MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 359 Hela and Loken

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  Chapter 359 Hela and Loken

   "Here they come!"

  Following a spatial fluctuation in the atmosphere of Wart Alheim, Margot, who was sitting peacefully in a wasteland and setting up a table to drink tea, reminded Josie.

  The dark elves' invisibility and space technology are very advanced. When Asgard was invaded in the original plot, neither Heimdall nor Odin could detect it immediately, and now Josie is no exception.

  But it can't be hidden from the current Margot.

   Not long after, Josie also sensed something approaching.

  After a burst of energy fluctuations, a dark elf spaceship that looked like a huge sword appeared not far away.

  A team of dark elves immediately surrounded Josie and Margot, led by the king of dark elves, Malekith, and his entourage.

   "Asgardians?" Malekith looked at Josie and Margot who were still drinking tea leisurely, and asked with a frown.

In the era of the dark elves, humans on Earth were still playing with stones, so the newly awakened Malekith had no human beings at all, and in terms of appearance, humans and Asgardians were basically the same, Therefore, Josie and Margot are naturally classified as Asgardians.

   "Leave it to you?" However, Josie ignored him and said to Margot.

   "Of course, but you'd better avoid it!" Margot said with a smile.

Facing himself and his subordinates, the two "Asgardians" in front of him were still talking and laughing calmly, which made Malekith very angry. The cursed warrior in 2 rushed towards Josie in a big stride.

  However, Josie didn't even look at him, and just disappeared in place.

  In an instant, only Margot was left on the spot.

  Just as Algrim turned to Margot, what greeted him was a huge shadow falling from the sky.

  But at the moment Josie teleported, Margot had activated her real body—a female Celestial with a height of 10,000 meters and a body covered in orange heavy armor.

  The huge shadow that fell towards the dark elves was exactly the sole of Marget's foot.

  "XXXX" All the dark elves didn't care about waiting for Malekith's order at all, and immediately yelled unknown syllables and began to run wildly for their lives.

   Seeing this, Malekith was still in a daze at this time, and it was Algrim who reacted quickly and pushed him, which made him barely out of Margot's footsteps.

  But Algrim himself was directly crushed by Marget's foot.

  However, Margot ignored Malekith, who escaped with his life, and instead focused on the dark elf's spaceship.

  The gigantic ship, which was originally nearly a kilometer, is now the size of a toy airplane in front of Margot, who is the avatar of the god, and she directly grabbed it and held it in her hand.

  With the flash of energy in her hand, the remaining dark elves in the spaceship instantly lost consciousness.

  The dark elves on the ground also failed to escape. The golden energy ripples spread rapidly centered on Margot, and all the dark elves who were not trampled to death by her fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

  After doing all this, Margot put the spaceship on the open space, and then returned to a normal human figure.

   And Josie reappeared beside her at the right time, and opened the portal.

  The other end of the portal is Reach, and Vereesa commanded her fleet to come through the portal and start washing the ground.

Most of these dark elves didn’t die, they were just fainted by Margot, so they were all transported back first, so that the biologists and mages under him could see if there was any value, and the spaceship was the same. The world's spacecraft may not be very advanced, but the stealth technology is still quite valuable.

   "The next step is Hela!" Josie said as he watched his subordinates transport the dark elves away one by one.

"Are you really going? You also said that Hela's seal was set by Odin. Although I am strong enough now, I'm afraid I want to get Hela out without disturbing Odin. It's not easy!" Margot said.

Different from the seals of these dark elves and reality gems, they are all products of Bauer's era. Asgard can't find everything here just by covering it up a little. Hela was sealed in Helm's underworld by Odin himself. It is estimated that they As soon as he arrives in Helm's Underworld, Odin will feel a sense.

"Who said that Odin should not be disturbed? Look, you have become a god. It is reasonable for us to travel in the Nine Realms to celebrate, right? It is reasonable to accidentally touch the seal while traveling, right? Odin Even if we know, what more can we say? What's more, can Hela run away from us?" Josie smiled and said nonchalantly.

If it was before Margot was promoted to the real Celestials, Josie would still have three points of scruples about Odin, but now... let alone the MCU universe, even in the comic universe, Odin’s strength is not as good as the Celestials of.

In the setting of the comics, Odin and the gods of various earth gods formed the ancient avengers. He lost his old nose and only killed a weak Celestial tribe infected by the cosmic insects. Later, he faced the main force of the Celestial tribe At that time, relying on the Destroyer Armor, he barely cut off the arm of a Celestial Race.

  It was replaced by MCU, and it was an extremely weak old Odin. Even without Margot, Josie was just a little scrupulous, now...

   "That's right, it's really impossible for Odin to turn against us because of this little time, especially if we can control Hela!" Hearing what Josie said, Margot thought about it.

  Dang even opened the portal again without hesitation.

  The other side of the portal is Heim Underworld, which is as desolate and dark as Walter Alheim, but also has a world full of fog.

  The reason why Josie and Margot can travel between Walt Alheim and Heim Underworld so easily is thanks to Loki...

   Just when Josie and Margot officially stepped into Helm's Underworld.

  The Ancient One of the world of Azeroth also landed on Northrend.

   There is no doubt that she came here for only one purpose, and that is Yogg-Saron who was imprisoned in the depths of Ulduar.

Although the war in Silithus is in full swing, and Abbendis's operations in the Broken Isles have also been fully launched, no matter whether it is the Aqir Zerg or Abbendis, the strength in their hands is sufficient to cope with the situation at this time, so It doesn't prevent Gu Yi from freeing up his hands to do something else.

  So Yogg-Saron, who was still in captivity in Northrend like the previous C'Thun, became the next target of the Ancient One.

  Besides, Abydis has several fortresses in Northrend and has established teleportation arrays and routes, so it is very convenient for the ancient one to come here.

  However, after coming to Northrend, Ancient One did not directly enter Ulduar, but found the Temple of Wisdom outside Ulduar.

  The owner of the Temple of Wisdom is named Loken!

  (end of this chapter)

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