MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 283 Loki "surrenders"

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  Chapter 283 Loki "surrenders"

  Reach Star, in the arena of the New Chicago City Hall, Loki slumped on the ground with some powerlessness.

   "The number one mage in the Nine Realms? That's it?" Seeing Loki collapsed on the ground, Taronicus stood in front of him with a look of disdain.

  Loki, who fell to the ground, clenched his fists, but dared not speak out.

Looking around again, there are extremely tall Transformers such as Chongyunxiao and Megatron, Vereesa with an elven longbow, and a few human girls (Yuriko) wearing JK uniforms around her, named Jedi, using lightsabers special warriors, or those tall vrykul officers.

   None of these powerful opponents he could fight head-on, at most he could delay it by relying on a little magic.

  Even those soldiers in armor, he had a hard time winning.

But the fact is that because of the teachings of the magicians from Azeroth and the communication with Kama Taj over the years, the Ouroboros organization has become a compulsory course on how to fight against mysterious enemies like mages .

   Loki's magic didn't actually have much effect.

   However, Loki always likes to be a fighter and confront people head-on, but the weapon is a dagger that is completely unsuitable for facing the enemy head-on.


"Enough, Taronicus, step back!" At this moment, a mobile throne similar to Thanos floated down from the high platform on the sidelines, preventing Taronicus from attacking Loki. Humiliated, and it was Josie sitting on it.

   This kind of floating anti-gravity seat is actually not a high-tech technology, and it is also a very popular technology in the Star Wars world.

  When the Congress of the Galactic Republic is in session, hundreds of thousands of members sit on similar things, which are not much different from ordinary seats, that is, whether the decoration is gorgeous or not.

   But it is still very comfortable to sit on, and it is also very useful to pretend to be aggressive. In the anime, Frieza is also sitting on such a similar thing.

  So Josie asked his engineers to customize such a one for himself not long ago.

   "Yes, leader!" Seeing Josie leaving, Taronicus also saluted respectfully, and then stepped aside.

   "How do you feel?" Josie looked down at Loki and asked.

   "Hehe, you can laugh if you want to, you're right, I'm just a waste!" Hearing that it was Josie, Loki looked up at him, and then laughed at himself.

  When was the time, because the legion that followed Asgard was also experienced in many battles. They quelled rebellions in the Nine Realms, and they always won big victories, and they never encountered any too strong opponents.

  In addition, because of his status as the prince of Asgard, he is treated respectfully and well wherever he goes in the universe.

  So it gave Loki an illusion that although he is not as strong as Sol in strength, he should be considered a strong one in the universe.

  Now, after fighting against Josie's subordinates, he realizes how scumbag he is.

   "A waste? Hehe, if you really think you are a waste, then you may really become a waste in a short time!" Hearing Loki's self-defeating words, Josie sneered.

   "...What do you mean?" Loki frowned.

   "Remember what I said? As a frost giant, you are born to be extraordinary!" Josie said leisurely.

   "...uncommon? Because I was adopted by Odin? But the fact is that it is difficult for me to win even those soldiers under your command!" Loki said angrily. Of course, he was angry at his own incompetence.

   "Really? Then what do you think of my soldiers, compared to Asgard's soldiers?" Josie asked.

   "Better elite than ordinary Asgardian soldiers!" Loki pondered for two seconds, and said a fact that he couldn't accept in his heart.

"Thank you for the compliment, but what I want to let you know is that these soldiers are not ordinary in themselves. There are only 200,000 human soldiers of this level under my command, and most of them have experienced the earth. The most brutal war in history, and then I received the most severe training, and then underwent genetic enhancement and transformation, and then went through corresponding cruel training again, and finally became what you see now—at their level, no I boast that any civilization in the universe is at least above the level of an elite officer. Even if it is the earth in your image, it is more than enough to be a legendary hero... After I say this, do you still think they are ordinary? ?” Josie said slowly.

This is really not Josie’s bragging. Most of the human soldiers in the entire Ouroboros combat force, that is, those stormtroopers, are carefully selected from the veterans of World War II. Advanced training methods, supplemented by super soldier potions and various nutrients, carefully cultivated one by one, and equipped with the best weapons and equipment.

   Not long ago, Peggy Carter, the veteran super soldier on Earth, also launched a challenge similar to the current Loki after arriving at the far star.

   But the result was only a one-on-one miserable victory-this was because Carter had the advantage of Zhenjin Armed Forces and his belief was stronger.

   After all, Zhenjin is still relatively precious to Josie, except for the special Jedi Order.

  Although ordinary stormtroopers are also very valuable, their equipment is only the most powerful warship-level alloy in the Star Wars world, mixed with a small amount of vibrating gold.

  Although the strength is also very powerful, it is still slightly inferior to Carter's pure vibrating gold weapon.

   That is to say, if the equipment is the same, whether Captain Carter, who has made great achievements on Earth, can defeat a Stormtrooper is a big question.

  At that time, Carter was just like Rocky now, quite disheartened.

   After Josie promised to provide him with a better strengthening plan, the other party's heart slowly recovered.

  However, with such a challenge, Peggy Carter's determination to support Josie as the leader of the entire human civilization has also become firmer.

  With such a powerful army, it is enough to turn the world over. As for those guys on the earth, they are no match for Josie.

   Especially from Josie's past performance, it can be seen that he is not a war madman like a mustache or a red skull.

   Otherwise, the earth would have been occupied by him long ago.

   I have to say that in this regard, Peggy Carter has been extremely strong since she was a child. Peggy Carter, who was an agent from the beginning, has far less intense pursuit of so-called justice and freedom than the US team.

   It is foreseeable that during this process, if the US team returns, the former lovers may have great conflicts.

"So what? I have learned magic for hundreds of years with my mother—and Frigga!" After listening to Josie's introduction to the Stormtroopers, although Loki's heart eased a little, his mouth was still full of excitement. hard.

"I admit that Queen Frigg has a good knowledge of magic, but one thing you can't ignore is that she is a woman who grew up in a deep palace, not a warrior... isn't she?" Facing Luo Ki's mouth was blunt, but Josie directly pointed out an important point that he could not refute.

  Is Frigga strong?

   is strong.

   In Thor 2, Malekith, the king of the dark elves, was overwhelmed with just a few moves.

  Sol at the time might not be able to do this.

  But what happened afterwards showed that although Frigga was strong, she lacked actual combat experience.

During the battle, she focused all her energy on Malekith in front of her. She didn't even notice that the Cursed Warrior touched her behind her, and even tried to forcibly attack her without knowing the strength of the Cursed Warrior. In the end, she was directly defeated. The opponent was subdued, so that he received a bento.

  No way, although Frigga is a queen and has a profound knowledge of magic, it is just like what Josie said.

  Before marrying Odin, she was the princess of Vanaheim, and after marrying Odin, she was even more of an aloof queen.

   Such a distinguished woman, no matter how powerful she is, how can she have much actual combat experience?

And Frigga is not Odin's first wife - Hela is not her child, her only son is Saul (movie universe), she is Odin's pacification including Hela Most of the rebellion, the period when Asgard's strength reached its peak, married Odin, the only Asgard foreign war she experienced, that is, a war against the Jotunheim frost giants.

  But at that time, it happened that Thor was just born.

  So he directly lost the last chance to show his strength in actual combat.

   It is conceivable that Loki taught by such a "pseudo-strong man"...

  Let’s think about the scene in Thor 2 where Frigga beats Malekith with a sword. It is estimated that Loki’s routine of beating his opponent with a dagger was also learned from Friggie.

  You said you two mages, what kind of fighters are learning melee combat? You are not Gandalf!

   Look at Karma Taj... well, Marvel's mages are all the same.

  Look at the mage of Azeroth, that is a mage who is agile and elegant, and can't fly a kite, not a good mage!

  Yes, mother is just a lady living in the deep palace, not a powerful warrior with countless battles like Odin.

  Woke up by Josie so little, Loki seemed to understand why he could never be better than Sol.

"Damn it, Odin must have done it on purpose!" Loki didn't blame Frigga for this. After all, he still respects this mother who has been teaching and accompanying him since childhood, so this pot can only be blamed by Odin. Ding Lai back.

  But even if Odin took the blame, he probably wouldn't be wronged.

  As an emperor, it is impossible for Odin not to know this.

   "Look, even so, you can still easily defeat their fighters who climbed out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood and received my careful training. Doesn't this mean that you are extraordinary?" Josie said.

   "Maybe you're right, but that's not enough, is it?" Loki asked.

"Of course, this is indeed far from enough, but you have wasted too much time in the past, so now you, if you want to become stronger, you may have to pay more hardships and pains... Then Loki, you have this Awakened?" Josie looked at Loki and asked.

"Of course, Your Excellency, I have this awareness, please give me strength! I want to prove that I am stronger than Thor, and for this, I would like to give you my loyalty!" Loki immediately knelt down on one knee, proudly soundtrack.

   Your allegiance? I'm afraid it's lower than the mud on the ground! Looking at Loki who swore allegiance, Josie complained in his heart.

   But it's just a **** anyway.

  So on the surface, Josie also nodded with satisfaction, as if she really recognized this subordinate.

"Very well, since you are willing to surrender, then I am not a stingy person, take it, this is a little gift for you!" Josie waved his hand, and an object was enveloped by his divine power. Sent to Loki.

  With the appearance of this thing, the temperature in the entire martial arts field seemed to drop several degrees.

  But Loki felt a sense of intimacy from his blood.

   However, when he took a closer look, he found that this thing seemed to be just a small ice cube.

  So Loki looked at Josie puzzled.

"This is called Perpetual Frozen Ice!" Josie explained, "It comes from a world somewhat similar to Jotunheim. It is a kind of treasure that contains a lot of ice magic power, although it is not as good as the Ice Box. , but for the Frost Giants, it is still a great tonic. Although you are a Frost Giant, your Frost Giant bloodline has almost never been used in the past thousand years, so it is unreasonable to be weak. This thing can fill your deficiencies very well."

   This perpetual ice is also from Azeroth.

  In the game, it is used to improve the reputation of the frost giants in Northrend, the sons of Hodir, and can enhance the strength of the frost giants.

  However, in the real world, these tall frost giants are not as easy to contact as in the game, and because of their powerful force, it is difficult to forcibly grab something from the opponent.

  The privateering fleet of Abbendis Jr. once provoked these guys and wiped out a rather powerful expedition team.

   Fortunately, you don't need to deal with these big guys to get Permafrost Ice, because this thing is a natural product.

  But because these things are usually buried in the deepest part of the Northrend ice layer, it is very rare.

  Little Abydis's subordinates also got such a small piece unintentionally through trade with the Tuskarr.

  Things cannot be said to be extremely precious, but as a meeting gift, they are very good.

  Just facing this piece of permafrost ice and feeling the intimacy from his body, Loki hesitated a little.

  Although he has made it clear that he is not of true Asgardian bloodline, he still has some repulsion towards his own Frost Giant bloodline.

"What? Are you still rejecting the icy blood in your body? If you have only such a small size, then you will think that I have misjudged the person, and you still want to be a strong man?" Seeing his concerns, Qiao Xi sneered.

"No, of course not, I just think this treasure is too precious, thank you sir for the reward!" Josie's sarcasm also made Loki harden his heart, and directly took the eternal ice, in order to prove Myself, what happened to the blood of the Frost Giant?

  I am the most extraordinary one!

   And with the perpetually frozen ice, Loki's body began to change rapidly.

  (end of this chapter)