that collecting all the fragments will allow the God to be reassembled, empowering all to enter a new world based on the mechanical ways of the Broken God.

Of course, this is just to fool those low-level believers. The high-level leaders of the Broken Sect are not heading for some new world, they are heading for divinity.

Pretty much the same as the bottom-level collect shards into a new world version.

The higher-ups believe that collecting fragments can allow the Broken God to reorganize, and after the Broken God reorganizes successfully, they can also gain divinity and become true gods.

For people from this sect, Bei Chen was too embarrassed to point them out.

Are you running for faith?

In the final analysis, this group of people is actually more like a group of willing workers.

Licking his face, he said: We help the boss collect debris, and after success, the boss will take us to the new world?

Or we help the boss collect fragments, and the boss will take us to become gods after success?

However, the God of Brokenness in this world is already complete, and there is no need for such adjustments at all.

Among the three sects of the Broken God Sect, the one with the least pious belief is the Broken Sect.

As for the other two sects, Bei Chen didn't know much about them.

If the Broken Sect hadn't caused a wave of major incidents, he probably wouldn't have remembered the Broken Sect.

Natasha asked worriedly: "Are they dangerous? Is there a foundation stronger?

"emmmmm..." Beichen fell into deep thought. The most glorious achievement of the Shattered Sect is probably to create a pseudo Broken God who can swallow metal infinitely and grow infinitely.

If you really want to say it is strong, it is not strong at all.

But I can't help but stand behind a big guy.

"Not counting the bosses standing behind the two sides, the strength of the Fund Church can crush the Broken God Sect."

Beichen commented rather pertinently.

Behind the Cult of the Broken God there is the Broken God.

There is also a Zhongshan Mary behind my big foundation.

And Zhongshan Mary is not like the Broken God, the relationship between the Broken God Religion and the Broken God is actually the same.

For the Broken God, the Cult of the Broken God is dispensable, and that was all made by the Cult of the Broken God.

But Nakayama Mary is different.

That's the real boss who came out of the foundation. For this kind of boss, the foundation is just like his mother's family.

After hearing that the strength is not as strong as the Foundation, Natasha quietly took a breath in her heart, "What's the matter? You seem to be very nervous?"

Bei Chen looked at Natasha curiously.


Natasha explained with a weird gaze: "According to Dr. S46's speculation, the Broken God sect may be targeting the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier, but if it's not strong, then it's no big deal."

A sect that doesn't sound serious at first sight dares to target the aircraft carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This was something Natasha never thought of.

This is as ridiculous as a mouse staring at a cat's food.

Beichen: "..."

Hearing this news, Bei Chen silently mourned for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Those who can become full-fledged members of the Cult of the Broken God are generally top-level geniuses, and they are also in science and engineering.

Being targeted by this group of people, even a behemoth like S.H.I.E.L.D. would be very uncomfortable.

Regarding this matter, Beichen had no intention of stopping it.

The Broken God Sect rewarded by the system, the biggest benefit for him is that he has a little relationship with the Broken God through this sect.

This kind of relationship is usually not very useful, but it will definitely be of great use when it is critical.

Bei Chen knew that his future self would definitely meet those great gods of Shangetern, and maybe those great gods would also stare at him first.

At this time, the benefits of being the pope of the Broken God Sect are reflected in the Broken God. Although he doesn't care much about the Broken God Sect, face is still important.

You are eternal, who is almost on the same level as me. What do you mean by degrading yourself to engage in my followers? Slap me in the face?

The Broken God may not care about the trouble of Eternity's subordinates looking for the Broken God Cult, but it is different if Eternity does it himself.

After all, the meaning is different.

To put it bluntly.

It's like two families have a dog, and the dog and the dog are fighting, and the two families probably don't care too much, but if someone in the two families beats the dog, the meaning is different.

After all, it depends on the owner to beat a dog, let alone when it involves faith.

It's a bit embarrassing, but that's how it is.

What's more, there is nothing shameful in hugging your thighs when you are weak.

Not a hard lick.

Because of the Broken God, Bei Chen had a psychological shadow on the random summoning.

Although the past few days are very free, Bei Chen has been suppressing his urge to continue random summoning.

The price of designated summoning is too cheating.

So Beichen simply enjoyed it at home for a few more days.

three days later...

The inexplicable disappearance of a group of college students finally attracted the attention of the local police station in Texas.

When the police sent people to investigate the camp where the college students were, the police dogs followed the scent and led the police to Simpson's farm.

A big news that shocked the whole country and even the whole world was dug up.

When the police came to Simpson's residence with a police dog, an experienced policeman noticed something was wrong.

The smell of blood in this manor is too strong.

Three police officers checked the room and saw fingers on a cutting board in the kitchen and some offal in the refrigerator.

An experienced veteran policeman knew what these were all at once.

Resisting the urge to vomit, the most experienced policeman directly called for help.

Soon, a large group of well-equipped armed special police quickly surrounded the entire 3.7 farm.

Police then found ten surviving university students in the basement of the estate.

The eyes of these people lost the brilliance of the past and became very cloudy and lifeless, as if they had suffered great mental torture.

Everyone's spirits were a little off. At this time, they wanted a group of walking dead more than normal people.

The most experienced old special police officer couldn't help but frowned when he saw the group of students with blood on their faces.

He felt that something was wrong with these students. Although their bodies were not harmed, their spirits had collapsed.

There is also blood on their faces. There are obviously no wounds on these students, so where did the blood on their faces come from?

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