MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 310 back to the United States

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  Chapter 310 Returning to the United States

  As the elevator descended, what appeared in the sight of Jill and his group was densely packed frozen hibernation cabins that covered the entire huge space.

   "What are these...?" Everyone who saw this scene was horrified.

"The Noah's Ark of the umbrella executives... They planned all this, and wanted to use viruses to wipe out all human beings except them, and then according to their ideas, reshape the world and monopolize the resources of the entire world! It's a perfect idea , Isn't it?" Jill also told the truth of the whole incident she got from Josie to several survivors at this time.

   It was just the gnashing of teeth when she told the story, letting the rest of the people know how angry she was.

   And they are just as angry!

   "...I see, now I understand the reason why you let us bring so many C4!" Alice looked at the frozen hibernation cabins in the entire underground space with serious eyes.

  The rest are pretty much the same.

   Among Jill and the others, there is no Virgin Mary.

  Won't care if there are innocent ignorants among these people.

  They only know that these people are the beneficiaries of the umbrella company, and this alone is enough.

"Are you really going to destroy this place? It's a pity, you can take over everything from the Umbrella Company by controlling this place, as well as Isaacs and Alexia, and then use it all to benefit mankind!" In the communicator, Josie said to Jill with some pity.

"I know, but I don't want to do this. If I really do that, I'm also worried that my heart will gradually deteriorate due to power... The existence of a world-class giant like an umbrella company is a mistake, so I not only want to Destroy here, I will destroy all the secret umbrella bases of those branches around the world." Jill sighed, and then said firmly.

Because the combat uniform that Josie gave Jill has a sound blocking function, which can be turned on and off at any time, so when Jill communicates with him, as long as the sound blocking is turned on, Alice and others will not be able to hear Jill's "talking to himself" .

  After hearing Jill's words, Josie didn't say much. Since the other party made such a choice, he didn't force it too much.

"But don't worry, I will give you all the data before destroying every umbrella base... I just hope that you don't do the same thing as the umbrella company intends in your own world... Well, this is my Don't worry too much, after all, with the technology you have, if you want to do this, you don't need the technology of the umbrella company." Jill originally wanted to persuade Josie a few words, but then she thought of the things she saw before. The goods that Josie showed her immediately started to laugh at herself.

   While talking, the elevator has reached the bottom.

  Under Jill's order, JD and Kaplan went to arrange C4, while she herself took Alice, Matt and Ryan, and rushed towards the position where Wesker, Isaacs and Alexia were.

During this period, Isaacs, who was forcibly awakened by Wesker, sent several teams of umbrella defense forces with powerful firepower to intercept, but facing Jill, who had been fully strengthened, these defense forces comparable to special forces were no better than zombies or lickers. How strong are those.

  Accompanied by her ghostly figure flashing past, leaving behind all the stumped limbs and arms.

  Compared to the original protagonists Alice, Matt, and Ren, basically they can only follow behind with a gun to pick up the leaks.

"Dr. Isaacs, it's our first meeting! Didn't expect you to have today, right?" After rushing into the luxurious hall, smashing the bullets fired by Wesker with a few knives, and splitting the fake boss in half with one knife, Jill raised his hand The hot light knife pointed at Isaacs who was sitting on the sofa and said coldly.

As for Alexia, because Jill and the others came too fast, and Alice was not leading the team in the original plot, Isaacs did not wake her up—for this kind of scene, the existence of a lady suffering from aging has nothing to do with it. significance.

"Didn't really think about it... But lady, I think we can talk about it. I don't know how much your employer paid you, but I think I can give you more. How about half of the umbrella? Mine Research, with your powerful strength, we can completely divide the world equally!" Isaacs looked at the hot light knife pointed at himself, felt the scorching heat from above, and said quite calmly.

   Josie, who watched the live broadcast through the trader communication, frowned when he heard this. What do you mean? Compare wealth with him?

"Hehe, a very high overweight, but my employer is very dissatisfied with this, so he decided to give you a gift!" Jill, who was about to mock Isaacs, suddenly had a thought, and then smiled at Isaacs. Sachs said.

  Jill's words made Isaacs feel a little uncomfortable.

  The next second, Jill ignored Alice, Matt, and Ryan behind him, and directly "transformed" two genetically modified Velociraptors out of thin air in front of him

   After the two Velociraptors appeared, they rushed straight to the terrified Isaacs without the slightest hesitation.

  Facing this genetically modified and powerful beast, Isaacs' tailor-made auxiliary combat analysis system directly became a joke, and was brutally dismembered by two Velociraptors almost instantly.

  Although I didn't have any pity for Isaacs in my heart, the extremely **** scene still made Alice and Matt frown slightly.

   While Isaacs was being dismembered, a green test tube also fell from Isaacs' body, and was caught by Jill with quick eyesight and quick hands.

   "What's this?" Seeing the test tube, Alice and Matt Ziqi asked.

"The last real super vaccine prepared by the Umbrella Company for themselves, as long as it is spread in the atmosphere, it will neutralize the T virus. Even if the T virus leaks again in the future, it will not cause worldwide infection!" Jill shook the bottle and said.

   "Those two monsters just came out of thin air..." Alice pointed to the two Velociraptors.

   "Didn't I say it? My employer asked me to give Isaacs a gift, the space transmission technology, is it very powerful?" Jill smiled and said the reason she had prepared.

   "Okay... Now that Isaacs is dead, what are you going to do next?" Matt asked.

   "In addition to this base that hides all the high-level umbrellas, there are more than a dozen research bases similar to the hive above... I am going to destroy them all!" Jill said.

   "It sounds cool, can you count me in?" Hearing Jill's plan, Ren was the first to stand up and speak.

   "If possible, I would also like to join!" Alice said.

   "And me..." Matt nodded.

   "Welcome!" Glancing at a few people, Jill thought for a while and agreed.

   "By the way, there is another one here..." At this time Matt pointed to the rest of Alexia's sleeping cabin in the hall and said.

   "Her words...Alice, I think there are some things you must know, Pangu, let the red queen out!" Jill thought for a while, and shouted to the void.

   "Obey Madam!" As Pan Gu's gentle voice sounded, the figure of the Red Queen reappeared in the hall.

   Then Lexia was also awakened.

  The next thing is three women in one drama.

A few hours later, a car quietly left Raccoon City. Immediately, everyone in Raccoon City heard a huge roar. The area where the hive was located had a major collapse. The Umbrella Company who got the news immediately sent someone to clear the area. blockade.

  But then a lot of evidence about the umbrella company, as well as related videos of the hive, began to spread on the Internet.

   At the beginning, the umbrella company also tried to conduct public relations with the governments of various countries, and wanted to remove those video messages.

   But soon these behaviors were stopped.

  Because umbrella companies around the world are infighting.

  The reason for the internal strife is the evidence of the umbrella companies that appeared on the Internet. It also includes the content that some umbrella companies such as Isaacs and Wesker have many clones and control some bases around the world without interfering with each other.

   Now it's lively.

  It turns out that my boss is a clone, so why should I listen to you?

   And the clones don't believe that they are clones, and want to kill other clones and those disobedient subordinates.

   As a result, the various bases of the umbrella naturally fell into complete chaos.

   The more representative ones are the Wesker clone in Tokyo and the Isaacs clone in Nevada, which directly turned on the big kill mode.

  When they were in chaos, the governments of various countries were not stupid, and began to nationalize their own domestic umbrella properties in various names.

   Naturally, the umbrella companies would not do anything about it, so they began to release T-viruses one after another.

   But it turned out that the T-virus, which they had always been proud of, didn't work at all.

  There are only a very small number of T virus variants developed by the base, which still have some effects, but they also lose the ability to spread through the air, and even the ability to spread through body fluids is greatly reduced, making them easy to control.

   During this process, a very mysterious team also appeared, attacking and destroying everything related to the umbrella company.

  Under the pressure of many parties, the umbrella company that once almost controlled the lifeline of the world's economy completely fell apart.

  But after the umbrella company fell apart, the shadow of the T virus did not dissipate.

  The countries that have plundered the industry of the umbrella company and some hostile companies have also begun to conduct research on the T virus.

  Because of the influence of unknown reasons (super serum), the T virus lost its air infectivity, which made the research of these people even more bold.

Faced with this situation, Jill, who at first wanted to completely destroy the umbrella, also fell into remorse, and could only rely on some valuable things looted from the umbrella company to exchange some strengthening materials from Josie Equipment, established an organization called Blue Umbrella, dedicated to completely eradicating all research on T-virus biochemical weapons!

  Of course, all of this is something for later.

  As the man behind Jill, after the incident in Raccoon City, Josie didn't pay too much attention to the affairs of that world except for some routine transactions with Jill.

   After all, he is rushing to the United States to attend his company's anniversary celebration.

   Josie, who returned to the United States, is very low-key, except for a few insiders, the outside world is basically unknown.

   After all, with the establishment of the United Kingdom of Austria, the relationship between Austria and the United States has become more and more delicate.

  Under the situation where more things are worse than less things, Josie naturally doesn't plan to make too much fanfare, and even in the future, he will gradually hide behind the scenes to act.

  But for some of them, the little thing between the two countries is nothing.

   These so-called own people are naturally the Hydra Council!

"Josie, well done! This world will eventually be ours!" In the club, old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time, including Hugh Jones, who has become the ancestor of American vampires, and other directors gave Josie a big hug. Embrace.

  For them, Josie's control of the new and powerful United Kingdom of Austria is obviously more beneficial than harmful to Hydra.

  After the pleasantries, a group of smugglers began to talk about some recent changes in behavior and the next action measures.

  To be more precise, although Hydra has made considerable progress in recent years due to the international situation, as the world began to tend towards peace, this development began to stagnate again.

  So everyone needs to use some special means to continue to accelerate their own development.

   In short, Hydras, ready to make trouble.

   "So you chose Annan?" Josie also immediately understood their goal, which is the Annan War that has been fought for more than ten years!

"Yes, as the older generation of military personnel in our organization begins to retire, we need more fresh blood, but it is very unwise to fight a world war, so we need a long-lasting local war!" Hugh Jones said.

  "Good proposal!" Josie raised his hands and feet to express his approval. Speaking of which, his godson Ross started his career in the Annan War, right? It just so happens that I can push him behind to see if he can go to a higher position than the original time and space!

   It's quite interesting to play and develop.

   Not to mention, I haven’t seen Ross for two years since I came to America for a quick meeting when I returned to Earth from the universe. I don’t know how this kid is doing now. He should be in high school now, right?

   There is also Norman Osborn, who should be quite young.

  Because the children were still young, in addition to providing some support and convenience to their parents and families, Josie really didn't pay much attention to the growth of these two godchildren.

  Although they are just godsons, no matter what they do, they can’t be bullied by those so-called superheroes in the future, right?

  (end of this chapter)

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