MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 315 children's fight

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  Chapter 315 Children's Fight

  The next day, Josie and his party prepared to leave Sark City after resting for a night, and headed for the Kingdom of Hirem across the desert.

   Just as the group left the city, they saw that the indigenous lad Laika who was rescued yesterday was surrounded by a group of people who looked like dogs outside the city gate.

  Although the guards around the city gate were watching vigilantly with guns, they did not come forward to stop

   "Father?" Mike and Ben couldn't help but look at Josie.

   "Bresta!" Josie was also unambiguous, and immediately asked Bresta to check the situation.

  Bresta nodded, got out of the car and walked towards the city gate, found a guard and asked about the situation.

"Boss, let me ask you clearly. Those are wild dogs, a bandit race wandering around the edge of the Three Kingdoms. Laika has injured their people before, so the other party is here to cause trouble, because they have a lot of power in this desert area. , so even the guards of Sark City don’t want to provoke them too much, if they are in the city, they will stop them, but if they go out of the city, it’s none of their business!” Soon Bresta asked the guards to everything.

   "Father, let's help him!" Hearing what Bresta said, Josie hadn't spoken yet, and Ben was already eager to try.

   But looking at him like that, you can tell that this kid doesn't want to show off to Laika, but just wants to find an excuse to fight.

  Even Mike was a little moved by his younger brother.

   "Don't ask me, just do it if you want!" Seeing this, Josie couldn't help laughing, and said immediately.

  While speaking, he did not forget to give Bresta a color and let him look at it.

   Well, when the kids are older, let them do whatever they like. Anyway, if they have their own backs, nothing major will happen.

   "Yes!" Seeing that Josie agreed, the two half-children immediately cheered and clapped their hands, then picked up the equipment and were about to get out of the car.

"Hey, my old bone is often inactive, and it's getting rusty, so let's move around with the kids!" Seeing the two kids getting ready to do something, Howard Duck, who never liked to join in the fun, didn't know where to pull it out. He held a big gun bigger than his own in his arms and said.

  Seeing this, Josie smiled slightly, this duck can handle it!

  At the gate of the city, Laika, who was about to return to the tribe with two camels, looked at the dozens of wild dogs blocking his way outside, with a very ugly expression on his face!

  The last time he came to the city to buy food, he had a slight conflict with a wild dog family, accidentally injured the other party, and left Sark City afterwards.

   Didn't expect the other party to hold grudges so much, and have such a good nose. The city I just arrived yesterday was blocked by so many people brought by the other party today, and there was no place to run.

   Of course, he can also leave the city, as long as he does not leave the city, he is safe.

   But he had to go out, the siblings at home were still waiting for him to bring food back.

Laika's parents passed away very early, and the tribe he lived in was only a small tribe with only a few hundred people. Most people couldn't even take care of themselves, so naturally it was impossible to take care of the few orphans in their family too much. So he is the pillar of the family.

   That is, when Laika was at a loss, an energy cannon passed by his side, and hit a leading wild dog tribe, blasting it to pieces!

  This sudden attack not only shocked the wild dogs, but even the guards of Sak City became nervous.

   "Who fired the shot?" The captain of the guard, a green guy who looked like Shrek, turned around and shouted angrily.

  Because there are only dozens of wild dog tribes here, but behind them, God knows if there will be a terrifying large tribe.

These guys are like the ancient nomads on the earth, coming and going in groups in the desert without a trace. Once the two sides really go to war, although the other party has no choice but to take the city of Sark, the business travelers who come and go will be in big trouble Well, at that time, Sac City may need to report to the high-level Federation, and ask them to send troops to destroy it—and it may not be possible to destroy it, because as long as the opponent goes to the ground of the other two countries, the Federation's air patrol fleet will take them Nothing.

  So when the other party did not show a real threat to Sak City, the guards of Sak City did not want to provoke these disputes, especially if the loss was only the interests of an insignificant desert vagrant.

   Desert vagrants like Laika, although they can be traded in the city, are actually not regarded as citizens by the Federation and the other two countries at all. They are essentially a group of marginal existences just like the Indians during the colonial period.

  But now someone dares to shoot those wild dogs first?

  The captain just glanced at him, and quickly focused on Howard Duck holding a somewhat exaggeratedly large weapon. Just as he was about to scold him, he was pulled away by an older human guard beside him.

   "Captain, the power of their weapons is a bit abnormal, and look at their cars!" the human reminded cautiously.

  Hearing the reminder from the human guard, the captain was shocked. Indeed, their firearms are energy weapons because of the Klim crystal.

However, due to the low quality of the crystals of conventional weapons, the power is actually very average. Basically, the penetration power may be similar to that of ordinary full-power rifle bullets on the earth. Injuries, if not hitting the vitals, may not even be fatal.

  So like the blow just now, it is impossible to blast a wild dog family that is much stronger than ordinary humans into scum.

And the vehicle that Josie and his party rode, which was transformed from blows and knockdowns, is not something that ordinary people can sit in. It is also because of the problem of energy. All mechanical vehicles are luxury goods in this world. , it is impossible to be as common as it is on the earth, most ordinary people can only ride animal mounts such as pack animals.

   Immediately, the captain of the guard restrained his temper and prepared to have a good communication with people like Josie who seemed to be in a somewhat unusual position.

   It's just that Mike and Ben obviously didn't want to give the guard captain a chance. Just after Howard Duck fired the first shot, the two and a half boys rushed into the wild dog crowd.

Originally, the wild dog tribe was indeed startled by Howard Duck's shot, but after seeing that Josie and the others were not many people, and only Mike and Ben, two half-grown human cubs, rushed towards their camp , Immediately happy.

  The two wild dog tribes in the lead didn't hold guns, jumped off their pack animals, picked up their sabers, and jumped towards Mike and Ben.

  As a humanoid race evolved from beasts, although they are far inferior to humans in terms of technology and tool use, they are far stronger than humans in terms of physique and mobility.

  For example, the wild dog family can jump three to five meters high, which is not something ordinary people can do.

It's just a pity that Mike and Ben are not human to some extent... Ah, they are far beyond ordinary humans. Although the two boys blessed by the Celestial Race are not yet fully grown up, the power they possess is not that of this group. No half-orc in full bloom.

  The two wild dogs were still looking at the two boys in mid-air, and there were two rays of light, one blue and one green, in the hands of the two boys!

   It is not a hot light knife, but a real Jedi lightsaber from the Star Wars world, built by Anakin Skywalker, the son of the Force!

  Because the Jedi lightsaber requires very precious Kyber crystals, and because of the particularity of this crystal, it is strictly controlled by the Temple of Decision, and it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

  So after so many years, Anakin only relied on his identity as a Jedi apprentice to obtain a small amount of crystals, and forged five lightsabers, all of which were traded to Josie.

Four of the five lightsabers were given to his wife Margot and three children, and there was one in stock—because Josie himself had a devious sword that was far more powerful than a lightsaber, and a broken sword that was also not inferior to a lightsaber. The steel sword is there, so there is no need for a lightsaber.

   But even if there are more lightsabers, it is actually not very useful, because this thing is not very popular.

  Because this thing can't exert much power in the hands of ordinary people, it is far less convenient than firearms, and even if it is not done well, the enemy may not see it and cut itself first.

  So in the world of Star Wars, only Force users can use this weapon better.

   And it's the same in the Marvel world.

  However, although there is no force in the Marvel universe, after Josie's experiments, it was discovered that the divine power or sufficiently advanced magic power can actually control this dangerous weapon better.

  So their family uses it just right.

   With just a slight wave of the lightsabers in Mike and Ben's hands, the two wild dog tribes directly turned into two pieces in midair.

   Before the rest of the wild dog tribe could react, the two boys followed suit, jumped high and jumped into the crowd of wild dog tribe.

   It's just that the wild dogs obviously don't have such a strong reaction ability as these two boys. By the time they react and want to fight back, it will be too late.

  I saw two lightsabers dancing in the crowd like elves, and the wild dogs fell to the ground where they passed.

  Although this is only the first real combat for the two boys, what they have learned in the past is, after all, the actual combat record including the gun fighting skills of the students of the Jedi Academy established by Josie!

   More importantly, although the two children have not experienced actual combat, it does not mean that they have not seen blood!

  So in this kind of battle, it may be possible to ignore the head and the tail, but there is absolutely no possibility of being unable to strike.

  Especially what they are facing now is a group of "beasts!"

  Under the absolute power gap, although only two and a half-year-old children did it, it still showed a one-sided trend.

   Soon, some wild dogs could not bear the pressure and began to try to escape.

  It was also at this time that Howard Duck and Bresta, who had never done anything, had no hands-on strength.

Anyone who dares to escape will be named one by one by Howard Duck, or intercepted and beheaded by Bresta at a faster speed. One, the efficiency is not even much slower than Howard Duck!

   Soon, dozens of wild dogs were slaughtered, and the air was filled with the smell of roasted meat—it was caused by the damage of the lightsaber.

  The guards of Sak City and Laika, who was originally the sufferer, were all dumbfounded.

   "I don't think I will want to eat barbecue in a few days!" The elderly human guard sniffed the smell of barbecue in the air and muttered.

   And the captain of the guard swallowed hard. Fortunately, he moved a little slower. Otherwise, the hundreds of people at the gate of their city might not be enough for these people to slaughter, right?

  Even all the guards in the city mobilized thousands of people, probably to no avail. You must know that there are still several of them who didn't do anything at all!

  Who the **** are they...?

   But Josie and the others were obviously not interested in communicating with these guards too much. After Mike and Ben solved all the wild dogs, they found Laika who was still in a daze!

   "Hey, Laika, are you okay?" Mike patted the beast of burden under Laika, and then asked.

   "Ah, I'm fine, thank you, you saved me again, I really don't know how to repay you!" Seeing this, Laika hurriedly turned over and got off the pack beast, saying very gratefully.

  When Mike and the others rescued him from the mouth of the sand eel yesterday, Laika felt that these people were unusual. Now it seems that the level of the other party has completely surpassed what he could imagine.

   "Haha, it's a small thing, go back quickly if you have nothing to do!" Mike patted Laika on the shoulder and said generously.

"No, I can't just go back like this. You have saved me twice. I have no way to repay you. I can only invite you to my tribe as guests. Please don't refuse!" Laika said with a solemn expression, "Of course, I know I can't offer you anything nice...but..."

"It doesn't matter, your tribe is on our next route, so you can stop by and have a look!" Just as Mike and Ben were about to refuse, Josie appeared behind them at some point. Accepted Laika's invitation.

  Although I don't know why Josie agreed to Laika's invitation, and I don't know what to see in a small tribe in the desert, but since Josie said it, it is naturally impossible for others to say more.

  So the group ignored the complex gazes of the Sak City guards and the surrounding crowd, and left Sak City slowly, heading towards the desert.

After they left completely, the guards of Sac City began to clean up the mess, and at the same time reported everything that happened here to the high-level officials in the city-how to deal with this matter in the future should be left to the officials to worry about Bar!

  However, these guards estimated that those officials and gentlemen would definitely suppress this matter, because those people are so powerful and their identities are definitely not ordinary, and they are afraid that they are simply not something that a small border town like them can handle.

   "I'm afraid this world will not be peaceful!" Looking at the yellow sand in the distance, the elderly human guard sighed leisurely!

  (end of this chapter)