MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 96

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The two monsters who were fighting fiercely at first also stopped under the influence of Beichen.

The happy mood dispelled the anger in the four-handed Hulk's heart, and the happy mood also made the 682 uncle no longer have the desire to attack life.

A battle that looked like a natural disaster in the eyes of others was stopped just like that!

"With a wave of his right hand, Beichen took Master 682 into the containment space."

Originally, Beichen planned to contain the Hulk by the way.

But considering the cheating characteristics of the Hulk, he still suppressed the impulse in his heart.

The rewards given by the system are too random, if Hulk's Wrath comes, it will be Barbie Q.

The power he possesses is not bad. If he loses his mind in order to pursue the power of the Hulk, that would be too nonsense.

Watching Beichen appear suddenly and stop the fight between the two monsters in less than a minute.

The audience who saw all this through satellite and remote live broadcast went crazy, "It's him again! Is he a god? Last time he fought to stop these two monsters!"

"Fart! This is obviously the mastermind behind the scenes. I suspect that the two monsters were released by this guy. Otherwise, why are these two monsters so obedient?"

"He's the president of the foundation. Isn't it normal to have a way to deal with these monsters? And he was the one who stopped those two monsters last time."

"It's all the **** politicians on 3.7, why didn't you ask the Foundation to take action earlier?

This way New York doesn't have to be destroyed! "

"Is the upstairs stupid? The destruction of New York has something to do with these two monsters? They are obviously nuclear weapons that the military dropped to repel the invaders."

"Why don't we ask the Foundation to drive away the intruders? The Foundation is the patron saint of mankind, and it is impossible for the military to win this war!"

At this time, they did not dare to offend Beichen's officials, nor did they dare to take the rhythm in secret, so most people on the Internet still had a relatively positive view of Beichen.

"I don't know what's going on in the Mechanical Empire!"

Beichen looked up at the wormhole not far away.

"Forget it, let's close the space portal first!"

Thinking in this way, Beichen took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube (Space Gem) in the legendary space.

Inspire the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and a beam of light blue light shoots towards the portal in the sky.

The two streams of energy collided with each other, and then produced a violent explosion.

After the light blue explosion, the portal in the sky was also closed.

A disaster that could affect the global crisis has been resolved in this way!

Looking at the legendary gate disappearing in the sky, whether it is the ordinary people in front of the screen or the controllers of the major forces, they all feel unreal at this moment.

Is the global crisis over?

Chapter 118: Inventory Rewards, Machine Ascension!

"Mom Fuck!"

Seeing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in Beichen's hands, Fury almost burped as soon as he recited it.

With a trembling right hand, he opened the drawer, took out a small bottle and poured out two quick-acting heart-relief pills. After taking them, Fury's condition improved a lot.

"This **** actually robbed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube! This **** has already robbed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!

No wonder they haven't been able to find Loki. It turns out that this guy has done so many things secretly. "

Fury gritted his teeth and looked at Beichen who was being praised by the world on the screen.

This guy didn't know when he removed the Loki, and then secretly hid the Rubik's Cube, the purpose is to make the SHIELD and the Avengers unable to find the Rubik's Cube.

And then use that group of intruders to achieve your own goals. Such sinister intentions and so no danger to the safety of society are simply shameless!

Fury, who thought more deeply, even suspected that the intruders were deliberately released by the Foundation.

"This guy! You really don't hide it at all!"

Fury gritted his teeth and said to himself, but Fury also knew that there was nothing he could do with the bastard.

"How can a foundation led by this **** become great? A great organization like the foundation should be led by me. Only I can lead the foundation on the right path!"

Fury thought firmly in his heart.

A secret military base...

Seeing Beichen directly close the portal, everyone in the military breathed a sigh of relief, "Isn't this the Cosmic Rubik's Cube that S.H.I.E.L.D. was robbed? This thing can actually close the portal?"

A general said suddenly.

22 General Ross also turned dark when he heard this.

"Damn nigger, **** S.H.I.E.L.D., you can't take care of your own stuff. If we already had this thing, why would we pay such a big price?"

Although General Ross secretly hated him, he didn't dare to blame Beichen, instead he cursed S.H.I.E.L.D. and Fury in his heart.

This is the benefit of strength.

When you are strong, even if you do something wrong, the people below will not dare to criticize you, but will transfer the conflict to another person, and then vent the negative emotions in your heart to that person.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and Fury are obviously perfect candidates to take the blame.

"Okay! Now, it should be considered resolved!"

Seeing the disappearing Legendary Gate, Beichen teleported directly to his home.

The three girls in the villa were also engrossed in watching the news on the screen.

When Beichen appeared, Carol complained unhappily: "It turns out that the Rubik's Cube is in your hands, no wonder SHIELD has been unable to find it!"

"SHIELD lost him, and then I snatched him back, that's all!"

Beichen replied in a flat tone, without any embarrassment or guilt at all.

Carol sighed as well.

"It's better if this thing falls into your hands, it's better than falling into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Carol persuaded earnestly: "This thing is very dangerous. I hope you can learn the lesson from S.H.I.E.L.D. I really don't want this thing to cause any more threats."

"Don't worry! I'm not a S.H.I.E.L.D. idiot."

Bei Chen nodded confidently.

He didn't need to study this thing at all, how could it overturn?

Tony is a universe of mechanical overlords…

Tony, who was sitting on the throne of the Mechanical Temple, was listening to the reports of the people below worriedly.

Turns out Ebony Maw wasn't joking.

It turns out that the huge mechanical empire may really collapse because of an electronic virus...

Turns out I'm not as strong as I thought...

Tony was confused.

Thinking back half a month ago, when Ebony Throat reported, he was so careless and disbelieving.

but now…

It's too late now.

This universe is over, in order to avoid the spread of that virus, Tony decided to move the base camp.

"Farewell to my hometown! Farewell empire!"

Tony glanced at the scenery in this universe with nostalgia for the last time, then turned and left this universe without looking back.

But before leaving, Tony dropped something into the largest black hole in the universe.

His mechanical empire covers nine universes.

In order to make that virus disappear forever, Tony doesn't mind giving up that universe 0. For data life like them, that horrible virus he named [DATA EXPUNGED] is indeed a disaster!

Tony has never personally experienced the horror of that virus, but he would rather not experience it in his life.

Because I personally experienced the data life of that virus, all of them disappeared without a trace, including even the mechanical Thanos with six power gems.

Mechanical Thanos is the strongest warrior under his command, and compared with himself, he is only a little worse.

It was such a terrifying strong man who, after being infected with that virus, disappeared without even having time to call for help.

It disappeared without a trace as if it had been deleted.

The death of Thanos made Tony realize the horror of the virus, so he chose to run away.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement - the containment is destroyed one by one!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining a designated storage object summoning card (you can designate a designated storage object for free.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining the coordinates of a universe (after using the coordinates, the universe will be integrated into the multiverse system associated with the host, and the host will be able to travel through the universe at will.

Note: After the new universe is integrated into the multiverse, it will cause some unpredictable consequences, please be careful with the host! )”

Bei Chen, who was counting the rewards, was holding on to the reminder in his mind with a dazed expression.

"What the hell? I destroyed a universe without doing anything?" Bei Chen thought with a dazed look on his face.

Forget it, let's count the rewards first!

Thinking like this, Bei Chen first set his sights on the mechanical virus vaccine.

This thing is specifically aimed at the mechanical virus. Although the mechanical virus has no cure, it can be prevented.

This is the only thing that can make him feel at ease after the appearance of Containment-217-Mechanical Virus.

With these vaccines, the manufacturing method can be reversed. After the vaccine is available, although many people will still be killed by the virus, at least it is within the controllable range.

The second is the mobile machinery fortress at sea.

This thing is similar to the sky fortress, and it is the strongest strategic weapon on the planet, which can be used to deter those who are not very smart (marked by the beautiful country!).

"Is the Sea Mobile Mechanical Fortress in the Pacific Ocean now? That's good news."

Bei Chen thought with satisfaction.

Finally, there are special recruitment cards.

Whether the effect of this thing is big or small depends mainly on what is summoned.

For example, the last recruitment card directly recruited Amelie, which then caused him to open the multiverse in advance.

The recruitment card brings many crises, but it also brings more rewards, which can be regarded as a lucky reward.

Bei Chen also realized that he could use the mark on the recruited person to determine where the recruiter's universe was, and then travel through it.

After sorting out the rewards, Bei Chen paid attention to the big news that the system had just produced.

"System, which universe was destroyed?"

Beichen asked solemnly.

"In the universe where the mechanical overlord Tony lives, almost all life in this universe has been extinct, and the system judges that the universe is destroyed!" The system replied dully.

Bei Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then disappeared directly into the bedroom.

Through the multiverse shuttle ability, Beichen came to a very strange place. This place is not a universe, but more like a void, or a place to observe the universe.

And in front of Beichen is a picture scroll that seems to be boundless, to be precise, it should be a piece of paper, against the boundless 397 papers!

"Doesn't even the universe exist? No wonder the time travel failed."

Bei Chen frowned and thought.

He just used the ability to travel across multiple universes. He originally wanted to go to the universe where the mechanical overlord Tony was. As a result, the shuttle was unsuccessful, and instead he came to this place inexplicably.

"I want to see what's going on!"

Thinking like this, Beichen directly activates the ability of the time gem—time phantom backtracking!

As the time of the virtual projection in front of him continued to go backwards, Beichen finally turned back the time to the frontier of the destruction of the universe.

In the virtual projection, when Beichen saw the mechanical overlord Tony leaving his universe again, he activated a certain terrifying technological weapon.

It was a very peculiar weapon. After Tony threw that weapon into the largest black hole in the universe, the black hole exploded directly.

Then the entire universe began to collapse continuously. The three-dimensional universe finally collapsed into an extremely huge piece of paper. The entire universe was punched from three dimensions to two dimensions!

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