MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 4 need help

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  Chapter 4 Need Help

With the sound of "Ding!", Josie and Daenerys completed the transaction. In Daenerys' warehouse, there were four more rifles and 400 rounds of ammunition, while in Josie's warehouse, there were An extra 120 ounces of gold.

And unlike the previous transaction, which was some gold jewelry, this time the gold was all fused gold nuggets, exactly 12 yuan. Obviously, Daenerys also prepared a large amount of gold in advance for the transaction—although it was two In different worlds, languages, characters, weights and measures are actually different, but for these differences, the trading system will automatically convert or translate them, which is very convenient.

   Seeing so much gold at one time, Josie couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed.

   This is a full 3.4 kilograms of gold. If converted according to the price of gold before he crossed, it would be more than one million soft sister coins.

  Although his financial conditions were good in his previous life, apart from real estate, he had never seen so much cash.

  I have seen more gold than this, but it was also in a gold shop.

Resisting the urge to take out gold to play with, Josie was about to shut down the system. How to cash out so much gold still needs to be considered. Although the last sale of gold went smoothly, the shopkeeper named Old Hawk seemed to be doing well. It is true, but now that the amount of gold has directly increased by 12 times, it is not easy to say what will happen.

   "Wait, Josie!" But at this moment Daenerys stopped him.

   "Is there anything?" Josie asked in surprise. After all, Daenerys was on her way back to Slaver's Bay with the Dorax army to suppress the rebellion at this time, so she was quite busy.

"I like this book on the monarch very much, especially the description of the qualities that a monarch needs to have in it, which makes me feel deeply. If I could have read this book a few years earlier, I am afraid that Slaver's Bay will not be the place it is now. It is such a chaotic situation now, but the content of this book is still relatively limited. For example, the book does not introduce the details of the monarchs mentioned. I am very interested in the experiences of these monarchs, so you can help me find some more Are there many books on these aspects?" Daenerys said holding the book Josie traded to her before.

  As a princess in exile, Daenerys grew up in constant fleeing, and has only had a few days to live a peaceful life.

  So don't talk about monarch education, even the basic education received is very imperfect.

   In the past, when there were few people and few territories, I didn’t feel much.

  But as her subordinates became more and more powerful, Daenerys' shortcomings in this aspect began to appear.

  How to reconcile the contradictions of various forces and classes in the territory in your hands, how to control your subordinates, how to govern the place, and what kind of monarch you should be.

   These are all she needs to learn.

And this has become one of the biggest reasons why she is still stuck in Slaver's Bay...Because of lack of experience in governance, the city-states in Slaver's Bay are constantly rebelling, not only failing to keep the power in her hands growing, but consuming her original strength. resource power.

  As for several of her important subordinates, although they are also helping to teach her what kind of monarch she should be, such as Tyrion, who has just defected to her not long ago.

  But these people hope that Daenerys can become the monarch they expect, but they don't really help Daenerys become the monarch she expects.

  In the past, Daenerys could not see through this point, but simply felt that she was not doing well enough, so she made constant compromises for this.

   But the content of this book seems to be thin, but the theory of monarchy that hits the point everywhere made her understand a lot.

  Daenerys has been able to get to this point, her comprehension ability is very strong, in the past it was only her vision that limited her.

   And as she obtained the plane trader, she contacted Josie and saw this Theory of the Monarch.

  A brand new world has already unfolded in front of her.

  As a result, she became interested in various related literature and history of Josie's world.

   "Of course, but it will take some time. After all, there are quite a lot of related books." Josie agreed without the slightest hesitation.

  As the only transaction partner at this stage, the rapid growth of Daenerys is a good thing for him.

   Only when Daenerys matures quickly and becomes a qualified monarch, can she avoid many detours in the original plot in the future, and not be as sad as the last one in the original drama.

   Only in this way can Josie and Daenerys keep trading.

  And if Daenerys dies, the plane beacon will look for a new host, and this process is completely random.

  If the new host is also a lord, aristocrat, etc., it’s okay, but if it’s bound to a beggar or someone else who has nothing, it’s not very fun.

   Josie has to spend energy to support the other party, and wait for the other party to have a certain family background before trading with herself.

  So Josie's luck is actually very good for the first plane beacon to find a rich and powerful host like Daenerys.

  Whether there will be such good luck when the new beacon is produced next year is hard to say.

  So besides trading with Daenerys to make money, Josie is also happy to help Daenerys more in other ways.

   Even if it wasn't for worrying about irritating Daenerys too much, Josie would have wanted to tell the other party the plot of Game of Thrones.

"Thank you so much. Originally, after returning to Slaver's Bay this time, I planned to go to Westeros as soon as possible, but now, I plan to study for a while and accumulate more strength by the way. In addition, if possible, I hope to be able to Equip the entire Legion of the Unsullied with this rifle," said Daenerys.

"...I'm afraid this can't be done in a short time. After all, I'm different from you. I'm just a small person in my world. It's okay to have dozens or hundreds of guns, but eight thousand is not so easy. " Hearing what Daenerys said, Josie said helplessly.

  Although the United States does not ban guns, it is obvious that it can only buy 8,000 guns at a time from arms dealers.

   If you do this, Josie will definitely come to the front of the stage.

  As a boy of only 15 years old, with a lot of wealth but no power to match it, he might be eaten up every minute.

  In the final analysis, Josie is still alone and lacks helpers.

   But trustworthy and reliable helpers are not so easy to find, especially for Josie.

  Josie's full name is Josie Kahn, Austrian, to some extent, he is a fellow with the mustache.

  When Mustache annexed Austria five years ago, his predecessor's parents fled Austria with him and immigrated to the United States.

  When they were in Austria, their family had some assets, but in order to escape, the original assets were basically sold at a low price. After arriving all the way to the United States, they bought this small apartment, and they basically belonged to the extremely poor class.

   Relying on my father to find a job at the port to support the family of three.

  Although I have been in the United States for five years, because only my father knows English, the family's integration into the local society is not fast.

  Although my predecessor also studied in the United States for a few years, except for being a little proficient in English, I didn’t learn much, and because of my own personality, I didn’t make many friends.

   Even more unfortunately, just over three months ago, when the predecessor was not at home, the couple who were at home ate a sausage that was not fully cured, and died of food poisoning, very hastily.

   This is obviously a huge blow to a 15-year-old boy who has not been involved in the world.

  Even if it wasn't for the help of the priest in the community, Yuanshen wouldn't know how to bury his parents—and that would have basically spent the little money left by his parents.

  After that, Yuan Bo never went to school again.

  After three months of being in a daze, he was replaced by the current Josie.

  With such a monotonous interpersonal relationship, now Josie can't find a trustworthy friend or relative at all.

  After hearing Josie's explanation, Daenerys nodded to express her understanding. After all, she has also experienced Josie's current predicament.

   "But speaking of reliable helpers... Shall I send you some Unsullied?" Daenerys said after thinking about it.

   "The Unsullied?" Hearing Daenerys' words, Josie couldn't help being moved.

  (end of this chapter)

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