MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 203

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Gao Gang's figure flashed, and he even deceived him to the god.

Just when the gods wanted to fight back, Gao Gang turned out to be a flashing figure again, and one side of his body veered out of the cave surrounded by everyone and flew into the outside sky.

"Huh?! It's so fast!"

Tianshen's blow failed, and he was surprised that Gao Gang escaped from the trapped cave.

He didn't actually know much about Gao Gang's strength. Although he had been swallowed and suppressed by the Great Demon King Piccolo before, he lost consciousness after being swallowed by the latter.

Even if it wasn't for the appearance of the devil Puwu in the back, which caused the Great Demon King Piccolo to be seriously injured and unable to suppress his recovery, it is very likely that he would never wake up again, let alone escape from the body of the Great Devil Piccolo. , regained the independence of the individual.

Therefore, what happened when Gao Gang defeated the Great Demon King Piccolo, conquered the Great Great Piccolo, and fought with the devil Puwu and even King Quan, he was still in the body of Great Piccolo, and had no idea of ​​the whole process.

Naturally, he didn't know anything about Gao Gang's strength, let alone the situation after Gao Gang was suppressed by the source and his strength was weakened.

"Hehe, come on, the battle is still going on."

Gao Gang, who flew to the outside sky, waved at the uncertain Earth God, indicating that he was still waiting for the opponent to continue fighting.


Seeing this, the **** of the earth could not help but snorted coldly, and then his breath burst, and he flew to the opposite side of Gao Gang in an instant.

"Yes, there are two more brushes, which are a lot faster."

When Gao Gang saw the movement of the **** of the earth flying from the cave to him in an instant, he also nodded to express his appreciation.

"Since you want to fight, go ahead and fight! Outsider, I, the **** of the earth, swear to keep the earth to the death, and will not let you continue to harm this place!"

The **** of the earth has regained his youth, and even his ambition and battle prospects have become more and more prosperous.


Immediately afterwards, before Gao Gang did anything, the young Earth God took the initiative to attack Gao Gang.



Gao Gang moved towards the rear, and with a slight leap, he avoided the heavy punching attack of the Earth God.

Although the current Gao Gang has completely figured out the opponent's combat power after seeing the attack of the Earth God, it should not be much lower than the current self.

It should probably be around 18,000, and after recovering for a while now, it should have risen to around 23,000.

The difference between the two is only about 5,000. For this kind of combat power that surpasses the highest level of the earth's people, this difference is nothing.

However, even so, it is not easy for this earth **** to hurt Gao Gang.




Above the sky, two dazzling figures suddenly appeared, intertwining with each other in the air.

It was Gao Gang and the young Earth God who were fighting with fists and kicks.

With the eyesight of the Earth reporters and the melon-eating crowd who were watching at this time, they could only see the broken air barriers and the heavy roars when the two of them punched and kicked in the sky. Where.

Chapter 454: God of War (For Subscription)

Even the self-proclaimed number one boxing champion in the world, Mr. Satan, can only look up at the sky at this moment, and can't stop screaming...

Snapped! Snapped!

At this moment, after Gao Gang in the sky and the **** of the earth punched each other heavily, they took the opportunity to separate again.

They retreated to both sides and rested for a while.

However, Gao Gang is just to leave a buffer space to launch the next attack.

The Earth God opposite "Zero Seven Zero" hadn't breathed a few breaths when he saw Gao Gang, who was opposite him, arched his body in horror, and put his palms on his waist.





At this moment, Gao Gang has naturally launched a new wave of Qi faction energy.


In an instant, the power accumulated between Gao Gang's palms emerged into a blue beam of light, dazzlingly galloping towards the young **** on the opposite side.

"It's this trick again! Why does this kid know Wutian's bottom-of-the-box trick!"

At this moment, the young **** of the earth was witnessing the whole process of Gao Gang's face-to-face launch of the Qigong wave, and he was horrified.

Even forgot to dodge.

Of course, with his physical strength at the moment, it is still impossible to dodge Gao Gang's rapid Qigong wave.

Because this time, unlike the last time when the other party was a latecomer, he bounced off the Qigong wave that blasted towards Satan. This time, the **** of the earth faced Gao Gang's qigong bomb directly as the person involved.

There is no more room for manoeuvre.


Sure enough, the young Earth God who couldn't dodge in time, faced Gao Gang's qigong wave, his waist and abdomen were severely injured by the blue light wave, revealing a scorched scar.


Rao is the current **** of the earth, and he has recovered to his youthful physical strength and combat power. It is still a little uncomfortable to face this blow of Gao Gang's qigong wave whose combat power is even higher than his.

However, compared to an ordinary earth person like Satan, Gao Gang's blow would not directly kill the earth **** and cost him his life.

"Tell me, why are you able to use this trick-or-less esoteric trick—Kaipai Qigong Wave!"

Maybe it's the **** of the earth at this moment, who has just escaped from the body of the Great Demon King Piccolo, so I don't know much about what happened on the earth during this period of time...

So, I probably just heard about Gao Gang's attack on the people in the past few days, Tianjingfan and others. The details are not as clear as he was able to observe with his own eyes from time to time when he was in the Temple of Earth.

"Hehe, it's just a qigong wave, do you think it's difficult to learn? You can only see the tricks that you can see at a glance, and only you earthlings will treat them as treasures!"

Gao Gang said with a sneer as he looked at the extremely serious Earth God on the opposite side.

He was telling the truth, after all, even the teenage Sun Wukong in the original book, after taking a look at the Qigong wave used by the Qigong people, immediately bombarded him in a similar way.

His height is 0.7, and naturally he will not be weaker than the little Sun Wukong, whether it is combat power, combat experience, understanding, etc.

"Is that so? It seems that you are indeed a martial arts genius, so I can't let you continue to harm the earth!"

After the young earth **** heard what Gao just said, his mind became hot again, and the overwhelming sense of justice that he swore to protect the earth burned in his heart again. .

The four hundred and fifty-fifth chapter of the guardian of the gods (please subscribe)

After all, as the **** of the earth, his original duty was to guard the fragile blue planet on which he lived.

Therefore, I heard Gao Gang's self-reported such abnormal learning and comprehension ability, as well as these heavenly hearsays about Gao Gang's attack on the earth's martial arts.

He naturally wouldn't let Gao Gang stay on Earth, otherwise he knew that with Gao Gang's abnormal learning ability, no one would be able to suppress him in a long time.

What's more, even now, with his Earth God regaining his youthful fighting power, he still can't beat the young man on the opposite side.

"Okay! No matter who you are, if you insist on staying on Earth, you can only be forced to expel you by force. If something unexpected happens, don't blame Ben Tianshen for being merciless! "

The Earth God looked at Gao Gang with an indifferent expression, not at all like the amiable and kind Earth God in normal times. He stared at Gao Gang coldly as if he was looking at a dead man.

Then, as soon as the voice fell, the body of the **** of the earth suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes.

It suddenly became hundreds of times bigger than before.

Immediately, it was even taller than the surrounding mountains where the people who ate melons on Earth were staying.

Like a green monster that suddenly fell from the sky.

At this moment, Gao Gang has not yet mastered the transformation device to transform into Ultraman.

Ask online... How to transform into Ultraman without a transforming device!

However, even if he didn't transform into Ultraman's transforming device, he was facing this green behemoth that had transformed into a giant from the Earth God.

Gao Gang was still unmoved, even more happy than before.

"Idiot! You actually grew bigger, isn't this a target for me?! I was worried that your combat effectiveness is almost the same, but if you really get entangled, it will take some effort, but now it's better to shoot yourself in the foot and send Come and kill me!"

Although it is said that after the current earth and gods have become larger, it is not necessarily as clumsy as when Piccolo became huge and faced Sun Wukong in the original book.

Moreover, after knowing that he had a huge leak, this young earth goddess also deliberately improved his physical data at the moment.

Not only has the strength and body been greatly strengthened, but in terms of flexibility and speed, it has not been weakened much, but has been strengthened accordingly.


No matter how much the young earth goddess improves his gigantic body, he cannot avoid the fact that he is now a huge target in this limited space.

If the opponent he is facing at this moment is other earthlings, it is good to say that it may really make the opponent unable to make an effective attack even in the face of a huge target.

However, what he was facing at the moment was Gao Gang.

Gao Gang naturally has no less than a hundred ways to attack the eye-catching behemoth in front of him.


Thinking of this.

Gao Gang burst into gas in an instant and flashed behind the giant Earth God.

And the gods of the earth are worthy of being the most powerful people on earth in the last era, and the use of qi is also pure and pure.

Therefore, although his sight did not catch Gao Gang's figure at the moment, but with the ability to sense qi, he also caught the trace of Gao Gang at the moment when he flashed. .

Chapter 456 Afterimage Fist (Subscribe)

Immediately, he waved his huge green right arm and blasted towards Gao Gang who had just emerged.


The huge green right arm that covered the sky smashed towards Gao Gang with a bang.

Xu Shigao flashed over just now, but he couldn't dodge in time, and was actually hit by the right arm.



In the next second, the right arm that crossed Gao Gang's body suddenly dissipated. It turned out that the latter was just an afterimage.

Moreover, what made it even more difficult for the gods of the earth to think was when Gao Gang flashed out of the spot, and he deliberately left an afterimage on the spot, as if he was deliberately taunting himself.

"Haha... This world is always trying to limit me with the power of the source. It is nothing more than wanting me to enter your world, do as the locals do, and use the abilities of your world to deal with you."

"Well, then, I will do what he wished, and use the means on your earth at this moment to deal with you, the **** of the earth."

I don't know when, Gao Gang appeared above the head of the giant Earth God, just parallel to the latter's eyes.


Gao Gang's voice just fell, just when the **** of the earth wondered what mysterious moth the other party was going to do.

Suddenly changed.

There were more than a dozen figures of Gao Gang, and they were circling rapidly in front of his eyes.

"Hmph, it's just an afterimage fist! The little trick of carving insects is also used to show the eyes"!"

The God of Earth quickly saw through Gao Gang's afterimage fist, and then slammed his left arm forward, instantly breaking up a large afterimage of Gao Gang that had been running.

However, just as he swung out his left arm to disperse a tall afterimage, more afterimages appeared around his arm in the next second.

This means that Gao Gang's speed has reached the limit, so after disappearing, he can immediately rebuild this visually erroneous afterimage.

And, it's still a big one.

"Hey, just use the little tricks of your earthlings to stun you... If you're still a normal size, it's okay to say, now you've become this stupid big man, with so many afterimages dangling in front of you, see how long you can hold on. Don't get dizzy!"

Gao Gang's main body, mixed in the afterimages, looked like countless afterimages, with 360-degree Dolby surround sound surrounding the giant green god's head, and it was playing around.

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