MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 353 cut off

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   As the commander of the Night Elf Watcher Troop, Maiev herself is a top assassin who is very good at assassination.

  His famous stunt, Shadow Assault, has even assassinated an unknown number of strong men of various races.

  So although this assassination came suddenly, the experienced Maiev didn't panic because of it, let alone retreat!

  Because Maiev is very clear that most of the assassinations will not be temporary, and there will be a variety of backup plans to ensure nothing goes wrong.

  If she retreats once, there is a high probability that it will only attract the opponent's follow-up design and fall into a greater passivity.

   So she chooses to move forward.

   And she also has this ability!

  So at the moment when the dagger was about to pierce her throat, her figure instantly became unreal.

  When her figure reappeared, it was already on the deck outside the door.

   This is another famous stunt of hers, and it is also the most difficult secret skill for watchers to master—blink! With the powerful power of shadow, break through the space and teleport to the range of his eyes.

   To some extent, this trick is similar to the shadow step of Azeroth's high-level thieves, but it is more advanced.

   It’s just that Maiev, who just escaped from the dagger raid, felt his body weighed down before he breathed a sigh of relief, and almost fell to his knees!

   And on the ground of the deck she was on, a magic circle also emerged.

   Not good, I still got hit!

Maiev's heart suddenly rang an alarm bell, and immediately wanted to continue to escape with flashes, but in the next second, several black energy chains still protruded from the formation, not only tightly bound her body, but even her The strength in the body was also completely suppressed!

"Hehe, the famous watcher really lives up to his reputation, but it's a pity that we already know everything about you... Give up struggling and surrender, Maiev Shadowsong!" Just as Maiev was trying to struggle, a familiar voice sounded , Maiev looked up, and it was Abidis who spoke.

  Beside him, there was a long-haired human youth who was playing with a dagger, and a figure floating in midair covered in a red robe.

  The young man playing with the dagger was none other than Loki.

Although under the influence of Josie, Rocky has started to play with two-handed swords many years ago, but in front of the people sent by Josie, who is the best at assassination and the best at playing with daggers, it still has to be him .

   And it was he who struck Maiev with the dagger for the first time.

  As for the red-robed mage, it is Lady Shadow who was subdued after solving the Himan brothers and sisters and the Horde Empire.

  This Mrs. Shadow is also the dark sorcerer that Josie fought against when he first came to that star field. His strength can be said to be second only to Gu Yi and Ben.

   And after Ancient One took control of C'Thun, he generously "borrowed" a little power to her. After all, Lady Shadow plays dark magic, and it doesn't match the power of the ancient gods!

   The magic circle that trapped Maiev was also set up by her.

"Abbendis, do you know what you are doing? The anger of the night elf empire is not something you can bear!" Maiev, who was captured, looked at Abbendis standing in the distance, her eyes almost bursting into flames warning.

   "Tsk, under normal circumstances, that's true... It's just a pity, you night elves may not be able to protect yourself!" However, facing Maiev's warning, Abidis didn't care at all.

  Yes, the night elf empire is indeed powerful, but compared with the Aqir Zerg, it is still not enough!

  If the Battle of Quicksand hadn't been for the participation of the giant guardian dragon, the night elves would have been impossible to win, and even the four major dragon clans even included the direct bloodlines of several dragon kings.

  But now the bloodlines of those dragon kings have all returned to their own clan...with them, it is not so easy for the news of the Aqir Zerg to break through the seal to reach the ears of several dragon clans.

  In addition, the current Yaqir Zerg has the command of Ancient One, so they won't be as brainless as they were in the Quicksand War and only know how to rely on numbers!

   "Wait...Damn it, you did what happened to Ahn'Qiraj?" It has to be said that Maiev has a high IQ.

  Just from Abidis's sentence that the night elves might not be able to protect themselves, they immediately thought of the information Tyrande received about the Aqir breaking through the seal.

   "Hey, you're quite smart, but that's not important. All of this will have nothing to do with you in the future!" Abidis was a little surprised when Maiev exposed it, but he didn't care.

   Long before Maiev, all the night elves in the fleet had been controlled, and Maiev was the last one.

   And above this vast ocean, he didn't worry about the news spreading at all.

   As for the future... these night elves including Maiev have no future.

"You will pay the price for this!" Hearing Abidis' words, Maiev thought that he was going to kill people to silence him, knowing that he would not be spared, so he could only forcefully say a cruel word, and then closed the curtain and waited. The last moment is coming.

  But what was waiting for her was only a shadow magic cast by Mrs. Shadow, and Maiev completely lost consciousness immediately.

   After she lost consciousness, Abides also took her into the system space.

   Killing and silence? What are you kidding?

  Josie offered Maiev a high price, even higher than Vereesa's back then.

   Abbendis was reluctant to kill her.

   "Next, it's Val'sharah, and I don't know what's going on with Master Ancient One!" After finishing Maiev and all the night elves in the fleet, Abidis looked towards the direction of the Broken Isles.


  At the same time, Silithus.

  The sentry army of the night elves has just arrived on the west coast of Silithus!

  Different from the game, Silithus is surrounded by mountains and can only travel from Tanaris-Un'Goro Crater-Silithus.

  In the real world, there is actually a landing point on the west coast of Silithus.

  As long as you set sail from Feralas Feathermoon Fortress, you can reach Silithus along the coast.

   This is why the night elves attach so much importance to the Feralas region.

  In addition to Cenarion Fortress, this is the second line of defense for the night elves against the Aqir Zerg.

   After all, compared to Silithus, which is short of supplies, Feralas, which has a good environment, is obviously the most suitable place to raise troops.

   And now the commander of the sentinel fleet that landed is Tyrande who hastily left Unfallen City a few days ago.

   "Teacher, all the troops have landed!" A female night elf officer walked up to Tyrande and said.

  She is Tyrande's direct disciple, Shandris Feather Moon, who will win a great reputation in Azeroth in the future.

   "Let's go!" Hearing the disciple's report, Tyrande nodded, and immediately announced his departure, preparing to continue to help Cenarion Fortress.

  Just as she finished speaking, there was a roar from the sea behind.

  Everyone looked back and saw their warships being attacked from nowhere, or ignited a raging fire, or turned into a pile of broken wood.

  Their retreat was cut off!

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