MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 325 hot josie

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  Chapter 325 Hot Josie

   "Carol, is the life card on your neck?" Josie asked, staring at her daughter.

   "Ah? What life card? This is just an ordinary emerald pendant, Dad, you are overthinking!" Carol hurriedly explained.

   "I'm thinking too much? I just asked if it was a life card, but I didn't say anything else, my baby!" Josie couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this.

   It's over, usually my daughter is so shrewd, but now because of a random question from me, she actually reveals her flaws... This cabbage was really eaten by him without his knowledge.

  What a Saul, he didn’t wait for his true destiny to be born, so he started attacking his daughter instead, right?

  She's only under 16 years old, I can't beat you to death!

   Josie's first object of suspicion was not Loki, but Sol.

  One is because Saul has a "convict record", that is, the example of Jane Foster is there, even if this criminal record is far from happening in the current timeline.

  In contrast, Loki is relatively indifferent to the relationship between men and women, and it is rare to like a girl, or himself in another universe...

  The second reason is that Josie thinks that Loki is not that courageous enough to tease his daughter.

  Third felt that the life card, which could be collected by Odin in his own treasury, could not be picked up by Loki.

   "I don't know what you're talking about!" Facing Josie's words, Carol was a little anxious, and hung up the communication in a hurry after leaving a sentence.

   Seeing this, Josie didn't continue to question her daughter, but thought about **** Sol, so as to prevent Odin from going crazy and not let her daughter blame herself.

   "What are you thinking?" Back in the bedroom, Margot, who had just completed a piece of magic jewelry, immediately noticed that her man was absent-minded.

   "Carol is in love, do you know?" Josie said to his wife very seriously.

   "Oh, you finally found out, it's not easy!" Contrary to Josie's expectation, Margot was not at all surprised by the news.

   "You already knew?" Hearing Margot's words, Josie immediately realized the problem.

   "Of course, the child I raised, can I not know?" Margot said with a hygienic eye.

   "Then why didn't you tell me?" Josie was a little dissatisfied when she heard the words.

"Why did I tell you? That's Kyroll's private matter, a little secret between our mother and daughter! Or are you going to learn from those feudal antiques in history and let our daughter marry?" Margot didn't take it seriously. .

   "What? Of course I can't do that!" Josie immediately denied what his wife said.

   Just kidding, with the strength and influence he now has, does he need to engage in any marriage?

   "Then it's over~" Margot shrugged.

   "But she's only 16 years old!" Josie was a little angry!

"Come on, Josie, she is almost 16 years old, and she is still the queen of a country. It's just a relationship. At this age, Ekaterina or Princess Sissy are already married, even if it is the Commonwealth of Nations next door. Elizabeth, who was married to Philip at the age of 13, has already made a private decision for life!" Margot gave a few examples casually and said, "And the other party is also a prince, I think it is barely enough to be our son-in-law!"

   "They, how can they compare with Carol..." Facing Margot's words, Josie was speechless for a while.

  Since when did Saul be so clever that he even passed the test of his mother-in-law?

   "What? You don't like him? I thought you valued him when I saw you put so much effort into subduing him!" Margot glanced at Josie and said.

   "Wait... What did you say? When did I tame him?" Margot's words made Josie confused.

   "When you were on Reach, you gave him treasures and took him to carry out the mission yourself. Don't you value his performance?" Margot asked strangely.

   "Schete, you mean, it was that **** Rocky who fell in love with Kyrol?" Josie couldn't help but widen his eyes.

   "Otherwise, who do you think it is? Sol's bull? Don't be funny, Carol doesn't like him..." Margot also knew that Josie had misunderstood, and explained with a frown.

"Schete, I'd rather that Kyrol is looking at Thor's bull! After all, he is also the heir to the royal family of Asgard. What kind of thing is Loki? A naughty boy picked up How can he be worthy of Carroll?" Knowing that his daughter was actually looking at that **** Loki, Josie suddenly felt a rush of blood rushing to the top of his head!

   "Josie! When did you become so philistine? With the current situation of our family, is it necessary to care about things like background?" Margot didn't understand why Josie's reaction was so big.

   "You don't understand, that boy Loki..." Josie didn't know what to say for a while, was it a matter of origin?

"Yes, yes, I don't know what, but I know that if you wantonly interfere with this child's emotional problems, this child may hate you for the rest of his life... This life is not just for ordinary people. A short life." Margot said, rolling her eyes.

   Josie was speechless immediately.

  He actually knew that as a father, he was not competent.

   Growing up, I didn't pay much attention to the emotions of several children.

  So the children have always been closer to the mother Margot than to his father.

  But he also knows that his three children are actually very stubborn in their bones.

  If Josie really forcibly interferes with the relationship between Kyrol and Loki, maybe the father and daughter will really become enemies like Odin and his daughter.

  The thought of his daughter becoming a killer like Hela.

   Josie shivered suddenly, **** it, he couldn't accept his daughter becoming like that!

   But if you want him to accept a well-known father-worried man like Loki as his son-in-law, he can't stand it. there a better way?

  Josie was lost in thought.

   Margot looked at Josie who was lost in thought, and shook her head helplessly.

  Now I know how to care about my daughter, what did I do earlier?

  But she was not idle, and while Josie was not paying attention, she secretly sent a message to Carol.


   On the other side, in the bedroom of Schönbrunn Palace, Carol was still uneasy because of the communication with Josie just now, but at this moment, the news of Margot arrived.

  Seeing the news from Margot, a hint of anxiety appeared on Carol's face.

   Immediately without thinking, she took out the communication device Loki left for her.

   Soon, Loki's magic image appeared in front of Kyroll.

   "What's the rush, my queen!" Loki asked.

   "Loki, I'm sorry, my father already knows about our affairs!" Carol said apologetically.

  As soon as Kyroll said that, Loki's face was greener than the green dress he usually wore.

   Sure enough, this day has come.

   Just didn't expect it to come so soon!

  (end of this chapter)